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Quick Important PSA
Fandom has been taking down those extremely intricate and helpful GameFAQs text guides because they're a terrible company run by rat bastards, so if you care about archiving those old guides for a smoother experience on the earliest generation of games, i've linked prograc's archive of just about every single one you can think of. make sure to download the whole 7z file (its ~2GB), as this is undoubtedly the most accurate and useful tool for anybody wanting to experience video game history.
Microsoft is down! Someone call an ambulance! Wii U Wii U Wii U
Someone on GameFAQs (referring to the Xbox One)
A GameFAQs analogy
ZeroArchery: What does "rehash" mean?
WillWare: It means making some good hash browns for breakfast that everyone enjoys, then taking the leftovers and reseasoning them for tomorrow's breakfast.
More like MEW Super Mario Bros.
Someone on GameFAQs (referring to Super Mario 3D World's cat suit)
Why would you want to use decade+ old controllers?
I've never understood the logic behind a "hivemind" - in other words, thinking that people who share something in common all think the same. It's kind of like stereotypes, or perhaps racism. It's insulting both to the group and to the individual it's applied it to, and it's one of the biggest reasons we argue and bicker all the time.
This religion is all terrorists or all holier-than-thou stuck-ups, those console fanboys think the other consoles have no good games, and people who do this terrible thing can never be trusted again, ever. Even if you have proof that this is primarily the case, it doesn't mean anything, since any one individual can be the counterexample. It's all just generalizing - a logical fallacy. And people take it seriously!
It's especially annoying when two people who are part of the same group have different opinions, and then people say the hivemind is conflicted/never happy (two people who like the same console can't agree on the quality of a first-party game). How can you not see that it's differing opinions from different people? How do you assume that they're supposed to think the same, all the time? Or, sometimes, people insist that one of them is lying, that they actually believe what the other person said and are trying to save face (peaceful Muslims vs. terrorists, for example). Where's the logic? There is none. It's just stupidity.
In the end, it's no better than being racist. All blacks are horrible people, right? Generalization again. It's the exact same "reasoning." And everyone is guilty of it, to a certain extent - myself included, for generalizing that people who expressly think this way are all idiots (among other things).
"But doesn't that make you a hypocrite?" I'll gladly be the hypocrite if it means I help to reduce the problem as a whole. Not all hypocrites avoid changing themselves too.