Crisp Rat - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

If we have to suffer through Crisp Rat's voice for the entire movie, we better at least get 15 minutes of Bowser fucking the absolute shit out of Luigi.

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2 years ago

You ever think about how like… Chris Pratt probably canonically doesn’t exist in a lot of movie universes?

It’s just Star Lord or Owen Grady or Mario.

Nobody in the Marvel canon has ever heard of Christopher Micheal Pratt.

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All y'all complaining about Chris Rat in the new Mario movie like it isn't a opportunity. Call it the Mario Challenge. When this movie is released take it as personal challenge to memorise Mario's line and voice over the film. Vo Chris's Va.

Seriously, anything's gotta be better than Crispy Shits voice.

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4 years ago

Maybe Chris Pratt isn’t “overtly political” but what people need to realize is that politics and human rights are inextricably tied together. So when you say he isn’t political, you’re really saying that he doesn’t care enough to fight for the rights of marginalized communities.

Quick note: I don’t think we should be “canceling” any of these men because cancel culture is fucking toxic, but we still need to call them out on their bs. What really makes me upset is the fact that mcu cast members who are actually facing racism and sexism are attacked and mocked on a daily basis, and none of these white men with huge fanbases have said jack shit.

Mcu peter parker said that if you can do the things he can do and then the bad things happen, it’s your fault. I believe the same idea applies here. When you have these bases of people to influence and then they attack women and poc simply for existing, and you don’t stick up for them at all, that stuff is (in part) your fault.

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4 years ago

I hate it so much when people say they don’t talk about politics as if they’re this frivolous, petty thing. Policies affect people, and when you say you don’t talk about politics it typically means that you aren’t afraid that policies are going to negatively affect you, and that you don’t care if they negatively affect others.

This doesn’t mean talking about politics is easy, or that it’s not exhausting at times. Sometimes we need a break from having to defend our human and civil rights to people who want to take them away. But the fight is always going to be worth it to help those who have been beaten down by the people in charge their entire lives.

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