Dokuga - Tumblr Posts

Holiday Interrupted...

Winters in Northern Japan can be extremely brutal. Especially when traveling the countryside 500 years in the past with no modern amenities. In the feudal era, something as simple as the common cold could be deadly if not properly treated. So Kagome was determined to come completely prepared. Granted, it was proving to be a much more difficult task than originally intended.
In the past, their group had been rather small. But with the recent addition of a certain bossy inuyokai, an annoying kappa, a confusing two heated dragon, and a 9 year old human girl, things had gotten crowded.
Her supply list had gotten considerably longer, but she didn't care. She had a surprise in store for everyone this year.
Normally, she would return home in the middle of winter to celebrate holidays with her family. In the 5 years she had been traveling through time, she had never once missed.
But this year, her family won an all expenses paid trip to New York City in America. They only had three tickets, so Kagome would be left alone this year.
It was fitting, really. The battle with Naraku seemed to be getting more intense lately. The kuro-hanyu seemed to be getting desperate the more time went on. The battles were more violent, and more blood seemed to be shed with each passing encounter.
But no matter how many times they faced the slimy spider in battle, there seemed to be no sure victory in sight.
Things needed to change. She decided to do that by giving the group a much needed boost of serotonin.
What better way to do that than with gifts? Since she would be alone on the holidays... why not bring the holidays to her second family?!
Thinking about how excited everyone would be put a new pep in her step; she quickly ventured onward through the shopping center, throwing things left & right into her cart.
Anyone else having issues with dokuga?

It's finally 4/20 & you know what that means? CURIOSITY KILLED... THE DOG BEGINS PUBLISHING!!!!
It is published on Wattpad, FFN, Ao3, & Dokuga
*note my author name is Aurora Lunae & my brand name is A Writers Blurbs&

Idk how to hyperlink yet, sorry. Once I figure out how to get uploaded on Dokuga, I'll edit this post & add the link.
A Message to my Monsters...
Hey everyone! For some of you... it's been a long time. You may remember me from my old usernames, Oneesama or boredBRAIXEN over on Wattpad.
My stories include such works as... "Say I Love You,"

"Abandoned by Mercy,"

"Key to the Starry Night Sky."

I've also got the recipe series Otakus Kitchen (2 books.)

I wanted to leave a list of incomplete works I have up for adoption, as well as a timeline idea for when I'll be finishing the above listed stories.
Currently, I have an ongoing Sesshomaru x Kagome story going on over in the Inuyasha fandom. If you'd like to read it, check out my pinned post.
Anyway, this is just a feeler post to see if anyone would be interested in adopting a halfway - two-thirds completed story. Some are just plotted out & not written at all. Most are Canon, but 2 are my attempt at AU that I gave up on.
All stories up for grabs are from the Fairy Tail & Pokemon fandoms.

If you'd be interested in adopting one of these stories, I just ask for a shout out/tag lol. Send me a DM & we can figure out how to get it to you. 💜

Sesskag Manga wallpaper, I’ll upload an HD version on my DA later, but here it is.... oh god I already see mistakes ghaaa XD Y_Y