Gn Reader - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 year ago


thanks for all the love in the first part! <3

he loves to comb your hair, or just brush it, he even would learn how to braid you hair

he loves everything about you, even those things you consider ‘ugly’ of yourself, he just sees perfection every time he laid eyes on you

touchy af, he is ALWAYS touching you, not in a sexual way, he just likes feeling your skin against his, in public, he is always taking your hand or with his arm around your shoulders or waist, in home, his hand is on your thigh, under your shirt touching your waist or giving you hugs where he puts his hands under your shirt to rub your belly or back.

he loves when you expend the night in his house, sleeping with you wrapped in his arms and waking up, seeing your messy hair and your mouth slightly open while you still sleeping, he just loves it

your dad loves him, of course, and don’t even tell about your mom

he would write you love letters.

when he is bored, he usually doodles about you, even if is just some sticky persons, in his mind that’s you and he, living in a big house with a little puppy.

he DREAMS having kids with you, having a little kid with your eyes and hair, or his, or your hair and his eyes, or viceversa, he just wants a kid with you.

he literally kiss the ground you walk by.

always speaking good of you, even better than you would ever do

he’s always paying attention to your little things and habits, maybe a little mole in your skin, maybe a scar and how you play with your hair without realizing or how you always cover your mouth while laughing

he is always following you like a stray puppy

if you’re tinnier than him, he would love tease you about it, always looking in the mirrors the size difference between you two, loving how small you looked by his side

the most caring bf in the world, galaxy and universe.

even if you two are already a couple, he is always saying the worst pick up line ever and being the one who ends flushed

he could hear you talk for hours without getting tired, always with a smile in his face

he loves dancing with you, even if he isn’t good or if you aren’t either, he loves it, always laughing when you accidentally step on his foot

he would go to your house at late hours of the night, and when you ask him why, he just says ‘i missed you’ like is obvious

he likes teasing you every time he catches you looking at his arms, even if that make him feel way better with himself

always trying to make you laugh, even the softest sound of your laugh lights up his day

always looking at you with those shiny puppy eyes of him, smiling widely when you get flushed by them

he lets you comb his hair, maybe some pigtails or some braids, do whatever you want with his hair

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2 years ago

𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐨𝐭 - 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐚 𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐞

[ assassination classroom ] karma akabane x reader

- y/n manages to make karma soft for them.


y/n l/n

 - gn!reader


clario - sofia + the neighbourhood - softcore


warnings; fighting, poison D:, blood


the h/c haired person walked through the door, karma following behind them shortly and chatting to them quietly but it was clear he was making snide remarks from the smirk on his face and the annoyed one on y/n’s.

“karma has really changed, huh?”

kayano told nagisa, leaning forward in her chair towards him as she was facing him.

“karma? changed?”

“yeah! i’m surprised you didn’t notice.”

this took place just after their trip to okinawa, a dangerous mission indeed. half of the class had been poisoned and the other half that wasn’t had to sneak around the hotel, to find the one who made this all happen.


“nagisa! there’s no need to think about murder you know!”

y/n yelled out to him, taking the stun gun from terasaka and throwing it against his back. 

“just because terasaka and i might be dying doesn’t mean you should kill him!”

“what do you mean you and terasaka? were you guys poisoned?!”

y/n ignored their classmates words that were spoken to them, terasaka was staring at them with stern eyes and karma’s eyes were widened, also a frightened expression from behind the group.

“focus on yourself and your emotions, not other people’s health right now! if you do kill him you’re no better than that asshole!”

“they’re right, nagisa! killing takaoka will solve nothing but your blind rage, in this event, he is likely bluffing about that antidote, we will consult with the poisoner downstairs, don’t go down his level. render him unconscious and you’ll be fine.”

as nagisa gathered his thoughts in his head after hearing the words from his classmate and teacher, he picked up the stun gun and tucked it away. y/n fell down to the ground in a kneeling position as people rushed to them, as well as terasaka’s friends going to terasaka too as he became light-headed.

karma was the first to catch y/n as they fell,

“you idiot.. are you okay?”

“i’m fine-”

y/n cut themself off by coughing, a shade of red washing over their face.

“..i’ll be fine, karma, promise.”

karma continued to look at them with a face that was mixed with anger and fear, maybe some worry too.

“why didn’t you tell the group earlier?”

the rest of the non-sick classmates had stood up, focused on nagisa about to get his ass beat.

“we were already too far in the mission, i couldn’t just back out..”

y/n replied, continuing to cough quietly.

“you could die though, you know.”

“yeah but you know me, i put others before myself.”

it was true, they did, let’s look at their trip to kyoto.


as the group was surrounded by high-schoolers thugs, karma began to speak,

“i hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but something tells me you gentlemen aren’t tourists.”

“don’t try to be a hero carrot top! hand over some of your friends and we’ll-”

the thug speaking to karma was cut off by him knocking him to the ground, hand on his face and everything.

“you see that? what did i tell ya, to hell with them without any witnesses is basically a free for all so go nuts.”

karma stood up, gesturing to and talking to his friends.


nagisa exclaimed, pointing to a guy that was in front of karma,

“i’m gonna gut you like a pig!”

the guy said, charging towards karma with a knife, karma backed up towards his right, grabbing a rag that was on top of a bike and threw it on the attacker’s face, immediately after knocking him towards the ground with a push on his head.

“strong words for a guy kissing the side walk.”

“let go of me!”

most of the group didn’t realise that the thugs that were behind them had been closing in on them until kayano shouted ‘let go of me’, they grabbed onto kayano, kanzaki and y/n.

“let- go!”

y/n yelled out, kicking the knee of the guy that held onto them and kicking his face once he fell to the ground, running towards kayano and her capturor, they also swiped their feet, they lost their balance and let go of kayano. y/n was grabbed again, which like kayano get grabbed again, y/n was pushed to the floor and multiple shoes had hit y/n, stepping on them repeatedly. karma got the same treatment as he held his head from the pain.

y/n’s weakened form stayed, watching karma, somehow with little power left in them, they managed to sit up, eventually stand and charged towards one of the guys, which caused a chain reaction which pushed the other thugs off karma and them falling to the floor,

“karma, you okay?”

karma didn’t respond,


a large impact came falling down on y/n’s head, something like a bat, and with that, y/n passed out on karma’s back.


y/n woke up, their wrists tied together behind their back and their head down, lifting their head to see kayano and kanzaki, in the same position as them.

“you guys okay?”

“we’re fine y/n.”

kayano responded, kanzaki then spoke up,

“are you okay though?”

“yeah yeah, i’m.. fine.”

“ah, your majesty has finally woken up.”

the leader of the thugs said, walking towards y/n and lifting their chin up with his finger.

“did you enjoy your rest-”

as the leader leaned close, y/n butted their head with his, a red mark staying on y/n’s forehead. the leader stumbled back, holding a hand against his forehead.

“you bitch!”


kanzaki called out, as the leader recovered, lifting y/n by their neck and then throwing them to the floor.

“i see how it is! little perfect student think they’re better than me!”

he stalked towards y/n, kneeling down and picking y/n’s head up by their hair.

“of course i do.. you’re fucking pathetic.”

y/n replied to the wide eye leader, coughing out blood from their mouth.

“tell me, what’s harassing some junior high kids gonna do for you, huh?”

he stayed silent, then smirked and laughed,

“we’re only having a bit of fun, hold them.”

one of the surrounding thugs that was standing by walked towards them, holding y/n’s arms with both hands, what he didn’t realise was that y/n’s wrists came apart, the rope not tying their hands together.

y/n took it as a chance to kick up on the leader’s face, flipping up and kicking the guy behind them, standing up straight and backing up towards the two girls.

kayano and kanzaki stared at their back, breathing slightly heavy and fast but still in a fighting stance,

“how are you such a badass-”

“use this to cut the rope quickly.”

y/n handed them a small knife that was tucked into their waistband from the back, they also picked another one from their waistband (somehow), holding it up to defend themself.

y/n dropped the knife into the couch, close to kayano which she grabbed. y/n stood in front of the girls while they took their restraints off, standing there to protect them. the leader who was taken down a few times managed to get back up, facing the trio menacingly.

“you don’t know what you’re getting into.”

“i know plenty what i’m getting into.”

“no, heh.. there’s three of you and more than 10 of us, we would beat you to a pulp, then! our little photoshoot can commence!”

he announced, a little too happy while the other highschoolers chuckled. y/n looked around, debating if it was better to make a run for it or fight them off while the other two escaped.

think y/n, think!

what would karma do in this situation?!

the door opened, cutting off y/n’s train of thought, 

“well would you look at that, the photographer buddies are here..-”

the leader looked at one of the photographers who was held out, a bruised eye that was beginning to swell and a few other injuries to his face, he was thrown to the floor for a nap then nagisa started speaking.

“school trip guide book page 1043, what to do when a group member has been abducted. If there are no leads on the perpetrator, think back to any colloquialisms, accents or linguistics quirks that might indicate perpetrators are local, if not and the perpetrators were wearing school uniforms, prefer to page 1334.”

the group that wasn’t taken were okuda, nagisa, sugino and karma, they stepped out of the shadows and into the light, revealing that they were the junior high kids they didn’t kidnap.

sugino with his fist in his hand, karma had his hands in his pockets but in a threatening way, nagisa was between the two looking down and flicking through the book, okuda stood behind them all, with a scared look on her face. 

“here we are, if the perpetrators are wearing school uniforms you might be dealing with a rival school out causing trouble.”

nagisa looked up from the guide book that koro-sensei had provided for the whole class, it had every possible scenario in it so it wasn’t too much of a surprise that they found them. 

“you found us!”

kayano exclaimed excitedly, the leader immediately started talking,

“what the hell, how’d you even know where to look?-”

“being unfamiliar with the area, the culprits will ought to stay in a narrow perimeter after the initial kidnapping, somewhere secluded but not far from the scene of the crime. if this is the case, consult to page 134.”

nagisa turned the book, showing everyone a map of kyoto. 

“my mach 20 birds eye view map of popular and or likely abductor hideouts might help.”

“that guide book is straight up amazing! there’s nothing koro-sensei didn’t think of!”

“no kidding right, definitely worth lugging around, we should take one with us everywhere.”

karma sounded nearly sarcastic while sugino seemed impressed.

“you’re getting all this from a guide book?!”

the groups of thugs exclaimed, shocked with their eyes popping out their sockets.

“so, what’s it gonna be, gentlemen? fight or flight?”

karma questioned, he continued shortly,

“we’ll go easy if you back down now but after all you put us through you’re not getting out of this unscathed, that’s a promise.”

karma was looking down while talking, at the end looking up with a smirk and glare that cut through butter. the leader chuckled, it seemed to be a habit maybe, y/n thought.

“acting all badass, you junior high kids crack me up! why don’t you say hello to some friends of mine- see how far that attitude gets you!”

he stated, seemingly sounding confident as okuda heard noise from behind them, looking back in caution. 

y/n’s feet shuffled back and forth, kanzaki guided them gently to the dirty but usable couch, as they looked like they were about to fall over any second. 

“y/n, you should rest.”

“but, what about you guys?”

“the others are already here and koro-sensei just got here, we’ll be okay.”

“oh, okay gotcha..”

y/n thought, better to have rest or fight through it. rest is obviously better. 


y/n woke up in a daze, when they woke up, they had woke up on a bed in an infirmary looking room, the room was large and everything was spread out, it was clear that the class was still in kyoto. they were laying down comfortably, sitting up and catching a red head in their peripheral vision as they did.

he was fast asleep in a chair just next to their bed, y/n smiled softly while pushing hair out of his eyes. 

y/n and karma knew each other before third year, they were actually good friends, once the suspension hit karma, y/n’s parents forced y/n to cut all ties they had with karma. It left karma devastated. it's a nice thing that y/n sneaked up to his house and threw rocks at his window until he opened the window to call out to y/n. 


“why are you here?!”

“to, um..”

to be honest, y/n just wanted to talk to karma, they didn’t really think it through.

“to explain?”

it sounded more like a question than an answer. karma looked down on them from his window, sighing then going back into his room, disappearing from y/n’s sight.

‘is this the end of our relationship?’

y/n thought, looking up and standing still for a couple of seconds, they decided that they should give up, over the span of knowing him, he was stubborn, so they might as well leave.

as they turned, they heard the thump of something soft hitting the grassy floor, they turned around again, seeing a rope lay on the floor, following the trail that led back into karma’s room, him peeking out from over the window frame.

“hurry and get up here, it’s cold!”



y/n was brought back to reality hearing karma’s voice, 

“you okay?”

the h/c haired person stared at karma, answering with a ‘yes’, followed shortly by a hug from karma.

“why couldn’t you just sit and wait for us?”

“something could’ve happened and you know it.”

It left the two in a comfortable silence, the balcony door was opened and wind could be heard blowing loudly outside.

“i’m sorry, karma.”

“it’s okay, just shut up and let me hug you.”

y/n smiled, wrapping their arms around karma the same way he was. 


as the class cheered, exclaiming about defeating the final boss, y/n leaned on a small wall, beside terasaka, with karma also right next to them. karma smirked while y/n smiled, obviously proud of nagisa.

eventually the class got to the same platform that nagisa and takaoka fought on, 

“nice work.”

karma said to nagisa from behind, he turned to look at him and saw that y/n was next to him, holding onto karma to prevent falling.

“you did a great job, nagisa.”

y/n smiled at their friend, nagisa smiled back. isogai shortly came up from behind them, asking nagisa if he was alright, and nagisa answering with a nod.

“well done, nagisa, i’m proud of you.”

the small group turned to look at koro-sensei, in his absolute defense form in kayano’s hands.

“for the first time in a while, i had no idea how thing would end.”

“thanks, but what are we going to do now? everybody else is still infected with the virus, the antidote takaoka didn’t blow up isn’t enough.”

karma squeezed y/n’s arm from the side, still worried for them. the class also stayed in a short silence, their p.e. teacher spoke up,

“we’ll figure something out, but first, let’s get off of this roof, wait here for the chopper, i’ll go collect smog.”

“ha! please, the antidote won’t do you any good.”

the class gasped hearing that voice again, they turned their gaze towards the voice direction, seeing the three assassins they had to pass to get to the roof in the first place.

“look at you brats, you really figured i’m taking out of this situation with their lives?” (ngl i had no idea what he said here)

“the man who hired you has been defeated, let it go. you no longer have a dog in this fight, i’m almost fully recovered from the gas, and these kids are strong believe me. i suggest we be reasonable and stop this before anyone else gets hurt.”

karasuma announced, standing in front of the class with everyone in a fighting stance.

“eh, alright.”

“i’ll make you wish you hadn’t-! wait.. come again?”

“no worries, you don’t have to bother with us, our contacts don’t come with avenging our employer, anyway as i was saying- the antidote would only be useful to you if you actually been poisoned-”

terasaka and y/n gasped, surprised looks on their faces, karma was relieved.

“well technically you were but not that bad, you know that bug you can get eating oysters on the half shell? i gave you a perfected version of that old war horse, it ought to flush out of your systems in about 30 hours or so.”

the poisoner was holding up a bottle near the size of his hand, bigger than his hand though.

“unpleasant but not fatal, now this supper is what our boss wanted us to use. if i actually had, haha, different story all together.”

he held up a much smaller tube in his other hand. the blonde assassin started talking then,

“after we got the job, the three of us talked it over and hatched a plan. the boss’s order seemed, you know a bit too harsh, we figured the hand off would play out just as well if you only thought you were in danger.”

y/n leaned into karma, karma helped them stand properly but still helped them.

“so i’m not dying?”

“you sound like you want to die.”

“well maybe i did!”

karma smiled and looked away, embarrassed to make eye contact with y/n who was leaning against him but looking at him directly.

“i’m sorry i didn’t tell you before.”

y/n apologised, suddenly having a slight nervous sounding voice. karma thought of it as another time to tease y/n, but they seemed genuine, so karma replied with,

“it’s fine, just tell the group next time. you are such an idiot.”

“we both know you don’t mean that, do you?”

“yeah i don’t.”

“yo lovebirds, wrap it up!”

“shut it terasaka!”


wc : 2943 words

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2 years ago

"It was a little mistake"

Eddie Munson x GN!Reader

"It Was A Little Mistake"

Genre- Angst

Show- Stranger things

Warnings- Angst (no comfort), kind of OOC Eddie, terrible writing, L Eddie

Word count- 1,671 words 8,727 characters

Author note- hey guys so I guess the original post of the first part disappeared!! So here it is again (SECOND PART IS STILL UP!!)

"It Was A Little Mistake"

For some people, it came as a surprise when they heard you hung out with the freak of Hawkins. You were surprised when others were surprised. Did it just not seem like you would? You weren't popular, but you guess you weren't really an outsider either. You never talked to kids who were considered popular or not many who were considered losers-- unless Chrissy Cunningham was considered popular and Eddie Munson a loser. You usually talked to Chrissy at parties when Jason was with the team, and she saw the chance away from the crowds of people when she was near you. With Eddie, you two started hanging out after grabbing the same Black Sabbath cassette tape.

"Uh...I had this first, so I'll just take it," you said, tugging it towards yourself.

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I had my eyes on it first, so it's definitely mine." He pulled it towards him.

"Dude, I grabbed it first. Just give it to me."

"If I can't have it, nobody can." He gave one last tug with all his strength and threw the tape on the floor, breaking it into what looked like a million pieces, then realized he had it just in his hands for a few seconds and could've taken it.

"You break it, you buy it," a voice yelled, then having you two run out and run to your cars, driving off. The next day, bright and early in the morning, Eddie Munson saw the one and only guy he saw at the music store, and it got even worse seeing you starting to walk up to him. "Munson is it? Eddie Munson" you asked, with just a hint of annoyance in your voice. Were you stalking him now? Oh god, you probably knew every single thing about him. Every secret. Everything! "Hello?" you waved your hand in front of his face to have him snap back into reality. "Yea, that’s me," the man with the birds' nest in his hair said.

"You owe me ten bucks."

"Even better... I'll take you to a little fun game." He didn't really have ten bucks, so he decided why not invite this cute person to something even better than 10 bucks! His dnd campaign!

Eddie didn't really tell you what he meant, but after school, he met with you at the room where they had their meetings, and to be honest, you never really looked at this room, seeing all the stuff for maybe theater. You saw a table surrounded by guys that had the same shirts as Eddie did, saying ‘HELLFIRE CLUB’ with a devil or demon it looked like and other things.

You never really talked to any of the people here, but you knew some of them just by their names. Mike Wheeler is the brother of Nancy Wheeler. Dustin Henderson hangs out with Steve Harrington. Lucas Sinclair is on the basketball team. Gareth’s talked to me a few times. The others you had no idea about, but you looked for a free chair and, luckily, it looked like Eddie had put one out for you! You sat down in it and looked at the game that was set out on the table. The whole game, you were confused and confused about how this made up for your ten dollars.

After that day, Eddie made it up to you after you kept asking for the 10 dollars, and he just bought you the cassette tape at that point. You did continue to hang out with the Hellfire Club and became friends with them all, still keeping your place as not a loser and not popular. Now, after a few months of keeping that place and hanging out with the club and Eddie outside of school, you started to develop feelings for THE Edward Munson. You weren't in some little romance movie, so you definitely couldn't just tell him straight up, so maybe give hints?

You started to sit closer to him.

You left little flirty words when talking to him

Tried nicknames

You got kinda touchy (put your hand on his mostly).


You even told him "I like you."

He laughed it off. He laughed at your confession.

Now you were in your room, laying in the middle of your bed, arms and legs spread out, wondering if he liked you back. He never stopped smiling around you. He was always calling you cute names... but then again, he did those with basically everyone he got along with. You rolled over on your stomach, groaning in a complaint, then kicking your mattress over and over till your legs hurt. Something came to your head. It’s like 6 pm. Eddie is probably setting up for hellfire. Alone. You rushed to get up and put on your slippers because of how much you were in a rush, then ran out of the house and got into your car to drive to Hawkins High School even after you left like two hours or three ago. You saw Eddie's van and parked next to it, getting out of the car and stuffing the keys into your pocket. Going inside the school, you heard muffled arguing, so you walked towards it, seeing the slightly open door to the theater room, but when you were going to walk in, the mention of your name made you freeze.

"You said they told you they liked you as a joke? Well, do you like them? " you heard Micheal Wheeler say

"Like them? [your name]? Are you joking right wheeler?" Eddie laughed, "They’re not my type. Let's say I like people who give me some space. That is the opposite of them. They’re always near me like if they aren't they’ll die! There's no way someone could be into that." The group laughed, continuing to completely shit on you. The way you act, the way you dress. The people you spoke to. Every Single. Thing. How could you be so stupid to think Eddie would like you? The only reason the two of you started talking was that you told him he owed you ten dollars. If you hadn't gone up to him that day, you wouldn't have spoken a word to him and he wouldn't have to you either. You could feel tears filling your eyes just threatening to come out if you didn't leave.

You did end up going home and face-planting into your bed, instantly sobbing into your pillow with the things the club had been saying were repeating over and over in your head, basically being imprinted into your mind. The one thing that stuck out to you the most was what Eddie said before you left "Meeting them was a little mistake. Trust me. I don't want them here any less than you guys do. I feel bad for anybody who dates them," his voice said, filled with hatred and annoyance but a small bit of regret that you didn't pick up. That's when you left, so that’s all you had heard, and you were glad you left since you don't think you could take anymore.

The next day felt like the devil himself planned this day. You got up and took a shower bright and early in the morning, then did whatever you did before going off to school, and when you got to the parking lot, it was getting filled with student cars and people getting dropped off. You drove into the parking lot quickly, taking a parking spot that someone almost stole from you. You got out of the car and ran your hands through your fingers, walking to the school doors. "[Your name]!!" someone called, but you ignored it and continued walking through the halls. "[Your Name]!" was called out again, so you turned your head and saw the metal head walking towards you with his hands in his pocket and a smile on his face, acting like he was innocent. Like he didn't hate you. Like he didn't even say your whole friendship was a mistake and he didn't even want it to happen. Sometimes you just wanted to choke him till his face turned blue, but you didn't let your thoughts get the best of you or you’d end up in prison.

All day he had been trying to get your attention, but you either walked in another direction, hid around corners, or simply just ignored him, acting as if he didn't even exist. Now on his side, he didn't know what to do. He tried walking beside you and talking, but you didn't even breathe his way. Not even a little side-eye. What did he do? Did a rumor come out about him? Did you just not feel well? Did you not want to be friends? He saved a spot for you at the hellfire’s table right next to show. He was even saving an extra drink for you. Last night they didn't finish the campaign due to all the talk about you, so he told everyone to come the next day so they could get a little further, probably just for an hour. It was after school and he left you a note in your locker that said they were having hellfire if you wanted to come. You read it... then threw it away.

While the guys were at Hellfire, he stared at the empty seat that had been left for you. Where were you? What did he do?

A week has passed. Then 2. Then 3. Then, somehow, it was 21 weeks, 147 days, 3528 hours, and 211680 minutes without you. He tried to make it up to you. He did. You told him a month later in a little paper but never spoke to him again. He bought you a few things to make it up to you, but none worked. He missed your smile. He missed your laugh. He missed how on little movie nights you’d add some random candies to the popcorn. He missed you. He made the biggest mistake ever. Losing you

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9 months ago
Archons Headcanons!
Archons Headcanons!

Archons headcanons!


When he first took his friend's appearance, he was pressured by his every action, afraid to give a false memory of his dear friend. Later, he gained confidence when he realized he does not have to "be" him, his appearance would be just a way to remember him, like the shell of an oyster worn as a necklace.

Venti doesn't let anyone carry him, because he is too light for a human of his size. Being the wind, he never clearly understood the notion of weight, and you will have a little surprise when you try to carry him, because he is as light as a feather. Quite literally.

Venti lives in a room at the hotel Goth that he reserved before the fatuis came. They try to get him to leave, but whoever pushes the door without his consent gets mysteriously a mini tornado in their face...

Every time Barbara finds Venti drunk in the streets of Mondstadt, she brings him to her and Jean's home, to Jean's great annoyance.

Venti is a hopeless romantic, he is the type to confess to you every now and then, just so you remember he loves you just like the first day. He would also gift you cecilias or poems everyday indirectly, by placing them somewhere he knows you will find them (besides you on the bed, in the kitchen, or even up in his statue's hands)


Unlike Venti, who has a lot of experience with humans, he does not know a lot about humans. So, sometimes he forgets to blink at a regular pace, or even to breathe.

He often does meditation by staring at rocks. He cannot really explain it, but it soothes him every time.

He will never ask you for mora, or at least not directly. Zhongli still has an archon's pride after all.

Instead of asking you for mora, he will tell you that he forgot his wallet at home...

You're the only one Zhongli shows his anger, or annoyance. Like the gentleman he is, he never shows anyone that he is annoyed or angry at them. But around you, Zhongli allows himself to express those emotions, because he knows you will understand.

Although, Zhongli has Olympic patience. He will never get angry at you, he prefers to leave it how it is and talk about it with you later, when both of you are calm.

Raiden Ei

Ei is very curious about human life, and most of your dates are just making her discover the nowadays-Inazuma. Even the slightest thing will make her have sparkles in her eyes, just like a little girl !

Yae Miko is very intrusive in your relationship, but she always respects your intimacy. She just wants every detail- maybe it will inspire a book!

Ei has a very low self-esteem. She is always scared to be too weak, too nice, too old fashioned... That's why she lets the Shogun do most things.

Sometimes, Ei sees a little boy crying, and she doesn't know why but she has a weird feeling and her heart tightens...

Nahida (platonic)

Nahida sometimes stumbles on her words. She has her precise idea of the sentence, but she does not know if everyone will understand...

It is nearly impossible to surprise her. She always seems so calm and collected, like reed who bends but never breaks.

She is always very enthusiastic at the perspective of explaining things to you, or teaching you some!

Like Ei, she is not very confident, but she does her best to gain her people's love.


She has a lot of trouble expressing her true personality, and she still fears judgement.

Neuvillette often visits her, and he slowly learns her true personality.

She has PTSD, but feels too humiliated to seek help.

Asks you to never mention Arlecchino.

Her smallest mistakes make her very anxious

You have to reassure her all the time

She wants to adopt every cute animal she sees

Furina loves to play pranks on you, a day never passes without her pranking you!

Archons Headcanons!

That's everything! I'm so sorry that the girls' parts are so short, I'll try to make up for it!

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9 months ago

Tasteless Engine (1)

You always dreamed of being a doll maker. Since your tender childhood, they were always around you. To comfort you. To play with you. To hear you cry when no one was there. The dolls are pretty, and they were there. You lived in a small animated town. Everyday, the scent of fresh-baked bread would wake you up before going to the boutique. This boutique is a small cabinet, stuck between two big houses in a tiny alley. Your family supported you when you told them your dream, and you ended up being the apprentice of the best doll maker of the region (it is not a very popular job).

But one day, this sweet life stopped. The master you followed so whole-heartedly died, and they were no place in town to welcome you. So, after weeks of thinking about your future, you decided to buy a tiny bungalow in the Snowy mountains near the border of the country. There, you would create your own dolls and toys, and sell them in the nearest town, down the mountain. The weather would be harsh, but you had to do this.

And that’s how you ended up living there. Today is easily the coldest day of the winter, and you abandoned your work on the toys and dolls you will sell at the end of the week to snuggle in all the blanket you could find near the fireplace.

You are drinking your third tea in a row in hope to warm yourself a bit more. Your eyes are half-lidded with tiredness and you could not feel your limbs when a big “BANG” resonates in your ears. Alarmed, you leave your mug by the fireplace and quickly go check every room to assure that nothing is broken with the harshness of the wind, blowing and howling outside.

Nothing wrong.

Reassured, you walk back to the fireplace when you hear a lamentation outside, coming from the door. You freeze. You try to listen a bit better to those cries, when the tiny broken voice whines a heart-breaking “please” and you rush to the door to open it.

A bit of snow and cold wind enter your house. There’s no one at the door. You follow the directions of the cries and lower your eyes. They set on a humanoid thing laying on the ground, covered with snow. Your heart jumps and you clumsily grab the body to bring it inside the small bungalow and you quickly shut the door.

“Who are you?!” you shout, louder than you wished.

But the strange thing can only make weird cries and the sound of pieces of wood cliquing. Slowly, you walk toward it. You brush the snow and discover a huge puppet, messily wrapped in violet torn silk. You brush its long dark purple hair and realize that this hair is almost human-like. The puppet seems to act exactly like a human, so maybe it is cold. You put some of your blankets on the body. It groans.

After a some time, the unknown mass stops crying and sobbing, and you assume that it is asleep. Carefully, you step toward it, curious to see what exactly is this body. You delicately remove the torn violet silk, only to reveal a beautiful face covered by messy long dark purple hair. Their traits are well-defined, thin, elegant, and androgynous. They look like a teen, but their skin are white and virgin of any imperfection, glowing... Like porcelain. Your curiosity is picked, and you decided to touch his cheek (just a finger won't hurt, right?), which is strangely solid. You touch it again : you can't be wrong, what is laying on your floor is a human-sized porcelain doll.

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9 months ago

Tasteless Engine (2)

Suddenly, the puppet’s eyes flutter open and the doll stares at you.

Flabbergasted, you jump back and stop touching them. The porcelain puppet slowly, weakly sits up with numb arms. All you can do is stare at the living doll with wide eyes, while the mass elevates itself until it stands up before you.

“Who are you…?” the porcelain puppet asks with a low, groggy voice. Definitely a boy.

“I could return you the question! My name is […] and I’m a toy maker.” You reply.

“Good. I have been looking for you.” Says the puppet casually, as if he was not crying on your floor a few minutes ago. He starts walking in your bungalow with his chin raised high, as if he was the owner of this land. His torn clothes barely cover himself, and his joints and articulations creak with every move he makes and you decide to go after him.

“Wait! So, you know me, but what’s your name and how are you… Living?! Aren’t you a puppet?” You ask while walking behind him, in pure confusion.

“That’s none of your business. As for my name, I don’t have one.” Replies the doll boy. “What’s that?” he asks, pointing a book with his hand.

“Just a theater piece. It’s La Comedia Del Arte. You never heard of it?” You reply, taking the book and handing it to him. The nameless puppet takes the book and examinate it carefully.

“Well, just call me Scaramouche then.” He says after reading a few pages.


-Scaramouche” He objects, refusing the nickname. He puts back the book on the self.

“This bungalow is pathetic, but it is not the reason of my visit. I saw the sign near your house saying that you are a toy maker. It kills me to say it but I need your help.” After saying that, Scaramouche takes off the clothe that was hiding his bust. At the place where should be his heart if he was human is a huge hole, the porcelain is fissured and painting is damaged all around the hole and even slightly melted. You stare at it in awe for a few minutes. Never, in your life, you saw a human-puppet with a hole in the chest. Look then up at him in his eyes, which are a bit damaged too.

“… What happened to you?” You ask, shocked.

“None of your business too.” Answers the puppet with a dark face.

Promptly, you put him on your table and observes his features with a lot of caution.

“I never saw a doll this damaged. I’m not sure I’ll be able to fix all of that.

-What about my heart?

-You had a heart?

-Yes. But in an access of rage, I pulled it out of my chest, that’s how the hole… You know…”

You look at him, you can’t help but feel bad for him. Sure, he is not human at all, but it is almost like it, is it not? And mostly, he had a heart. You don’t know how it is possible, but you stopped asking yourself question when a living puppet started to cry before you.

“Sadly, I can do nothing for a heart-broken puppet, asides from repairing the damage, I can’t give you a heart.” You tell him softly, looking at him in the eyes.

“Then I’ll find someone who can.

-No one can. Scaramouche, a heart isn’t a clock! It is not mechanical, you can not buy it, or repair it with a hammer, nails and tools. I can’t do anything for this heart, nor no one can.

-You’re worthless! I should have known it when I crossed your door! I’m leaving, now.” The enraged doll jumps off the table and heads toward the living room.

“If you go outside, you’ll be even more broken!” You protest. “I can fix you! And maybe your heart will grow back! I bet you’re not that stupid…”

After you said that, Scaramouche looks down, lost in thought. Leaving the bungalow would be counterproductive, and after all, maybe those promises you tell him are true. In this case, it is not in his interest to leave. He turns to you.

“Alright, you win, human.

-I have a name.

-Don’t get me started or it’s you who’ll end up broken.

-So you’re staying here?

-Unfortunately.” The puppet rolls his eyes.

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8 months ago

Tasteless Engine (3)

In the next few days, you task yourself the mission of making this puppet a decent boy. Like a cat, he likes to roam around the bungalow and take naps in weird places (in the corner of the kitchen, for instance). You have to go after him to take him back to the little bed you make for him in the living room (you were not really sure if he needed a bed, but he throwed a tantrum). Once the storm outside calmed down, you went down the mountain to buy clays of porcelain. It almost took you a day, and when you come back to the bungalow, you find Scaramouche sleeping on YOUR bed with YOUR pillow hugged between his arms. Annoyed, you put the clay on the kitchen table and go in your room. You take the two corners of the blanket and suddenly throw it, making the poor doll waltz on the floor, yelling.


“You were sleeping on my bed! I made you one and you don’t even use it!


After arguing for half an hour, he decides to give you the silence treatment.

You start to be annoyed of his long, dirty dark purple hair and proposed him to take care of it for him. At first, he refused. But Scaramouche can’t resist it when he is given attention, and it doesn’t take long for him to give up to your cares and stop being mad at you. You take him to the kitchen, and he does not object. He sits on a chair and you examinate his hair. It is very long, almost reaching the floor. It is also tangled and kind of sticky. You grimace and take a big bowl off a shelf and put it on his head.

“What are you doing?

-I’m sorry, Scara, but I don’t have another choice…


You take scissors and start to cut his hair. After this, you put his head in the sink and start to wash his hair, it’s a very awkward moment…

When you finished to dry his hair, you realized that you forgot to cut the hair at the base of his neck, and it look like a small mullet now. Embarrassed, you say nothing and let him look in the mirror.

“What do you think?

-It’s hideous.

-Then do it yourself!



-I don’t want to.”

You looked a him, annoyed, and he looks back at you, also annoyed. You show him the clay you brought, and proposed to fix him. He reluctantly agrees and you lay him on the table, half- naked, near the candle burning on the shelf. You take the clay and start to fill the hollows and the wounds, then you do the most difficult part: the hole in his chest. This is the worst part to fix, but when you finished, at the first lights of the morning, you let out a little yell of victory. You told Scaramouche to not move until the porcelain is done drying, and he whined all day because of that. But at least, you could close the door, and enjoy -for once- a bit of calm in your house. Once the porcelain is dry, you tell him that you would buy clothes for him at the market this weekend, but he objects: he wants to go himself and choose himself his clothes. So, you spent two hours arguing with him and explaining him that if people saw him, they would panic. But your words fell on deaf ears, and during a couple of days, Scaramouche refused to wear the clothes you bought him, and throwed a tantrum like a child. But after promising him that you would give him your bed (that was a lie), Scaramouche finally accepted to stop walking around half-bare in his torn clothes and wear the one you bought.

In the evening, you are so tired that you fall on your bed like a worm. You did not even tell Scaramouche goodnight, but he annoyed you so much during the last few days that it is not nothing to worry about. Once your head hit the soft pillow, you black out and fall into the world of dreams…

Only to wake up next to him.


English is not my first language, and I wrote this while being very tired so, sorry for the mistakes!

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1 year ago

Hwei calling you his muse

Taking the utmost care when portraying your visage with his features portraying a stern focus laced with fondness, the colors swirling in his eyes and onto the canvas were layered in rosey hues with scatterings of gold. Painting you in the shades of his adoration and infatuation in the lavish peaceful life he thinks you deserve

His starlight serenity

Because you're the one who brings light to his darkest of hours

The way you feel him almost melt into your embrace as you catch him on the brink of another downward spiral of torment

Your hands smooth over the back of his shoulders trying to offer a means to comfort him as his head buries deeper into the crook of your neck, his body hunched over yours. The visionary practically glues himself to you as you feel his shakey shallow breaths begin to steady in your soothing presence.

"Even when my world seems as black as ink.. y/n you are the single brightest light that illuminates my way back home.. my way back to you.. my starlight.."

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5 months ago

Till the Day I Die?

Fandom: Harry Potter

Pairing: Newt Scamander x Grindelwald! Gn! Hufflepuff! Reader

Pronouns: they/them

Warnings: Secret relationship, Grindelwald is like 100% more frowned upon in this world. Kinda ooc Newt?

Word Count: 1.0k

A/N: Posted from my old account. I wanted to repost some of the works I did on my old account because why not??

Being the younger sibling of Gellert Grindelwald caused some problems while you were growing up. For starters, your brother was very upset at your insistence to go to Hogwarts. You insisted, though, wanting to spend more time with people you actually knew instead of complete strangers. Another thing about the school was the houses. Gellert wanted you to be in the house most similar to Soscrofa, which would have been Slytherin. Instead, you were placed in Hufflepuff, most similar to Vulpelara.

He seemed to dislike everything that you decided for yourself. And, when he became a more evil man in the wizarding world (killing no-maj’s and such), he made you swear that you would always be on his side. It was hard disobeying him, so you swore. 

You didn’t swear that you would be single for the rest of your life, though.

Maybe that’s an exaggeration. Sooner or later, Gellert would have found some pureblood to marry you off to. However, you could find your own partner on your own, which was exactly what you did. You met a sweet and caring halfblood boy from your house who was funny and considerate. Meeting him was a dream for little 4th year you, so falling in love was inevitable. 

You and Newt both knew that your brother would not like this new development, so you kept it hidden. From everyone that could possibly have ties with Gellert Grindelwald. That was easier said than done, which led to private moments being sacred between you and Newt.


The envelope you had received in the mail that morning was neatly written and sealed with a wax seal- one of a niffler to be precise. It wasn’t signed, but the handwriting was easily identifiable. It was a letter from Newt. With a happy grin, you quickly, but carefully, tore off the seal and opened the letter. There were only three letters signed onto the paper in careful cursive. ROR.

The grin on your face widened and you turned your head to spot Newt’s gaze already on you. You gave him a barely-noticeable nod and he smiled back. You and Newt both had an hour off right after breakfast, so the time was already declared by process of elimination. 

As soon as you finished your plate of food, you told your friends that you were going to go back to bed before your classes started and rushed off to meet Newt at the Room of Requirement. The ritual to enter seemed rhythmic at this point and you quickly gained access to the room of your needs. To your surprise, it was different than it typically was. Instead of a calming room with couches and books and a fireplace, there was a practically empty room. The fireplace was still burning, but its hue was pale pink. There was a chest at the end of a fairly big bed. You grinned, realizing that Newt was already sitting atop the bed, staring at the ground nervously.

You hurried over and threw your arms around your boyfriend, so happy to see him. “Newt, oh my merlin, it feels like so long since we’ve been able to be together.” You murmured into his neck. His arms circled you and he breathed in your scent.

“Too right, darling. I’ve missed you too much.” He pulled back, his hands coming to rub your arms. “How was the test you were nervous about? All good?”

After knowing and dating each other so long, the nervous-ness around each other seemed to fade away, but you could tell Newt was nervous about something. His eyes wouldn’t meet yours and he seemed hesitant to talk.

“I- uh, I passed it. All thanks to your study guide.” He smiled sheepishly. “How about you? How was everything on your end?”

He paused for a moment, “It was all fine. A-all good for me.” His grin was awkward. Something was bothering him.

“Newt, what’s wrong? You’re acting really weird.” You moved your hand to cup his cheek. He nudged it lightly with his nose when he snuggled into it.

“Nothing, darling. I’m per-perfectly fine. Just wanted to talk to you about something.”

You pulled away gently, “Uh, that's not terrifying at all.” Sarcasm tainted with awkward fear poured from your words, making Newt’s eyes widen.

“No, no, no, no, nothing bad about us, darling. I love you, you know that.” You nodded, chuckling awkwardly, waiting for him to continue. “It's just- you know why we’re hiding our relationship.”

“Yeah, my brother.”

“Right. And you pledged allegiance to him. But, being with me is kinda the opposite of being pledged to him, innit?”

“Where are you going with this, Newt? I thought you weren’t breaking up with me-”

Newt took a deep breath, shaking his head, “Not at all! The opposite really!” He paused, hoping that would reassure you. It didn’t do very much. His words seemed to contradict his earlier statement. “After school is over, you don’t have to go to your brother’s side.”

“Newt, he’ll hurt innocent people- maybe even you or me!”

He nodded, “I know. But, he’d do that even if you weren’t with him. He’ll come after me as soon as he realizes that we’re still together. Then he’d think you were betraying him.”

Your eyebrows furrowed and you glanced at him with an unreadable expression, “This really doesn’t sound like the opposite of breaking up with me.”

“Wait,” He said, moving to grasp your hand, “Please. I promise.” You nodded. You would trust this man with your life. “A few weeks ago I was talking with Professor Ada and I found out that he is a certified officiant for marriage. I asked if he was able to officiate even during the school year and he said yes.”

Your breathing slowed. “Do you- Do you mean-?”

He nodded, leaving the bed and kneeling on one knee. “Yes. I-I do. Will you, Y/F/N, marry me?” He pulled a ring from his pocket. Your eyes couldn’t focus on it because of tears.

Tears flowed quickly as you nodded. You fell to the height as Newt and you kissed him with as much love and admiration as you could. You felt the love Newt returned during the kiss. You could taste salt from your tears. You pulled back, noticed Newt was crying, and hugged him tightly. He was sobbing quietly in your ear.

“I love you so much.” Newt mumbled. “I will always be by your side.”

“Till the day I die?”

“Till the day I die.”

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5 months ago

The Anomaly


Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Gn! Anomaly! Reader

Pronouns: they/them

Warnings: Miguel being angry, lying, ANGST, misgendering (referred to as an “it”)

Word Count: 1.3k

A/N: re-Posted from my old account.

The love and admiration in their eyes spoke wonders across the room as Y/N stared at their beloved. Their boyfriend, the one and only Pavitr Prabhakar, sat across the room from them. Pavitr’s eyes were currently focused on his worksheet, trying his best to answer every question on the sheet. Their own worksheet sat ignored. It had been two weeks since they had fallen in love with Pavitr. Four weeks since they had arrived in this strange, foreign world. As much as they missed their own universe, they had to admit that this universe had some advantages.

A sudden noise caused them to look up, making direct eye-contact with their teacher. “Staring at Mr Prabhakar does not help you finish your worksheet.” She said, causing Pavitr to glance up and hide a smile, his face darkening with embarrassment. Y/N blinked, the teacher’s words playing over in their head before they realized what she meant and coughed awkwardly, eyes darting down to their paper. The bell rang as soon as they finished their final question and they turned it in quickly, giving an awkward smile to the teacher, who in turn gave them a glare.

They left the class quickly after that, only stopping when their boyfriend wrapped his arms around their waist, pressing his lips to their cheek. “Hey, beautiful.” He murmured, “Had fun staring at me in class?”

They shoved him away playfully, “Oh, shush.” They laughed, “Like you’ve never stared.”

“Sure I have, but I’ve never been caught.” His eyes twinkled in amusement. His touch left their waist as he twisted them around, allowing them to face each other. He opened his mouth to say something, but his watch beeped. He cursed quietly. 

Their eyes followed his wrist, “What’s wrong?” “I have to go.” He said quickly. “I’ll meet you after school, okay?”

“Jaanu, what do you mean, it's the middle of the school day!”

“My, uh, my auntie needs me for something!” He quickly said, trying to get away from the conversation, “It won’t take long, promise!” He was gone before they could say another word. 

Concern laced his features as he stared at his watch, mumbling to himself, “No, no, no, please, no.” He quickly revealed his suit from under his school uniform and took to the skies, swinging to directly where the portal would be formed.

When he got there, the portal was already open and his boss had stepped out already, waiting for him. “Pavitr. You had a job.” Miguel said before he had even landed.

“Hey, can’t we just talk-”

“No!” Miguel hissed, turning to face the young Spider-Man. “You had one job. You said you were able to handle this on your own, so I let you. I gave you the watch and all the means to take care of the anomaly. And where is it?”


The older man’s eyes glared into the other’s. “It. It was supposed to be gone two weeks ago. I gave you time and patience. I had faith in you. But you failed, Pavitr. Where is the anomaly?”

Pavitr panicked, his brain racking up excuses, “Miguel, come on, they aren’t an anomaly! You must be wrong!” He tried to explain.

“No, there is nothing wrong. Where is it or I will take care of it myself.”

“No, no, I won’t let you hurt them-”

Miguel shook his head, “You don’t have a choice anymore.” With a sudden movement, he was gone, leaving Pavitr to frantically look around. He tried to spot the bigger man, but he was nowhere to be seen. With a new sense of mission, Spider-Man took to the skies, praying he made it to his beloved before Miguel did.

The final bell of the day rang and Y/N was relieved. They immediately stepped outside of the class, following the crowd of students out of the schoolhouse. They pulled out their phone, texting their boyfriend as they walked to the apartment they had been calling home. They walked without paying much attention until they ran into something, or someone. Before they had the chance to apologize, the person they ran into grabbed their wrist, forcing them into an alleyway. 

“Hey, what’s the deal, man?!” They hissed, trying to free their arm. “Look, I don’t have any money!” The man shoved them against a wall, shooting webs at them to keep them still. 

The man looked at them, revealing that he was wearing a mask similar to the one of the city’s Spider-Man. It was different though. It was wrong. “You do not belong here.” He said, his voice sounding mean.

They tried to stay calm, confident that nothing would happen, but their terrified tone betrayed them, “I don’t- What are you talking about?”

A voice replied from above, “Miguel, stop!” They looked up, seeing the real Spider-Man, Mumbattan’s hero. “You don’t want to do this.”

Miguel, as Spider-Man called him, chuckled darkly, “You don’t know what I want.” He turned to look back at the person trapped on the wall. “You know you’re different. You knew it was too good to be true, yet you still put him under your curse. Release him now.”

“Release who? What are you talking about?!”

Spider-Man landed beside Miguel, “They didn’t do anything, leave them alone.”

Miguel ignored him, “You are an anomaly. You don’t belong in this universe. He,” The man gestured to the masked hero beside him, “was tasked with taking you back where you belonged. But, in his master plan, he let you fall in love with him. He let you depend on him. Which, congrats on his part. That is cruel. His plan is taking too long, though. So, here I am to speed up the process. Pavitr, restrain it.”

The name caused a silent gasp to escape Y/N lips. “No, that’s not true. Pav loves me.” They said, causing the Spider-Man lookalike to shake his head. With anger seeping through his blood, he stomped over, yanking the mask off of the real Spider-Man, revealing Pavitr. “Pav, what? You- Is he telling the truth?”

“No! Well, yes, but no!” 

“Which is it, Pavitr, yes or no?” Their tone changed, facing heartbreak was never easy.

Pavitr panicked, walking closer to you, “It started off as me trying to bring you in, but I fell for you. I love you!”

“Don’t lie to it, Pavitr. Detain it, now.”

Feeling trapped in his own universe, he stepped forward, towards the already trapped Y/N. Their eyes were wide, terrified of the scene in front of them. “What? Pav, please, tell me you’re lying. Tell me this is just a big prank! Haha, so funny, Gayatri, you can come out now!” Their voice was becoming more and more frantic.

Pavitr was scared. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t move. Miguel rolled his eyes. With a quick tap of his wrist, a portal opened up. “Come on, grab the anomaly and let’s go.” With a heavy heart, Pavitr walked over to his beloved.

They flinched when his hand touched their cheek. “Mera pyaar,” he mumbled. “Please, forgive me.”

“No.” They mumbled, trembling as he wrapped the webs around them tighter. “No, I trusted you! I thought you loved me! How could- How could you do something like this?” Their voice fell into a whisper. “I thought you were the one.” 

Pavitr stopped, trying to pull Y/N into a hug, but Miguel rolled his eyes again, yanking them forward and having them fall face-first into the portal. Miguel stared at the younger boy. “I’m sorry, Pav. This is what we do, though. Because this is your first mission, I will give you one last chance. No more screw ups.” And with that, he walked through the portal, leaving Pavitr to stare at the empty alleyway, praying this was a dream and that Y/N would greet him on the way to school in the morning. 

But it wasn’t. And they never did.

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5 months ago

Nobody Died!


Pairing: Peter B. Parker x Teen! GN! Adopted! Reader

Pronouns: they/them

Warnings: police, breaking the law?? Limited consequences, not a real depiction of the law, fears about being returned to the orphanage

Word Count: 0.7k

A/N: re-Posted from my old account.

The door slamming open interrupted the snore that had been about to escape the man’s mouth. His eyes shot open and he spun around, standing to come face-to-face with his sixteen year old with an anxious face. 

“What? What happened? What did you do?” Peter asked hurriedly, concern lacing his voice.

The teen stared at him with wide eyes, breathing heavily as they pressed their back against the door. “Nobody died!”

Peter’s mouth fell open for a moment, “What kind of answer is that?! What did you do?”

“Don’t freak out!” As they said that, someone pounded on the door.

He stared at them incredulously, “Don’t freak out? What the- Who is that?!”

They gave a small sheepish smile, “Uh, probably the police?”

“WHAT-” He shouted, getting cut off by them shushing him. “What do you mean the police? What did you do?!”

“Not much! I only-” Their voice dropped, mumbling their crimes. 

“What? Speak up.”

“I may have-” Their voice dropped again. He gave them a pointed glare. “Okay, fine, I may have stolen something.”

He groaned into his hand, pinching the bridge of his hand, “What did you steal? From who?” He realized that the door was still being held, “What the- let the police in! You’re gonna get charged with resisting arrest!” 

After a moment, they released the door. Peter sighed, walking over and opening the door. “Morning, officers. How may I help you?”

The officers glared at him, “Is that your child?” Peter nodded. “They have six accounts of theft against them. Did you know about this?”

He spun around, “Six?!” He whisper-yelled before turning back with a cough, “No, sir, I did not know that.” 

“We’ll have to detain them, sir.”

Peter groaned, “Is that the only way? Nothing else we could do?”

The officers looked at each other, “How old are they?” One of them asked.


They talked for a moment before turning back, “Well, if they return the stolen products to their owners, then we may be swayed to let this one go.”

Peter turned back to his kid, “Well? What did you take?”

They paused for a minute before reaching into their pocket and pulling out a few little trinkets. “A couple rings and necklaces.”

“You don’t even wear jewelry, why did you take those?”

They sighed, “I heard you on the phone the other day. You were talking about how you couldn’t really afford a teen right now. I didn’t want to go back to the orphanage. I really like hanging out with you. You're my dad, y’know? I don’t want you to be upset either. I figured if I took a few things and sold them, then I’d be able to help you and I wouldn’t be such a burden.”

Peter stared at them for a moment before frowning, “Kiddo, I wouldn’t take you back to the orphanage. I would never. Yes, I may be a little short on cash right now, but that’s not for you to worry about. Especially if you’re going to steal. I can handle this.” 

“But you shouldn’t do that alone!” He chuckled slightly, “Kid, that’s my job as a parent. My job is to take care of you. I don’t need you taking care of me.” They nodded, their head drooping slightly. Peter sighed, “Look, I appreciate the sentiment, but stealing is never okay.” He turned back to the officers, “Sorry about this. I’ll make sure they return all of the jewelry.”

One of the officers shook his head, “That’ll be no problem. We can do that ourselves. You guys seem like you need each other for a little.” Peter nodded, taking the jewelry and passing it back to the cops. The officers nodded gruffly before heading out, closing the door on their way.

Peter walked over to the teen. He noticed tears falling down their face, “Hey, hey, kiddo, I’m not mad.” He said, trying to soothe them. “I’m sorry if it sounded that way.”

They glanced up, “Are you disappointed in me? I’m sorry.” They managed to say between choked hiccups, falling to the floor. 

“Not at all.” He said, calmly. “While I think you could have taken another method, maybe a legal one, I understand you were just trying to help.” He leaned down, sitting on his knees, “But I was serious. I wouldn’t toss you to the dogs unless there was nothing I could do. I really do love you, kid.” 

Without a second thought, they pounced on him. He quickly steadied himself, feeling them wrap their arms around his shoulders and sob into his chest. Peter smiled slightly, stroking their hair.

“I love you, dad.” They muttered between sobs.

A warm feeling enveloped Peter’s chest. “I love you too, kiddo.”

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5 months ago


Fandom: ITSV

Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x Slavic! Spider-person! GN! reader

Pronouns: they/them

Warnings: google-translated language (translations are at the end)

Word Count: 888

A/N: re-Posted from my old account. This was originally a request from someone on my old acc.

A grin erupted on their face as the wind blew past their ears. Swinging through the city of Mumbattan was always their favorite thing to do, especially after not being here in a week. Their appearance was sure to stir up some talk amongst the locals, but at this point, they didn’t really care. They had more important places to be.

With a final web shooting from their wrist, they landed on a light fixture, directly in front of their boyfriend’s window. With a slightly upbeat rhythm on the glass, the window opened, revealing the beautiful smile of Pavitr. 

“You’re here early.” He said with a grin, welcoming them into his bedroom.

They pouted jokingly, “Am I not allowed to be early to see my favorite person?” 

“Of course not, mera pyaar.” He laughed. “Only teasing.” He stared at them for a moment before turning back to his desk. “Hold on, just one minute. I have to finish this essay. I was supposed to be done by now.”

They hummed, walking closer and propping their head up with their fist, “What’s it about?”

He groaned, “We were tasked to choose a country from the Middle-East and write about its customs and culture. I chose Poland.”

Their eyes lit up, “And you didn’t ask me for help, what the hell, dude!” They exclaimed, playfully hitting his shoulder.

Pavitr frowned, “What do you mean?”

“My family is from Poland, dingus.” His mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he took in this information. “I can help you, if you want!” They thought for a second before grinning widely, “We can turn it into a game, and we can both learn each other’s culture while doing so!” 

Pavitr thought about it before nodding excitedly, “Yeah! That sounds so much fun.”

Within minutes, paper and pens were scattered on the floor and Pavitr and his partner sat across from one another. The game that had been settled on was, quite lamely, just 20 questions (In all honesty, neither of them could think of another game to incorporate facts about their culture).

The pair were both excited. “Can I go first?” Pavitr asked, holding up a piece of paper where he wrote down a bunch of questions for his partner. They nodded, smiling widely. “Alright. What are the national dishes of the Slavic culture?”

They shook their head slightly, indicating the question was half-right. “Well, Polish foods can include pierogi, which are kind-of like dumplings where dough is wrapped around a savory or sweet filling before being boiled, and zurek, which is a rye soup containing smoked meats, typically sausages.” I grinned, “But, for Slavic culture as a whole, there’s sarma, which is a cabbage roll stuffed with meats like veal or ground pork.” Their eyes lit up again, “Also, there’s zhurek! Zhurek is a kind of soup, I guess? It’s made of oats and dark bread. It sits for three days before its boiled with meat and vegetables. My Mama makes it when it's cold outside!” 

Pavitr nodded, practically clinging to each word they said. “So Slavic isn’t just Poland?”

“O Boże, no. There’s Slovenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovakia, Finland, and others!” They chuckled. “Each is considered Slavic, but they also have their own subculture within them.” They leaned forward, supporting their weight by their palms hitting the ground. “Now, my turn!” They paused, thinking of a good question. “Okay, I’m just going to steal your question.”

He pouted, “What, no! Make up your own.”

“Ugh, fine…” A moment later, they thought of it. “What kind of traditional outfits are there?”

His pout left, leaving behind a faint smile. “Oh, well, there’s a lot. There’s Sherwanis, or kurta pajamas, or even Achkan; as well as Sari, Angarkha, and Phiran.” They nodded along, planning to look up what they look like later in the evening. “Okay, do you have any traditional instruments?”

“Well, there’s the lira korbowa, which is more commonly known as the Hurdy-Gurdy nowadays.” They said, thinking about the topics their babcia taught them. While other places may not celebrate their heritage and culture very much, it was very important in their family. “My favorite is the kozioł biały! It’s like a bagpipe.” 

The night went on, questions were asked on both sides. Eventually, it passed the original 20 questions they had settled on. They were both interested in learning about the other’s culture. It was interesting and the eagerness they both had was endearing. Eventually, the sun was dropping below the horizon, and it was about time for Y/N to return to their own dimension.

“It was fun doing this, priya.” Pavitr said as the goodbyes started. “Your culture is so amazing, I didn’t expect this out of today.”

They nodded in agreement, “I think so too! I never expected your culture to be so beautiful.” They smiled dreamily. “I hope we can do this again. It was so… refreshing.” They leaned over and hugged their boyfriend for a moment. “I’ll see you soon, kochanie.”

“I’ll miss you-” He said, in a sing-song voice. They laughed, shoving him away playfully.

“It’ll be like a few days, stop that! If you wanted to come sooner, you could always just come visit me first.” They grinned before slipping their mask on and preparing to jump out the window. “Do widzenia!”

Translations, as provided by both the requester and by Google Translate!

Mera pyaar = my love

kozioł biały = white goat (instrument)

Priya = dear (aff.)

Kochanie = honey (aff.)

Do widzenia = goodbye/bye/any form of bye

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10 months ago

Pretty Boy - Amethio

Pretty Boy - Amethio

I would marry him in a heartbeat 💗

I know I have pending requests but I wrote this at 3am against my better judgement

Warnings: None

Reader gender not specified

Amethio wasn’t good with affection, or surprise visits. That being said, you probably should’ve warned him before going over to surprise him. By surprise what you really meant was that the rest of your group was on vacation and you were assigned to help him since you two made such a great team.

It’d been a while since you’d seen him in person, always having other simple tasks to do. You and Thio always kept in touch via text though. It took him a while but now when you asked how his day went, he didn’t just say fine, he actually delved into the details. The progress was slow but you loved him all the same. You knew affection is hard for him but you love that he’s trying, just for you.

Reaching where your pretty boy, Zirc, and Conia are, you took a breathe and steeled yourself for the chaos that was going to ensue when you entered the building with a bag of freshly baked sweet treats.

As soon as you entered, the chatter stopped as they looked at you for a second. Then they were instantly lunging for the baked goods in your hands, Amethio getting to them first surprisingly. Zirc and Conia let out small groans of disappointment, before practically tackling you in a group hug.

They gave you the run down on what was happening and the progress so far. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that Thio already told you everything when they were so glad you were back on the team. A few seconds after they finished the run down Zirc tapped Conia’s shoulder and whispered something in her ear, causing her to leave with a promise of catching up soon.

That just left you and Amethio in the room together.

You ran over to him and tackled him in a hug which he stiffly returned. You moved back so you two were now sitting up on the couch with you on his lap facing him.

“I missed you, pretty boy”

“I missed you too” Amethio responded, hesitantly and awkward.

You took a moment just to stare at him, to take in all of his features once again. He really was beautiful. You knew Amethio wasn’t comfortable giving affection, but in the time that you had been dating he had gotten used to the way you showed your love for him.

The rest of the day was spent sitting with your pretty pretty boy, just enjoying each others company and lazily eating the food brought, together on the couch.

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8 months ago

𝑰𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖,𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓?


☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧

Fandom: Arcane 2021 (NETFLIX ORIGINAL)

Pairings: Viktor x GN!Reader

Genre: Long-lost Friends to Lovers, Fluff

Summery: After you thought your Best friend died you reunite with him after 12 years of being apart.

Warnings: Loosing close people, Death, Fights, Spoilers EP3, Emotional, Slow burn, forced to move on fast

Word count: 2,4K

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧

“Viktor! Viktor over here, look at this!!” You are around 11 years old and call out for your best friend. He walks over to you as fast as he can. “What’s going on, Y/N?” He asked cautiously, but then looked at what you pointed out. “I’ve never seen something like that before…”. Now you both stare at a little bug crawling around in the dirt in front of you. You and Viktor watch the bugs and animals around you all the time, but this one... you’ve never seen it before. It had short legs, but the colors were beautiful. “Do you think it’s a new species?” You chuckled. “Well, maybe it is. What shall we call it?” He smiled at you softly. “Hm. I’ll name it sooner or later!” You two watched it crawl away. You stood up and helped him to do the same.

“Let’s go home you look tired…” He just nodded, and you both made your way to the small shed you called home. You both laid down facing each other. “Viktor? Do you think we’ll make it big one day? To the topside, I mean.”. He thought about it but responded calmly back to you, “I know we will. With my brain and your brawn, we make a pretty good team.” You chuckle. “That’s right. Goodnight Viktor…” "Goodnight, Y/N…” and with those last sentences, you two fall asleep.

*BOOM* Something exploded, and your little shed crumbled to pieces. Everything burns, there’s smoke everywhere, you can’t see anything but call out for Viktor. There’s no response. You try to free yourself from the remains of what you called home once, but you’re trapped underneath. There’s no way out. You are in so much pain that you black out. There’s nothing, only darkness. Then the memories of the happy day before came flooding back, and you violently woke up, tucked away in a cozy-looking bed.

“Where am I?” You ask cautiously. Looking around for any enemies you could encounter, the only thing you see is a large man with a beard. "Oh, you’re awake, kid. How are you?” He came closer, and you flinched away. “I’m not your enemy, kiddo. I’m here to help you.” He said reassuringly as he handed you a glass of water to drink. “What happened? Where’s Viktor?!” You asked, looking around to find your best friend again, but to no avail. “Viktor? You’re the only one I found. I’m sorry.” You started to cry, and he came to hug you. You cried on his shoulder for a while until you calmed down. “Do you want to stay with me? I assume you don’t have family here.” You nodded quietly and held his hand, not wanting to let go. Then another man came into the room. He was big and scary-looking but had a rather friendly aura. "HAHA, Vander is gonna be a dad now? That’s something I never thought was possible!” The man shouted. “Shut it, Benzo…” he said, rubbing his nose bridge. You only giggled at that, maybe your new life won’t be that bad after all.

From that day on, Vander was like your dad. He taught you how to fight. How to defend yourself. How to protect the ones you love… You didn’t even notice the 12 years that went by. Now you basically have 4 younger siblings. VI,Powder,Mylo and Claggor. You were the best role model for them, and they looked up to you. You trained with them and taught them valuable lessons. Especially VI, she was young and naive, but you knew that she only wanted the best for your family.

Then the tragic day came. Silcos people attacked you guys, and not only Vander, your beloved father, but also Mylo and Claggor died during that incident. You fought with them, but to no avail, the shimmer was too powerful. You got hit badly by one of silcos men, you didn’t know what happened to VI and powder before your body gave in and you blacked out. “Is that what happens again…? I don’t want to die. I don’t want them to die! NOT AGAIN!” The next thing you know is that you woke up in a fancy-looking hospital.

You woke up in shock and looked around, panting, “VI? POWDER?! WHERE ARE YOU??” Then someone calmed you down. “ You looked down at the creature that’s trying to help you. “A... a furball…?”. Heimendinger was amused by your comment. "Well, I wouldn’t say a furball, but that’s a fair assumption.”. He laughed. “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my siblings?!” You asked frantically, starting to panic again. “Calm down, young one. I’ll explain.” He took a deep breath as you went quiet again. “You’re in a hospital right now. I am the head of the council, Heimendinger. And your family…” he frowned. “Where are they?! My sisters!?” You asked in a demanding manner. “The chief enforcers told me you were the only one found alive… I’m sorry.” You were so shocked that the fact didn’t register at first. Then you cried. You were sobbing hysterically into your own hands. You didn’t process the fact that all your loved ones died. ‘Once again? I thought I got stronger? I wasn’t able to do anything…’ The pain was talking out of you, and you thought it should’ve been you, not your beloved family. Under your sobs, you managed to form one sentence. “What am I going to do now?” Heimendinger looked at you with the most heartbreaking expression anyone ever gave you. “If you want to, you could become my assistant. I already have one that’s been with me for a while now, but... I don’t think another one would hurt.” He said this to you while resting his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him again, not realizing what he said completely, but you nodded. The chance to help someone… you won’t throw that away. That’s what dad would’ve wanted, after all.

Heimendinger sat by your side for a long time before asking you something again. “How old are you, my child?” “I am 23, sir…” you responded hesitantly. You knew Heimendinger wasn’t a threat, but opening up to strangers was even harder now. “23… so young. Yet you had to go through all of the misery. I’m really sorry for you, child. I’ll leave now, we will discuss the more serious details tomorrow. Please take care!” He waved you goodbye and left the room. Now it’s just you. Alone. In a hospital bed in Piltover. All the events came flooding back, and you cried again. So hard that you cried yourself to sleep.

The next morning arrives sooner than you wanted. The sun is coming through the window, and with a clear sky, you sit up and pinch your nose bridge. “Such a headache...” you whispered to yourself. As you stretched out. You glanced at the nightstand beside your bed. “A letter?” You take the letter and open it gently, and it reads:

Dear Y/N,

When I came to visit you again, you were dead asleep! I didn’t want to disturb your peaceful sleep, so I decided to write this letter instead. I asked one of the nurses when you could go out again, and they told me you could go today. Talk to a nurse before heading out to my office later,alrighty?

P.S. . The clothes are also for you, so you blend in a little better.

In best regards, Heimendinger!

You chuckled at the fact that Heimendinger wrote you a whole letter just for you to sleep a little longer.

You still mourned a lot about your family, though, so it's understandable that you weren't the happiest. You put on the clothes he gave you and went out of the room to call a nurse, and one came rushing to you.

"H-Hey! You can't just stand up like that!!" She rushed over to you, helping you back to your room. "I feel better. Can I go now?" You ask, wanting to go out of here as soon as possible. "Oh, you're the one that heimendinger favorites... what's your name? So I can look you up in the system." She pulls out a device you never saw before. "It's Y/N". "Last name?" She was a bit confused. "Don't have one." You snarled back a bit. She looks confused but enters your name anyway. "Ah! Y/N! Wait a second!" She rushes out and comes back with a small bag in her hands. "Take one of them per day it's best if you do it right after breakfast." You looked at the bag suspiciously but nodded. "Thanks." And you're on your way out. "Rude..." the nurse whispered to herself.

You totally forgot to ask the nurse where heimendingers lab is, so you wander around the halls of the academy. “Why is this place so big…” You looked around and admired all the pretty painted walls, amazing wooden floors, and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When you were focusing on the big windows next to you, you ran into someone. "Fuck, I’m sorry… I should’ve looked where I was-“ you were cut off as you looked at the man in front of you. Tall, flawless brown hair and a cane. You stare a little too long, and he asks, “Are you okay?”. You nod “I’m sorry… You just remind me of someone who I was close with a long time ago.” He doesn’t respond until you ask something. “Excuse me, but where is heimendingers lab? I was supposed to meet him.”. He looks a bit surprised but points in one direction. With a thick accent, he says, “Turn left around that corner. It’s the third door; you won’t miss it.”. You thank him and walk away. You can’t shake the feeling that this man you were talking to was Viktor. But no… He was dead, right? There’s no chance that he’s here…

You couldn’t think about it longer as you stepped into heimendingers lab. It looked scary but fascinating at the same time. “You wanted to see me, sir?” You say this as you quietly close the door behind you quietly. “Ah! Y/N! Just in time, young one.” He smiled as he stood up from his chair. A little horned furball barks at you happily. "Oh, you just missed my other assistant! He’s bringing us some papers for you to fill out so we can make your employment official!” He says he is smiling. He seems super happy that you’ll work with him soon, he has high hopes for your future.

Then Viktor comes into the room after a few minutes. And heimendinger brings you two closer. “Y/N, that’s Viktor, my assistant for years by now. Viktor, that’s Y/N, the second assistant that will work with us from now on. I hope you two will be a good team from now on!” Heimendinger says, and the room falls silent. “Y/N…?” Viktor said it with a shocked expression. “Yes Viktor?” You smile at him, and he lets his cane fall to the ground, running into your arms. “I thought you died… I’m so sorry for not recognizing you earlier. You’ve grown so much I…” he said as tears welled up in his eyes. They cause you to cry as well. "No, no Viktor… Please don’t cry…” you say as you go through his fluffy hair, and you both have a very emotional moment. Heimendinger notices and leaves the room quietly. “I have missed you so much… I’ve been searching for you for so long…” you say softly, wiping his tears away. “What happened to you that day?” He said this as he stood up straight again, stumbling over his own feet. You grab his cane and hand it to him for support. “How about we talk about that in peace later? We have so much to talk about…” you declared, but Heimendinger chimed in. "Oh, young ones, you can take the rest of the day off if you please…”. You wanted to protest, but he cut you off and sent you two away.

Now you both are on your way to Viktor's chambers since you don’t have your own yet. As you both walk next to each other, an uncomfortable silence is in the air, so you try to ease it a bit by trying to hold his hand. Just like in old times, he takes it gladly, and you both walk to his room. With a pink hue on his face, he closes the door behind you. “You have a lovely room.” You try to start a conversation with something small. As you sit down on his bed, Viktor does the same and looks at you. “Thank you… I appreciate it. What happened that day, Y/N? I haven’t thought of anything else since that day… It’s haunted me ever since.” He says straight up, not wanting to let any more time pass. “There was an attack near our home. I called out for you, but you didn’t answer, so I thought…” You go silent, and he notices that you assumed he was dead. “I went to our home every day to look for you. I missed you so much.” You feel your tears well up. He suddenly spoke up. “One of the enforcers took me with them. The attack was so intense that I blacked out on the spot. Heimendinger raised me. I’m sorry that I left you like this…” You listen to him but nod. “I had a good family as well… but they…” You started to cry now, giving in to your emotions, and Viktor hugged you, noticing that you had lost important people once again… “I’m here now... I’m here for you, Y/N. And I will never leave again.” He pulls you in, laying you on his chest with the last sentence. His presence is so comforting that you let it all happen. “We’re together again… that’s all that matters now…” he says caressing your hair, kissing your head gently. You blush deeply and burry your face into his chest gently. “Thank you, Viktor… I’ve missed you so much…”. “I think you should rest now… It’s been a long week for you…”. You nod and fall asleep on his chest. Quickly, before you fell asleep, you heard his voice saying one last thing that made your heart bump like crazy.

"Goodnight, dear, I love you.”

You wanted to answer, but your body caved in, and you fell asleep.

☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧

A/N: Hello and thank you for reading this short story that came into my mind! It’s my first time writing out my thoughts out actually so please don’t be too harsh on me. I’m so excited for S2 and I think many of my fellow Arcane fans are as well. Have a great Day/Night and goodbye!

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10 months ago
 Lovesick!dazai Headcannons !! (no Gender Specified)

જ⁀➴ 🤍 lovesick!dazai headcannons !! — (no gender specified)

just imagine lovesick!dazai absolutely whipped for you; you’re just too kind for your own good and giving dazai affection;

imagine lovesick!dazai being so touch starved, i think he loves hugs very much. makes him feel him so wam and safe, but at the expense of feeling slightly vulnerable.

imagine dazai flirting with you just see your reactions via blushing, giggling, or even cringe at him. (just imagine lovesick!dazai rizzing you up with corny pickip lines he saw online)

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