Daughters - Tumblr Posts
Hello! Can you do the reaction spiders when they ask their daughter "Are there any handsome boys in your class?" and she replied "None, but there are beautiful girls"
I think you understand what I'm hinting at
Of course I can do that!
And yes, I do understand what you are hinting at lol
Full credit to la-squadra1234
(BTW You did not tell me which characters you wanted me to do specifically, so I am just going to do the male characters of the phantom troupe)
“So….is there anybody specifically that you like at your school”
“Uhh yeah, I mean I have tons of friends and I like all of them They are so nice and cool!”
“ I did not mean that way I meant liking someone as in having a crush on them”
“ oh, well, in that case yeah I do”
“ what’s his name…and what does he look like…”
“ you will find out who she is when you pick me up from school tomorrow!”
his eyes would widen, and he would ask them to repeat them self once again and his eyes would widen a bit, but then they would soften, and he would smile underneath his mask, but he would keep it to himself and act as if nothing happened
“ so are there any “cute” guys at your school that you like.”
“Uhh well I like one person she is very kind and caring and pretty!”
He would continue on with the conversation as if nothing happened, but he heard everything that you said he honestly wouldn’t pay any mind to it. He doesn’t care as it does not affect him and it does not hurt you, so it’s perfectly fine with him
“I know this is very different of me to ask, but is there boy that you like at your school?”
“Nope… but there is one really pretty and nice girl!”
“ that’s nice”
He honestly wouldn’t care and would just continue the conversation as usual 
“So kid you got any kind of boyfriend at that school of yours?!”
“No I am not dating anybody, but there is this pretty girl at my school!”
“ are you friends with her”
“Well you should introduce me to her sometime”
It would honestly just be a casual and pretty joyful conversation for the both of them and they wouldn’t really pay any mind to it
“So…do you have a boyfriend of some sort”
“Uhhh no where would I even get a boyfriend from”
“ I don’t know kids your age can find just about anything if they put their minds to it honestly it’s crazy anyways is there anybody that you like?”
“Yep there is this really pretty and kind girl in my class!”
“Oh that’s cool”
He would act as if he did not notice anything different than usual but inside he cannot wait to tell uvogin everything
“I know this is a random question but is there any boy that you like in your school”
“No why would you think that”
“I wasn’t thinking that I was just wondering”
“ there is a really pretty girl in my class though and she is smart and kind as well!”
“ well isn’t that nice”
He would support his daughter as much as he possibly can and he would try his best not to get in the way as much as possible
“ so is there anybody that you have a crush on?”
“ oh my God dad that is literally so embarrassing. You can’t just ask me something like that!”
“ well I have to know this kind of stuff!”
“ I mean, I guess you’re right about that?”
“ so what’s the boys name?”
“Uhh you will see her at my school”
“Oh ok!”
He would be his usual, joyful self, and he honestly wouldn’t care as long as his daughter is happy and doing well in life
“So~ is there anyone in particular that you are seeing at the moment?”
“Uh no why?”
“Oh no reason, do you have a crush on anybody?”
“Yep I do!”
“ what’s his name?”
“ It’s up to you to find out her name yourself old man”
He honestly wouldn’t even realize because he would be so caught up in the fact that you called him old man when he isn’t even that old, he would be very offended, and he would be sure to tell illumi but then he would think about what you said later and he wouldn’t really think too much of it. He wouldn’t care at all it’s your life and your choice!
That’s it for today everybody!
I stayed up all night and I am so tired. It’s 8:41 a.m. right now and I woke up at 11:30 AM yesterday lol I am always staying up so late
 I hope everybody enjoyed this post just as much as I did it was honestly pretty fun making it and it took a lot of creativity!
Thank you for all the support bye now!
My girls jammin to Baby Metal! #familytime #daughters #heavymetal #babymetal #jpop #mississippi

It has begun. #dccomics #dcuniverse #daughters #jla #jsa #jlu #superman #superheroes #batman #wonderwoman #cartoons

Typical Friday night entertainment... #dance #dancecentral #familytime #dancedammit #daughters #comics https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmmr0EFHcvb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11hw4j0t2rw8k

Typical Friday night entertainment... #dance #dancecentral #familytime #dancedammit #daughters #comics @yomommariley @thai_r2 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bmmr0EFHcvb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vauvj52pvld

Safety first! #familytime #daughters #safetyfirst😂 #comics #sexyundies https://www.instagram.com/p/BmpWIEin0vK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13jfpi97nlk9l

Going into the Spider-verse with these knuckledraggers. #familytime #daughters #movietime🎬 #spiderman #comics #dcuniverse https://www.instagram.com/p/Br-21xYhPxV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1avlswh35ek7h
So, yeah... this happened... #familytime #daughters #teenagers #chalupa https://www.instagram.com/p/BsMs4Cyhs-C/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmecs2gbcy2t

A late Happy Father’s Day to all of you! These little monsters mean everything to me and make me want to be a better person good r them. I miss this man everyday. He proved family isn’t blood and treated me like his own son. I wonder how he would handle these hurdles? Would he approve what I’m doing? I don’t know, but I’m doing what he taught me, do the best you can and take care of yours. Happy Father’s Day to you all. #fathersday #family #daughters #familyisntalwaysblood #familyisntblood (at Olive Branch, Mississippi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byy78V6hNv5/?igshid=1viksdcqy0pgh

These little people make me want to be a better human, and this old man showed me how. I truly wonder every day if he would handle these things the same way or have a better solution? Would he be proud or disappointed? His shadow still extends over his family to this day. #fathersday #familytime #daughters #love #familyisntalwaysblood (at Olive Branch, Mississippi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBuIn7kh8jH/?igshid=1368fbkn29b2g
As probably every other fan of the Dragon Prince I too watched the new season the moment it came out. I loved it. It was sad, funny, sometiems scary, gave us few answers and probably created new ones.
Spoilers ahead
I liked Callum and Rayla story. I loved the wedding of Amaya and Janai. I love how Terry takes care of Claudia and how he is not swayed by Aaravos’ pretty words. I’m glad Zubeia is getting better and I’m sad Katolis was burned down. Ezran once again loses almost everything. But he still has his family and Aanya (who may have a thing for him? I’m not sure.)
Sol Regen got what he deserved. (I should’ve known he and Luna were partners, Sun and Moon?)
My only question is why Aaravos is so fucking big? But that’s not exactly what I want to write about.
When I started watching TDP the first time I never expected I would cry for a certain guy named Viren. Probably nobody did.
But in the end I cried.
His story was for me the best in this season. Once again he admitted he made mistakes, that he was a bad man, a bad father. He didn’t expect to be forgiven and accepted his punishment. He refused following Claudia and tried to get her to listen and stop following Aaravos. He changed and although we seen it in the previous season, it’s even more obvious here. He was so scared. Tormented by his choices, by that one elf who is a menace, by the fact his son didn’t want to talk or listen to his apologies. He knew he didn’t deserve any forgiveness and even if he wasn’t fine with that, who would be, he accepted it. And when it came to an end, he did what he was meant to do from the beginning. He once again was that person who is supposed to help people. He sacrificed himelf, last time used dark magic, to save his kingdom. He made mistakes and in the end chose to one last time be the servant of the people.
There is also story of Aaravos and Leola. Was it true? I hope it was. It was certainly beautiful. Startouched elves suck. Poor girl. This was so unfair.
But I wonder, they said the startouched elves can’t be killed and yet she is said to be dead. Why then, when the “higher ups” seen what Aaravos became afterwards only let him be imprisoned instead of killing him? Or did he get rid of them beforehand?
It’s also amazing how the last episode resolves around three daughters. One that was lost. One that lost herself. And one, that finds those who are lost.
I have questions to men who have daughters, and they tell them they hate them and their daughters are dead to them:
What goes through your mind when you say things to them?
Are you aware of the effects that your daughters can have in the future?
What is it about seeking help that is such a stigma?
How is it okay to throw angry words at your daughters and treat them as punching bags?
Why is so hard to accept the fact that your daughters want to accomplish something in their lives?
I mean, it’s the 21st century: women are strong, empowering, and independent.
What’s wrong with that? Why hold us back?
Do yourselves a favor: go seek help. It doesn’t have to be physical, especially since COVID is still going around. Call someone, go online and speak to someone virtually. Because honestly, I’m sick of this treatments that daughters have from their fathers.
Let’s get it together.
“To my daughter I will say, ‘See your beauty without a compliment or a mirror.’”
— ‘Blind’ by Della Hicks-Wilson
The thing about being a single daughter in an Indian household is the constant helplessness you feel. My whole life I’ve had to hear every single relative tell my parents that they’re going to end up on their own as I anyways belong to someone else’s house. Every time I see my dad struggling to do heavy lifting jobs, but will not let me help, I’ve had to live with the disgusting feeling of being a pointless existence. For every minute of every day my parents spend worrying about the only daughters safety in this horrible world, I wish I was not who I was. Having to live with the fear I might not be able to be there for my aging parents because ultimately in a conservative society where I have to survive, a girl like me will always be someone else’s property. To watch your parents give their literal life towards fulfilling the one goal they think is the most precious of all- your marriage… it feels sickening, which I’m sure most of us desi girls feel constantly. The helplessness turns into anger. Anger at the injustice of this fucked up society and it’s norms, anger at my parents for believing in them and worse… for giving me the understanding of right and wrong only to then tell me shut up and adhere to the baseless and stupid rules. This anger eats away at any happiness, hope and fire I have in me. As each day goes by, I barely have the strength to breathe amidst this helplessness.