But I Cant - Tumblr Posts
Ueueueuueueueuueue NO IDEAS
ueueuueueuueueuueu BURNOUT
ueueueuueueuueueue DEPRESSION EPISODE
I feel like I can get away with not writing my books because of "I wanna be a writer when I grow up" and I'm not yet
The urge to become evil and a lone wolf gets so bad sometimes but then I remember I have abandonment issues and then I cry
cRyiNg in the shower for 40 minutes instead of doing my homework is the Mood of the night folks !!
That moment when you want to write a fic about a specific duo but you can't write duos
I am going to fucking explode. I was taking things at my own pace and my parents said to be faster and then I got distressed and started slightly screaming when talking and now they're angry at me. Fucking great. on the bright side I have a lot of energy to use when I got to swimming lessons
did kaufmo ever kill anyone?
On of the more brutal kills are from kaufmo. Including drawing on their skin with a sharp knife.

anybody else in the club feeling this one
fishing had no business being that hard in stardew valley
Fox: Give Ratau to me~
Me: Nu uh!
Fox: ...What the fuck do you mean by "NU UH"?!
That's really sweet Kuro, but-

-jokes on you I'm already sick 😏
Just realized that right now someone on the other side of the world is sleeping peacefully in their comfy bed.
If you are this person, I want you to know I am so jealous

Got bored and drew a Fix TF2 badge.

Cuz listen, if I can't draw the character i can at least draw things relating to TF2.
Also, sorry for the quality, my phone's camera sucks.
Edit: i also wanted to help #FixTf2, but i don't know how and i can't really do anything other than report bots.
I have an ongoing....."argument" with a coworker of mine. She refuses to believe that I hate people (my own words)
I'm an ambivert. I have both introvert and extrovert social batteries that need to be charged. Usually, I'm more introverted, though.
I work as Event Staff, which is just a fancy way of saying unarmed security that won't attack unless you hit first. Also, the cops will side with us. It's happened before.
Anyway, I find some interactions with other humans amusing and tolerable. Mostly, though, I try to avoid human interaction as much as I can. The way the human mind works both fascinates and scares me. Why are people the way they are? Why do they act the way they do? At the end of the day, we all start the womb and we all end in the tomb.
To put it short, I like watching/studying people from afar, but I hate people. What's so hard to understand about that?
Anyway, Cowork J keeps trying to convince me, every time that this topic is brought up, that people aren't that bad and that I do actually like them, seeing as I've only ever worked customer service.
Yes. I'm good with people. 8/10 times I can de-escalate a situation before I need to call someone over. I have yet to have anyone actually square up on me (though I anxiously (in every sense of the word) await the day it happens).
Just because I'm good with people doesn't mean I like them.
If I could, I would switch out my charisma enhancer for a stealth enhancer. Unfortunately, when my character was created, I was given what I was given and I cannot change my enhancements and base stats. (No matter how hard I've tried.) If anything, my chosen hobbies and future (hopeful) profession only enhance the stats given to me.
The point is!
There is no point. I came here to complain, so that's all this is.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
do you ever not necessarily dislike something but you just get so sick of hearing about it you blacklist it anyway
Dublin concert goers, I think we'll get to sing happy birthday to Richard! His birthday is on the 24th and we're the 23rd so fingers crossed :)

"this is your sign to..." girl i don't need the sign, i need the money
I hate having to be productive
Like why can't I just doom scroll into oblivion?
Capitalism, that's why

I colored the new Nomura sketch from he concert~
HQ edit from @kingdomheartsnyctophiliac