Enya - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Años que pasan


Nunca me ha gustado salir en fotos. Mi fotogenia es nula, además de desconocer cómo posar o sacar lo mejor de mí en esos trocitos de vida que quedan para el recuerdo. Por eso mismo, porque entonces los recuerdos no son tan hermosos como los evoco, no me gusta salir en las fotos: mi realidad se impone siempre.

Hay algo constante, empero: mi mirada. Desde que las fotos lo reflejan, tengo mirada…

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6 months ago

_1_|_2_ by hanna.bookpaintings

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8 months ago

Bowynn Gods: Enya

Bowynn Gods: Enya

Enya  (Ehn-ya)  Goddess of the morning and the dew. She is the daughter of Saul and Shayla and the sister of Treya, goddess of the dusk. Raven-haired goddess Enya is the goddess responsible not only for waking up the gods that decide to sleep in Alaway but also, she is in charged for the waking up mortals. At the same time, she is the goddess that flies ahead of the sun of the day, turning the sky from night to day and blessing the ground with morning dew.

     Very little sacred tales are known of Enya. However, it is said her song and voice if what breaks the shroud of night and brings forth the day. As she travels across the world, the vessel she carries spills out and blankets the grass with morning dew. She guides the sun across the sky till it descends in the west. In one sacred tale it is said that Enya and Treya fought over who would be leading the sun in the morning and the evening. Anhur was asked to make the ruling but even he could not decide. Finally, he called in the two goddesses individually to plead her case. His final judgment came not by wisdom but by the color of the dress they wore. Enya wore a dress that reminded the king of the gods of the gentle morning. And so, his judgment stands to this day.

     In most Boywnn villages there was always a “Morning Wailer.” It was their job to wake all up as they started a song throughout the villages at the top of her voice. These songs would be hymns to Enya and Treya was the patron of Morning Wailers. Of which is a most honorable and elite profession. Becoming a Morning Wailer would be devoting oneself to the Priesthood of Enya

     Enya was also one of the loves of the sun god Herne, prior to his wedding Morrighynn. Their love however was short lived when his eyes fell on the lady of the night. Despite the rejection, Enya still remains devoted to Herne.

     Enya is described as a most lovely lady, clad in a dress that matches the morning sky with red lips and short cut black hair. Sometimes she bares the wings of a bird, sometimes not. Other times she is depicted as merely flying on her own accord on the wind with morning birds accompanying her. The vessel she carries the morning dew is often shaped like a spiral shell. Sometimes Enya will take the form of a morning bird like a sparrow; the sparrow being her totem animal.

     Sacred offerings to Enya come often in the shape of bowls and cups of water, flowers, votive images of sparrows and birds and of course incense.   “Matenerm” or holy meals are left to her as a special gift.

Bowynn Gods: Enya
Bowynn Gods: Enya
Bowynn Gods: Enya
Bowynn Gods: Enya

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7 months ago

Enya - Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)

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4 years ago

ENYA ´´May It Be´´ Recordamos Una De las Grandes SuperProducciones del Cine..... ´´The Lord Of The Rings´´. Una Banda sonora donde destacamos este Exito/ tema de la película de 2001 de Peter Jackson con Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Cate Blanchett, Sean Astin, Christopher Lee y Liv Tyler. Basado en la novela de JRR Tolkien.

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4 years ago

ENYA ´´May It Be´´ Recordamos Una De las Grandes SuperProducciones del Cine..... ´´The Lord Of The Rings´´. Una Banda sonora donde destacamos este Exito/ tema de la película de 2001 de Peter Jackson con Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Cate Blanchett, Sean Astin, Christopher Lee y Liv Tyler. Basado en la novela de JRR Tolkien.

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1 year ago

+ i have some recommendations, plus some random songs from each in no particular order :

aurora - exhale inhale, the seed, giving in to the love, literally all of her songs i'm very bias,

iniko - the king's affirmation, luna, jericho,

novo amor - repeat until death, haven, statue of a woman,

crane wives - curse, take me to war,

enya - orinoco flow, caribbean blue.

mother mother - body, burning pile, hayloft 1 & 2,

mitski - washing machine heart, stay soft,

cosmo sheldrake - birthday suit, numinous, the moss,

agnes obel - the curse, parliament of owls,

phoebe bridgers - motion sickness, garden song,

the oh hellos - soldier poet king, zephyrus,

susanne sundfør - alyosha, white foxes, the brothel,

celtic woman - tir na nog, téir abhaile riú, homeland.

tom odell - butterflies, heal,

of monsters and men - dirty paws, king and lionheart,

florence + the machine - howl, dog days are over,

jagger finn - vas, neapolitan,

cody fry - pictures of mountains, i hear a symphony (slow+reverb version),

adrian von ziegler - moonsong, seredina zimy,

dzivia - dzikaje palavańnie (wild hunt), flower maiden,

half alive - creature, ok ok?, still feel,

sakuzyo - el dorado, reincarnation,

sleeping at last - to be enchanted, one, two,

edit: also björk... i don't know how i could forget björk - idk, any song i guess .

+ that's all i can think of, hope some of these give you the vibes you're looking for !

- sorry if any links are wrong it's 3 am and i took my meds like an hour ago, i'm very loopy right now .

Hozier and Lord Huron are not enough anymore. I need music suggestions that feel like witnessing a secret ritual of mushroom gnomes. I need to feel the name of the gods as pronounced by the oldest conifer in upstate New York. I need to scream with my bones not my mouth. I need a fatherly pat on the back from Odin himself. I wanna eat clay from a riverbed.

Can anyone help me with that? Thank you.

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1 year ago

Remember how I said I had Faas sketches. Well now I have a rendered and colored Faas drawing. Aren’t I fancy-

Remember How I Said I Had Faas Sketches. Well Now I Have A Rendered And Colored Faas Drawing. Arent I

But ye, here he is with enya. He isn’t actually grumpy, he just doesn’t visually emote very much for trauma and autism reasons. I forgot to mention that Enya is a kelpie. The story takes place, as mentioned earlier, in Pennsylvania, (which had and has one of the highest Irish population densities in the US) so I was thinking that maybe kelpies were an “invasive species” since they can be dangerous and belong to the unseelie quart, and can be killed without any punishment. Enya’s mother was murdered when she was twenty months old.

Due to the traditional horse like appearance of kepies, she has horizontal pupils, (but golden eyes sort of like a frog. actually playing around with kelpies having a pollywog stage between birth, or maybe hatching, and 12-18 months. still up in the air tho) and horse legs and ears. She has fins as her ‘hair’ and tail tho.

Up until puberty hits, kelpies are physically unable to show anyone their true form, sort of like the way fawns don’t have a scent for the fist few days after birth, for safety reasons.

However Faas can see her true form because in many troll folklore, they are immune to certain types of magic, especially of the concealitory (apparently that isn’t a word but I don’t care) variety. Kelpies aren’t true shape shifters like changelings, the mask you see is nothing more than a shield of magic that tricks your brain into seeing a human, while they are still green and horsey underneath the whole time. This magic also effects photos, drawings, and mirrors and is especially strong when the person is young.

Anyway, yeah. You’re welcome for the ramble that no one asked for

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