Chloe Gong - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

hey, father! thou canst not take me from benedikt. and I am a gangster; didst thou not think that I would be able to sneak out? silly thee, silly thee... now thou art unconscious

what if I changed mine username into marshallseosblog

what then

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roma montagov and juliette cai you have my whole heart. please step on me <3

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Juliette: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.

Roma: I think you mean cards.

Juliette, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.

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after getting my heart shredded by chloe gong, here are my reasons why roma and juliette could be alive & why they couldn’t be. hear me out <3 


- the two wanted a world of peace where bloodshed was not tearing apart everything. maybe they left after surviving miraculously and separated themselves from reminders of the white terror, memories being too painful.

- juliette and roma are gangster masterminds. no matter how sudden the explosion was, juliette could have had a plan and could have saved the two or vice versa.

- they survived the explosion. option 1. their ancestors saved them. option 2. a miracle occurred. after, A. stolen transportation and moved to the countryside the two visited or any countryside. B. ran away then bribed people to leave the city/country. C. stolen transportation/bribed people and hide out in shanghai, living with different identities/having different identities as they were too scarred. and, the reasons of the two not reaching out one. they were happy enough in each other’s presence. two. they did not want more painful memories resurfaced. three. one of the two died and the other killed the self or was too heartbroken to care anymore.

- if the two survived yet remained alive, they didn’t want to reveal themselves as alive as it could have their “deaths” be in vain (context. their deaths and star crossed lover story was a reminder of how useless the blood feud was and was a constant reminder of the citizens of shanghai why peace should occur. whenever blood appeared, their story was whispered and helped the slow end of the bloodshed).


- would roma really willingly never see his sister, his cousin, and his best friend ever again? (unless from observations far away but that is highly unlikely seeing as the world is big and information is limited). vice versa to juliette.

- as “evidence” points, they were in the heat of the explosion. it’s impossible they survived without interference or a miracle


honestly besides the first point, without imagination and hope, it is easy to believe that the two died. however, as it was supposed to be an open ended ending for our own speculations, i just know in my heart something happened in the midst of the explosion. their story is too full of passion and love and survival and grit to end like that, however heroic and romantical it is.

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3 years ago

me, hoping a book named ' our violent ends' , that's a literal retelling of Romeo & Juliet, won't have a tragic ending :

Me, Hoping A Book Named ' Our Violent Ends' , That's A Literal Retelling Of Romeo & Juliet, Won't Have

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3 years ago
Books Read In 2021 These Violent Delights By Chloe Gong
Books Read In 2021 These Violent Delights By Chloe Gong
Books Read In 2021 These Violent Delights By Chloe Gong
Books Read In 2021 These Violent Delights By Chloe Gong

books read in 2021 ↣ these violent delights by chloe gong

was it loyalty that created power? or was loyalty only a symptom, offered when the circumstances were favorable and taken away when the tides turned? it helped that lord cai and lord montagov were men. juliette wasn’t naive. their every messenger, every errand runner, every lower-tiered but fiercely loyal gangster was male. most of the scarlet gang feared and revered juliette now, but she was not in control yet. how would they react when juliette tried to exert true power over them? would she have to shed all that she was—ditch the glittery dresses and wear suits to be listened to?

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2 years ago


I'm already in LOVE with the worldbuilding aspect of it!

I'm not too far into it yet, but when I find and solidify my favorite character you'll be the first to know (IMMEDIATELY 😂)

Yes! Foul Lady Fortune and These Violent Ends (?) are out I think! SO EXCITING.

😂 We need a whole castle just to fill the books.

Oh, poor Jameson :/ (Someone needs to majorly bring him back to reality, I want this ship to happen now haha)

me, desperate for some writer friends/mutuals

hi everyone!

this is just a post where writers get to know writers, and hopefully through reblogs/comments we can find more people who not only read/write our genre, but just people who have similarities with us.

it's kind of a simple "get to know me" post, and anyone can join <3

feel free to tag your mutuals and reblog !!

name: genres you like to write in: genres you like to read in + fav books/media: favorite line from your current wip:

name: ave

genres you like to write in: currently writing contemporary (ya/romcom/romance, give me them ALL), but I also like to dabble in fantasy!

genres you like to read in + fav books/media: i'll consume literally anything haha. Fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, romance, young adult, you name it. I'm awful with horror, though ;-;

percy jackson (MY CHILDHOOD), harry potter (OBVIOUSLY), Better Than the Movies, From Lukov with Love, The Love Hypothesis, These Violent Delights, the list goes on...

favorite or latest line from your current wip: [latest line, because what a mood- from Destination Seoul] Ha. Per usual, the universe hates me.

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2 years ago

chloe gong's books >>>>

More Than Anything In The World, Rosalind Lang Wanted Redemption, And If This Was How She Got It, Then
More Than Anything In The World, Rosalind Lang Wanted Redemption, And If This Was How She Got It, Then
More Than Anything In The World, Rosalind Lang Wanted Redemption, And If This Was How She Got It, Then
More Than Anything In The World, Rosalind Lang Wanted Redemption, And If This Was How She Got It, Then

More than anything in the world, Rosalind Lang wanted redemption, and if this was how she got it, then so be it.


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2 years ago

Oooh you're reading Foul Lady Fortune? I wanted to buy it but couldn't afford it at the time. Tell me if it's good!

I am reading Foul Lady Fortune! I'll make sure to let you know how it is, but so far I've been hearing good things about it (and also enjoying it so far, but I'm about 10% of the way through lmao).

Also just letting you know that FLF is 10.99 on Amazon right now for hardcover, which incentivized me to buy it in the first place LMAO.

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2 years ago

Kaz and Juliette having dramatic internal monologues that was very different to what they'll actually say

Kaz And Juliette Having Dramatic Internal Monologues That Was Very Different To What They'll Actually

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2 years ago

me, hoping a book named ' our violent ends' , that's a literal retelling of romeo & juliet, won't have a tragic ending :

Me, Hoping A Book Named ' Our Violent Ends' , That's A Literal Retelling Of Romeo & Juliet, Won't Have

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2 years ago

Alisa: Roma how do I get revenge?

Roma: the best revenge is living well and moving on.

Alisa: Juliette how do I -

Juliette: knife.

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2 years ago

Why does this plot give such strong cressworth vibes. Like, murder on a train connected to their own mission. Literally just hunting prince dracula.

I'm not complaining tho

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2 years ago

If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading

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2 years ago

These violent delights have violent ends,you have always known this.

These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends,you Have Always Known This.

Rating: ★★★★★

Today I finally had time to finish Our Violent ends by @chloegong and I think it is better to say that this book violently ended me.

So here's my rant >.<

These books make me feel something that I can only describe as bittersweet.Roma and juliette are characters I hold really close to my heart.These two were constantly caught up in things that they never even got a chance to love properly.

It was so fascinating to see someone love so quietly yet so fiercely.

The ending made me cry but never have I been so satisfied with an ending.As it is said in the book,hope is a cruel thing and this book left me hoping hopelessly.It makes me wonder if they're alive or dead but as juliette said that it is not always this or that so I just hope that they both are happy somewhere in the world,alive or dead.

I was in awe as u put down this book.They both went down together just like roma had said "Together or not at all,dorogaya" and i don't know if I'm the only one who thinks like this but imo dying together is better than living apart.

We all knew what was going to happen eventually (it's a romeo juliet retelling so of-fucking-course) but i still looked forward to it.

So congrats miss chloe,you successfully made me cry my heart out but I love you for it.

I always love books like these,I LOVED the whole Shanghai vibes and it felt good to read something so beautifuly tragic set amidst the chaos that happened in the 1920s China.

Also does anyone know how can I get my own roma montagov who'd call me dorogaya oh so lovingly?!😭😭

These Violent Delights Have Violent Ends,you Have Always Known This.

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3 years ago

sorry for going completely disappearing off the earth. if you’ve stopped following me, i totally understand why.

that being said, while i have deviated from writing haikyuu fan writes, i’ve been really into a duology called these violent delights and i’m almost about done with a piece of work about that book series and i’m hoping to push it out next week or possibly even this week. so if you’re into that, i hope you’re excited :))

but this doesn’t mean that i don’t like haikyuu anymore because frankly, it’s the complete opposite of that; i still really enjoy it. i’m willing to take requests (they’ll just take longer to write because high school sucks :/) and i think it will give me more inspo for longer works. it’s just that i’ve been getting to reading published books more so that’s why this blog hasn’t been my main focus last year.

anyways so sorry the lack of activity on this blog, i’m hanging in there and i’m doing my best to nourish my creative writing but it’s very inconsistent so don’t get your hopes up too much if i push something out ;)

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