Coco Adel - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
*Coco based on a Nazi spy from WW2*
Me: *changes her allusion to The Brave Little Tailor and changes her surname to Caramel because alliteration is important*
Seriously, there’s literally tons of myths, fairytales, and fables about clothes and they chose Chatel because “WW2 spy” without checking who side said spy was on.
Apparently, the woman was apparently a collaborator of the Axis Powers and sold out Jewish store-owners I believe to the goose-steppers
*Coco based on a Nazi spy from WW2*
Me: *changes her allusion to The Brave Little Tailor and changes her surname to Caramel because alliteration is important*
Seriously, there’s literally tons of myths, fairytales, and fables about clothes and they chose Chatel because “WW2 spy” without checking who side said spy was on.
They added team cfvy

Team CFVY Fan animation by Strattuck on Twitter.
Yatsu x Velvet anyone? Aka RWBY Cinnabun
Scarlet Knight: Angry bunny
Coco: Vel, you can’t just kidnap Arc just because your horny!
Velvet whose in heat: *Thumps her legs on the ground because she’s upset.*
Coco: NO.
Velvet: *Thump.*
Coco: NO.
Velvet: *Thump.*
Coco: Vel, you’re not intimidating, you’re cute so quit it.
Velvet: *Sad bunny noises.*
Let it be known that Jaune and Velvet ended up breaking a bed...and a pelvis
Sun: that non in the face hair style
Neptune: that confident chest out posture
Coco: that heroic and determined look in his eyes
coco/sun/neptune: *anime crying* jaune is cooler than us.
Jaune: are they okay?
Fox: they'll be fine
"I hope so, because Velvet over there concerns me."
*horny breathing*
Well that’s stupid
Baby Mama AU: (this is if you're willing to make Coco bi-curious)
After countless shenanigans, Coco finally gets a chance to get with Tifa.
Progress! Them milf titties are finally within reach!
The catch? She has to have a date with Jaune first. Coco is grumpy about it but anything for the biddies. Besides, it's just a date. Not like she's going to like the dork, right?
I am, though last time I did, I got called homophobic by a coco stan.
Glynda’s office...
Glynda kicked the door open, went inside and kicked it close. She then grabbed the good boy from her cleavage and started to rub her cheek affectionately against his.
Glynda baby voice Oh whose a good boy?! You are! Yes you are!
Jaune was weirded out that the the strictest person on Beacon was giving him love like this, not that he was complaining.
Jaune: So, Ms. Goodwitch, what are we doing today? cute head tilt
Glynda: happy smile Today I’ll be giving you all the head pats and love I can give!
Jaune: Hooray!
5 minutes later...
Glynda was sitting happily on her sofa with Jaune resting on her thighs, She gave him head pats, scratches and belly rubs. Jaune just enjoyed all the affection being given to him like a good boy and snacked on a cookie.
Glynda’s face twisted into something perverted as an idea popped into her head.
10 minutes later...
Glynda mewled in pleassure as Jaune sucked on her breast. Her blouse and bra was undone letter her large tits free. Jaune was still resting her lap eagerly sucking the nipple while his pants her unzipped, letting his “second sword” out.
Glynda stroked on the meat pole as she rubbed his head affectionately.
Glynda: moan Good boy, you’re my good boy!
Jaune liked being called that and serviced his teacher some more. He moaned into her breast which only gave Glynda some more pleasure.
Several hours later...
Glynda was bent over her desk, her hoop skirt hiked up and her panties set aside. She was crying in pleasure as she praised Jaune for being a good boy. Jaune meanwhile was eagerly thrusting into his teacher, determined to make her happy.
Glynda: OOH~! That’s it~! Right there~! You’re such a good boy, Jaune~! A VERY GOOD BOY~!
Jaune tightened the grip on her wide hips and went faster.
Jaune: Ooo~ Ms. Goodwitch, I’m close!
And the good boy did just that...
Glynda’s face turned alhegao and shuddered as she felt his thick sperm inside of her, immediately filling her up.
Glynda: slurred Kiss me~
Jaune obeyed. He leaned forward and captured her lips with his. The two of them continued their love-making for another several minutes.
Coco: Alright, I’m he-OH FUCK! SORRY!
Coco barged into the office, ready to take back her money-making boy, only for her to immediately shut the door when she saw the two like that.
(I couldn’t resist!)
*Knocking at the door at Team JNPR’s dorm.*
Jaune opens the door to see Coco
Jaune: Oh, is it time already? Alright, I’ll get changed.
Coco *Nods*: Yep, time for you to make me some money.
Pyrrha: Money?
Jaune *nods*: Yep, I’ve got a side gig *Turns to Coco* You have my stuff for tonight?
Coco *hands Jaune a bag*: Yeah, It’s leader from Haven, so you know what she wants tonight.
Ren raises an eyebrow, whilst Nora attempts to look in the bag.
Jaune: Ah, just one second.
Jaune *takes his top off and puts on a set of expensive golden dog ears and tail*: Now, I’m dressed. Lets go.
Coco *Rubs here hands together*: Good, you really got that BPE going tonight.
Ren *Looks at Jaune skeptically*: Isn’t that a little racially insensitive to wear?
Jaune *Shrugs*: Velvet doesn’t care.
Pyrrha is struggling not to stare at Jaune, restraining one hand with great strength to not pet him. Nora has no such limits and tries to pet Jaune only to get her hand slapped away by Coco.
Coco: Hands off the merchandise! I will not have you mess with his BPE levels!
Ren: BPE?
Nora: Ah man, I want to pet him.
Pyrrha *Biting her lip hard enough to bleed*: Me too..
Coco *Grabs Jaune by the shoulder*: BPE. Big. Puppy. Energy! This boy here is so full of the stuff that he could fill a keg and sell it, and still have enough to reach level 9 BDE.
Ren *Starts to stare at Jaune*: Oh, I see it now.
Pyrrha *Burning a hole into Jaune’s abs*: I’ve always seen it.
Nora: Why did you start working a side gig, Jauney?
Jaune *putting on a collar that says good boy*: Coco talked me into it, saying I’m a natural 12 on BPE readings, and said I would have a good time. I did! Now, I get belly-rubs, headpats, and treats while getting paid! It’s awesome!
Coco *Rubs Jaune’s head*: Yes, you are a good boy, now lets go make mama some money!
Coco then leads Jaune out of the room.
The room goes silent,
A blushing team RWBY walks in.
Yang: What the hell was that?
Pyrrha: Apparently, Team JNPR is going to have to rent their own leader back.
Weiss *Fidgeting and blushing*: Uh, what are the rates?
Pyrrha: Listen here, you little shit-
Cinder: Alright, I need you all out of here tonight, I’m having company.
Mercury, Emerald, and Neo all look at Cinder with various degrees of disbelief, betrayal, and amusement.
Mercury: Woah boss, didn’t think you hadn’t in you!
Emerald: Why?
Cinder: What? This business is stressful and I need an outlet. *Throws some lien on the table* Now go, have fun or something. *One eye glows* Now.
A frantic Mercury pulls a sulking Emerald out, while Neo smirks does a curtsy and then vanishes.
A couple minutes later knocking is at Cinders door.
Cinder *Peers through a crack in between the door*: Did you bring the goods?
Coco *rips the door open*: Yep, now pay up!
Jaune *walks in*: Hi, Cin!
Cinder *Slaps a stack of Lien into Cocos hand*: Now, we’re even. Leave.
Coco *Slaps Jaune’s butt*: You got him for six hours, then I’ll be back.
Jaune: Bye Coco!
Coco walks out.
Cinder looks from side to side before closing and locking the door.
Cinder in a sweet voice, giving Jaune headpats: How’s my favorite boy doing tonight!
Jaune: Good!
Cinder: Aw, aren’t you cute! Tonight we’re going to watch a bunch of Schdisney, and have all the treats you can eat!
Jaune: Yay!
Neo from under her semblance watches with a mixture of disgust, confusion, amusement, and slight envy at the pair as Jaune lays in Cinder lap as they spend the night watch animated movies.
Several Hours later.
Cinder: NOOO! You can’t just take him away!
Coco: Sorry lady, but I’ve got other clients who’ve booked him. You’ll just have to book him when he’s open again.
Jaune being fireman carried by Coco waves at Cinder: Bye Cin, see you later!
Cinder teary eyed: I’ll miss you, *Turns to Coco* When is his next opening?
Coco pulls out a book: Here,
Cinder: I’ll pay double for the entire day.
Coco: Deal, see you next Saturday.
Coco walks down the hallway with Jaune only for Jaune to start levitating as Ms. Goodwitch pull him towards her.
Glynda: You were going to be late, so I’ve come to claim him early.
Coco *Sweating*: Yeah teach, take you time.
Glynda pushing Jaune’s head into her breasts with a manic look in her eyes: That I will.
Jaune accepts his fate and is carried off.
Coco: Man is she hot, but man is she crazy.
Specialist Arc: Competition Part 3
Oh boy...
Jaune continued to rest in his bed, well trying to anyway. He feels like shit due to the cold and the fact that he let Winter and Glynda do classes by themselves, with him not with them.
He knows that those two hate each other's guts, but he hopes that they'll get along with each other.
And besides, those two are two of the most disciplined people he knows. Surely they won't cause many problems...
Winter and Glynda clashed in the latter's classroom. Their respective weapons have long gone from their grasp as they just settled on fists to cuffs.
The two fierce women were pushing against each other trying to overpower each other. Both seemed to be on equal footing.
Winter: Not bad for an old hag such as yourself!
Glynda: How old do you think I am?!
Winter: smirk Old enough to be Ozpin's wife!
Unbeknownst to Winter, what she said REALLY cut deep, for only that she should be that lazy asshole's wife, but also implying she has lived since the beginning of Remnant.
With a rageful yell, Glynda manages to overpower Winter in their deadlock, and push her into the ground but the specialist intentionally did this so she could kick the angry deputy off of her, sending her flying to the other side of the arena.
Glynda managed to re-orient herself mid-air and land safely. She barely stopped Winter's punch at her face.
Glynda kneed Winter in the gut and threw her away. Winter's aura flared, but she wasn't bothered as much by the blow.
Winter: You call that a hit to the stomach?! Jaune has hit me multiple times there with his big, meaty swo-!
Glynda: SHUT IT!
While the two of them continued their brawl. The students watching were split into two; the ones cheering and betting, and the ones awkwardly watching the entire show.
Blake: This is so scuffed.
Yang: Are you kidding?! This is the best! 20 on Goodwitch!
Weiss: Xiao Long don't make bets!
Ruby: Don't worry Weiss, I got this handled! 30 on Weiss' sister!
Weiss: RUBY!
Ruby: Oh um, sorry! 40 on her!
Coco: 50 on Goodwitch!
Velvet: Coco no!
Oobleck: Should we stop this?
Ozpin: And get in between THAT? No thank you.
Oobleck: ...Fair.
Port: Look at them go! To think this is all because those two are smitten with the Arc lad!
With Jaune...
Jaune: Meh...I'm sure it's fine.
[Hilarious de-railing one-liner]
Jaune: ... h-here's your coffee. *Clears throat* Here is yo... Dammit. *Takes a deep breath before turning around* Here's your coffee.
Coco: *Behind Camera* Cut! Come on Jaune, what was that?
Jaune: *Point at cup* Coffee?
Coco: No. That performance!
Jaune: I'm sorry. This is just my first actual role, so I'm a little nervous.
Coco: Look, it's ok. Just try more... Happy?
Jaune: *Smiles* Here's you coffee!
Coco: Hm, give me unhappy.
Jaune: *Frowns* Here's your coffee...
Coco: Sadder.
Jaune: *Tears up* Here's your coffee!
Coco: Sadder!
Jaune: *Cries* Here's your coffee!!
Coco: Come on Jaune, your wife's dead! Sadder!
Jaune: He-... Wait, I don't have a wife.
Coco: Now you do.
Pyrrha: Hello Again! *Gets shot by Coco off to the side* Ow.
Jaune: Oh my GOD! My wife is DEAD! Here's your COFFEE!!
Coco: Eh. How about... Here's your coffee.
Coco in Jaune’s clothes: Here's your coffee.
Coco: You can do better than that.
Jaune: Here's your coffee.
Coco: You can do worst than that.
Jaune: Here's coffee!
Coco: Give me more.
Jaune: Here’s ya coffee!
Coco: No, more coffee.
Jaune: *Lifts up giant cup of coffee* H-here's your coffee.
Coco: Two cups?
Jaune: *Has two cups in his hands* Here's your coffee.
Coco: No cups?
Jaune: *Cups disappear, splashing coffee all over his hands* ARGH!
Coco: Do it in French.
Jaune: Voici voter café.
Coco: Do it in France.
Jaune: *Over at France*
Coco: Nope, can't hear ya.
Jaune: *Walks in in French clothing, holding a baguette* Hey, I'm back.
Coco: Alright, forget everything.
Jaune: *Looks at his hands* Who am I?
Coco: Let's try roleplay.
Jaune: *Playing a D&D campaign, he roles a 20-sided die* 18!
Dungeon Master Coco: It hits.
Jaune: Yes!
Coco: Now do it like... You're a passenger on the Titanic, the lifeboats are full, and the coffee's your baby.
Jaune: *Dressed like an early 1900′s mother with the coffee wrapped in clothe* Please, mister, take me coffee. Give him a good life, don't let him drown!
Coco: Now do it like a sleazy guy at the bar.
Jaune: *Dressed like Neptune* I like my coffee like I like my women!
Coco: In your pants?
Jaune: In my pants! *Pours coffee down his pants before screaming in agony*
Coco: *Chuckles* Now do it like a musical.
Jaune: 'Milk, coffee beans, and water
Mix 'em all up just like you oughta
Little bit of shug to make it sweet
Cup o' mornin' brown just can't be beat'
Coco: Now do it like your whole life has been leading to this moment. As if the culmination of all the trials and tribulations you've experienced have been leading you to this one, single juncture... Jaune, I want you to picture everything that has come before you and everything that's yet to be and decide that, in spite of it all, there is no place, no time you would rather be... than right here, right now.
Jaune: *Lets out a relieved sigh before smiling contently* ... Here's your coffee.
Coco: Meh. How'd you do it the first time?
Jaune: Here's your coffee.
Coco: Perfect! Cut!
Jaune: *Breathes a sigh of relieve* Thank god.
Coco: Alright, now let's move on to the blowjob.
Jaune: Sorry, what?
Coco: Jaune, this is a porno. *Points over to the actor he’s been doing this scene with, Neo, as well as the many toys on the table*
Neo: *Dressed as a scantily dressed CEO, licks her lips as she looks him up and down*
Jaune: Ah. That would explain him.
Sun: *Operating the microphone from the side, while also being completely nude* You alright dude?
Jaune: Yep.
Jaune: *Frantically searching around beacon* Ruby!? Ruby!?
Coco: *Atop staircase* Ruby!? Ruby!?
Jaune: Is your girlfriend named Ruby too?
Coco: No, but I figured if she's banging a guy like you, I got a shot. Ruby!?
Jaune: Wait what!? Ruby!?
Coco: Ruby!?
Jaune: RUBY!?