Disgust - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Lol it kinda looks like Disgust is being a hater and I love that



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8 months ago

I think detaching disgust from morality is one of the keys to Chilling Out. You can find inner peace by being able to go "hm! Gross" and recognize if it's an actual problem or not. Cause if it's not an actual problem... it's not your problem 🙏 god bless

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7 months ago
I'm Done With This One But The 2 One I'm Having Trouble With Which One Is Gonna Slap And Which One Is

I'm done with this one but the 2 one I'm having trouble with which one is gonna slap and which one is gonna accidentally kiss?

I'm Done With This One But The 2 One I'm Having Trouble With Which One Is Gonna Slap And Which One Is

@bamthebatmobile @inspectorcosmo

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2 years ago

I am wholly disappointed and unseemingly disgusted, in this crowd and of it's participants. I'm so sick of being ignored. :/

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3 years ago


Also do you think that Ian will be good at being a hockey player. Cuz in the original movie of inside out Riley is a hockey player and I think that it will fit him very well!

Inside Onward - The New Iandore

I just got a 2 in 1 laptop tablet combo for Christmas, which means Inside Onward is the last fanfiction I wrote on this hunk of junk laptop.  And I couldn’t be prouder of that.  Honestly, not only is this the longest fanfic I’ve written, I kinda stopped up and teared up at the last paragraph, not wanting to see this end.  Thank you all for reading.

Keep reading

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2 years ago
(from "The Beggar And The Virtue") They Handed Coins To The Beggar.

(from "The Beggar and the Virtue") They handed coins to the beggar.

They greeted him friendly and smiled.

As the beggar smiled together,

they turned away, went elsewhere.

They visited the virtue who was sick.

They gave the virtue words of consolation.

They were truly heartbroken, wanted to add good faith.

The virtue made a confession of his own life

and they also spoke of their own virtue.

The virtue thanked them.

The beggar didn't understand their virtue,

so he cut off his tongue, threw it at them.

The beggar felt a sense of loss, but they showed disgust.

The beggar couldn’t see the virtue’s face.

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2 years ago
gayphrogs - Everything

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