But Its Worth It - Tumblr Posts

hot - pretty - cute : steve harrington version
Billy version
First Line Tag Game
Rules: post the first spoken lines of the main characters (however you define that) of your WIP with no context whatsoever.Â
hm, this is a good one...i have like 3 wips right now but i’ll go with the best one for dialogue :^)
Bhijirio: “Can I ask something?”...“How do you hold forks? I mean, how do you do anything? Your hands are literally the size of plates.” Miraak: “I ask Tharya to do it for me.”
thank you for the tag @nusaran! tagging forth: @elventhief, @nuwanders, and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in! (tag me so i can see when you do it, i wanna look at y’alls wips)

Watching Spirited Away as a kid, you think "wow what the fuck was that", and figure that while it doesn't make any sense, it's a movie all about atmosphere and vibes, it doesn't have to have a coherent plot and morals. I'm still pretty sure that a lot of the exact details of what specifically is going on in the story itself was just lost in translation and would make perfect sense with context clues that someone more familiar with japanese culture and folklore would have picked up on the first watch, but as an adult, it does have a lot of clear, distinct lessons written into it.
Your parents aren't infallible, and sometimes they can also make mistakes and not only can't help you, but can't help themselves.
When that happens, you gotta step up and look after yourself.
But that doesn't mean you have to do it all alone - every once in a while a passing stranger may help you out for nothing in return, and in return you should sometimes help out strangers just because you could, without gaining or losing anything yourself.
This is how you make friends. Being independent doesn't mean that you do everything yourself, you can crowdsource being helped by having people who help you out, and also helping them however you can, whenever you can, in return.
You don't always have to know exactly what your plan is, the clear and solid plans you made might just get washed away by an unexpected rain. Sit down, eat something, have a cry about it if you need to, and enjoy the vibes.
Love isn't always "happily ever after" and "till death do us part". A brief but intense summer romance with a boy who doesn't have his shit together can still be a true and significant experience that played a role in defining who you're becoming as a person, without being a permanent fixture in your life. It was true, it was real, but you still need to go and never look back. Sometimes things that are forever are only things that remain forever in your heart. Neither you nor that boy had your shit together back then.
Having your first job in the hospitality industry makes you grow up real fucking fast.

Went to Waterstones
The exceptions to my aromanticism/hj

“Chicks dig giant robots”. They’re no gigantic but they’re roughly 7 to 8 ft tall, I consider them “giant”.
what if ragh came back after adventuring for awhile and became a teacher at aguefort? hell, what if he became a COUNSELOR at aguefort? he’s been though it, man, from nightmare forests to having his mom die to coming out as gay. nothing surprises ragh barkrock anymore. and sometimes you just need a hug from someone way bigger than yourself to make all the scary stuff away.Â
Lord of The Rings Extended Edition Final!
Going out for the last time to finish off the trilogy. This has been such a blessing to get to see on the big screen.
I have noticed so many details I never caught before like the curly ques on the freaking finger parts between the joints of Sauron's glove. What a drama queen, stamping his scary as Morgoth looking Armor with pretty little embellishments his enemies will only see right before getting smashed to death by his fist in their face.
I have experienced the sound design and music like never before. Like the impact of dark speech as it shakes the very floor under me. Or the ethereal laments of the elves for Gandalf's death as it surrounds me from all sides.
These movies are why theaters exist. And that I should get to see them in all of their might with so many other fans who feel the same love and aw as I do is amazing.

I understand everything peepers but stop staring so openly please

Voting is important. You wanna see Donald Trump fail? Then you have to vote his people out.
“To all the young people who are here today, there are now more eligible voters in your generation than in any other, which means your generation now has more power than anybody to change things. If you want it, you can make sure America gets out of its current funk. If you actually care about it, you have the power to make sure we seize a brighter future. But to exercise that clout, to exercise that power, you have to show up. In the last midterm elections in 2014, fewer than one in five young people voted. One in five. Not two in five, or three—one in five. Is it any wonder this Congress doesn’t reflect your values and your priorities? Are you surprised by that? This whole project of self-government only works if everybody’s doing their part. … if you thought elections don’t matter, I hope these last two years have corrected that impression.”
President Obama, today.
Please please please make sure you are registered to vote. You can easily confirm your registration, file a new registration, and locate your polling place at iwillvote.com
(via wilwheaton)