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It’s done!! I can finally die in peace…. My Grand Order team is on point \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////

Baby Fate/Apocrypha! Is incredibly fun to draw
FanFiciton Multiverse: The Emperor-Verse
Given the nature of my RWBY Reimagined AU, Saints of Remnant, I'm thinking compiling some of my fanfictions in a universe thats inspired by The Chronicles of Narnia which is implied to exist in this universe but never truly touched upon until a major crossover event and even then, its set after The Last Battle so Narnia is long gone, but it vaguely implied and referenced to explain how this multiverse works and even the origins of some worlds along utilizing the theology of my Catholic Faith, The Works of CS Lewis and Medieval Cosmology, since all these things in my opinion can help tie them all together.
The Emperor-Verse(link to the blog is in the title)
The Emperor-Verse is the fanfiction multiverse in which these stories take place, named after the Supreme Deity that rules these worlds The-Emperor-Of-All-That-Is which were created or adopted by The Great Prince and given The Breath of Life
My Catholic Faith along with the works of CS Lewis served great inspiration for this universe, but mostly its a prototype of one of my fictional universes, or perhaps you can call a ‘multiverse’, known as The Loreverse which you can find on my primary blog
And here are some of the titles
RWBY: Saints of Remnant(reimagined)
Code Geass: Lelouch of The Knighood(reimagined, possible placeholder title)
Skullgirls: Reimagined(placeholder name, need to think of something more fitting)
Bionicle: A Tale of Hope(reimagined)
Fate/Defiance(Fan Sequel to Unlimted Bladeworks)
Skeleton Knight in Another World: The Order of The Sacred Blood(alternate sequel)
BlazBlue: Alterized Fate(reimagined)
D.Gray-Man: Encore(reimagined)
There may be more in the future
It may feature a crossover involving five characters, two from our world which shares the same world as Fate in this case, jumping from world to world and bring some other characters across worlds depending on the situation
Now you’re probably asking
“Why are you doing this?”
Mostly because like I said, its a prototype of concepts and stories which these franchises I’m using I take heavy inspiration from, which will most likely become there own things mostly for The Lorverse.
If I used The Loreverse which I plan to make money on, it might lead to legal issues and I don't want that to happen.
“Why are you using your Religion?”
Mostly due to it being a strong foundation, notably theology, for most of my stories, there are many strong foundations of storytelling, religion, history, you can even fantasize science if you put the imagination, time, and effort into it.
After doing some soul searching and listening to the Narnia books on Audible, which Narnia is implied to exist, or I should say had existed, in this universe, and I might include elements of CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy
The multiverse takes these universes and blends them into my faith and its theology, and even uses medieval cosmology, and makes them more like swashbucklings epics and fairy stories.
“Isn’t this kind of entitled and disrespectful?”
Disagreement isn’t necessarily malicious, and entitlement is not inherently bad if its your opinions and subjective feelings which people are entitled to.
Tolkien was heavily inspired by his distaste for how Shakespeare handled certain concepts, such as the Ents when he was upset and dissatisfied that there were no walking talking trees in the Enchanted Fortest of Macbeth, and the Valar Aule the Smith and the origin of the Dwarves make him something of an Anti-Prometheus
Not to mention Philip Pullman, the author of His Dark Materials Trilogy, made it out his distaste how CS Lewis made the Chronicles of Narnia and his overall beef with Christianity, and nobody seems to take issue with that.
I’m not trying to spite anyone, I’m not trying to spite Monty Oum with my RWBY Reimagined AU, Especially when I never knew the guy, and that can be said with the other AUs I’m not trying to change canon or its “trajectory” whatever that means in this context. I’m not saying Pyrrha and Arkos and the current direction of RWBY post V3 was objectively bad, just not my taste, I expected it to be more like Star Wars or Avatar the Last Airbender, and ships I wanted akin to Ed and Winry, Han and Leia, Kagome and Inuyasha, I think you get the idea, and I know not everyone who liked it and are fine with how these other franchises turned out is an elitist about it, just in my experience, there were people who were. And I won’t touch upon the ships I have a beef with on this blog either.
And I’m not saying any of the franchises I’ve been covering are all objectively bad, even when they use concepts or take directions with them I don’t like due to personal tastes and preferences and “personal emotional beats”, I have my reasons for them just as you all have reasons for yours.
I am making these AU stories, which will eventually be revamped into original stories because looking back on them, their worlds, characters, concepts, ships I wanted, and other ideas all could have been in stories I believe are worth telling and I was disappointed and frustrated that they weren’t. That’s it.
Yeah, it may also be due to subjective and personal feelings, at least so I’ve been told, but I try to integrate that in a meaningful way. Once again, I have my reasons for them as you all do for yours.
“But isn’t this crossover and multiverse stuff, especially if your including Narnia and your religion kinda cringe?”
It’s mostly because helps organize my stories and gives a stable foundation when reimagining these stories, notably the magical nature of each world such as the nature of Remnant(Aura, Semblance, Faunus), Geass, Blue(BlazeBlue), Bionicle mysticism, and so-on and so-forth as different configurations of Deep Magic
I’m also utilizing medieval cosmology as Lewis did to explain the multiverse by organizing with every universe being a “Sphere” and our world, blended with the Fate Type Moon universe for practical purposes, being “The Firstborn Sphere” and the outermost sphere being Heaven or some had called “Aslan’s Country” or as its called in this Multiverse “The Great Empire” which also can be applied to the multiverse itself aka The Great Cosmic Sphere. and Hell or also known as “Tash’s Country” or “The Netherworld” exists completely outside of the multiverse
As well using the Biblical Story of Genesis as a basis especially with Adam and Eve’s connection to many sentient species of the Multiverse.
Now personally when it comes to my faith, I can live with either creationism or theistic evolution, just anything besides outright materialism.
All of this just helps tie everything together...
And like I said, all in due time, these will be made into original stories for my original universe.
I can see why people think using my religion and Narnia is cringe due to the creatively bankrupt Pureflix movies are all feel-good with no substance written by mostly I like to call "Joel Olsteens" rather than the works of martyrs and church fathers, or the esteemed medievalist CS Lewis and his friend JRR Tolkien, a hardened veteran who's family and his own life was nurtured by a serious but still merry understanding of the faith.
And I'm not saying I'm on par with these guys, but I feel like if I take cue from them, I can be sincere in my work.
So I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer, which will most likely be put on AO3 and FanFiction.Net, and who knows, I might get a few artists to commission to redesign some characters or illustrate some scenes if anyone is up for it.
Thinking of my Megacrossover events; The Order of Cair Paravel
One Saga, involving RWBY, BlazBlue, Skullgirls, Bionicle, Skeleton Knight in Another World, Code Geass, Fate, D.Gray-Man and a few others which focus on original characters, notably one is the granddaughter of Susan Pevensie and her love interest who is an American dude who's a bit of satire of New Hollywood movies of the 1980s and set in mostly our world which shares the Fate World and references many 1980 films such as Ghostbusters and The Goonies and is all about fighting disenchantment and uses Chronicles of Narnia as a basis
Then there's another saga that involves the bully of the American character's school finding redemption involving Lies of P, Alice Madness Returns, Bioshock and a few others but uses The Ransom Trilogy and bits of The Silver Chair, even involves worlds including world of Fritz Lang's metropolis and overarching themes of the horrors and evils of scientism and modernity
Both involve evil Cults/Secret societies who are under the influence of "The Bent One" aka The Devil

I unironically ships these two tol monsters, their potential and sexiness together is unparalleled