Gendry Baratheon - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
GENDRYA WEEK 2020 | Day 4: Astrology Taurus, Earth, The Bull & Scorpio, Water, The Scorpion.
GENDRYA WEEK 2020 | Day 4: Astrology Taurus, Earth, The Bull & Scorpio, Water, The Scorpion.
GENDRYA WEEK 2020 | Day 4: Astrology Taurus, Earth, The Bull & Scorpio, Water, The Scorpion.
GENDRYA WEEK 2020 | Day 4: Astrology Taurus, Earth, The Bull & Scorpio, Water, The Scorpion.

GENDRYA WEEK 2020 | Day 4: Astrology — Taurus, earth, the bull & Scorpio, water, the scorpion.

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4 years ago

“I am death itself. I am the bringer of death, Gendry stop laughing, my soul is as dark as the night’s sky- Gendry I swear to God.”

Arya probably , Storm’s End, ten years into her and Gendry’s marriage.

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6 years ago
Arya X Gendry Week- (Day 3) Its A Sign Playlist

Arya x Gendry Week - (Day 3)  It’s A Sign  →  Playlist 

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5 years ago
Arya X Gendry Week 2019 (Day 2) Marry Me Now - Las Vegas Wedding

Arya x Gendry Week 2019 (Day 2) Marry Me Now - Las Vegas Wedding

Road trips should have happy endings. His ended with him joining his life to hers.

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4 years ago
Arya X Gendry Week 2020 (Day 1) - The Return Of Spring

Arya x Gendry Week 2020 (Day 1) - The Return of Spring

When the hope of spring blossomed the one that was lost to him returned

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5 years ago

Gendry is on the boat with arya and is hiding or issa joke and shes going to Storms End and hes waiting

plus how are Brans sisters gonna let him chill in KL?

what kind of council is that? lmao Bronn? of all ppl for the master of coins

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5 years ago

i ain't even mad cuz i knew something it was gonna end like this

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5 years ago

no matter the ending... im glad they gave us Gendrya even thou they only last till 8x04. lol

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5 years ago

i wanna see the behind the scene shots between Joe Dempsie and Maisie Williams while they shot season 8 episodes 1 ,2 ,& 4. lol, especially during episode 2. idk

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5 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

fuck y'all.... this fucked me up real quick....😣

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5 years ago
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7
Gendrya Week - Day 7

Gendrya Week - Day 7

Free Choice / s8 Fix-It

I don’t think they care, Arry. Inspired by my modern axg asoiaf graphics x x x

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4 years ago

Seasons 8s biggest failure was thinking that Gendry would ever accept lordship of anything like bitch he ain’t no class traitor he did not spend his entire life saying “fuck the royalty” to go waste his life being royalty like ???????

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3 years ago

Lysa Arryn suggest Catelyn marry their childs. And Robert Arryn marry with Arya, but Sansa wih Aegon and they moved to new castels.Fortunately for Arya Robert can’t end their wedlock. But hischildren's behavior and Lysa’s control slowly killed Arya inside and she tryed run. After this Lysa let she get divorced with Robert, but Arya must live in Vale and with time she meet Mya Stone. After Robert’s death new lord of Vale become Harrold Hardyng. Arya meet with his blacksmith, Gendry Waters, who look like Mya. Arya send leter to sister wher she wrote aboute Gendry and her feels. Then Sansa ask Aegon and he declare Gendry as Baratheon (he belived, thet He is Robert’s son) and let him marry with Arya. They become Lord and Lady of Storm End wher build big and lovely famaly.

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6 months ago
She Remembered Their Travel On Riverlands. What A Time It Was She Thought. It Was Gendry Who Caught Her

She remembered their travel on Riverlands. “What a time it was” she thought. It was Gendry who caught her after her attempt to escape from brotherhood without banners. All the way back she just kicked him and called him “stupid” several times. “They are saying lie to me, i’ve never see my family again!”she said. “Then i’ll be your family”. He was the one talked about being the bloody lowborn then. He was the one who wanted to left her behind.

She’d saw them again. Now she is in Winterfell, after eight years, she is safe again. The King legitimated him and made him Lord of Stormsend as he is the oldest male bastard of his brother, Robert. And now he is on the road for my hand. Does he still forge ? She wondered.

Gendry&Arya AU: Stannis won the war and and it’s time to keep promises between North and the Throne.

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6 months ago
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:
Songs: How Did It End/my Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys/this Is Me Trying By Taylor Swift. Plays:

songs: how did it end/my boy only breaks his favorite toys/this is me trying by Taylor Swift. plays: winter’s tale by Shakespeare.

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6 months ago
Baratheons(also Bastards) Became Bitter After They Lost Their Hands.

Baratheons(also bastards) became bitter after they lost their hands.

Gendry lost “Arya’s blacksmith hands” or “soft little things”.

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6 months ago

Gendry “a hidden bastard / a king” theory

As a Gendrya shipper i am not prone to ship Arya with anyone else. I respect other ships but i don’t like it. When i read something about others i always find a way to turn their proofs from the books into Gendrya thing :D And the most frustrating one for me was “you’ll marry a king” quote said by Ned Stark to Arya. The interesting side of this quote, it changed in the TV series. And so many readers thought it means they will change something, maybe they won’t add a character who mentions in this quote(like Aegon the Young Griff thing). I still don’t know why they changed; maybe George himself wanted it but if we only focus the books now my thoughts about this quote changed in good sake of Gendrya. It will be long. Here we go;

Gendry A Hidden Bastard / A King Theory

The chapter Ned met with Gendry has full of knowledge about Baratheon brothers(plus Renly’s shit comment about Shireen), their characters, their differences and similarities and even it mentions Lyanna Stark;

“Could it be that Lord Renly, who looked so like a young Robert, had conceived a passion for a girl he fancied to be a young Lyanna?”

And end of this chapter we met with Gendry personally. Remember Ned’s quote about “marrying a king”. It was on Ned’s previous chapter which is two chapters before(there is only just one of Jon’s chapter between two Ned Stark’s chapters).

Now, after Ned Stark told to Tobho Mott “I should like to see the boy as well” the story begins to evolve about a hidden prince. English is not my first language so i don’t know how i can explain to you well but if you read the chapter again i assume you can see the process too. There is a boy who the last Hand of the King interested so much, and the other one came and wonder about him. And there is a protector who is Tobho Mott knows about him but didn’t want to say anything. Then Ned insisted and Tobho says he wants no trouble. Then Ned tells him send him to me later etc.

But that’s just feeling of course, i’ll give you more hints about the “marrying a king”s part;

Ned says “a king” not “the king”. We know the differences from Margaery Tyrell on the show; She wanted to be “the queen” not “a queen”. But Ned says to Arya “you will marry a king” like any king. Because as we know Sansa got engaged with the prince so it means she will marry “the king” actually. And who ever he is there will be just one “the king”. So it means Arya will marry other king if she do so. But who is he?

Now we’ll check Street of Steel. What it says about;

“Ned turned off the square where the Street of Steel began and followed its winding path up a long hill, past blacksmiths working at open forges, freeriders haggling over mail shirts, and grizzled ironmongers selling old blades and razors from their wagons. The farther they climbed, the larger the buildings grew.”

As you read there are so many forges, and the largest buildings aka richest ones are on the higher than the others. And where is Tobho Mott’s?

“The man they wanted was all the way at the top of the hill, in a huge house of timber and plaster whose upper stories loomed over the narrow street. The double doors showed a hunting scene carved in ebony and weirwood. A pair of stone knights stood sentry at the entrance, armored in fanciful suits of polished red steel that transformed them into griffin and unicorn.”

Of course at the way top of the hill like a castle! Tobho Mott is a rich bastard! He is the man who made armors for our fashion love birds;Loras&Renly. And just look at the details the paragraf gives us; hunting scene on the door(Baratheon alert!) and there are stone knights at the entrance. Like how rich is this man?! His huge house looks like a qualified nice castle.

And then Tobho takes Ned to Gendry. And now i wonder why they go to see Gendry but not call him to come? Like this is the King’s hand! Why he have to go to see a boy but not this boy couldn’t come to see him? But Tobho says when Lord Arryn came he took him and Stannis to the forge to see the boy. So maybe Lord Arryn wanted to see Gendry at the forge and Tobho made the same thing for Ned.

“Tobho Mott gave him a cool, careful look. “As you wish, my lord,” he said with no trace of his former friendliness. He led Ned out a rear door and across a narrow yard, back to the cavernous stone barn where the work was done.”

But still this walk which Ned made for see Gendry seems to me appering before the king. Tobho accompanies him for direction and Ned follows him and then they reach the forge; to Gendry’s bench.

“Almost shyly, the boy led them to his bench, and a steel helm shaped like a bull’s head, with two great curving horns.”

And boom! Bench like a counter/seat. But bench also used as “a royal seat; a wide throne” on Middle English. So guys, Ned Stark visited King Gendry on his throne room :)

Okay, enough for this chapter. Now let’s beam up Brienne’s chapter on AFFC;

You know the story. There is an inn with full of children, and there is Willow which is Arya and there is Gendry as their protector. The important part is this;

“The common room was crawling with children. Brienne tried to count them, but they would not stand still even for an instant, so she counted some of them twice or thrice and others not at all, until she finally gave it up. They had pushed the tables together in three long rows, and the older boys were wrestling benches from the back. Older here meant ten or twelve. Gendry was the closest thing to a man grown, but it was Willow shouting all the orders, as if she were a queen in her castle and the other children were no more than servants.”

And this from AGOT;

"You," Ned said, kissing her lightly on the brow, "will marry a king and rule his castle, and your sons will be knights and princes and lords and, yes, perhaps even a High Septon."

Arya marry a king; it means she will be a queen. And she is the one who will rule her husband’s castle. And their sons will be royals.

Gendry is a man grown in the inn: A king.

Willow/Arya is the one who orders: A queen.

Boys are wrestling benches: knights, princes, lords etc.

And as i said on the top there is Robert&Lyanna mentions on this chapter. Now let’s read sentences as this;

“Could it be that Renly (Gendry), who looked so like a young Robert, had conceived a passion for a girl (her niece)he fancied to be a young Lyanna?”

“A girl” part originally mentions to Margaery who Sansa wishes has a sister like her :) But yeah, she has Arya Stark who is Lyanna’s niece and more looks like Lyanna than Margaery.

I accept i forced too much this time. But “a king” means a lot and Gendrya forever!

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