Coco Adel - Tumblr Posts

original post here.
“sometimes i just have to ride these feelings out and wait a little while for life to feel right again”
“well, i guess i wouldn’t mind waiting with you”

original post here.
How will the FNDM survive if After the fall legit ends with CocoxCarminexVelvet as a canon happy healthy polly ship?
Scarlet: I think we should definitely go to this ball.
Neptune: Exactly! if the enemy makes a move it will happen there with all the important people gathered in one spot!
Scarlet (wrapping his arms around Yatsuhashi’s neck): Well actually i just want to get this hunk of handsome into a suit, but yeah that thing you said too.
Yatsuhashi (Blushing): I would look ridiculous in a suit.
Scarlet (Leaning over Yatsuhashi’s head to look him in the eyes upside down): I think you would look very dashing love. (Kisses forehead)
(10 minutes later)
Yatsuhashi (Crashing into Coco’s room): I NEED FASHION ADVICE!
Coco: :D

Velvet would probably find a way to convince coco not to wear her sunglasses after the tournament

A sneak peak for @lokii-charms

Mistletoe does great things.

Velvet and Coco taking Honey into the water for the first time.
- Kingdom AU mini comics
I thought it was cute make honey float like a baby otter.

Fox and yatsuhashi would probably rat coco out every chance they get. And Velvet would find out by the news traveling through the school.

Sorry I made you wait crosshares fanbook I drew “honeytrap” Coco×Velvet 1~9p
Publish The following two people cooperated with this English translation!
newnagasawa mikotyzini
Thank you very much for your cooperation
I am Japanese but I look forward to the activation of the content called RWBY! I’m glad I enjoyed it!

Coco and Yang embarrassing their girlfriends - a twitter request

Kisses always lead to awkward situations sadly velvet knows this by heart.

After barely surviving the gas explosion coco is put under velvet’s care.
Im glad you are feeling better. But since you always make me feel better with your drawings, may I request for you to draw whatever makes you happy?

I love the thought of honey always resting on coco’s head.
So people have started shipping Carmine x Coco but I wanna propose ...
Carmine: Hey, who's that? Coco: Hmm? Oh, that's Velvet. Carmine: ... I have decided. She will be mine. Coco: Your pet or your girlfriend? Carmine: Yes. Coco: Move, bitch. I was here first.
Velvet: Fox! Carmine and Coco are going to kill each other! We gotta stop them! Fox: It's survival of the fittest. Yatsuhashi: Cover your ears, Velvet. Velvet: O--Okay. Yatsuhashi: WHY DON'T YOU SHARE?
At that moment
Coco: ... Carmine: ... Coco: Okay, we all sleep in the same bed, but in the mornings I have Velvet on hand to make me tea and feed me snacks. Carmine: I'll get her in the afternoon. I need a new photographer to put photos of me up on Instigram. We'll sleep in the same bed? Coco: In the dorm? Hmm, we'll have to order a new bed to fit all of us. Two actually. Yatsuhashi and Fox can get a bunk bed. Carmine: I want a canopy as well. Coco: Really? What are you, a princess? Carmine: I have standards
Cardin's Nights Out
Cardin never really stayed out and made it a point to return to Beacon after a late night in the city. However, whenever Cardin fails to return to Beacon, his teammates notice that it usually happens after CRDL gets into a fight with a girl in Beacon.
Coco Adel: Coco knocks him out with her purse after she overhears Cardin's racist remarks about Velvet to his teammates. Cardin then wakes up unable to feel his arms and legs, cozy and comfortable in a luxuriously soft bed, and watching Coco in her underwear fixing her makeup before a tall standing mirror.
Nora Valkyrie: Cardin pushes Jaune into a locker. Nora punts Cardin into oblivion with her hammer. Cardin then wakes up to the smell of burnt milk and finds himself in a kitchen destroyed by Nora's attempt at breakfast. However, since Nora was wearing nothing but his shirt from the night before, Cardin can't bring himself to say anything about the damage.
Pyrrha Nikos: Cardin had not done anything to anyone that day, but that did not stop Pyrrha from dominating his team in another 4 v 1 fight. Cardin wakes up earlier than Pyrrha this time, and after his first cup of coffee, he spends the morning just staring at Pyrrha while she sleeps. Stretched out across the bed, red hair sticking to her face in damp strands across her unlined brow, and her sharp-edged, muscular body, like Aphrodite in Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus', covered only with more of Pyrrha's hair and the shameless contentment of satisfaction Jaune could not provide.
Cardin then leaves Pyrrha to sleep it off because even he finds the cuckolding weird as all hell.r
Jaune: haha, I HAVE NO IDEA!
Nora: If I were a Bad Huntress, I wouldn't Be sittin' here, disscussin' it with ya, now would I!
Mercury: Grass Grows, Birds fly, and brother?
Mercury: I Hurt People!
Coco: I am Heavy Weapons user.
Coco: And this- (Expands Gianduja from the purse) - is my weapon.
Pietro: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer and Medical Doctor, that means I solve problems.
Pietro: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
Pietro: I solve practical problems!
Pietro: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbin Grimm from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?
Pietro: The answer? Get a daughter. And if that don't work, Make 'er stronger.
Pietro: Like Penny Here. She's the first Synthetic capable of Using Aura, armed with a dozen Plasma-rail Cannon Swords, all designed by me.
Pietro: Given Soul by me.
Pietro: And you'd best hope ...
Pietro: Not Pointed at you.
May Z: Snipin's a good job M8.
May Z: It's Challengin' work, outta door, and I guarantee you won't go Hungry.
May Z: Cuz' at the end of the day, if there are two people left on the planet, Someone's gonna want someone Dead.
Ironwood: Iff Fighting is Sure to result in Victory, Then you must FIGHT!
Ironwood: Sun Tzu said that! And I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do pal!Because He invented it! Then He perfected it so that no living person could best him in the Ring of Honor!
Mercury: (Struggling with a door) HEY! A little help here!
Ironwood: Out of the way son! Uuuhhh One! One! One! uh! One!
Mercury: Let's go! Let's Go!
(The trio Crashes through the Door)
Mercury: Hey! It's Still Here!
Emerald: Ahem! Gentlemen?
Coco: I fear no man ... But that thing Scares me.
(A heeled silhouette Stalks down a hallway)
Mercury: No! I'm not talking about that Freak! (Struggles with Microphone) Sh- She's not here is she? How do I get this damn thing off!
(The Figure kicks open a door, light shining dangerously off her blade)
Emerald: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes.
(She Grins, Cycling to Ice dust)
Emerald: What Dreams of Chronic and Sustained Cruelty?
Weiss: (Freezes anything and everything in her path, shattering whatever she can as she sings Mirror Mirror)
Jaune: And when the looked for the Sword, it was nowhere to be found!
Coco: (Bursts out laughing, Snorts)
Jaune: Anyway, That's how I lost my Hunting License!
Flynt, on his Trumpet: (DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN DUDUDUDUDU!)