Desi Things - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

‘I made us a new Pinterest board’ gf 🥂 ‘I made us a new Spotify playlist’ bf

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11 months ago

No because getting punished by my body for not getting pregnant is not very girls’ girl of her.

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11 months ago

Spring date idea 🌸🌿

A rainy morning, museum or bookstore or library and after the rain subsides, sitting under the sun at an outdoor cafe.

Spring Date Idea
Spring Date Idea

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11 months ago

Every petal whispers rebirth 🌸🍒

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10 months ago

Sometimes I get sad but then I change my wallpaper and it passes.

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10 months ago

Just some food for thought.

Some people think the worst place to be in is the “friend zone “, being in an unrequited state where you love someone but they don’t love you more than as a friend. While I do sympathize with people struggling with this, been there, done that, believe me, no one talks about what it is like to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Being the one they’re in love with, and being unable to reciprocate their feelings. The guilt that comes with feeling like you’re stringing them along and giving them false hope when you’re just being a good friend. Overthinking your words and actions so it’s not construed as something more than friendship. Acknowledging their great qualities and thinking how it would be so easy if you could just love them like they love you. Struggling to maintain boundaries when all you want to do is open up to them completely. People coming up to you and trying to get you to change your mind about giving your relationship a shot.

It’s painful, heartbreaking and so confusing.

While being in the friend zone sucks for many reasons, it doesn’t feel particularly good knowing you’ve unintentionally put someone there.

The duality of this situation is very intriguing.

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10 months ago

Read something on here along the lines of “You’re not a real reader if you read overhyped YA books like those written by Colleen Hoover.”

Remind me again, who is the authority on acknowledging “real” readers?

Would love to discuss this with a “real” reader who wouldn’t touch a CoHo book with a ten-foot pole and get to know their take on Homer, Iliad and Aeneid, which they’ve obviously been reading since utero.

People’s preferences are their business and you’re an entitled, self- important “real” reader with an excuse to pass unwarranted judgement on someone who just wants to read a freaking book. All I know is that an actual “real” reader, is just concerned about their ever growing pile of TBRs.

I’d rather read Wattpad fanfic written for pre-teens than judge someone for trying to take on or enjoy reading, even if it is CoHo. But maybe it’s just me.

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10 months ago

Life is starting to feel like this song.

P.S. Song recommendations are welcome.

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9 months ago

daily clicks for palestine

donate to feed refugees in rafah

spreadsheet of gofundmes to evacuate families

fundraiser for esims for gaza

orgs to donate to

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9 months ago

No book is as sad as Diary of a Young Girl. I remember reading this book when I was in junior school and being hooked. The concept of journalling was not new to me but the idea that someone was quite literally pouring every emotion out into her diary was fascinating. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read the pages of Anne’s diary. Random dates and incidents I’ve memorized because they meant something to me. It reminds me of how unfair life can be sometimes. How easy it is to take for granted, the bare essentials of life like food, water, shelter and freedom to exist.

No Book Is As Sad As Diary Of A Young Girl. I Remember Reading This Book When I Was In Junior School

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9 months ago


“Remember, if goddesses like Aphrodite can exist with their own perfect imperfections, you can too.”

phantomprose - this and that

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9 months ago


Post all the aesthetic photos you want, I was still washing sand out till the next day.

phantomprose - this and that

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