Wrinkles - Tumblr Posts
The artwork itself is not supposed to be pretty. But I managed to highlight all of the most "ugly" features of oneself and still create a beautiful person. Dont mind the eyepatch that looks weird but overall I am very proud of this piece and some might not see it but it has a lot of meaning.
Yep. Jeremy, Brad and Chris were Fur-Sure.
Well, faux fur-sure. Chris felt the need to mention plastic tho was real. Brad said it read a little Jeremy Irons. Don’t u think? A little too Jeremy Irons. That's when Jeremy randomly started singing about some cool cat who sounded like they may have a drinking problem because water fell out of the sky when they got married.
Brad told Jeremy he should take that wino fly friend seriously. Chris on the other hand hated Chardonnay, but instead wanted to know if Jeremy got into modeling because everything now was wrinkle resistant. Jeremy said family played a part but what worried him most was nobody got old anymore. No one under the age of 30 knows what wrinkles look like.
Brad said that was def tru. He had to look up wrinkles on Wiki as well as Chardonnay. He’d only known Rose. Chris mentioned they'd all already seen eachother with gray hair. That lookbook was soooooo 2 years ago. Did that classify it as retro? No one knew.
~The crows feet by my eyes are that of an old soul, and the dark circles under yours are that of a heavy heart. You wouldn't think there were 4 years between us, would you?~
-a poem of a new kind
Smile wrinkles for the win.
stop freaking out about getting old and start planning out what kind of old person you're gonna be
Saw and old friend the other day and was shocked at the wrinkles on her face, neck and upper chest area. She is still very good looking, but the wrinkles diminish that beauty significantly. I suspect the reason is that she used to spend a lot of time at the beach. Turns out those with thicker skin (Hispanic, Mediterranean, Asian and African) tend to have less wrinkles. Fortunately reducing sun exposure and eating the right kind of foods can reduce wrinkles and get you glowing skin. I feel it is a better solution than any kind of topical skin treatment. That is not say hydrating creams and what not are not useful. Especially Vitamin E oil applied topically is really good. But imagine if you can grow health skin from the inside to begin with? I made a list for myself. I am good on most of these foods but hardly eat avocados, sunflower seeds or walnuts. This is a good reminder to self. I don’t want wrinkles. At least not until into a ripe old age. Look after your skin. You only get one skin.
#wrinkles #antiwrinkle #foodforskin #food #beautifulskin #ageing #antiwrinkle #colagen #vitamine #skintreatment #omega3 #vitamineoil #acacado #fattyfish #thickskin #sundamage #tomaoto #darkchocolate #walnuts #sunflowerseeds #tofu #elsatciskin #suppleskin #vitaminc #bellpepper
thank you both for such nice messages, I’m so glad you like my art…!! hopefully I can help at least a little bit! anon 2) my brush settings can be found here! anon 1) wrinkles can get pretty complex! it depends on the type, weight, thickness, and cut of the fabric, whether the character is in motion, etc; I wish I could get into everything, but it’s a huge subject that I don’t think I could possibly cover…!! but I can at least give you some very very basic tips on building up a dress (and the lace underneath!)
here are some examples of dresses I’ve drawn recently. they might seem complex, but when broken down to their most basic form, they’re actually very simple shapes that follow very similar rules!
are you seeing any patterns between them? while they do differ a bit, they’re by and large made from the same long line that curves into itself and back out. learning where this line goes and how it changes under different circumstances is learned largely through practice and intuition, but there are some steps you can take to begin building a foundation to work from! (or at least to sort of break down the process!)
determine the shape/angle of the dress itself. in this example, I’m using a big poofy dress shown from slightly below!
use this as a guide when adding that curving line from before. think of how the fabric folds, and keep in mind that the direction of the curve (and how harsh it appears) depends on where it falls on the dress and the angle at which it’s being viewed from. in this example, it’s more pronounced on the edges, and is facing different directions on the left and the right sides.
wherever cloth folds, wrinkles appear! wrinkles will be more abundant where the cloth is more compact; in this case, that’s toward the waistline. on a dress line this, a fold will originate at the waistline and radiate downward; this means that on an uninterrupted fold, the line that you draw should (if you were to continue it all the way, which is not always necessary) reach cleanly back to the waist. I added one translucent line to help illustrate this idea!
want to add a lace layer? it’s the same concept!! add your basic curving line underneath, keeping in mind that the cloth above will likely mirror whatever it’s falling over. (not perfectly, but somewhat!) so try to keep it a little consistent!
details are easy now!! you can add any sort of lace pattern you want by just tracing over that first line! I used a basic scallop shape here
want even more lace? just repeat step four as many times as you want underneath your last layer of lace!
once you get the hang of this part, figuring out more complex stuff gets much easier! I’m not great at explaining things, but hopefully you were able to come away with some kind of new information, haha…!! I’m wishing you both the best with your art!!!
No more melted tomblerones or mising skulls, yyeann!
This is my basic process for pretty much everything I draw. The key is understanding the shape of the garment you’re trying to draw and the shape of the body part you’re putting it on.
Drawing the body first forces you to make the shoe, hat, or clothes fit that body. With practice you’ll be able to skip some steps. This method works the same no matter the perspective or pose. It just relies on your knowledge of what a hat looks like from above, or what the bottom of a shoe looks like. When in doubt, just google refs. Don’t necessarily need the exact angle you’re trying to draw. Look at different pics to give you an idea of how it works in 3d.
Shoes are always a bit tricky because feet are a stupid ass shape.
It might help if you think of hats as a cylinder fitted to the person’s head to help you get the perspective right before you push in detail. note: heads aren’t circles. they’re kind of egg shaped if you look at them from the top.
There's nothing wrong with soles' wrinkles. The wrinkler your soles are, the better they look.
There's nothing like "too much wrinkles" to admire in a man's soles.
Always wanting more..