Bree Davenport - Tumblr Posts
I'm so fucking stupid
Adam, Bree, and Chase
And then Daniel comes along and it's
This is probably common knowledge but I'm a little dense if you couldn't already tell
Part 12 of characters as things I've said/heard people say
Adam: Do you guys randomly crave spaghetti tacos too?
Chase: Never
Bree: No, that sounds weird but shrimp tacos are good
Adam: How am I even related to you people!?!
Part 14 of characters as things I've said/heard people say
Chase: I'm not gay?
Bree: You'd be more fun if you were
Part 16 of characters as things I've said/heard people say
Bree: *on the phone* nobody say a word
Adam: a word
Part 17 of characters as things I've said/heard people say
Bree: What're you watching
Chase: I'm watchi-
Bree: K *leaves*
Chase: ????
Part 19 of characters as things I've said/heard people say
Chase: I have to kill a guy
Bree, barely looking up: oh
who perchance is your favorite lab rats villain/antagonist who was unredeemed? like giselle, marcus, troy, sebastian, krane, etc
and then who's ur favorite of the original three rats?
i am conducting a silly very biased study
I think my favorite unredeemed antagonist would have to be Marcus. I just think he had so much potential to be more. He definitely should have been, because even though it was fabricated, he was the rats first school friend. Plus since he's an android he was programmed specifically for this mission and to feel the way he does. I feel like if Chase rebuilt him (which I'm genuinely surprised didn't happen) he could have changed for the better. I really did think that was going to happen for a while before finally giving up.
My favorite rat at the moment would have to be Bree, although I do love Chase and Adam, I think it's interesting that the only thing that stayed consistent with her character was how badly she wanted out. She wanted her own normal life so bad but she was scared and didn't want to leave her (very dysfunctional) family because she does love them. She wants to be independent but doesn't want to be alone.
Seriously though I recommend it's so good
what’s good bros, I have finally completed chapter two!
it’s definitely been done but there were some edits I wanted to finish :)
good morning lab rats tumblr may i present to you my biggest comfort ship in the whole show: bree and taylor!!!!! they are bionic girlfriends so here is some headcanons
-bree big spoon definitely
-taylor prob snores and bree finds it so cute but adam and chase make fun of her for it
-taylor still feels really guilty about what she did to bree and her family (but bree assures her that everyone’s forgiven her)
-bree poly lol she has two gfs taylor and skylar
-bree takes it upon herself to show taylor the joys of the real world
-when taylor tried ice cream on their first date she got this sparkle in her eyes and bree found it so adorable
-their first kiss was after a particularly stressful mission
-they used to sneak to the highest point in the academy at the break of dawn together just to watch the sunrise
okay yeah that’s it i just had to get it out hope u liked it lab rats tumblr
I just found out THE Lab Rats have tumbler accounts..... Im really happy😄😂😄😂😄😂😄😂😄😄😄
Small rant about Lab Rats incoming:
It really bothers me how throughout four years, the group still didn’t understand how Leo works. He really is very capable. And he does his best work when he isn’t doubted. There is of course the argument that he should just always be more responsible, not just when people don’t doubt him, but he’s a kid. He deserves better.
For example: the bionic island. I do understand that Leo had a lot to learn, I can see him needing more training seeing as he was first starting out. But he was an original member of the team whether the rest of them wanted to acknowledge that or not. And should be a valued one at that. I don’t think he could handle being a mentor, but I also don’t think he should’ve been put in the lowest group of power sets. He’s more experienced than all of the students, he’s had powers for six months, and helped people with powers for almost three years at that point. He should’ve been the highest level. Or maybe had an honorary title, like mentor-in-training.
Leo felt less than because of his physical prowess, and he was constantly made to feel less than because of his powers. That’s a lot for a kid to handle. It doesn’t matter that he’s clumsy, and didn’t have any special abilities when he started. No kid should have to feel like that. Siblings put each other down, yes. But parents aren’t supposed to do that.
And then there’s his rivalry with the little kid. It was because of his past problems. After everything they were doing to him, he grew very defensive. He kept trying to prove himself by putting others down because that’s what everyone else did to him.
The rivalry with the little kid escalated when Janelle was there, during the fight. First things first, if they didn’t think the kid could handle fighting an older person, they shouldn’t have let him fight Leo. Leo didn’t have a lot of options for what he could do, and it’s not fair to him to pair him up with someone he has to lose to. So it wasn’t Leo’s fault for using what he could. He didn’t seriously hurt the kid.
And don’t get me started on Janelle. I don’t like her at all. She’s constantly rude to Leo, she doesn’t have loyalty, and she seems to just be using him. For what is unclear, but it’s definitely for something. I hate how girls are villainized in these kid shows. People don’t act that annoyed and petty over small things. Or that rude and uncaring.
I just think Leo deserved better. He’s a good kid, smart, capable, and strong. He had no powers but never hesitated to go up against people who had them to save his family. He would do anything for him. Ant that makes him braver than any of them, because he has nothing else to fall on, or help him. They had their powers. He had nothing. But he never gave up trying to help them, no matter what. He just wanted to be recognised, and be part of the team.
Edit: I Agree, spin is awesome, lol.