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Girl and coffee ☕
making playlists is so fun like I don't have the musical talent to make music but I can judge and categorized it like a pro.
Current Wishlist <33
To be an IT GIRL , you have to start living like one, especially when no one's around or watching, that is how you create the habit and eventually it will become your normality.
What does an IT GIRL do ?
. IT GIRL'S always carry lotion & perfume w them.
. IT GIRL'S always have sunscreen w them to maintain healthy skin.
. IT GIRL'S always keep their nails neat and clean. ( girl go get a manicure! )
. IT GIRL'S always smell good ( HYGIENE IS KEYYY)
. IT GIRL'S wear a cute lippie all the time and always carry extra.
. IT GIRL'S do facemasks every week (for the aesthetic of course) .
. IT GIRL'S always carry breathe mints or gum (can't blow kisses with stank breathe)
. IT GIRL'S socializes with everyone ( try and create a big social life )
. IT GIRL'S aren't influenced, instead influence others.
. IT GIRL'S love smoothies and salads ( not a necessity but do it for the aesthetic and gut health !!)
. IT GIRL'S always dress well
. IT GIRL'S never have a bad hair day ( it's only a bad hair day if you make it one )
. Last and most importantly, IT GIRL'S are confident and always nice to everyone !!!
Remember, there is so much more to being an IT GIRL, but this is a simple guideline highlighting important key features to use as you start your journey to becoming the next IT GIRL.
If you have anymore questions, hit the Q&A up top 🩷💋 xoxo
Your daily talk with @colebabey888
Need to up your Fashion Game or Makeup look ? Head over to @colebabey888 Pinterest Account for advice or click the tag below !!!
Pretty girls need a day just to...
my mind is filled with thousands of questions when it comes to you and what you did
I feel like my soul is fading when I feel the melancholic emptiness
feeling and thinking so much is going to kill me
loving so much sometimes hurts me
I feel my soul very heavy and at the same time an emptiness
It hurts to be desired but not truly loved
your actions showed me that your words were in vain
I drown in a void of pain and memories every night
The way you act confuses me
So many things are happening so quickly and in such a short time
I'm tired of feeling this way
the feeling of being good enough>>>