Diner - Tumblr Posts

They play loud k-pop and serve a set meal of pierogi with pepsi here
And it's their grzaniec:

And these romantic sets:

It's just beautiful
Abandoned diner

I can imagine and hear the music playing and see the people who used to eat here

On Character.AI I talked with a Wally bot, and he said he works a shift at a diner! While this isn’t canon, the idea of Wally working in a 60s-70s diner is adorable! So I drew it-
Ladies Man?
Ship: Destiel, dean x Castiel
warnings: clueless Cas and a jealous Dean
Summary: The boys are out for breakfast discussing their next hunt when the waitress decides to hit on Cas, making Dean only slightly bothered.
A/N: This is an old fic I wrote from my wattpatt beep beep

Dean Winchester has been working on cases since forever. Without a doubt on every single case he has gone on he won some chicks heart, then left them the next morning. Now he was sitting with his family at some old diner talking about a case Sam has picked up. "So get this, there is multiple missing adults down in Wisconsin. Uhh except one was found with their heart ripped out in the woods. So what do we have, werewolf?" Dean and cas sat there while Sam went on, except cas was the only one listening.
Dean had been distracted by a raven haired beauty. "Dean." Sam says literally snapping at him to bring him back to the topic "Yeah werewolf, people gone... Hearts missing." Dean says pulling a cheeky grin "Dean you have to pay attention." Cas says giving him a glare.
Deans face sparks red. Yeah him and Cas are best friends but, whenever these situations occur Dean can't help but blush to see Cas getting mad about Dean looking at some girl. He wondered why he'd do that a lot.
"Sorry..sorry the ladies man inside me is calling." Dean says about to get up and go to the girl when she comes over, he sits down and smirks.
"Hello guys, my name is Logan! How may I help you today?" "You can help me all you want Logan." Dean says looking up at her with his big green orbs. "Uh no thank you. How about you sweetcake?" She says walking over to Cas. "I've never tried a sweetcake before? Is it good?" The girl laughs and places her hand on castiels shoulder.
Dean feels his heart aching. Sam notices and cuts in. "I'll have a coffee and the fruit and egg omelette, and my brother Dean will have the pancake and bacon special." He quickly states handing over all the menus
"Okay, and what about you honey?" She says turning back to Cas "I'm good with the coffee, I've tried honey alone it's too sweet for me." She giggles and shakes her head, "you're too cute. I'll be back with all your food in a quickie."
When she walks away Cas starts talking about the case like he hadn't noticed the girl hitting on him at all. Which he probably hadn't. "Cas, seriously?" "What, what is it Dean?" "That girl totally had the hots for you!" Dean says hiding down his inner jealousy "She did?" "Yeah! Totally!" "She should be consoled by a doctor if she was over heating." Cas says like he dope he is. "No- uh Cas. She likes you!" "Likes me?" "Yes! Like a profound liking.." Dean says in a hushed tone purposely using that word. Sam caught it and laughed to himself, causing a kick to the shin "Oh so how I like you?" "No no wait what?" Dean says sitting straight up "Well Dean, I li-" "Eggs omelette and pancakes! Oh and here's some more coffee sugar!" Logan says interrupting the conversation. Dean stiffens up and glares at her while Sam smiles and accepts his meal, "thank you Logan." She nods and walks away brushing her hand across Cas' shoulders. Which causes him to tense up. "Well back to the case I think that bla bla bla bla..." Dean zones out. 'He likes me?' He feels the world spinning and quickly stands up. "I need to go outside." Cas looks up at him in confusion, "but you haven't even touched your food?" "I just- I just need some fresh air." Dean says turning and leaving
Cas looks to Sam and he nods for castiel to follow him.
Cas finds Dean sat against a pillar looking out into the woods next door.
"Dean." "Gah! Jesus Cas, don't do that." Cas hides a small grin and sits next to Dean. "I'm surprised that I can "spook" you compared to all the things you've seen." "Ah shud'up, I just didn't expect you."
"Dean we were talking about our profound bond and it seemed to bother you." "Bother me? No I just.." "Didn't expect me to say that?" Dean turns to Cas. Sometimes Cas doesn't understand a lot of things. But this time Dean was taken back on how Castiels mannerism was about this topic. "I didn't."
Cas hesitantly puts his arms around Dean and hugs him, "What are you doing?" "Well it's called a hug-" Dean laughs and returns the hug, causing Cas to feel at ease. When they separate Dean looks up at the blue eyed man. "I got jealous that, that chick was hitting on you..." "Oh I know that Dean. You think I can't feel no not even, you think I can't see your emotions displayed on your face?" "Heh yeah I guess you can."
There was a pause of silence.
"I like you Dean" 'What?' Dean thinks before turning to Cas and pulling his head into a kiss Cas quickly kissed Dean back. Their love unraveling after being held in for nine years. When they separate Dean looks Cas in the eyes,
"I've always... loved you Cas."
Cas then proceeded to knock Dean off the deck and on the ground with the most profound kiss a man could receive.
"I guess that was a 'I love you too'?" Dean says helping Cas up. "Ah shud'up." Castiel says mimicking deans said words "let's go find Sam."
Hey guys! I wanted to post this because I just really like clueless Cas in it and I thought you guys would too! <3
Me just now realizing Mark was probably even more okay with the slightly slow young boy talking to him because he smells like his ex mate 🫣
Also not to mention he was probably only at the diner to watch out the window and see if he could spot him inside the shop. 🫣🫣🫣

id: a digital drawing of an original character-diner. siner is a humanoid with blueish grey fish scales, a fish tail and a sea urchin head. they’re wearing a yellow dress with a floral pattern, white socks and black roller skates. they’re shown skating along a rainbow, throwing both of their hands up in the air, making peace signs. the background is blue and filled with fluffy clouds. end id
diner uses any pronouns

Album art for my friend's music! https://keytailedfox.bandcamp.com/album/black-coffee
Old Friends in WV
Accusations make the coffee bitter. The stranger doesn’t like his coffee bitter, if you can call his creamy slurry *coffee* at all. It’s the only thing the waitress has brought him since he arrived. Steady rain knocks at the window like it’s curious how he managed to pass through it without getting wet.
He’s pouring another dose of cream, unperturbed, while the diner stares at him. Twenty minutes ago it had been a vibrant place; workers between shifts meeting for their coffee and rumors, long distance haulers catching their moments relaxation. It had all slowly peeled away into silence. The stranger did not belong, tall and thin except for wide, heavy shoulders that hung like wings behind his coat a season too heavy. His shadow does not belong. He knows them all.
The stranger doesn’t need to lift his eyes, methodically stirring the concoction in his mug, to feel it. The spoon orbits the curve of the mug once, twice, nine times without scarcely a ripple. When he lifts the mug to his thin lips there is a man opposite him, broad and heavyset.
“Where you from?” It’s a blunt object as much as a question, and a nations worth of paranoia hangs behind the words. This man believes he should be afraid of foreign men in suits, invaders and nuclear bombs tucked into tidy suitcases. But the stranger can sense the deeper fear hiding behind his anger.
“The hell you smiling for?”
The stranger leans back, relaxed. Somewhere in the diner, a phone rings. No one moves to reach it, but every soul in the room feels its tug. Tommy Nichols most of all.
*Because, Tommy, we’re old friends. Don’t you remember?*
Tommy Nichols without warning, becomes a statue carved from terror. The anger that bubbled up out of him, like an animal trapped and caged striking at capturing hands, it vanishes into the cold in his stomach. Tommy Nichols remembers the phone calls. The nightly, incessant phone calls, rising out of bed in the dark, fumbling for a phone that rooted in place seems to run away from him. Listening to the clicking, hissing nothing from the receiver. Waiting. Every night, waiting for something, standing alone in the living room until the silence blended into sounds, and the sounds into words.
Words that he could not bear to remember. Words that come now like black wings across fifty nights.
The stranger turns his gaze to the others, stands. Moments ago they felt emboldened, maybe even ready to strike him. But now they look, all of them, exactly the same as they did in the dark, listening to the phone whisper its designs into their ears. Afraid, deliciously afraid.
*We are all friends*, the stranger says, smiling, *but I don’t believe you know my name*.
The strangers voice is a whisper, the itching familiarity that has lingered with every nightmare and half-remembered waking. It has tiptoed across every mind behind a booth or on a stool in the place, fingers brushing their every waking moment like a rising chill.
*Cold. My name is Cold*.

Ravioli ripieni di mortadella e mantecati con pesto di basilico 🇮🇹 Mortadella ravioli with basil pesto 🇬🇧 http://www.denisefoodesigner.com/en/2018/06/28/mortadella-ravioli-with-basil-pesto/

🇮🇹 Amici avete ospiti a cena? Se si, perché non provate questa ricetta facile e veloce? Si tratta di un bel piatto di Carnaroli, scalogno e zafferano 😋😉 🇬🇧 Have you got guests at dinner? Why don’t you prepare this delicious dish? It’s simple and quick! This is Carnaroli rice with shallot and saffron😋😋