Finney Blake - Tumblr Posts
Finney watching Vance almost kill a kid at the Grab N Go:

That boy held the door open for the police too
when your fighting with your sibling but your mom walks in

when your fighting with your sibling but your mom walks in

Finney: This is for everyone who died to The Grabber.
Finney: This is for Griffin Stagg, Billy Showalter, Bruce Yamada, Robin Arellano, and... Vance Hopper who I don’t really care about but i’ll throw him in there too.
Finney: This is for everyone who died to The Grabber.
Finney: This is for Griffin Stagg, Billy Showalter, Bruce Yamada, Robin Arellano, and... Vance Hopper who I don’t really care about but i’ll throw him in there too.
I am begging on my knees for someone to use Finny from The Black Phone as a young Peter Parker for an edit.
I swear to GOD they look eerily alike.

Feel free to use :3

Feel free to use :3
idk if anyone else has already informed you but if not, the grabber’s real name is Albert Shaw😊
Finney's last name is Blake. I've been calling him Finney Shaw. Where did I get Shaw from and why did no one correct me?!
I’ve been seeing a lot of The Black Phone fics and content on this app lately and I’ve also been putting off writing my own content for it
So here goes
My Kissing Headcanons for the Casper Crew + Finn

Bruce Yamada
-very gentle
-tries to copy methods that he sees on television or in movies
-likes to stroke two or three of his fingers down your face bc it feels more intimate to him
-cups your mid back area bc he needs both hands on you at all time and that place feels the most… appropriate
-absolutely adores short kisses from you bc they feel like an afterthought or instinctual; like kissing him is as essential as breathing. just give my boy lots of little pecks, he loves them
Robin Arellano
-a bit too passionate that it always seems kinda inappropriate
-doesn’t give two shits about propriety or others, he’s paying more attention to the important things
-cups your face to ensure all of your attention is on him
-kisses always escalate no matter how chaste they start off
-there’s a special place in his heart for the kisses where you bring him in by his jacket or hair, makes him feel good about himself long after they’re over
Vance Hopper
-very rarely kisses you
-can go from 0 to 100 very quickly depending on whether or not people are around
-if so, don’t expect kisses at all, he won’t bc he doesn’t like the idea of people seeing you that way
-surprisingly enough he tries very hard to be gentle, not always successful but he tries
-he’ll never admit it aloud, but his favorite kisses are the ones you initiate. he likes feeling like he’s wanted. doesn’t even matter what kind of kiss it is, as long as you start it
Billy “Paperboy” Showalter
-a slow kisser
-he’s a bit of a go-getter; he knows what he wants and if it’s okay with you, he’s gonna get it
-likes to wrap his arms around you when he kisses you, even if it’s a short kiss
-likes to do multiple kisses in one sitting
-his favorite type are the firm, serious kisses. the ones where he has trouble breathing from afterward. the ones that have you struggling to re-open your eyes for a while
Griffin Stagg
-he doesn’t tolerate PDA
-he’s a very fluttery, quick kisser
-honestly, he might just prefer the times where you kiss his cheek or jaw
-unlike Vance, who hates PDA bc of other people, Griffon doesn’t like how it makes him feel
-his favorite kisses are the ones you put all over his face, rather than just his lips. makes him feel like your marking all of his features as your favorite. it makes him feel seen too, as if every kiss is telling him that you’ve noticed him
Finn Blake
-clumsy but hot kisser
-he just gets really excited, and doesn’t figure out how he wants to kiss you before he’s already doing it
-another one who needs his hands on you, usually cupping your jaw/neck area
-he likes feeling how flutter-y his kisses make you; gives him a much-needed confidence boost
-unlike Bruce, Finn feels like short kisses don’t convey love enough. long, passionate kisses are what get him going bc it feels like your putting the time and effort to show him how much you love him. always wraps you in his arms during these kisses
I’m not gonna lie, I find the reactions to my last post to be very encouraging. I think it’s safe to say that you guys will be seeing more headcanons and preferences from me. Maybe even fics as well. As always, my asks are open, so feel free to comment or suggest fics you’d like to see from me
Anyways, on with what y’all actually came here for
My Hugging Headcanons for the Casper Crew + Finn

Bruce Yamada
-expect bear hugs
-comes from a very openly affectionate family, so he likes to convey his feelings through physical affection
-he’ll keep you there for a minute, too, prepare yourself for that
-hella cliche, can and will pick you up and twirl you around if he hasn’t seen you in a while
-I head canon that Bruce isn’t all that great with words, like, there’s basic compliments and sentences, but I feel like he’s the type that believes that love can’t be expressed with words. So he’ll hold you and imagine that all of his love is being poured into a hug
Robin Arellano
-even tho i previously said that he doesn’t care who’s looking and he’ll be as affectionate with you as he pleases, I feel like that might not apply to hugs
-robin is very awkward with hugs but he likes touching you, so he’ll wrap an arm around your shoulders when you walk together
-if you aren’t and are just standing around, he’ll turn you to face him and just grab your hips, just keeps his hands there
-he actually loves putting his hands on your hips because he likes that he can be openly affectionate with you and still look cool
-he does give full-on hugs, but he feels like those are intimate, too intimate to be shared with the prying eyes of others. He’s a pretty small guy and he knows it, so to him, hugs are protective and private. Robin’s real hugs are very special
Billy “Paperboy” Showalter
-a lot like Robin, Paperboy isn’t one to hug you in public
-it’s not an intimacy thing, or a PDA thing, he could not give less of a shit about that
-but he correlates hugs to cuddles, so in his mind, if he’s gonna hug you, its gonna be an hours-long affair
-in public, if he wants a hug, but can’t cuddle you, he’ll just wrap an arm around your shoulder by its the closest he can get to having what he wants until y’all are alone
-when you’re alone, whether it’s at his house or yours, and he wants a hug, he’ll just drag you to a comfortable spot and y’all will cuddle until bodily needs overtake the sweet comfort of each other’s embrace, but seriously, clear your schedule bc you will not be moving for a very long time, don’t even try it
Griffin Stagg
-hugging is the most extreme form of PDA this boy can handle
-to him, hugging can be platonic and is ordinary to the public eye, so he doesn’t mind it, but he will end it if he feels like y’all are being watched
-his favorite way to hug you is to wrap his arms around your waist and across your lower back, which leaves room for you wrap your arms around your shoulders
-griffin knows he isn’t exactly the most affectionate boyfriend, whether its in public or not, so giving you hugs makes him feel like a better romantic partner
-its sort of silly tho bc in private, its almost as if he has trouble detaching himself from you. He’ll give you a hug, and then do an awkward shuffle to wherever he wants to go with you still in his arms. It makes him blush when you bring it up to him, so he’ll use his body to guide you to a bed or couch, body slam you, then leave as if it was nothing
Vance Hopper
-c’mon, you already know
-fine, but if he did hug you, it would be so totally low effort that it doesn’t even seem like a hug to other people
-he likes to shuffle up behind you and wrap one of his arms across your chest
-it honestly looks kind of threatening because of the way he’s positioned with an arm caging you to his side and his mouth very close to your ear, it looks like he’s threatening you or whispering malicious things to you if not for your pleased smile and the fact that he’s not actively yelling at anyone
Finn Blake
-like Bruce, he likes to wrap his arms around you
-in public, he’ll maneuver you to tuck your head into his chest or neck and sway you until he decides he’s had his fill for the moment
-sometimes if you’re just standing around by your lockers or the Grab n’ Go, he’ll have you curled into his side with an arm around you, casual and unassuming
-in private, especially in his house, he likes to tuck his head into your neck instead. For a very long time, his home wasn’t a very safe and happy place for him and the changes that came with escaping the Grabber didn’t magically fix his bad memories of his childhood. So he’ll curl into you and find comfort in your soft warmth. A good amount of the time, private hugs end up turning into cuddle sessions where he lays onto top of you with his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat
Guess who’s back? Back again! Anddddddd posting for the second time in a day. Wow, I guess there is a first time for everything.
Anyway, on to what y’all are actually here for......
My Classic Monster Headcanons for the Casper Crew + Finn

Bruce Yamada
-he’d most definitely be a werewolf, like full-on 1985 Teen Wolf over here
-he’d try to keep it secret bc of his family, but the other Grabbed and Gwen would all know relatively quickly
-if he were to suddenly become a werewolf - whether that be bitten or activated over time - there wouldn’t be much of an adjustment period, he’d accept being a werewolf pretty quickly
-true to most canine fashion, he’s very good with people, which is why he’s so popular and well-liked
-there are dark sides to every coin tho, he can be very passive aggressive on his time of the month and his heats are no joke. It’s just better to steer clear of him until his head is on straight and he’s more sociable. Doesn’t matter if you’re friend, family, lover, or foe; Bruce is just very angry and aggressive during the full moon
Robin Arellano
-may be a shock to some, but Robin is a zombie
-he may be the toughest kid in school, but he honestly doesn’t look it at all, he looks totally unassuming to strangers
-like Bruce, he’d take to being a zombie pretty quickly and almost seamlessly, he likes how it makes it easier for him to think and the energy he gets from it
-most assume that zombies are slow and sluggish, and while he isn’t the best at math, the rest couldn’t be less true
-on the other hand, his craving for raw meat is pretty inconvenient in fights. And the only thing that he misses about being human is sleeping. For him, sleep was the only real way for him to relax and let his tough guy persona rest; he can’t do that anymore and it frustrates him. Speaking of, try not to frustrate him, if you thought he was bad before in his fights, the lack of exhaustion and need for a break makes him even more fearsome and relentless in fights
Billy “Paperboy” Showalter
-coincidentally, or not, Paperboy would be a mummy
-Paperboy does not take to being a mummy well at all, actively hates on it for a good while, and does his best to keep it a secret from everyone
-luckily, or unluckily, for him, he has all of eternity to get used to it
-he does enjoy the invulnerability, and some of the powers he gets, but he absolutely loathes the random piles of sand he finds in his room or on his person
-no one knows if it’s intentional or not - though the Grabbed and Gwen have their suspicions - but sometimes Paperboy getting what he wants goes too far. Almost as if he doesn’t care about others and their free will. In the cases where he doesn’t get his way, it is infinitely worse for other people around him. Swarms of locusts buzz and bite his classmates. sand finds its way into carpets, hair, food, and in bodies. Blood infects and dilutes the town water supply when Paperboy is angry. And no one knows for sure how it happens
Griffin Stagg
-not that much different than a ghost, Griffin is a poltergeist
-he may not have a large impact physically, but you can be damn sure the world feels it when he’s near
-he doesn’t really seem to have much of a reaction to his new circumstances, he kind of likes to just roll with the punches
-it doesn’t really matter if he tried to keep it a secret, he doesn’t have anyone to tell it to besides the Grabbed
-out of all of the Grabbed, Griffin has the most trouble controlling his abilities - even worse than Paperboy, supposedly - and he doesn’t know why. The only real ability that he has no trouble with is entering the spirit dimension. Sometimes he has dark thoughts about being there, he feels like he belongs there, alone, and always has. On his darker days, you should expect rain storms, inanimate objects moving around, random tragedies, and all around mayhem. It’s not Griffin’s fault, he honestly can’t help it. Right?
Vance Hopper
-vance would be Frankenstein, you all know it
-over-aggressive over little things, violent when provoked, and gets an unnecessarily bad rep
-he hates being Frankenstein actively, despite getting used to his situation the quickest, everyone knows and god help you if you remind him; he’ll go from 0-100 alarmingly quickly
-hates looking into mirrors, pictures, and changing his clothes, he hates any reminder of what happened to him, people already considered him a violent, monstrous freak before. Now he just looked the part
-vance’s temper is off the charts as a re-animated being. He was no where near as volatile before, but now, every simple thing sets him off. Especially fire, or his own reflection. Vance likes being left alone, likes being comfortable in his surroundings. Now, he’s not even comfortable in his own skin, mostly bc its not even his for the most part. The worst part is, he’ll suffer forever, his strength and durability will be his greatest weakness, and make him the biggest threat
Finn Blake
-last but not least, finney would be a vampire
-not exactly Nosferatu, but pretty damn terrifying when the situation calls for it, as we’ve seen
-never truly gets used to being a vampire, and a large part of him will always partially miss being human, but he does enjoy being a vampire
-finney likes that he no longer has to be afraid of bullies bc he’s strong enough to best them, and fast enough to run away if he wanted to, its actually bc of this that people find out about him relatively quickly. Cmon, everyone is gonna notice when the school’s resident punching bag/loser suddenly kicks ass
-still, as kind and demure as Finn might seem, he’s still a deadly and bloodthirsty creature of the night. It’s not his fault he gets hungry. He didn’t choose to become a vampire. Honestly, if the entire town knows of his peculiar...proclivities, you’d think they’d know better than to go out at night. Where Finn is lurking, hungry and waiting. Plus, he’s not exactly good at controlling his strength or speed, so if he accidentally broke Moose’s jaw that one time, he didn’t mean to. It was an accident, after all
Thank you for all the likes, reblogs and follows, guys! This is the most encouragement and love I’ve ever seen for any of my works and it makes me proud and happy with my abilities as a writer and a fan. Of course, I wouldn’t be in this position if not for the attention given to me by the readers of Tumblr. So ask away! Any ideas, recommendations, or suggestions are both welcomed and encouraged. Well, I’ve still got a lot more ideas, so I’d better get to writing for y’all! Bye-bye!
Do you take requests for The Black Phone?
yes, hi, so sorry for the late response.
whatever your ask is, i can probably make it happen so long as it goes okay with the rules on my previous posts
thank you so much for asking, i really appreciate the interactions, and again, sorry for the late reply
The Black Phone timeline is all messed up😭

Gwen said Vance was taken last spring but his missing poster says September. We also know he was held back twice.

Robin was taken second to last in 1978 but his poster says he was taken before Vance in 1977. The poster says he was 13 but it also says he was born in 1963 and taken in 1977 so he would've been 14🤨.

Billy's poster says he was 13 but it also says he was born in December of 1964 and taken in May of 1976 so he would've been 11.🤨

Griffin's poster says he was 5'10" but he was the shortest of the ghost boys💀. Also he was apparently 10!?😳

Bruce's missing posters says that he was born in June of 1965 and was taken in July 1978 which would mean he's 13 but the poster says he's 12🤨.

Another look at Bruce's poster.

This contradicts Max's crime board also😭

According to their missing posters Vance went missing after Robin but Max's crime board says Vance went missing before Robin.
What and who I will write for
Who I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Jason Grace
Piper McLean
Silena Beauregard
Clarisse La Rue
Grover Underwood
Thalia Grace
Leo Valdez
Hazel Lavesque
Frank Zhang
Nico Di Angelo
Will Solace
Luke Castilian
Reyna Ramírez Arellano
Finney Blake
Vance Hopper
Gwendolyn Blake
Robin Arellano
Billy Showhalter
Bruce Yamada
Natasha Romanoff
Yelana Belova
Kate Bishop
Maria Hill
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Peter Parker
Wanda Maximof
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Deena Johnson
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Ruby Lane
Constance Berman
Abigail Berman
What I will write for:
Social media
To anyone that knew Robin Arellano, or to anyone who cared or dared to look closely, the little gold band around his thumb was just there. It always was, like it was a part of him.
No one but Finney knew about the promise it was. A promise made when they were young and naive enough to get married behind the playground slide.
The little gold band around Robin's thumb was a part if him, as important as the air he breathed.
But no one but Finney knew that. And on December 2nd, a week after he killed a man with his bare hands and walked out of that basment, alive- just not feeling alive- Finney Blake died. Whatever part of him survived the basement shriveled up and turned to dust. The part if him that still clung desperately to Robin's faded voice through that phone.
"I'm sorry, there weren't any jewelry found on the body. I can check again, if you want, but there wasn't much of anything left behind on any of the bodies."
The doctor had looked at him kind of sympathetically, and had walked away like he didn't just rip Finney's heart out to stomp on it over the tile floor.
"There weren't any jewelry found on the body."
The Grabber- Albert Shaw- the sick motherfucker. He killed Robin Arellano. He killed his Robin, he took away his Robin. It hadn't felt quite real until now, he still found himselt expecting to see Robin in the bathroom at school or around the corner or in his seat in Math. He still expected Robin to walk up to him and grin and laugh. All of that died, right there. The Grabber took away everything that made his Robin, Robin.
A promise made on a playground with a gold band. "A friend never leaves a friend behind," Robin said proudly, grinning wide with his missing front tooth. Finney grinned just as big.
But Robin was gone, and so was the ring, and so was the promise.
Little Finney: Robin, Robin! I got you a birthday present!
Little Robin: excited Really? What is it?
Little Finney: Close your eyes and gimme your hand
Little Robin: confused, but does what he’s told
Little Finney: slips one of his mom’s rings onto Robin’s thumb
Little Robin: opens his eyes and looks at it H-Huh?
Little Finney: proud Now we’re married!
They got married on the school playground behind the slide
TBP characters x somehow famous reader ? ( It's up to you how ) thank you for reading my request 👍
so I wasn't sure whether or not you wanted the cast or the characters themselves, so I just went with cast because it made more sense.
If you wanted characters I can redo it! 💗💗 (this looks way longer than it actually is btw)
he definitely stalks you
like not in a creepy way, he's just always on your social platforms, literally waiting for you to post.
he's totally your biggest fan, and will literally attempt to fight all of your haters.
Before your relationship, I feel like he was very nervous to talk to you.
Like if you two were ever at a screening together, or a fancy event back when TBP was popular, this man would legit stare you down from across the room. Then proceed to duck under a table if you catch him staring.
But during your relationship he would be way more relaxed and confident.
He would be chill about pda and taking you on dates in public, but your fanbase would be doing cartwheels, cause everybody ships yall.
He's so obvious about his crush on you that it's hilarious.
If you seen those lives where he's just reading comments, then one mentions your name. He's gonna ramble on about you for the rest of the live.
WILL NOT SHUT UP ABOUT YOU, and his friends are tired of it tbh.
bro literally forgets he's famous too and turns into the ultimate fangirl.
But during your relationship he's so sweet.
Always wanting to hangout with you, taking you out in public almost every day.
If yall ever broke up, yalls fans would explode.
They be acting like yalls children with how lovey dovey yall are.
I feel like he'd try to hide it.
Like he's not in denial, but he don't want nobody knowing about his crush on you.
"conceal, don't let it feel" he's literally elsa.
He kinda keeps to himself around you, in public and all that.
He wouldn't want to overwhelm you, especially with how the media reacts when two popular human beings get together.
So you'd def have to approach him and ask for a date.
During your relationship, he would thaw the ice a bit.
You'd have to reassure him of your relationship a lot.
He just wants you to be comfortable. Lazy nights at home, introverted hangouts, cooking together.
Pretty chill.
literally the opposite of brady.
He's definitely trying to rizz you up at a fancy event, and you're just like 😐
Like whispering random shit in your ear, trying to make you blush, posing with you at every opportunity.
Kinda annoying tbh
But if you give him a chance he'll tone it down. He'll start be more genuine and less flirty.
Taking you out to dinner, not wanting to take pictures with fangirls even though you scold him for being rude.
def starts arguments with you for fun. Starting light hearted arguments with you for fun.
this mf is still annoying.
but overall very cute.
He's honestly pretty chill about you.
He just casually approaches you strikes up conversation.
In the middle of an interview? "These lights are bright, am I right y/n?" Talking with a fan? "Y/n, don't you have that same shirt?" Signing an autograph? "Do you think aliens are real?"
like shut up 😭
He really just enjoys talking to you, hearing your voice is the highlight of his day.
Yall would ease into a comfortable friendship before he ask you out.
From there on its late night ft calls, stealing each other's clothes, and going on casual excursions.
def the easiest to date.
She's so funny.
Either confesses right off the bat, or confirms you're hers after yall lock eyes.
kinda reminds me of that one audio, YOU ARE MINE, YOU ARE MINE.
Yall could be talking about pregnant hyenas, and she'll randomly be like, "I love you".
like girl what?
During your relationship she would be super cute.
Yall always out together. You can never catch her inside for more than 10 minutes.
Mason be feeling like a third wheel every time yall three are in the same room.
Yall just in the corner flirting and mason's just sitting there like 😐.
def your hype girl, yall always turning up.
srry, this was so long 💗💗
this had me laughing for a solid 5 minutes
The Grabber tryna lure in Finney