Darkstalker Legends - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

got my mom to read darkstalker legends, this is what she has to say so far

Got My Mom To Read Darkstalker Legends, This Is What She Has To Say So Far

also this, I didn’t realize it at first and then I was like OH MY GOD WAIT IS THAT A REFERENCE

Got My Mom To Read Darkstalker Legends, This Is What She Has To Say So Far

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3 years ago

Clearsight: Let me show you a picture from last night that really upset me Darkstalker: Okay, but in my defense, Indigo bet me 50 cents I couldn’t drink all that shampoo. Clearsight: That’s not what I wanted to- you drank SHAMPOO?!

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2 years ago

Allknowing, to Clearsight: Your visions are weird; what’s wrong with you???

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1 year ago

Clearsight: We all have our demons.

Clearsight, dragging Darkstalker into view: This one’s mine.

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7 months ago

(The FoeslayerXArctic family is trying to have a normal game night for once in their lives and needs to come up with some house rules)

Darkstalker: I doubt I inherited my most annoying traits one hundred percent completely from mother.

Arctic: You certainly did, you little mongrel.

Darkstalker: Mongrel? As in, a mixed breed of questionable heritage?

Arctic: …huh. Yeah.

Darkstalker: Rule three, it’s unwise to slander someone’s parentage if, in fact, YOU are their parent.

Arctic: I can accept that. Rule four, never mention this conversation, or my part in it, to anyone.

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1 year ago

Legends: Darkstalker is such a tragic book. I feel heartbroken for everyone involved

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1 year ago

Okay but Darkstalker has such a fitting name. Named by Foeslayer for the one who stalks darkness but what he becomes is Arctic's interpretation - one who stalks in the darkness.

He becomes the monster people saw him as, like a self-fulfilling prophecy

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1 year ago

People stop being weird about Darkstalker fans challange

No, feeling sorry for villain doesn't mean you justify their actions.

Neither does trying to find a reason behind their actions.

Someone has a different take about a character and people lose their minds.

Everyone talks about "these" people who side with Darkstalker, but...I have yet to see a single one?

There is no "right" way to interpret a character. Otherwise it would be pretty boring. Everyone will seek and find something different in a work of fiction. And that's okay.

Personally, I see Darkstalker as a quite tragic character - a result of his circumstances, a "bad" victim with maladaptive coping mechanisms. A teenager with god-like powers who let it get to his head and wants to take revenge on the world that wronged him. Do those things justify him? No. But I like him better as a complex character like that, rather than "born evil" thing we were given.

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10 months ago

Random headcanon:

Nightwings back in Darkstalker's time had thicker British accents.

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9 months ago

Random thing:

♥︎I don't know why, but I think this song would work well for a Darkstalker: Legends animatic♥︎

Now back to working on the Animus Qibli references♡

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9 months ago
Yesss I Flipping Found Itttt

Yesss I flipping found itttt♥︎♥︎♡♡♡♥︎♡♡♡♡♡

For an AU I've been writing for awhile now...

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8 months ago
Clearsight Sketch

◇◆Clearsight sketch◆◇


(Click on image for better quality please♡♡♡)

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7 months ago

Darkie baby boy♡♡♡

your art style is so tasty,, can you perhaps do darkstalker :3

Your Art Style Is So Tasty,, Can You Perhaps Do Darkstalker :3

Day 35- Darkstalker

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5 months ago

Can you draw Whiteout please, she is so silly

Can You Draw Whiteout Please, She Is So Silly


She would be that fun art teacher at school, just sayin'

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