Fat People - Tumblr Posts
It is called being a "living teddy bear" or a "marshmallow".
Fat (or chubby/overweight) people are human, valid and huggable.
(Please note that not all feel this way, as in ok with hugs and with being called marshmallow or teddy bear. This is just me.)
fat people are allowed to love their bodies
This makes me think a lot. I would say that I have a good life. But then, WOULD I have more friends? WOULD I have a better chance of keeping friends? Maybe I would be babysitting by now. Would my dad yell less if I accidentally break something? Would my brother be kinder to me, my mom and dad as he doesn't do this to our sister or our grandma?
Sorry yall, I just fucking hate how literally any stance on overweight people other than "Reveal their location and give them LowTierGod advice" is always passed off as "supporting obesity" for some reason.
And I hate how this is rarely addressed at all.
Shout out to the fat people whose relationships with their parents are permanently scared due to their parents’ constant badgering about their weight and size, and to those who were told time and time again that the insults and harsh remarks they got as children were just their parents trying to care for them/ were made from a place of love.
You did not deserve any of that, and they shouldn’t have held their love over you to make it seem like tearing you down was okay. Their “good intent” doesn’t remove the damage it caused you and it doesn’t make what they did okay in the slightest.
Something I honestly hate is when I am looking for books with a plus-size main character, and when I finally find a story that looks like it works, all the art for the "plus size" character is just a skinny woman. Like come fucking on, now.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am kinda pissed that Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't allow Tav to be fat.
Why in one of the best games of the year, do we still not have character creation that allows fat bodies to exist, in a fantasy game of all things? Are fat people not supposed to exist in a fantasy world?
Or do people deem fatness so negatively that when given an escape from reality, they couldn't understand why someone would want to be fat there too?

This is what my body looks like rn at 225 lbs @ 5 feet

This is the slower version of the original...

bold! Fat dad, how dare you doze off on a serious occasion? ? hahaha