Ron - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Ron: Damn, Hermione, are you secretly cool?  Hermione: Well, poker is just math, so I guess it depends on if you consider the mathematician, Carl Friedrich Gauss, cool.  Ron: I do not.

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8 years ago

George: Come on Harry! Look, turning 35 is not that big a deal.

Harry: Oh really. Is that how you felt when you turned 35?

[Flashback to George's 35th birthday party]

George: (screaming) Why Merlin?! Why?! Let the others grow old! Not me!

Harry: Oh come on you guys! Is it just me? Am I overreacting to this?

Ron: Nah mate, it's not just you. My 35th certainly wasn't that much fun.

[Flashback to Ron's 35th birthday party]

George: (screaming) And now Ron! We're all getting so old!

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8 years ago
Edit: I Mistakenly Uploaded Bud With The Wrong Colors (I Was Exhausted When I Posted This), Sorry! It's

Edit: I mistakenly uploaded Bud with the wrong colors (I was exhausted when I posted this), sorry! It's fixed now.

RL Issues - First time here? See the original post here

I already graduated on the 7th, though it seems I'll have to wait a while until I receive my diploma (they only gave out the diploma cases during the graduation ceremony). I'm not entirely sure how long that will take, but I'm guessing it could be quite a few months... After having graduated, the rest of my family is slowly becoming more intrusive into my personal life and decisions and/or inducing pressure in regards to the whole being jobless situation: I don't have a job and the only way I make money is via commissions and on the rare occasion, by selling my shirt designs. Commissions have always been my main source of income, because unlike shirt designs, I get paid in full and directly (where as shirts, I only get a really small portion and have to wait for a month to get paid, assuming I even sold anything). I'm hoping that doesn't get out of hand, but knowing how things tend to turn for the worse for me, that'll probably be sooner than I expect. My bro and his friend are still at it, as usual. For those who haven't read my earlier journals, these two people have been bugging me nonstop, whether it's homophobic jokes, constantly bringing up stuff from the past, belittling me, and so on.

Growth Drive is a Go!

Because moving out is a pretty big choice and I'm pretty desperate as it is, I have decided to work extra hard on the growth drive this time and will be using two characters instead of one so both sides of my fans (fat and muscle) are able to participate! My first two growth drives years ago started with human and half-human characters, so this time I'm starting it out with anthros. That doesn't mean everyone else has to miss out though, as one of the milestones will unlock a set of human characters.

This time, each $1 = 2lb that will be added to both characters (ie. There's no need to donate $10 twice if you want both characters to gain weight). There will also be options available once again, such as where most of the weight will be gained and whatnot. Each character will have their own respective options in the poll that will be available alongside each drawing.

[Donate Here] [Growth Drive Poll Here]

Below you can see the milestones available this time:

Reach $30 per week to unlock NSFW (weekly drawing only)

Reach $50 per week to activate x2 multiplier

Reach $80 per week for a bonus drawing (initial duo only)

Reach $100 during the entire fundraising period to unlock a bonus duo of human characters

Reach $140 per week to activate x4 multiplier; unlocks x2 as the default for subsequent weeks

Reach $160 per week for a bonus drawing (bonus duo only)

Reach $180 per week to unlock NSFW (bonus drawing only)

*NSFW versions, when unlocked per week, will be posted separately to avoid issues with the donators who are only interested in the SFW/original drawings.

There will also be a few raffles available, some of them being options I don't currently offer as commissions:

I will be using to pick the winners, starting from the highest tier, so that all winners are picked accordingly. Please note that you can't win multiple raffles!

Sketch (donate $1 or more)

Lineart (donate $6 or more)

Lineart + Color (donate $10 or more)

Bonus drawing with initial duo (donate $20 or more)

Animated drawing: Idle or Pose (donate $30 or more)

Bonus drawing with bonus duo (donate $40 or more)

Bonus drawing with both duos (donate $60 or more)

Animated drawing: Growth (donate $70 or more)

*All bonus drawings will feature a single character chosen by the winner hanging out or doing stuff with the specified duo of characters.

*If for some reason the winner is only interested in having a single character from the duo show up instead of both (ie. only likes chubs or muscle instead), then that's fine. Just be sure to let me know when I contact you.

*The above may also apply to the winner of the drawing that features both sets of duos in it.

*My list of things I'm willing to do/don't also applies to the raffle winners. If you can't comply with these rules, I'll unfortunately be forced to hand over the raffle to the runner-up.

Earning Progress

Since the first post I had made in regards to my situation, I have received 5 commissions (3 being from a single person, mind you) and 0 donations. I'm not taking into account previous commissioners that were from before I made that post, since it obviously doesn't work that way. With these commissions alone (and tips from said commissioners), I have currently earned about $111. If I count whatever I had remaining from previous commissioners, I have saved up a total of $154. As of starting these moving out savings, I will not use any of this money for anything other than the plane ticket (or shipping items I can't take with me on board, assuming there's enough leftover for that later on). I have taken a few of my things to the pawn shop last month and had received about $100 and with what remains from my birthday money and the little amount I received on graduation day, I have $140. Unlike the money that is strictly for commissions, this one is used for food (when there's nothing to eat at home or happen to be out late) and to help ship my stuff after I'm sure that I have earned enough for the plane ticket. I still have a few things I can sell, including my own TV (so no console gaming, but I'm fine with that), and will take them to the pawn shop next time I can. Everything that is currently on my item sales list cannot be sold to the pawn shop, hence why things have been a bit slow in regards to selling my belongings.

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8 years ago
Here Come The Week 1 Results.Bud And Ron Seem To Be Having A Rough Business Week, But At Least It Means

Here come the Week 1 results. Bud and Ron seem to be having a rough business week, but at least it means they get to have their break early.

$1 = 2lbs (or 1kg for those who prefer kilograms instead)

[Donate Here] [Growth Drive Poll Here]

For more details, such as the milestones, raffles, and why this growth drive is being made, please check out the following post. P.S. From now on, the human duo unlocking milestone is cumulative throughout the whole fundraising period. Only $95 left to reach it!

P.S.S. I wasn’t feeling so well and some things came up in rl, but I was finally able to finish this up. Sorry for being late with the post.

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8 years ago
Finally, Here Are The Week 2 Results.The Only Donator Here Had Decided To Increase Their Amount During

Finally, here are the Week 2 results. The only donator here had decided to increase their amount during the middle of that week, so the total earnings for this week were only $6.

Donations for Week 3 will begin right away and each $1 = 2lbs; please refer to the following links below if you are interested or want to know more about the drive itself.

Donate Here

Growth Drive Poll - Donators Only

Info, Milestones, and Raffles

Important: If there are no donations for Week 3 or a considerable amount of weight gain (ie. 30lbs), I will not extend the donation period as I did previously and the growth drive will end right here. As much as I love these two characters (and the humans who have yet to be unlocked) I’m starting to lose my motivation to use/draw them for this. In the event that this does happen, all donators will still receive their respective tier rewards as soon as I’m able to get started on them.

If you’ve had zero interest in the drive from the start, yet still want to help me out, you can just commission me instead! Due to my current circumstances, there’s absolutely no limit on how many commissions I’ll be taking up, so this is your chance. Click the link below for my list of prices and if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Commission Price List

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3 years ago

You didn't have to call-out my Gryffindor-ass like that....

Hogwarts house quotes #3

Hufflepuff: how do gryffindor and slytherin usually get out of these messes? Ravenclaw: they don’t. they just make a bigger mess which cancels out the first one.

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9 years ago
I Just Bought This Cheap(it Was @$6.50+ The Quality Is Not Good) Harry Potter Junior Monopoly Lol

I just bought this cheap(it was @$6.50+ the quality is not good) Harry Potter Junior Monopoly lol

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3 years ago

From Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:

Harry Potter: But this is Hogwarts we're talking about. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?

Hermione Granger: There's been a lot of talk recently that... Dumbledore's got a bit old.

Harry Potter: Rubbish! Well, he's only... What is he?

Ron Weasley: Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few years.

(They all laugh)

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4 months ago
ANOTHER Mutual Appreciation Post Because I Never Want You Guys To Feel Like You're Not Loved Or Not Special
ANOTHER Mutual Appreciation Post Because I Never Want You Guys To Feel Like You're Not Loved Or Not Special

ANOTHER mutual appreciation post because i never want you guys to feel like you're not loved or not special because you ARE!!! 🫶💓

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1 year ago

Sooooo, I am currently watching Harry potter and the order of the phoenix, and sOMETHING CAUGHT MY ATTENTION

While our dear boy Harry is being possessed by strange fetus/snake

Sooooo, I Am Currently Watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, And SOMETHING CAUGHT MY ATTENTION

He started having memories of his friends and family. You know, the pretty scene where love conquers all once again

And I just realized that with this memory

Sooooo, I Am Currently Watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, And SOMETHING CAUGHT MY ATTENTION

and the sound of Hermione's laugh

He came back

Like, her laugh brought him back

And I think that is so pretty

I am not shipping them, That is a ship I do not ride (I'm Dramione and Fremione) but it's just so lovely

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7 years ago
I Fund One Of Those Draw Your Squad Things And I Just Couldnt Help But Do This
I Fund One Of Those Draw Your Squad Things And I Just Couldnt Help But Do This

I fund one of those draw your squad things and I just couldn’t help but do this


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6 years ago

See, Harry’s described as being tall in DH, but then I still decided to make him this tiny little thing and ship him with all these tall people like Ron, Cedric, and Blaise. Smol Harry is amazing.

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4 years ago

harry: nobody loves me.

ron: are you sure about that?

harry: yeah.

ron: *aggressively pointing at himself* are you sURE??

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9 months ago

They're so cute they made me cry

ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ )♡⊹₊⋆

They're So Cute They Made Me Cry

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