mjk004 - Just Some Weirdo
Just Some Weirdo

Mj, He/they, 19

15 posts

Mjk004 - Just Some Weirdo - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago

Literally. There are so many more complicated things out there in the world. How does my phone allow me to type all this and send it out for example? I have no clue. But changing a couple words is suuuuuch a big deal.

mjk004 - Just Some Weirdo
2 years ago

So, I just gotta say this, I love a little bit of spice in my fan fictions(if you don’t know what I mean you don’t belong on my page lol.) I saw a lab rats elite force “spicy” story, and so I checked it out. It was a good story, but the best part was the author calling back to the fact that Kaz wears two pairs of pants. As you can imagine, this set a mood for the rest of the experience!!! 😂😂😂 oh lord I need help.

(P.S. I could link the story if anyone wanted to read it…)

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2 years ago

Weird tiny blimp of a thought, the best option for a ship name for superman and Batman is SuperBat. Most of the others wouldn’t work, it would be, SuperMan, BatMan, SupMan, BaMan, SuMan, or ManMan. This is strictly if they used superhero names, better options if they use their real names. Tumblr breaks my brain sometimes😂

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2 years ago

Small rant about Lab Rats incoming:

It really bothers me how throughout four years, the group still didn’t understand how Leo works. He really is very capable. And he does his best work when he isn’t doubted. There is of course the argument that he should just always be more responsible, not just when people don’t doubt him, but he’s a kid. He deserves better.

For example: the bionic island. I do understand that Leo had a lot to learn, I can see him needing more training seeing as he was first starting out. But he was an original member of the team whether the rest of them wanted to acknowledge that or not. And should be a valued one at that. I don’t think he could handle being a mentor, but I also don’t think he should’ve been put in the lowest group of power sets. He’s more experienced than all of the students, he’s had powers for six months, and helped people with powers for almost three years at that point. He should’ve been the highest level. Or maybe had an honorary title, like mentor-in-training.

Leo felt less than because of his physical prowess, and he was constantly made to feel less than because of his powers. That’s a lot for a kid to handle. It doesn’t matter that he’s clumsy, and didn’t have any special abilities when he started. No kid should have to feel like that. Siblings put each other down, yes. But parents aren’t supposed to do that.

And then there’s his rivalry with the little kid. It was because of his past problems. After everything they were doing to him, he grew very defensive. He kept trying to prove himself by putting others down because that’s what everyone else did to him.

The rivalry with the little kid escalated when Janelle was there, during the fight. First things first, if they didn’t think the kid could handle fighting an older person, they shouldn’t have let him fight Leo. Leo didn’t have a lot of options for what he could do, and it’s not fair to him to pair him up with someone he has to lose to. So it wasn’t Leo’s fault for using what he could. He didn’t seriously hurt the kid.

And don’t get me started on Janelle. I don’t like her at all. She’s constantly rude to Leo, she doesn’t have loyalty, and she seems to just be using him. For what is unclear, but it’s definitely for something. I hate how girls are villainized in these kid shows. People don’t act that annoyed and petty over small things. Or that rude and uncaring.

I just think Leo deserved better. He’s a good kid, smart, capable, and strong. He had no powers but never hesitated to go up against people who had them to save his family. He would do anything for him. Ant that makes him braver than any of them, because he has nothing else to fall on, or help him. They had their powers. He had nothing. But he never gave up trying to help them, no matter what. He just wanted to be recognised, and be part of the team.

Edit: I Agree, spin is awesome, lol.

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2 years ago

So, I’ve seen a couple people saying something like “Diego and Lila will probably break up” and I honestly think it will be the opposite. I think they’re going to be the old married couple that loves each other so much, but also hates each other with all of their beings. They are both so stubborn, and bull headed, and violent, but I also think that they really have feelings for each other. They’d be the type for Diego to go, “Doors right there if you don’t like it!” Lila would walk out in a huff, and then come back later that night and slip into bed. Diego would be like, “Thought you left” sarcastically, and she’d say something like, “My backup boyfriend is out of town.” She wouldn’t have one, but it would be a running joke after a while. After they both got over their insecurities of course.

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2 years ago

Some Chaz/Kase, I saw a good prompt

I forgot who requested this to tumblr, so hopefully they find it. Seeing as they were the inspiration lol.

Prompt: intoxicated Chase due to surgery and/or medical issue (electric jolt, etc). I’m going with surgery.

Relationships: (Siblings- Chase and Bre) (Romantic Kaz and Chase) (Platonic Bre and Kaz)

Warnings: Mention of drugs (hospital use).

This is sorta a part 1, if it gets any sort of traction I’ll write a part two.

A mission gone bad had landed Chase in the medical room of the penthouse. Mr. Davenport and Douglas were fixing Chases chip in the basement while Chase sat high on pain pills. Bre was in the chair next to him, the rest of the team spread out in the house.

“Hey. How is he?” Kaz asked, poking his head in the doorway.

“Heeeyyyy! It’s Kaz! Bre look, it’s Kaz!” Chase slurred.

“He’s a little out of it, but not too bad.” Bre explained.

“I’m not out of it! I’m within perfect mental capacity!” Chase argued, pointing his finger accusingly at Bre. She laughed at him.

“Sure Chase. Could you sit with him for a bit Kaz? I could use a babysitting break.” She asked quietly.

“Yeah, I got him, you can go.” Kaz replied. Bre smiled politely and left, and Kaz walked over to sit next to Chase. “How y’a feeling?”

Chase didn’t reply at first, just tilted his head to stare at Kaz. Suddenly he laughed.

“I like your face.” He pressed his hand down the middle of Kaz’s face, much to his surprise. Kaz gently grabbed his hand away and chuckled.

“Wow, those must be some powerful pills.”

“Your face is soft, and squishy. It’s nice.” Chase giggled and tried to touch Kaz’s face again with his other hand.

“Well this is new.” Kaz mumbled, grabbing the other hand. He now had both of Chase’s wrists in his hands, and Chase had gotten much closer.

“I like youuuuu!” Chase crooned playfully, swinging his head around as he spoke.

“I like youuuu too, your one of my best friends.” Kaz responded, squeezing his wrists and letting them go.

“Nooooo I LIKE you!” Chase accentuated the word. “Like, I wanna like, hold your hand. And kiss your face. You have a nice face.” He giggled heavily at the last part. Kaz just looked at him a little stunned.

“I think you need to sleep those pills off. They’re making you a little crazy.” Kaz went to stand up, but Chase grabbed his arm.

“No! Want you to stay. Like when you stay.” He slurred, clearly sleepy.

“Uh, yeah, alright. I’m just gonna get my laptop, so I can watch a movie while you sleep.” At that, Chase nodded and let Kaz go. Kaz went to grab his laptop, and by the time he got back, Chase was out. He sighed and sunk down into the chair next to the bed, giving Chase a look of concern and confusion.

Kaz was secretly hoping Chase would forget what he said. He couldn’t possibly have meant that. Could he?

If anybody finds this and wants to read more, it’s up on AO3, here:

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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2 years ago

Just a little thought….

So when Chase made all the “Girlfriend bots” they all ended up wanting Kaz. After they are given free will. But the thing is, he programmed the girls to be just like him. To like the things he liked, and act like he does, but as a girl. So you know, it’s possible that having Chases personality made them like Kaz, because Chase likes Kaz. Because a person like Chase would like a person like Kaz rather than a person like Chase.

Someone has probably thought of this before, probably many people, but I just liked the idea and wanted to share it somewhere.

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2 years ago

Right! It wouldn’t make any sense for the name to be used twice, it had to be just a mistake.

Very random note, bet someone’s already thought of it but in season 1 episode 13 of Legends of Tomorrow, there’s a discrepancy. About 13 minutes in is the scene where Kendra and Carters past life is glimpsed at, picturing them on their anniversary. What I noticed however, was that Carter’s past self called Kendra’s past self by her current name- Kendra. But this was years before she was ever Kendra, it’s her current alias, and I don’t believe it was one she had had before. Slight mess up in writing. Just random cannon problems at 10:13 at night, carry on.

2 years ago

Very random note, bet someone’s already thought of it but in season 1 episode 13 of Legends of Tomorrow, there’s a discrepancy. About 13 minutes in is the scene where Kendra and Carters past life is glimpsed at, picturing them on their anniversary. What I noticed however, was that Carter’s past self called Kendra’s past self by her current name- Kendra. But this was years before she was ever Kendra, it’s her current alias, and I don’t believe it was one she had had before. Slight mess up in writing. Just random cannon problems at 10:13 at night, carry on.

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2 years ago

Before I realized I was trans, I didn’t really understand a lot of the things people would talk about feeling. But now that I’m on the other side of it, I completely understand. I REALLY understand how much it hurts when people make such a big deal about how hard it is to learn new pronouns. There’s slip ups. But it’s not that fucking hard. Seriously. Before I was trans, I met someone in junior high that was- the first person I ever met who was. Privacy and all that so I won’t say his name. I fucked it up a couple times. And I didn’t quite understand. But it didn’t take me too long. I grew up around none of that, and had to retrain my brain out of thinking that sort of thing was strange. But I still tried. Why can’t people just do that? Why do they have to act like it’s such a big inconvenience? I’m exhausted. And I’ve only known for about 1 1/2 - 2 years. I’m so tired. I just want to live my life. But instead, everything has to hurt. Do better cis-straight-white people. Please.

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2 years ago

So, there’s a lot of back and forth on Allison for this season, and I’ve seen a lot of reasons for how people feel about her. So I’m just gonna right things out, because I’m bored.


*She lost custody of her daughter

*Her brother turned against her family and in trying to stop him she got her throat slit

*She was sent back in time with no voice, as a black woman in a cruel past

*She worked in the new time to help herself and other people of color to get the rights they should’ve always had.

*She lost her husband who she really loved going back to her own time to get to Claire, who ended up being removed from existence.

*Her brother kept secrets from her and helped the man who (although accidentally) killed her mother causing her daughter not to exist.

*She was amazing to Victor during his coming out and tried to help him even when things were hard.


*She used her (pretty manipulative) powers to get where she was in the world, her fame, her career, her ex husband and daughter.

*She used her power to manipulate her child to do what she wanted

*She used Luther and offered nothing in return the second she got back.

*She SA’ed Luther and kept trying to use him.

*She lied to the Sparrows, causing a major problem between the two groups.

*She killed Harlan. Yes, he did kill the Umbrella’s mothers. But he had no idea what he was doing, he was torn apart, reaching out, looking for someone to help him, for Victor. He had no idea that what he was doing could kill someone, he was so upset and he already doesn’t have a great grasp on his emotions, or the powers he never learned how to properly use. It wasn’t anyones fault what happened to him, especially not his own.

Honestly, me I’m not completely sure where I fall on the scale. No matter what she went through, that didn’t give her the right to SA someone. To make someone else feel so used and powerless. Or to use the power trip on Victor either, nearly making him choke from lack of air. That punch was even I’d say, though. But what she did to Luther isn’t forgivable.

I recognise that she went through a lot back in the past. And that is something no one should have to go through. How people treated her and people like her was disgusting and horrid. I will never understand what that is like. So I don’t think I’d be a proper judge of her character after the experiences she’s undergone. Just my thoughts/opinions, feel free to express yours lol.

All this being said, I was all for the villain era (aside from the Luther thing), her being angry at the world and wanting it to burn.

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2 years ago

Okay, like, I REALLY need to know if Christopher was ALWAYS a cube. And if so, who delivered him and how freaked out were they? Was his mothers stomach shaped like a cube? Did she just throw him away and be terrified? Or Was his mother a cube? It’s so incredibly confusing. If he wasn’t born a cube, there are more questions. How did he become one? Was it his choice? Was it a failed experiment? Could he change into a different shape if he wanted? I would very much like to know. That’s all.

Late amendment to this, if it was his choice, why did he choose that? And if he looked human at one point, did he still speak the strange cube language while in human form? I also have many questions about his life. Can he eat? Does he need to? Where does it go? Could he get a job? Does he sleep? Can he pick things up and move them around? Does he have a bedroom? What was it like for him as a child? How did the rest of them know how to communicate with him? What did the children think of him when they were young? Were they scared of him at all? I need answers.

Posted this so long ago, but I have another question, why did they name a cube Christopher? If he always was a cube that is.

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2 years ago

So, tonight I started watching “Love Victor.” I’ve watched that, and the Umbrella Academy, and Dead End Paranormal Park, and Supergirl. And I see these lives that these people get to live. It makes me so happy to see a story about someone like me getting love and support. But it hurts so much. Victor doesn’t have a place at home, but seeing him go to New York and be with amazing people that understand what he’s going through and take care of him, and I honestly feel jealous. Every day, I hear a name I don’t feel right about, see a body I don’t feel right in, get called pronouns that don’t fit me. I wish I had people around me to help. I have four people in my life right now that respect who I am, my therapist, my uncle, my cousin, and my friend Ally. But I don’t see any of them on a daily basis. I haven’t been called he or they in weeks. The kids I babysit call me by a name that makes me uncomfortable, but I couldn’t change because I have a feeling they come from conservative parentage. Then I come home to my mom and dad, same thing. And my best friend, name, but not pronouns. I don’t blame her as much, because her memory honestly isn’t good. It just hurts, because I see these people getting what they deserve. Viktor from the Umbrella Academy was accepted right away, and loved just as much as before. No big deal, no problems, just normalcy. Barney (paranormal park), wasn’t so lucky, but at least he was called the right name and pronouns by his parents. I’m scrounging for crumbs of validation in a house full of neat freaks. (Not literally, these people are incredibly untidy, but so am I.) If anyone else feels like this, just know I understand. If someone else wants to tell their story I’d love to listen.

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2 years ago

So, is anyone else unbearably angry with people on the internet? I watch some of my tv shows on a “special” website (called bflix) and every time I scroll down, it makes me so angry. I watch Superman and Lois on there, and the amount of annoying people that go in the comments to hate on the show is overwhelming. There’s too much negativity, and opinions I disagree with. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should stop looking. Lol. Anyway, humans make me mad, bye for now!

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2 years ago

So, I absolutely love Jess and Nick as endgame, they have always fit, but if she had to end up with someone else it should’ve been Ryan. Does anyone else think they really did them wrong? I mean, I know they had to work with what they had but it just wasn’t realistic, Ryan was at the point of wanting to live with Jess but then all of a sudden starts acting like a jerk and blowing her off? He was going to turn down his dream job for her, yet he ditches her at her fathers wedding? It doesn’t make any sense, honestly. They deserved better.

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