Gone With The Wind - Tumblr Posts

Ciao from the void.
Void with a capital V? If I’m your void, but you’re my void (really wanting to embrace y’all as English’s second person plural)… then is reality a relative void? It is if you remember that everything is mostly nothing, a thought that is both relieving and terrifying depending on where you’re (y’all’re) at mentally (guessing probably not great as we meet here between the trenches in no man’s land).
Behold, the long-expected intro post. However, consider the following arguments:
a. Time is relative
b. Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn
Hi, my name is Kira and I’m a pretentious bastard. Sugar is my drug of choice, love starting my day off on that high and proceeding to crash harder than Icarus. Guess you’ve got to be a self-destructive sadist to believe the ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer and the rage, rage against the dying of the light mindset of academia. It’s a very Greek idea. Profanity, do I hate citations. You’ll find vaguely described sources for quotes and allusions in the tags.
To return to the point—if there ever was one among the rambling nonsense that is my scream stream of consciousness—this is my personal blog that will be filled with mostly studying, but also fun extras like Stuff in General. I’m a linguistics major taking five classes this semester: English, Spanish, French, and two linguistics classes. I’m focused on getting good grades to apply for law school in the ominously approaching future.
Days like today—when I am never enough, gotta do more, gotta be more—are why I’ve joined you in the void despite my general dislike of social media. This blog is for me more than anyone and more of a reminder than anything else.
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
I had a fairly productive day, but it never seems like enough. Listening to an absolute shitmix of low-fi classical alternative punk rock pop with a side of rubbish (like garbage, but tasteful). I’m within and without. Also vibing with Roses by The Band CAMINO.
Look at me go, being all melodramatic and such.
"Knuckles bruised and cracked,
bloodied and stained
from the useless battle
that's at a stalemate
and unable to go onward
or down the drain of forgetting
the cause that's lost,
winning nothing but regret
and degradation that frames
the faces of those
withered in the war."

Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara GONE WITH THE WIND — dir. Victor Fleming (1939)

Muses: fictional and real
I’m showing y’all my furry bastard and I love him. I would go to jail for him.

THE KING AND FOUR QUEENS (Dir: Raoul Walsh, 1956)
With a title referencing star Clark Gable’s reputation as The King of Hollywood, The King and Four Queens is an offbeat western from legendary director Raoul Walsh.
Clark Gable stars as smooth talking drifter Dan Kehoe who rides into the ramshackle, lawless town of Wagon Mound with the intention of relieving Ma McDade (Jo Van Fleet) and her four widowed daughter-in-laws (Eleanor Parker, Jean Willes, Barbara Nichols & Sara Slade) of $100,000 worth of stolen gold. Romancing each of the ladies in order to learn the whereabouts of the stash, it become apparent that the queens are using him as much as he is using them.
Read the full review on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME. Link below.

this is my absolute favourite movie ❤ me and my bf agree that clark gable is hot af
we're going on a date to our local civil war battlefield if anyone wants pictures (not gonna say which one because like, doxxing, but it's in central/eastern nc)

Gone with the Wind (1939)
My favorite dress in any movie ♥️

VIVIEN LEIGH as Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind (1939) dir. Victor Fleming
´´Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo´´,en Sonidos de Pelicula. ´´Gone with the Wind´´ ´´Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo´´ es una Produccion Epica,Historica y Romantica de
´´Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo´´,en Sonidos de Pelicula. ´´Gone with the Wind´´ ´´Lo Que El Viento Se Llevo´´ es una Produccion Epica,Historica y Romantica de

me and you went to see that movie, remember? thought maybe we could read it outloud, help kill the time or something
Gone With the Wind (1939) dir. Victor Fleming, novel by Margaret Mitchell//The Outsiders (1983) dir. Francis Ford Coppola, novel by S.E. Hinton

We had been waiting for over an hour for Vivien Leigh. Clark Gable was pacing back and forth. “If that’s the way they do things in England, I don’t want to make this picture,” he stormed. “I couldn’t make love to that dame now if she were the most beautiful woman in the world!” And then a rustle of silk, the sweet smell of lilacs and there was the most beautiful woman in the world, standing behind him, touching his shoulder, whispering: “I quite agree, Mr. Gable. If I were a man I’d tell that Vivien Leigh to go right back to merry old England and fuck herself.” Gable turned and looked. Leigh looked back. The look in their eyes had flash bulbs in it. Slowly Rhett Butler took Scarlett O'Hara by the arm and walked onto the Southern staircase, talking and smiling as though they’d known each other all their lives. Five minutes after they’d met, she wrapped him around her little finger. She really had charm. - Clarence Sinclair Bull, The Faces of Hollywood

“I didn’t want to wear your tacky green dress anyhow, stingy.”