Nightwings - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Oh my gosh I love these!!!!! Your artstyle is so cool what!!???!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!

There They Are

there they are

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5 years ago

WoF Characters as Out of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner

Thorn and Sunny

WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner


WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner

The entire NightWing tribe

WoF Characters As Out Of Context Kurtis Conner

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2 years ago

Allknowing, to Clearsight: Your visions are weird; what’s wrong with you???

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8 months ago

Thinkin about Moonwatcher again

AU where she’s actually terrible at hiding her powers and it’s only through BBC Merlin levels of pure obliviousness that nobody finds out.

She thinks they know. They don’t.

Notable examples of Things That Have Happened Because Moon Is A Terrible Actor include:

- Kinkajou’s mind in music class: “man what’s that song that’s like ‘IF OUR LOOOVE’S INSANITY WHY ARE YOU MY CLARITY’”

Moon: (immediately starts singing Clarity by Zedd because now it’s stuck in HER head too) (realizes) (stops and shuffles awkwardly)

- Moon finally working up the courage to volunteer to read aloud to the class but she suddenly gets The Vision TM and starts reciting the Jade Mountain prophecy, glowy eyes and all, before apologizing awkwardly and continuing right back into the book. She distances herself from everyone as much as she can the rest of the day but nobody notices anything and just assumed she got lost somehow because she DID drop her book when the vision started

- Moon bringing up SPECIFICALLY the moment where Cobra threw Qibli at the wall for stealing her a coconut in conversation about childhoods “yeah my mom was terrible” “yeah didn’t you like steal a coconut for her and she threw you at the wall??? And you were like REALLY young at the time right???” “…I don’t remember telling you that but yEAH she did” (awkward look from Moon)

- Moon slipping up and saying there are “too many thoughts in here” in a crowded room and even as she’s stiffening up and has this SUPER awkward look on her face everyone just assumes she means her brain like anyone else would

-Moon saying “Mood” when the chorus to Noise by Leah Marlene plays and immediately covering her mouth and looking guilty (all jokes aside please check out this song it’s so good)

-Moon winning 20 questions MULTIPLE times in a row. She’s banned from guessing games now. She always asks one or two questions just to be a lil bit normal but it’s like. “I’m thinking of an animal” “is it furry?” “No” “corn snake?” “yEAH ACTUALLY-”

-Moon having designated a lil area that nobody really goes to where she can run off to if she feels a vision coming on and she’s able to run and Peril getting lost and walking in on her a GAZILLION times (bonus points if it’s in Stonemover’s cave purely because that’d be really funny)

And combine that with the canon muttering prophecies in her sleep and knowing immediately what’s wrong with Bandit and it’s just overall a REALLY suspicious picture

So of course she’s VERY confused after the history cave incident when it turns out NOBODY knew.

(Not even Kinkajou, who unironically used the expression “you just read my mind” SO many times around her it COULDN’T have been a coincidence, right???)

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8 months ago

And time to finally put some old (and kinda stupid but also dear to me) WoF headcanons back here from the accounts that got nuked back when tumblr mobile updates reset everything I had

-All of the current Seawing princes named each other. Coral sure wasn’t gonna do it so after about the first five or six they all just decided to start naming each other

-Which power(s) a moonborn dragonet will get depends on which moon(s) is/are full. If Oracle is full, Nightwing dragonet gets prophecy. If Perception is full, Nightwing dragonet gets mind reading. If Imperial is full, it’s a brightest night and hOo BoY BUCKLE UP it’s gonna be intense

-not exactly a headcanon but AU where Whiteout is JUST icewing enough to be killed by the knife Darkstalker enchanted to kill one icewing a month purely for the aNgSt (and the possibility of it going after her or himself is why he added the ability to stop it)

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1 year ago
Love This Guy

Love this guy

GloryBringer is probably the only decent canon couple (I only read the first two arcs, mind you)

PS. If you're going to argue about his age, just move on and scroll past. I don't care for discourse.

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1 year ago
In A Q/A With Tui, She Stated That Blood Moons Affect A Nightwing's Powers, Allowing Seers To See Terrible

in a Q/A with Tui, she stated that blood moons affect a nightwing's powers, allowing seers to see terrible events/disasters clearly and allowing mind readers to project their thoughts onto any dragon (not just other mind readers)

i thought this was a really cool detail, and i'm hoping that it's used in the books somewhere

here are two sisters born under a blood moon, one a mind reader and the other a seer. i imagine the mind reader uses telepathy to comfort her sister as she foresees troubling futures

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8 months ago

I love how in The Dark Secret we learn that NightWings sleep hanging upside down, like bats and then it's immediately forgotten in the following books

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5 months ago

Hello people! since mid 2023 We've been devoloping a movie adaption to the legends darkstalker book. but right now we're kinda in a bad spot. we have a good amount of staff but no motivation. So if you're interested in helping with this project. come along and show us what you're made of! Here are the roles we need:

.Background character voices


.storyboard artists

.artists in general

.sound designers

.music composers


Hello People! Since Mid 2023 We've Been Devoloping A Movie Adaption To The Legends Darkstalker Book.

Hey guys!! I just joined the server today and it seems like they needed some help looking for people (i think I’m the only one who’s recently applied so far) so I thought I should post it here! Essentially it’s a passion project to make a big ol Wings of Fire animation/movie based on the Darkstalker legends book. (The doodle above is me drawing the Darkstalker design I was shown!)

It looks REALLY cool so I’d love to help it get seen, which is why I asked for them to write an advertisement for me to copy and paste here! Thanks for reading!

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9 months ago

NightWing powers to give your oc if you're not a bitch ass coward/j

Seeing or feeling ghosts of the dead

Erasing/manipulating other dragons' memories

Communicating telepathically with non-mindreaders

Seeing thru walls

Feeling someone else's pain

Knowing what other animals are thinking and/or predicting their behavior

Not quite being a mindreader or a prophet but always being able to sense when someone else is there (stronger sense than is normal) or knows instantly when they're being watched/paid attention to

Knowing exactly what others think but only as it relates to them

Finding out someone else's fortune but only if they're touching them

Only knowing what someone else is thinking when they're touching them

Guessing everyone's name right without ever having heard it before. Like they can look at a dragon they've never seen and guess their name

Seeing a dragon and knowing exactly what they looked like as a dragonet and exactly what they'll look like when they're older. Like knowing exactly what they will look and have looked like at every age.

Seeing an egg and consistently being able to accurately guess the sex of the dragonet

A strangely accurate sense of time passing. Like they can just clock an exact minute in their head no biggie

Prophetic dreams

Writing down prophecies they come up with when they're drunk, waking up and finding them, and remembering them later when they come true.

Anything they paint or draw comes true in a few days or weeks

knowing what song is stuck in every dragon's head at a given moment and like nothing else that goes on in their thoughts

Seeing dragons in their dreams that they haven't met yet but will soon

Having the same or a similar dream as anyone sleeping next to them. If they sleep in a pile or otherwise with multiple dragons all the dreams smoosh together

Knowing when other dragons will die but not how

Knowing how other dragons will die but not when

Knowing other dragons' type (why? They don't know)

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9 months ago

NightWing powers to give your oc if you're not a bitch ass coward/j

Seeing or feeling ghosts of the dead

Erasing/manipulating other dragons' memories

Communicating telepathically with non-mindreaders

Seeing thru walls

Feeling someone else's pain

Knowing what other animals are thinking and/or predicting their behavior

Not quite being a mindreader or a prophet but always being able to sense when someone else is there (stronger sense than is normal) or knows instantly when they're being watched/paid attention to

Knowing exactly what others think but only as it relates to them

Finding out someone else's fortune but only if they're touching them

Only knowing what someone else is thinking when they're touching them

Guessing everyone's name right without ever having heard it before. Like they can look at a dragon they've never seen and guess their name

Seeing a dragon and knowing exactly what they looked like as a dragonet and exactly what they'll look like when they're older. Like knowing exactly what they will look and have looked like at every age.

Seeing an egg and consistently being able to accurately guess the sex of the dragonet

A strangely accurate sense of time passing. Like they can just clock an exact minute in their head no biggie

Prophetic dreams

Writing down prophecies they come up with when they're drunk, waking up and finding them, and remembering them later when they come true.

Anything they paint or draw comes true in a few days or weeks

knowing what song is stuck in every dragon's head at a given moment and like nothing else that goes on in their thoughts

Seeing dragons in their dreams that they haven't met yet but will soon

Having the same or a similar dream as anyone sleeping next to them. If they sleep in a pile or otherwise with multiple dragons all the dreams smoosh together

Knowing when other dragons will die but not how

Knowing how other dragons will die but not when

Knowing other dragons' type (why? They don't know)

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8 months ago
Some Fanart For The Fanfic Broken Jade!

Some fanart for the fanfic Broken Jade!

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