I Need To Stop - Tumblr Posts
maybe i’m just too emotionally attached but is anyone else genuinely comforted by the fact that heaven definitely exists in the tua universe and ben went there so even if we never see it he’s gonna reunite with his siblings when they die?
is it weird that im scared to watch the forbidden ttrpg? the video starts with me and my character and even though i know i could watch it as many times as i want, watching it seems like the end...the last step. how do i get myself to do it? how to i get myself to watch and actually say goodbye to a character that means so much to me?
this character represents a lot of my own characteristics and a lot of my own insecurities. she is chaotic and makes bad decisions and does petty things and spends a lot of the campaign believing in the back of her head that she’ll always just be seen by her worst characteristics. these are all things i both fear and know are traits that i share. the first time i really broke down in a game was when eris and nyx were having a conversation where nyx finally snapped at her twin for acting without thinking, she could really have hurt ari for what amounted to petty bullshit. eris in that moment just kept thinking about how she will always ruin things for both her and her sister. i ended up crying because i fear this a lot too. i made a character who at the beginning was just “what if i had no anxiety and no attachments besides one person,” along the way i realized that my own character pitch was wrong. eris does have anxiety and her lack of many attachments just makes her more protective about the ones that she has. this is a character that let me be chaotic and stupid as well as make meaningful relationships in and out of the game.
in addition to this character representing a lot of my own traits, eris is a love letter to my sisters. both younger and both reflected heavily in my character. eris started the game at age 17 because at the time that was the age of my younger sister. she started the game in a outfit that i believe i described as looking like “a semi-slutty pirate costume” because that is how i imagine my sister (and honestly both my sisters) would dress in a fantasy setting. eris’s biggest and greatest love is the bond she has with her sister nyx. the game where nyx dies will stick in my mind forever because it just brought to my mind the thought of my irl sisters being in the same position. i consider my self in general to be someone who has little impulse control, but truly my sisters were MUCH more of the inspiration for eris’s bad decision making skills and lack of foresight.
eris darkwater, a character made with a half thought out pitch that even me and arlowe were not completely on the same page on in terms of what i had meant for some aspects of the original character creation, is someone who a year later feels incredibly real and incredibly alive. she embodies my love of storytelling and my own sense of loyalty. she is reckless and chaotic and is very likely to do something just because she thinks it’ll be funny. she has a good heart but is not necessarily a good person. she feels like a real person to me but also i know thats my overthinking. hell, i listen to the stupid spotify playlist i made for her practically everyday. (it’s a very fun playlist)
how do i say goodbye to someone who is both not real and in my head? how do i allow myself to allow the story to end?
maybe i’ll try again tomorrow
so i said i was going to make a luo binghe cosplay.
and now i have spent the past 2 days doing nothing but that and i’m over halfway done
i made my xie lian cosplay in 3 days and i think im gonna do the same with this one
but my hands are shaking from use and i’ve been in a state of constant anxiety the past two days so maybe that’s what’s keeping me going—
sixth sense
pairing :: eden x seokmin (feat. evelyn + noah)
word count :: 2.9k
synopsis :: seokmin meets evangeline for the first time.
time :: january 8, 2024
warnings :: fluff overload. uncle dk + auntie eden!
a/n :: the baby fever i have just writing these is terrible i HAE IT HEREEEE
taglist :: @cafemilk-tea @cixrosie @moonlight-additions @cosmicwintr @astraw-astro @ateezjuliet @fromfreesia @succulentmom @kimhyejin3108 @enhacolor @multiplums @alixnsuperstxr @meginthebuilding27 @kang-ulzzang @hybesunstone @allthings-fandoms @itzy-eve @choihaneul @strmiu @angie-x3 @Kaitieskidmore1 @evaalopezzzz

“Right here.” Eden pointed to Evelyn’s house with her free hand.
Seokmin pulls into the driveway, putting the car into park before getting a look at the exterior of her house. “It looks so different from the last time I was here.”
“Oh yeah, she liked to move stuff around when she was pregnant.” She unbuckled her seatbelt, turning her body towards him with an anticipating smile. “Are you ready?”
He nodded, chuckling with uncertainty. “Yeah but you’re making me kind of nervous.”
“No, don’t be nervous. It’s gonna be fine.”
She got out, meeting him on his side of the car, watching as he grabbed a gift bag from the backseat. “What’s that?”
“Oh, nothing.” He winked, holding his hand out for her.
She took his hand, leading him to the doorstep and ringing the doorbell. Within seconds, Noah opened the door.
“Hey!” His eyes widened, speaking to Seokmin in his broken Korean.
Eden pouted as they both gave each other a pat on the back.
“Welcome back, kiddo.” She reaches her arms around him to give him a quick hug. “It feels like yesterday that we last saw each other.
Eden rolls her eyes, giving him a playful punch to the gut. “It was yesterday, you dork.”
He stepped aside to let them in, shutting the door behind them. “You made it back just in time, dinner is almost ready.”
She swears she could see delight flash in Seokmin’s eyes. He loved Evelyn’s cooking. But he loved her kimchi even more.
“Is that drool I see?” She joked.
He snapped out of his daze, covering his mouth to make sure he wasn’t actually drooling.
“Don’t worry, I’m the same way.” Noah nodded at him with sympathy.
They discarded their shoes and coats before venturing deeper into the house. Eden grabbed Seokmin’s hand, leading him into the kitchen where the tasty aroma was coming from.
“Oh, Evelyn.” She sang, watching as she put the wooden spoon down and turned to them. She quickly smiled upon seeing Seokmin.
“Welcome back! I haven’t seen you in forever!” She turned the dial down on the stove, quickly making her way to wrap her arms around him. “How have you been?”
“Very well, thank you. I hope everything’s going well for you too.”
“Better than expected, thanks to my baby sister.” She let go of Seokmin, moving on to give Eden a kiss on the side of her head with a hug. “I was wondering why you went home last night and asked for a double batch.”
“Will you be staying?” Evelyn looked between the couple with a hopeful look.
Eden bumped her elbow into Seokmin’s side with a smirk. “Pay up.”
“What were you making bets on?”
“That you would ask him to stay.” She looked up at him. “Told you that overnight bag would come in handy.”
“She’s right about that.” Evelyn raised her hand to Eden, the two girls giving each other a high five. “I have about thirty minutes left for dinner. You wanna go say hi to Evangeline while you wait?”
Seokmin looked at his girlfriend with a gleam in his eyes. It did not go unnoticed how much he loved children. “Can we?”
“Of course.” Evelyn turned on her heel, making her way back to the stove. “Who else would I trust to watch her whenever Noah and I have a date or weekend getaway?”
“See? I told you that too.” She was right about everything. She told Seokmin way back that they would be the first people they would call if they needed someone to watch Eva when they had errands to run or wanted to take a short vacation.
Noah led them to the living room where Evangeline was laying in her baby swing, reaching above her for the clouds that dangled in the air. Her father sat down on the couch beside her, watching as Seokmin carefully tiptoed behind Eden.
Eden sat on her knees in front of the rocker, looking up at her boyfriend. His eyes were wide and he was covering his mouth with his hand. She reached out her hand for him, motioning him to sit down next to her. Her smile was bigger than life when watching his reaction to the baby.
“Eunbyeol,” She whispered to him. He crossed his legs, plopping down next to her.
The child was kicking her feet with a smile on her face at the familiar and unfamiliar face in front of her.
Seokmin looked between Evangeline and Noah, smiling at how alike they looked. “She looks like you.” He spoke softly.
“She has the best parts of both of us,” He folds his hands together, rotating the ring around his finger. “Some days, I see myself in her, but other days, all I see is Evelyn.”
“She’s…” He trailed off, trying to form the right words but nothing coming out.
“She’s perfect, right?” Eden helped him, tucking her hair behind her ear as she gave the rocker a tiny push so she could keep swinging.
“Perfect about sums it up.”
“Even then, perfect isn’t the right word to describe her, but it’s the closest thing so we’re going with that.” Noah directed his smile towards Eden, reciting her previous words back to her.
“She’s so cute.” Seokmin pouts, tilting his head while watching the girl having the funnest time swinging back and forth.
“For the sake of full disclosure, there’s no one we trust more with her than you guys.” He reassured him, knowing that there was a possibility he would have the same doubts as Eden.
Eden snorted, patting her palm against Seokmin’s back. He looked at her with a smile, watching her eyes float from his to his mole.
“I do ask that we wait til after dinner to hold her because she just ate not too long ago, and I don’t think either of you will wanna be holding her when she drops that atomic bomb.”
Eden covered her face, leaning into Seokmin as she began laughing. “He’s right. It’s absolutely terrible.”
His cheeks flushed as he tried not to show too much of a reaction. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.

The whole family was stuffed from dinner, Noah and Evelyn taking to the couch to settle down and watch over Evangeline. Eden was pulling Seokmin upstairs to show her the nursery. She had sent him pictures a few weeks ago, but it was so much better in person.
She held his hand, pushing open the door and turning on the light. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something she was proud of. She gave him a tour of the room, pulling open the drawers and pushing them back. Then she showed him the crib, pointing to the Krunk doll with Eden’s outfit on. “Don’t ask.”
Seokmin giggled, squeezing onto her hand tighter. He paid half attention to their surroundings, the other half fixated on her. He could tell just by looking at her face and the way she showed him around just how passionate she was about her work. His heart ached.
“And lastly…” She walked over to the nightlight Evelyn had bought, turning it on before switching off the ceiling light. They both looked up to see the device projecting the northern lights. “I hadn’t actually seen it in absolute darkness yet.”
Seokmin’s mouth was agape as the lights flowed seamlessly on the ceiling. She flipped back on the light, turning the projector off and approaching him to wrap her arms around his waist. “What do you think?”
He smiled down at her, flattening the sides of her hair. “It’s even better than the pictures.” He left a soft kiss on her lips, brushing his thumb against her cheek. He kept smiling and it was enough to make her forget where they were and who was waiting for them.
“Ready to introduce yourself to Eunbyeol?” Eden grabbed his hand, holding it inside both of hers.
“It’s not like I’ve been waiting all night.” He mumbled to himself.
“Trust me, I noticed.” She didn’t let go of his hand as they left the nursery, walking back downstairs to the couch.
Seokmin didn’t notice at all, but Eden and Evelyn shared a look, a silent understanding that he was ready to meet Eva.
“Oh wait, I gotta go get her my present.” The lightbulb went off on the top of his head, excusing himself from the room.
Eden tucked her hair behind her shoulders, kneeling to where Evangeline was rocking in her swing and carefully picking her up. She looked 100x more interested in Eden’s features than the mobile that hung over her. Evelyn audibly pouted, something she did every time her sister would pick her up.
“Hi there,” Her voice climbed a few octaves, pressing her nose against Eva’s as they both giggled. She took a seat on the sofa, the baby fitting perfectly in the fold of her arm as she tucked her legs under herself. She noticed a fallen eyelash on her cheek, gently dusting it away with her finger. Her tiny eyes curved into a smile, but her attention wasn’t on Eden.
Eden looked to her left, seeing Seokmin standing in the entryway. She wasn’t sure how long he had been standing there, but she quickly patted the spot next to her for him to sit. “Lookie,”
He sat down next to her, resting his chin on her shoulder to look closely at Evangeline’s face. Eden took her pacifier out and the girl started to coo. It was something she did when she was happy. She then started to squeak, a giggle on the edge of her tongue.
Seokmin gasped silently, covering his mouth in shock. He completely forgot about the present in his hand until Evelyn brought attention to it.
“So, what did you get her?” She seemed even more excited than the baby.
“Oh right,” He grabbed the gift bag that sat next to his feet, reaching in to pull out a tiny object wrapped in pink paper.
Eden watched him take apart the wrapping paper, eyes widening and lips pouting as she realized what it was.
“Here’s your own BongBongie!” He spoke softly, waving it to Evangeline to mimic dancing.
“They are literally so perfect for each other.” Evelyn turned her head to whisper to Noah. The other couple raised their heads, not hearing her the first time. She shook her head and waved them off as Noah chuckled, wrapping his arm around his wife.
Seokmin’s attention turned back to the baby girl, humming a song as he marched the tiny BongBongie plush up her onesie. She was happy and delighted from the noises she was making, they just didn’t know what from. Seokmin or the BongBongie toy?
“Ready to hold her?” Eden looked at him, motioning Evangeline to him. He shuffled a bit on the cushions like he was being handed a huge responsibility. He put his gift down on her lap and held out his arms. She smiled, gently passing her to Seokmin and not letting go until she was certain he had a firm hold on her.
Eden looked at her sister and Noah, both having the same look of approval on their faces. She turned back to Seokmin, placing her elbow on the top of the couch and using her hand to hold her head up.
“Hellooo, hello,” He said hello to her twice, one time in Korean and the other in English. “Nice to finally meet you, Eunbyeol. I’m Seokmin.”
She stared up at him, her mouth open as all eyes were on them. Eden wondered for a moment if Eva saw the same thing that she did whenever she looked at Seokmin.
She blew messy raspberries past her lips, giggling and squealing up at the man. He didn’t notice how the entire room let out a sigh of relief when Eva voiced her approval for him.
“Almost a month old and she already has a good judge of character.” Evelyn’s grin is hidden behind her wine glass as she sips from it. Seokmin and Eden both look at her.
“Does she?” He cocked his eyebrow at her, looking down at Eva to see she liked what he did with his eyebrows. He continued to make goofy faces for her and filled the living room with her adorable laughs.
“I am wholeheartedly convinced. She hated being picked up by the nurses at the hospital, the doctors, even Noah’s brother. She started crying when mom and dad held her for the first time.” Evelyn shared her observation with Eden. It all came back to her and she was starting to think that maybe she was right.
“But you two, she must have a sixth sense when it comes to people. She didn’t cry or fuss when Eden held her for the first time. Look at her now, she really likes you, Seokmin.” Evelyn pursed her lips, trying to hide her emotions in front of them. Being postpartum made her more sensitive to everything. “At least we know she’s in good hands when we have to leave her.”
Evelyn put her palm over Noah’s knee, giving him a hopeful squeeze.
Eden tasted something salty on her lips, not realizing that she was tearing up as her sister spoke. She quickly wiped all evidence of it away, resting her chin on Seokmin’s shoulder as they both watched Eva.
They let the movie they were watching play until it was over. Evangeline managed to fall asleep soundly in Seokmin’s arms without a fuss. Evelyn too fell asleep but was magically ready to wake up and take Eva to bed once the credits started rolling. She pushed herself off the couch, toeing over to him with a smile.
“Thank you for looking after her.” She thanked him, taking Eva from his arms as she stirred a bit from feeling her being taken away from Seokmin, who she had already grown used to.
He winced, truly feeling the static in his arm from holding her for so long. Eden reached over for him, her fingers pressing into the skin of his shoulder, all the way down to his wrist.
“It happens, but we endure it for her.” She smiled.
Noah got up from the couch, rubbing his palms together. “We’ll be heading to bed soon. Have to stick to a schedule or everyone will be all out of sorts. Please, make yourself at home.”
“Thank you.” Seokmin raised his hand, thanking Noah. He nodded, walking toward them and reaching for Eva’s new BongBongie plush. “I have a feeling Evelyn will want this.”
Eden giggled, holding her boyfriend's hand as they watched Noah disappear upstairs. She sighed, smiling to herself. “Are you tired?”
He pulled her closer to his chest, muffling her laughs in his chest. “My body is. I feel like I may have a cramp or two. You?”
“A little. The wine and all.” She put her hands on his chest, looking down at his smile. “Did you bring your things in?”
He shook his head. “I should go get that.” She used her knees to crawl off of him, reaching her arms up and doing her best to pull him off the couch. He wasn’t helping her in any way.”
“I’ll go get the bed ready. Meet you upstairs.”
Seokmin nodded, giving her one last departing kiss on top of her head before he made his way to the foyer and out the door. Eden got the bedroom ready, pulling out the sheets and changing into comfier clothes.
She perked up when seeing him in the hallway with his bag, stepping aside and closing the door when he was in. They did their best to be quiet and get ready for bed in the guest bathroom.
She sat on her side of the bed, covering her bottom half with the comforter and watching him plop down next to her with a big sigh.
“Long day?” She laid her chin on his chest, looking up at him.
He smiled, subtly shaking his head. He smiled in her direction, brushing his fingers through her hair.
“So… what do you think?” She waited for him to answer with a grin, knowing that he would validate what she knew to be true.
“She really is perfect.” His eyes smiled along with his lips at the sight of hers. “Really, like she looks equally like her mom and dad. And she’s so…calm.”
“I knew she would like you.” She traced her finger over the embroidery on his shirt. When she looked back up into his eyes, she sensed something deeper in meaning behind his expression.
He didn’t have to use words to get his point across. It seemed they had both thought of the same thing at one point. They both were so completely unaware of the need to see each other with children. Now that they both witnessed it, it seemed their minds were running overtime to come up with different scenarios in which they saw more of the other with kids. He was clearly imagining what Eden would look like holding their very own child in the future. It flashed before his eyes for a split second before Evangeline had acknowledged him, bringing him back to reality. He was certain, believing that she was indeed compatible with children. Tonight was only more confirmation.
She would be lying if she said she wasn’t imagining the same exact things as him.
hi yes so i saw someone post about the sexualities of the EAH characters and i wanted to add some to the mix since i noticed they weren’t there (also these will be fairly detailed because i said so):
male narrator: bisexual that had a drag phase in his twenties
female narrator: homophobic/ biphobic/ transphobic all the phobias; only got with the male narrator because she thought she could make him straight but he’s still bi and whoops! now they have a kid
speaking of their kid, Brooke: asexual, panromantic; sometimes gets sad since no one knows she exists (aside from Maddie and Kitty) so she can’t be in a relationship with anyone she likes, but she likes seeing the people she likes making their own stories
(i just got a really sad idea, oh shit....i should write that, or at least see if someone else has written it.)
what is wrong with me
i may have punched my ceiling with a large amount of force
i just rammed my fingers into my ceiling by accident and i can confirm stubbing your fingers is worse than stubbing your feet
Example of what you get when you open Chekhov’s Box:

imagination (1963) - harold ordway rugg
"chekhovs cat / schrödingers razor / occams gun"

You're right... 🫡
✨ Gatekeep Gaslight Girlboss ✨💖💅💄
me 🤝 @simp4konig
the monster in the Kreml is actually a feminist Icon who eats men for a living
ErrorBirdReal shall rise for the Undertale fandom!!!!

I know I just posted my dice collection a couple of weeks ago, but I just reorganised it and wanted show it off again!
To be fair, the lord can also comment on the post, if he/she/it/they wishes/wish to. So… it’s you (the reader), the lord & any creature that walks the golden earth that wishes to contribute. Please do so. It will encourage me to write.
Thank you for suffering this post.
Lord help me, I want to start writing one column-ish post per week on this blog. Please comment if you have any topics you’d like me to think (+ talk to my brilliant friends) & write about or if you’d like to be tagged when I do end up posting 🥲
I'm getting a new phone case for my phone and guess what! Guess what! It's gonna be a doctor who one. I'm excited now. XD
Regular instance of writers
My character, sobbing from the amount of pressure they’re under: “It’s too difficult, one must be a god to do such a task!”
Me, holding a portfolio of new ideas: “Then a god you must become.”

So I just realized I never actually posted this here
So here’s the finished digital version of this art
I’m still not sorry
And toshi is still fine

In case anyone is curious
This is a redraw of one of the first pieces of colored pencil fanart I posted here (a little over a year ago)
I feel like this is a continuation of this last two pics of all Might in the process of dying at kamino
I need to stop but I won’t

Lord show me how to say no to this
(This is not the first time I’ve drawn this)

Can I offer an angry and determined toshi in these trying times?
Aaand scene!
Katsuki continued to just stare at the man sitting across from him and another person -an agent from the government- as he and the detective talked about some things about the recent case Katsuki was also a part of.
At least that’s what Katsuki knows that they are talking about.
His mind blocked everything out ever since the man across from him came in the room.
It was definitely out of his expectations.
He never even thought about this ever happening in his entire life time.
Deku is now in front of him again after who knows how long has it been.
It’s almost been a decade he thinks. The pro hero has never seen or heard from the greenette ever since middle school. Sure, their mothers are still good friends and Inko gets to have dinner with them from time to time but, not once has Izuku been with her.
Katsuki’s own mother told hiim not to bring Izuku up in any of their conversations -not that he wanted to talk about him anyway (way out of character in his mind and he is definitely not concerned by the nerd at all, yup, not at all).
He thought it was weird at first. Hell, it was weird through out everything. But he couldn’t take his mind of it.
Guess he knows why now.
Midoriya Izuku now sits across from him, a tired look on his face -a very tired look. Bloodshot eyes and dark bags under his eyes. Complexion pale as a ghost. A small scar -most probably from a blade- rested on the left side of his jaw. Even from where Katsuki was sitting, the blond could smell the faint scent of alcohol coming from the greenette.
He drinks? What the hell has he been doing?
Izuku even wore piercings in his ear and when he opened his mouth, Katsuki see another one resting on the tip of his mouth.
Does his mother approve of that? Katsuki doesn’t think so.
All through out the meeting Katsuki sat there in silence not knowing what to do, what to say, all he could do at the moment was think about whatever was right in front of him now was a dream or not.
The pro hero came to when it ended and Izuku stood to leave -same with the agent, but as of now Katsuki doesn’t care about him.
“Mind if you leave us for a second.”Katsuki spoke up finally to the agent without taking his gaze off of Izuku.
The agent was about to say something but Izuku cut him off. “What if I mind?” Izuku asked, brows furrowing slightly.
“Come on, Izuku, don’t give me that attitude.” Katsuki growled.
Izuku rolled his eyes. “You’re saying that as if you didn’t give me a shitty attitude when we were children.”
There’s no way Katsuki could deny that one.
Katsuki pursed his lips together, clenched teeth underneath, trying hard not to lash out. He can do that now.... one way or another. At least he doesn’t just instantly screams at people now.
“It’s just a talk, what’s so wrong about it?” Katsuki asked.
“You of all people want to “talk?” Izuku raised an eyebrow. “Never thought that’s a phrase that’ll come out of your mouth.”
“Deku...” Katsuki growled lowly, his patience nearing its end. As the air of the room started to get heavy the agent thought it was best for him to leave the room silently -mostly because hhe doesn’t want to be in the blond’s range if he did started to blowing things up.
He values his life and well being very much.
“Aaand there’s that old nickname, thought it was weird you started using my name over there. Thought something possessed you or something.” Izuku said with a sarcastic tone.
A vein popped in Katsuki head, expression changing to a full scowl.
I think you’re the one possessed.
“What the hell happened to you?” The blond asked, preferring to just get things in track rather than start to scream and start punching something.
Izuku’s expression darkened, eyes narrowin dark green boring into red.
“Why do you care?” Izuku said lowly.
“Is that a problem too?”
“Yes, cause you never cared about anything else other than yourself.” Izuku answered, hardly even thinking about it before he said it. “Much less if it’s me.” He added.
That was a hard blow.
But he changed. Katsuki is better than he was back at middle school, actually if he could he wants to go back to that time and take all the things he did back, to apologize, to make things better.
And maybe -just maybe- things wouldd be different right now. Maybe Izuku won’t turn out like this. Maybe Izuku would be doing better. Maybe Katsuki and Izuku would be in better terms. Maybe they would have been good friends until now.
That wouldn’t happen.
The bridge is already destroyed to bits, it won’t be fixed anymore.
“Deku...” Katsuki called out softly, his feeling was shifted from anger to regret.
“Katsuki...” He called back, the same low, angered tone in his voice.
The two remained styaed there, in complate silence just looking at each other, Izuku’s eyes looking directly at Katsuki’s eyes, looking if he’ll say anything else.
Izuku sighed then standing from his seat. “You don’t have to know jack shit about me, isn’t worth shit anyway even to me. And please, you don’t have to talk to me during this whole shit. Just carry on with your life, don’t mind a shitty extra like me.” He said before turning around to head to the door.
Katsuki stood immediately. “Deku, wait.”
And Izuku was out the door without a word.
Damn it.
[sorry about this. just wanted to do this scene even though i don’t have a good plot to put it in i just have to get this out of my system. don’t mind this shit.]
Y’all... It’s been 2 days since I’ve read the chapter 285 (yes i will not stop thinking about that shit because my works like that) and it feels like an eternity that I’ve been feeling numb and pain at random intervals.
But that also means I’ve been looking for shit that will give me hope so i dont fucking fall apart and just start crying (again) nonstop. And I’ve thought of something. I just wanted to share.
Have y’all noticed the chapter title for 285??? It says “Katsuki Bakugo: Rising” and now I’ve thought... does that mean he’ll live? (fucking hope, i fucking want him to fucking live) Does it mean that it’s like his starting line of becoming a true hero? and no i do not mean that in like passing UA or getting the job or some shit.
I mean it where like now that he has accepted his weakness. He’s trying to atone for the shit he has done before. He’s growing and not just content as to how he was before and being stubborn to keep doing it the way he has been doing. He’s helping someone who he’s had a strained past with. He’s not thinking of just himself anymore, he’s thinking of other people as well.
And the last things that were written on the last page... “At that moment, without thinking, my body, simply moved on its own.” Didn’t Izuku say the same thing?? When he tried to save Katsuki from the sludge monster dude.
just saying... i need to hold on to hope right now. i need it or else im gonna cry at like random times. let me fucking hold on to this and if anyone (if there will be anyone who will even reads this) needs some kind of hope to hold onto like i do, there it is. my hope may be slim but ill hold on to it until the next update comes.
Also no one fucking point out that fucking chapter title means like he’s going to heaven or some shit cause he is “rising”. I will fucking throw hands.