Dnd 5e Homebrew - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

3 years ago
Week 1: UnityDay 2: The Deserter

Week 1: Unity Day 2: The Deserter

The Deserter is narratively the black sheep for this week’s theme, but Mechanically, it fits right in. With access to the protection fighting style and feature that draws reaction attacks, the Deserter has the potential to lean into a more support oriented style of combat.

This Roguish archetype comes from a simple desire: to be a Rogue with heavier equipment. Of course, you can’t build a whole subclass off of that, so this one has been a struggle for me.

One of my friends suggested charging, and I was reminded of The Banner Saga’s Backbiter (the capstone’s namesake), as well as 3.5′s scout. The extra armor class you get from your heavier equipment is offset by the risk-reward mechanic of False Engagement, while Swift Maneuver lets you act as more of a bullying force on the battlefield. All told, the Deserter Roguish archetype gives you a very different experience than the other Rogue subclasses, with a focus on up front and gutsy combat. A quick aside: Thanks to some pretty tough goings-on in my life at the beginning of this week, I’m a little behind schedule. All of this week’s posts should still make it up on their target day, but they might come later in the day than usual. You can check out this document on the homebrewery here!

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3 years ago
Week 1: UnityDay 3: The Chaplain

Week 1: Unity Day 3: The Chaplain

The chaplain is a ‘medic’ martial archetype, serving to support and heal the party. With features like Chaplain’s Privelege helping you to reach position and the capstone Grace letting you deal out all the healing and buffs you need at a critical moment, the chaplain can keep themselves and their allies fighting long enough to regroup and seal the deal. I never felt like DnD had enough 1/4 casters- especially of the divine variety. Though the paladin may exist, I still feel like this scratches a different itch. You can access this document on the homebrewery here!

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3 years ago

Brewfest 2021 Week 2: The Veil Festival

Okay, so life last week hit me hard and fast. Repeatedly. I won’t inundate you with the details, but suffice to say, I haven’t been able to come up for air til... now. That said, the final brew for last week, the Unity Subsystem, hasn’t been forgotten- it’ll arrive at some point during the festival, but I’m going to let that one grow a little more naturally and focus on keeping the schedule moving.  So that out of the way, here’s the schedulre for week 2: Day 1: Our first Artificer Specialization, we’ll be taking a look at the Groundskeeper- an artificer specializing in manipulating plants and the landscape.

Day 2: Following that, an idea that didn’t quite make its deadline last year, the Scholar of the Veil Wizard tradition, for arcane spellcasters who want to focus their studies on the border ethereal.

Day 3: Day three gets a little ambitious, with the two bard colleges, the College of the Fire Eater and College of Masks (which I could swear had appeared on this blog before, but I can’t seem to find it- truthfully, it could use an update anyway!)

Day 4: This may seem a little late, but I think this Warlock Pact Boon fits nicely with the Coven and Leviathan that have appeared on this blog before- the pact of Vice.

Day 5: To close out the week with a bang, we have another ambitious set- two Paladin oaths: the Oath of the Valkyrie and the Oath of Twilight.

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3 years ago
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 1: The Groundskeeper

Week 2: The Veil Festival Day 1: The Groundskeeper

Our first post of week 2, and the first artificer subclass to appear on this blog, the groundskeeper is here to prepare the venue for the Veil Festival! 

The subclass’ central mechanic is the ability to Lay Roots, meaning that once you have chosen your battlefield, you will not be changing locales easily. Rather than change positions, you’ll need to alter the battlefield to suit your needs. The fifth level ability, Custodian, rewards you for having enemies in your zone of control, so you’ll need to step up your game and control the flow of enemies into the area of your roots so that you can deal with them one by one. If you want a clearer look, or to download the PDF, you can find it here on the homebrewery!

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3 years ago
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 2: School Of The Veil

Week 2: The Veil Festival Day 2: School of the Veil

While the groundskeepers prepare the festival grounds, the Scholars of the Veil arrive to study the strange magical phenomena that can only be observed this time of year.

The wizard School of the Veil was on the schedule last year, and never quite made it- hopefully you can see why. This was a challenge, on par with the well-loved Chronomancer in some respects, since it relies on certain fictional ‘physics’ that can be hard to pin down.

Regardless, most of us have thought about playing a ghost at some point, and while this takes a while to get there, it can fulfill certain parts of that fantasy!

If you’d like to download the PDF, or just get a better view, the homebrewery link is here! Edit: As it turns out, @stonefallwaits caught me slippnig back into old 3.5 habits- will saves don’t exist in DnD 5e! I’ve updated this brew to reflect that- Forced Crossing is now resisted with a Charisma save.

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3 years ago
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 3: Bard Colleges
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 3: Bard Colleges
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 3: Bard Colleges

Week 2: The Veil Festival Day 3: Bard Colleges

And what festival would be complete without entertainment? These new Bard Colleges expand the options for DnD’s top support class, expanding into new roles.

Starting with the College of the FIreeater, this subclass allows the bard to dabble in the blaster role, dealing out AoE damage but sparing their allies from the carnage with their signature support feature. Climbing in level allows the bard to simultaneously buff their allies and debuff their foes, as well as turn incoming fire damage into a resource.

Next up is the College of Masks- a subclass I’ve sat on for far too long, based on 3.5′s master of masks. Trying to come up with abilities that didn’t step on the toes of other bard subclasses proved challenging, especially while making them attractive enough to pick on their own merits. Hopefully, this hits the sweet spot. 

You can get a better view, or download the PDF, on the homebrewery!

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3 years ago
Week 2: The Veil FestivalDay 5: Oath Of The Valkyrie

Week 2: The Veil Festival Day 5: Oath of the Valkyrie

With the entertainers, reasearchers, and other guests in place, you’ll need some devoted folks to protect them all. Enter: a new order of Paladins, who have their own interest in observing the thinning of the Veil. Those who swear the Oath of the Valkyrie fight on the material plane with an eye for the war in the outer planes- claiming souls with consideration for how it effects the position of heaven and hell more than how it effects the battle in front of them.Of course, with that power comes a measure of privelege, and they can use it to keep their companions alive, and ensure that their fallen foes do not rise again.

Those of you who have been keeping up this week know that another oath, the Oath of Twilight, was supposed to drop today as well.

My ideas for that overlapped more with the Valkyrie than expected, so I’ll need some time to finish disentangling them. With that said, I’ll try to incorporate it into this week, and maybe adopt a less aggressive schedule this time around. If you’d like the PDF, it’s homebrewery page is right here!

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3 years ago

Week 3: Craft

FSo this week we’ll be slowing down in a way- but there’s still plenty planned.  This theme is kind of loose- what’s basically happening here is I’m going to put in a lot of work on a brew you may have seen bits and pieces of last year: Robilar’s Treatise on Combat (which may be renamed at some point in the near future, I like following 5e’s book name conventions, but I don’t know if I’m a fan of using a ‘canon’ character’s name). Here’s the schedule:  Day 1: For now, we play catch up. The Oath of Twilight gets another chance- a Paladin’s oath revolving around endings and transitions. Day 2: We’ll get into the meat of the week by bringing back the Three Fighter Subclasses that introduced Robilar’s Treatise on Combat last year- the Captain, Expunger, and Vanguard. Day 3:  The Combat Superiority chapter of Robilar’s Treatise- some maneuvers, a few feats that grant access to them, and a smattering of other feats for martial types. Day 4: The first new content from Robilar’s Treatise, An Adventurer’s Armory- a series of materials, traits, and attachments for your equipment- and rules for crafting them, too. Day 5: On day 5, we bring it all together. A smattering of new weapons, rules for determining what the local smith has available, and some flavor text will make Robilar’s Treatise a complete, if short, rules expansion.

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3 years ago
Week 3: CraftDay 1: Combat Superiority Classes
Week 3: CraftDay 1: Combat Superiority Classes
Week 3: CraftDay 1: Combat Superiority Classes

Week 3: Craft Day 1: Combat Superiority Classes

So this week is a project week- every post this week will be content from Robilar’s Treatise on Combat (name pending). These are the new subclasses represented in the suplement, and they demonstrate the thought process that went into much of this supplement: combat superiority is for everyone. And by that, I mean that the Battlemaster Martial Archetype nails the little tactical decisions that make fighters fun to play. These lean into some already existing roles the battlemaster can fulfill, and grant some special maneuvers and class features to make them the go-to specialist for it.

They’ll also be able to, alongside the battlemaster, take the best advantage of the various superiority feats that will also be included in the supplement. I won’t be including the link to the homebrewery today- that comes later!

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11 months ago
Gentle Moth Mommy? Spicy Bee Girl? You Can Now Play Those And More Insectoid Characters At With The Lacewing
Gentle Moth Mommy? Spicy Bee Girl? You Can Now Play Those And More Insectoid Characters At With The Lacewing
Gentle Moth Mommy? Spicy Bee Girl? You Can Now Play Those And More Insectoid Characters At With The Lacewing
Gentle Moth Mommy? Spicy Bee Girl? You Can Now Play Those And More Insectoid Characters At With The Lacewing

Gentle Moth Mommy? Spicy Bee Girl? You can now play those and more insectoid characters at with the Lacewing player race!

If you enjoy this content consider subscribing to my patreon for the Lacewing Premium Edition which will features additional player options such as the Stirge subrace, more artwork, and gives you VTT tokens and Handouts! If you are not a fan of patreon, consider checking out my kofi page instead!

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7 months ago

🔮 Exciting News for All Patrons! 🔮

Hey there peeps!

I have some thrilling news to share with you all! As you know, I have a patreon where I share my spicy drawings and writings, but I’m expanding my creative horizons to bring you even more awesome content. Instead of creating a second Patreon for it, I’ve decided to integrate my love for Dungeons & Dragons right here on the same platform! I'm a Dungeons Master and I have a LOT of homebrew content (classes, subclasses etc) ready for you peeps!

✨ Introducing New D&D-Themed Tiers! ✨

Whether you're already a fan of my NSFW art or you're here for the first time because of my D&D content, I've got something special for you. Here's why I'm adding these new tiers:

1. Unified Community: By keeping everything under one Patreon, I can create a more vibrant and unified community. Whether you’re here for the spicy content, the epic campaigns, or both, you’ll be part of a diverse and engaging group of supporters.

2. Streamlined Experience: Having all my content in one place makes it easier for you to access everything. No need to juggle multiple accounts or platforms—just enjoy all the exclusive content in one convenient location.

3. Enhanced Creativity: Combining my passions allows me to cross-pollinate ideas and offer unique content that blends both worlds. Imagine D&D-themed spicy art or story-driven campaigns inspired by my NSFW creations!

4. Exclusive Combined Tiers: For those of you who enjoy both my NSFW art and D&D content, I’ve created a special combined tiers. Get the best of both worlds with this tiers: 🧛‍♀️ Eldritch Sovereign - $20/month

The ultimate package!

Enjoy all perks from the Vampyric Elite and Archmage of the Arcane tiers.

Access to both exclusive NSFW and D&D content.

Exclusive combo tier art featuring crossover themes.

New D&D Tiers Breakdown:

🐉 Dungeon Delver - $2/month:

Exclusive homebrew content, polls, early access to D&D-themed art and lore.

⚔️ Heroic Adventurer - $5/month:

All Dungeon Delver perks plus detailed campaigns, adventure modules, pre-made characters...

🧙 Archmage of the Arcane - $10/month:

All Heroic Adventurer perks plus personalized content, and exclusive digital goodies.

Update: Dungeons and Dragons add-on! | Maul-Of-Shame
Get more from Maul-Of-Shame on Patreon

NSFW posts will be reserved for the tiers peeps so no worries, if you picked, for example, the "Dungeon Delver" tiers, you won't see the nsfw content available for the spicy tiers.

For now, the dnd related content is mostly based on Star Wars (can be used for Star Wars 5e or directly for homebrew campaigns, players' wishes) but I am already working on pop culture/fandoms related campaigns (Fallout, Supernatural, Game of Thrones) and more and by subscribing to my patreon, you'll get early and exclusive access to all of this!!

Content will still be posted here of course, but some will be Patreon Exclusives and way early on there!!

In any case, thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a good day and thank you so much for your support!✨

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5 months ago



If the thought of dark, candlelit halls, forgotten libraries, and unsolved mysteries gives you a thrill, we’ve got something special brewing! Our Baldur's Gate 3 server, Faerûn Fellowship, is gearing up to launch some dark academia-themed roleplays and one-shot D&D campaigns for this fall! While we’re mostly a BG3-focused space, these adventures might take you far beyond Faerûn… into the shadowy corners of hidden academies, creaky floors, and unspeakable secrets! Expect thrilling mysteries, gothic aesthetics, and all the intellectual intrigue your dark academia heart desires! While not everything will be BG3-themed, there’s always room for a mind-bending adventure! 🕯️ How to Join? 🕯️ Drop me a DM if you’re ready to unravel hidden mysteries and embark on new quests. We'll get you all set up in no time! Darkness awaits… if you’re brave enough.🖤

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1 year ago

Changes to the Zombie - Vers. 1

As part of my Ravenloft/Domains of Dread Hopping Campaign, my players are going to be visiting Falkovnia and defending a small lumber farm over the course of a few days leading up to the full moon. While I love fighting and/or playing zombies (my main PC is literally a spider-infested corpse), I find 5e's basic zombie stat block a bit lackluster, particularly when using it in mass combat with low level PCs. Of course, there's the Strahd Zombie, but the extra limbs become a pain to track, and when working with a party of four level three characters, I can't have too many of them in a fight.

With the session less than 12 hours away as I write this, here's what I'll be test running:

The D&D 5e statblock, taken from D&DBeyond.

I'm using the RAW statblock as a starting point, and will be making only small changes to the AC, HP, and Damage details, to keep the CR close to 1/4.

Rather than just the Slam attack, I'll be adding a Bite and Claw/Slash attack. Each attack will have the same Damage dice, before taking into account the changes mentioned later. The main variations will be the Damage type, with slashing for the Claw/Slash, and piercing for the Bite. One of my favorite house rules I've played with and used is that the damage type for some weapons can change depending on how the attacks are described, and I want to provide the zombies with a few different options.

To keep with the CR, they won't receive Multiattack, and just have the option to shift between attack methods.

To make it easier to come up with descriptions for the zombies, and to create some mechanical variation between them, I created a simple table to roll on as needed. Most are purely aesthetic changes, though a few change speed, buff or debuff damage/attack rolls, and impact AC.

Changes To The Zombie - Vers. 1

A Missing Jaw have a -1 to hit, along with the debuffs from a Broken Jaw or Missing Teeth.

Zombies with Missing Teeth, Missing Fingers, or a Broken Jaw have a -1 to damage rolls of their respective attacks.

A Limp drops speed by 5, and Missing a Leg by 10. Those Missing Both Legs are prone and must crawl.

Armor, even when broken, adds some kind of protection. Wearing it provides the zombie with +1 AC.

Larger zombies receive an extra hit die and +1 damage to Slam attacks.

Anyway, I'll be testing this stuff out tomorrow, I'll give an update as soon as possible about how it all went. I don't do a lot of homebrew, at least not beyond reflavoring stuff, so this will probably need a few revisions before it's actually decent.

An early "thank you" to my players, who don't yet know how much help they're going to be.

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6 months ago

✨Quotes and moments from todays DND session✨

FT my morally grey party

"Sturges lives rent free in Neris's head" - about the sentiment black ooze that lives in my firbolgs eye

"Dorn therapy arc when?"

"Dorn going to therapy would be alot bloodier than you think" - about my Reborn fighter that just found out he's been dead for 15 years

Reborn: *climbs through the window on the tower the Firbolg and half orc are in trying to see 'The Broker'*

Firlbolg: "I'm going to send Sturges through the keyhole in the locked door to have a look-" *describes how this ooze manifests from their eyehole in detail*

Reborn: *opens the door from the otherside, which was unlocked* "what took you so long?"

Tabaxi: "you haven't committed any crimes yes, but I feel like that's not through lack of trying" - to the rest of the party

Also, a whole session of me feeling sO BAD for my Tabaxi who is now the "good cop" of a party of morally grey bastards XD

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1 year ago

YO just realized ive never rb'ed this here- im the co-creator of this awesome homebrew alongside my lovely gf!!! u should check it out :3

SBURBIA - A Free Homestuck DND Addon by limeviper
A Homestuck DND 5E addon/ruleset

me and my gf finally finished our homestuck dnd 5E addon!! it’s completely free to play and has over 100 pages of lore explanations, rules and mechanics. hope you guys enjoy!!

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6 months ago

A dnd homebrew project two years in the making

Hey folks!! I’m a part time dm, and as mentioned in previous posts, i’ve been working on a comprehensive dnd homebrew world with different countries, cities, homebrew races and classes, monsters, languages, and more. I’ve been looking to spread my art more, and I was curious, would folks join a discord server where I could share my work and allow folks to collaborate? Please reblog/comment if so!! I want to widen the nerd circle to others <3

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