Bulldog - Tumblr Posts

Who does depression hurt? Everyone.
I’ll never understand people banning dog breeds.
Why are we banning the dogs and not the humans causing them to act out?
And why the fuck don’t we ban the unhealthy breeds like pugs instead?
Or wolfdogs that have personality issues due to crossbreeding between two species?
Or even fucking parrots and birds because they should be able to fly in the sky, light they were meant to.
Absolutely fucking nuts. Breaks my heart.

Neutering pets is NOT evil nor is it animal abuse.
Declawing, taking our their vocal cords, docking and cropping them is animal abuse.
So is prong and e-collars and hell, even those full choke collars.
Vaccinating them is GOOD as opposed to forcing (carnivorous) animals to be vegans
Hitting dogs as to ‘make them respect you’ is abuse.
Breeding (and buying from breeders) frenchies, bulldogs, neopolitan mastiffs, GSDs with slanted backs, ‘teacup’ chihuahuas, any mutt and calling it a purebred, etc is extremely wrong.
If you insist on those breeds (or any other breed) first look at shelters. Always go for adoption FIRST.
The fact that this even has to be said is shitty but y’know. Dumb people.

She's always watching me. #americanbulldog #dog #bulldog #bully

I miss autumn. My dogs, Spaz the Boston Terrier who is 13, and Louise (named after my Nana) the American Bulldog. #bostonterrier #americanbulldog #bully #bulldog

Bulldog Wildcard Gacha i made!

The wildcards are all here!

I did something cuz i'm bored
So, ALMOST all of the wildcards mask are gone so I made this
Why Bulldog, Orca, And Crab have halo's on you may ask, Its because they were eliminated from the past rounds.
And so yeti is up to get the golden mask trophy!
a Drawing with the wildcard and cluedle doo on it!

Can u recognize the shadows in the shapes?

Please reblog!!
Just wanted to put it out there again that I offer sliding scale digital portraits of your furry family!!
Sliding scale is so that as many people as possible can receive art. My prices for digital pet portraits range from $5-$50 !
Helping support my art is helping me put the building blocks in for my career 🙂
Please message me if interested!
Nadisalementriche on instagram