Pokemon X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Huddled Embrace
Fandom(s): Pokémon
Red x Fem Reader
Summary: Your most favorite thing about spending time with Red is the cuddling. Of course, hanging out with his Pokémon are a plus, too.
Content: Fluff, romance, friendship, bonding, established relationship, platonic relationships, cuddling, huddling for warmth, hugs, Eskimo kisses.
Warnings: None.
Main List | AO3

Snuggling your cheek against Red’s collarbone, you let out a relaxing sigh as he pushed you further against his body heat, arm over your shoulders. A blanket was shared, one around you two and the other on your laps. You felt warmth all over.
Charizard’s fire lightens up the cave, having made a bonfire in the middle of the room. Pikachu is settled on top of either of you, lying peacefully as you pet its head.
“Chuuu~” spoke the Pokémon, eyes closed.
A smile dawns your lips at the cute sight, using your thumb to rub Pikachu’s temple. Red watches your face with his usually calm visage, but his crimson gaze shows clear softness behind it.
The Flame Pokémon lets out a rumble from its throat, resting its head against its arm as it absentmindedly swished its tail around. Charizard was pretty much a cushion with Red and yours backs leaning against its curled form.
Feeling a light tap on your cheek, you blink, turning your head to Red in curiosity.
“What is it?”
The Kanto Champion’s mouth only twitches upwards. He suddenly moves to press his forehead against yours, noses touching. His cap being tilted to rest on the top of your head.
A giggle easily escapes you at Red’s action as he moves his face side to side to deliver you an Eskimo kiss.
Though very quiet, you can make out Red’s hushed voice from the typical icy blizzard and the crackling of the fireplace.
“Mm, love you, too..” you whisper back.
From the sidelines, Pikachu and Charizard share a visibly pleased smile.

Sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask what gen of Pokémon characters do you write for? Is it any gen or is it only a few specific gens? Thanks in advance! (Btw, I love the P5 fics you wrote!)
Well, so far I’ve only started with Red because he’s a classic and an iconic character in the games and shows like Pokémon Generations. He was the most comfortable to write for since I read a lot about what kind of person he was canonically and what other fanfic writers thought of him.
As for gen, I’ve only kept up with the 1st-7th since I was a child. I always come back to check what I’ve missed out on from time to time, however, my knowledge on Galar and beyond is pretty limited (I’m kinda blind to that game). Generation 6th’s a personal favourite, though. I could try to go for other characters but it would depend on my preferences regarding whether I like them or not.

Could you do a Pokémon Sonia x Reader head canons? Like you two meet as you are trying to learn about some history behind the Darkest Day when you were taking some time off as a trainer. Thanks in advance.
You got it! I'm gonna change your request a tiny bit as in you two already know one another so I hope that's okay. Since ya didn't mention the gender I'm gonna go with gender neutral.
(f/d)= Favorite drink
Common Interest

Sonia stares out of the window and watches the rain fall down from the sky. The sound of various people chatting and pokemon playing fill the cafe with a pleasing atmosphere. The bell to the door rings suddenly and she looks over to see you puting your umbrella down. You look around and spot her in no time. She waves at you as you walk over and sit down. "Hey (Y/n), thanks for coming here with me."
"Oh it's no trouble Sonia, I'm glad we can hang out today. With me being a trainer and you working under Professor Magnolia we hardly have time to spend together so this is nice." She nods and before she can speak a waitress walks over. She orders a latte and you order a (f/d). The waitress leaves and you two continue your conversation.
"As unfortunate as it is at least the time we do get together is even better when we have lots to talk about."
"Ain't that right. Speaking of which how's your research going on the Darkest Day? I haven't had any luck with my search."
"I'm as stumped as you are." You chuckle and shake your head.
"Well if anyone can figure it out it's you. You're not just a beauty ya know, you're also brains." Sonia blushes at that comment and looks down.
"Oh come now, you help me with my research a ton. You're just as smart and just as attractive." You laugh and thank her for the compliment. With that the waitress returns with your drinks and you two continue on speaking. You tell Sonia that you decided to take a break on pokemon training in favor of the research about the Darkest Day. She said you didn't have too but you stood your ground. You wanted to help her but juggling both was too much.
It warmed her heart to see you choose her over your own path, though it also makes her feel a little guilty, but you reassured her. After that little conversation she pulls out a few books about Galar past and the both of you begin to read them. Taking notes and bouncing ideas of one another you don't notice the time flying by. "Ah! (Y/n), look at the time!" Sonia says in shock.
You look over at the clock in the wall and see it says 9:34 p.m. You look out of the window and see the moon peaking behind some clouds. You chuckle and rub the back of you neck. "Looks like we were so caught up in our study session we forgot to pay attention to the time." She laughs along with you and the two for you begin to pack up. Before you leave the cafe you order several pastries and begin to walk back to Sonia's place.
As you walk Sonia looks over at you and smiles. The way the moon shines it highlights your figure and her heart gives a flutter. When you two fist met she had to admit you were good looking, but that was nothing but a physical attraction she had towards you. The more you hung out though that attraction changed into a crush. She just adores the way you laugh, how your eyes shine, and just your entire personality.
But, do you feel the same way towards her? That question had plagued her mind almost every day. She hopes you do otherwise she wouldn't be able to live with herself for ruining your friendship over her one sided feelings. With how deep in thought she was she hadn't realized the two of you arrived at her place. "Hey Sonia, were here." She jumps and blushes.
Grabbing her keys she unlocks the door and the two for you walk in. "Granny were back!" You spot Professor Magnolia at the table and when she turns around she gives you two a smirk.
"(Y/n), glad to see you walked Sonia home. How polite. It is quite late I wonder why it took you two so long to return." Sonia's faces flushes a bright red as she scolds her. Grabbing your hand she huffs and drags you up to her room. "Don't be to loud kids." That comment really messes with Sonia as she lest out and embarrassed screech. You laugh but feel your cheeks heat up as well.
When you get into Sonia's room you put the food on her desk and watch as she flops onto her bed. Walking over to her you kneel by her side. "You good Sonia?" She huffs and nods, shifting her head to look at you. The two of you stare at one another for a bit and without realizing it the two of you lean in. You only realize what is happening when you feel her soft lips on yours, but you can't find the strength to pull away.
After a moment you two pull apart and Sonia stares at you with wide eyes. She sits up and starts to stutter."I-I am so sorry for kissing you. I-I know you don't like me like that so-!" You cut her off with another kiss and she looks at you in shock.
"Seems like ya don't know me all that well. I like you too Sonia. I have for a while." Her face soften and she pulls you onto the bed with her giving you another big kiss. After separating the two of you begin to cuddle and look at one another with dreamy eyes. That is until you make her laugh with your stupidness. "Ya wanna talk science to me?" She laughs and smacks your chest. The two for you share a few more laughs before the both of you get ready for the night.
She offers you to sleep beside her and you agree. Laying in bed with her your mind wonders and you think of how you met. You ran into her on your first day of your adventure and just started stumbling out apologies. That is until you saw her books on Galar history. Then your nerdy side came out and the two of you quickly bonded over that. You smile at that thought.
The two for you became close all because of your clumsy geeky side and you wouldn't have it any other way. As for Sonia, well she would say the same thing. Your first meeting was dorky but she wouldn't trade it for anything. Now you to are close because you both have an interest in the history of Galar and each other.
Wally with a cheerful trainer s/o, who's dying from an illness
Trigger warning: dying reader, dead reader. Illness. Angst. Toxicly positive reader? Possible grammar mistakes.

Wally first met you on the day he was going to get his very first pokemon! To his surprise, you were here for the same thing! Norman was nice enough to lend you both a spare Pokémon and balls for you two!
He remembers how nerve-wracking but thrilling it was catching his ralts. When he did, you praised him! And gosh, he couldn't help but blush at your comment.
He invited you over to his parents house, and you both became quickly familiar with one another; becoming friends (and also rivals) very quickly!
Since both of your pokemon were relatively weak, the two of you decided to train together.
Eventually, you were confident that your Pokémon was ready to take on the first gym! Wally wasn't nearly as confident though, thus you two parted ways.
You told Wally you'd see him around! Giving him a gleeful smile that made his heart skip a beat. It appeared he had a small crush..
You guys wouldn't meet again until the second gym. Wally had moved to come stay with his uncle, and by then he had gotten a little stronger! When he saw you, Wally couldn't help but get a little giddy and blush ever so slightly.
After your guys' battle, his uncle invited you over to his home. He noticed how his nephew was behaving, and thought it might be good to bring over his crush!
You cheerfully accepted! And even wanted to race Wally there! Although, that didn't work out as his condition rendered running a bit.... Problematic. Soo, instead of that, you trailed alongside him and chatted about your adventures and experiences so far.
You sort of took a break on your journey to spend time with the lime haired boy. And he couldn't have been more thrilled!
At first, you two trained together. Being on break didn't mean you couldn't get some experience in!
Eventually, you two started doing everything together. Hanging out and enjoying the beautiful area, especially the flowers. Fooling around, even if Wally sometimes protested against your ideas. And lazing together during uneventful days.
It was on one of those days you asked about his condition, and what it was that forced him to move to his uncles.
Wally paused for a moment, before replying with an answer. He thought that by becoming a trainer, he could become stronger, both as a person and with his illness.
His answer made you admire him, and you felt like you owed him something in return. So, with your cheerful tone that made beautiflies flutter in his tummy, you said:
"well... I'm technically dying!"
Wally gave you a shocked expression, and almost thought you were joking because of your tone.
But it wasn't a joke, unfortunately. You told him you had an illness that was slowly killing. You became a trainer as a way to see the entire region before your death, and take on the gyms in an attempt to become the champion of hoenn!
Wally stayed with a shocked expression "s/o... I'm so sorry..". You hushed him, saying that you weren't afraid of it, or sad. Maybe you were a long time ago but now? You were fine!
To lighten the mood, you reassured him that everything was ok. Wally was awed at how much you accepted your fate. He understood, since he had his own issues as well, but to know you were dying and still be happy? He doesn't think even he could be as jolly.
You brightened up the somber atmosphere with optimism, stating that you were here, and ready to make the most out of everything!
Wally couldn't help his racing heart when you smiled. Your cheerfulness and determination made him feel so warm and fuzzy inside. It was more then obvious he had a massive crush on you, and in a way, you returned those feelings as well.
Once that was clear cut, you decided to ask him out! Gosh, he was a blushing mess when you did, stuttering over his words and behaving more meek then normal. But... He accepted, a small smile on his lips.
The date was simple, but very cute. You two were strolling together around both Verdanturf town and Mauville city. The old couple of the daycare even let you both help tend with some of the pokemon. Although Wally was a bit hesitant, the pokemon cooed to his gentleness and calm nature. It was truly a precious moment!
It didn't take much time for you two to become a thing! Although yous never said it directly, it was clear as day you two were helplessly in love with each other.
It was also around this time you and Wally decided to resume your pokemon journey. Wally suggested you two stick together for the remainder of it, and you found the idea cute, so you two did!
But the plan didn't last too long.. halfway through your two's adventure, you began to cough. You often didn't think much of it, since it was something that happened a lot for you. Given your conditions and... everything.
But once you looked down at your hand, you noticed it was stained with.... Blood? You had coughed out blood, some of it coming out in small clumps.
This hadn't happened before, and you were actually... Very scared. Perhaps because it reminded you of your morality.. or because of Wally.
You couldn't let him see you like this. What would happen? How would he react? The last thing you wanted was to suspend his own adventure just because of you.
Wally noticed how quiet you got after your coughing fit, and asked if something was wrong. You hid away your bloody hand and hastily wiped any remaining traces of blood on your mouth, turning to him with your smile that always tug on his heartstrings "Yep! I'm fine! Just..."
You had to find an excuse. A way so Wally wouldn't suspect something. So, in a slightly sudden voice, you told Wally it was time to part ways.
At first, he interpreted it as you breaking up with him, which left him confused and very hurt; but when you explained it was just because you wanted to get the next gym badge, he sighed in relief you weren't ending the relationship. Although he was still puzzled by why you wanted to go on your own and a part of him didn't want you to leave. Something didn't feel right.
But you reassured him you'd see him again! And told him you two could still keep in contact through the phone! Although he still felt like something was... off... Wally just chopped it up to him being paranoid, and maybe even a little bit possessive? He wasn't sure, relationships were such a new concept to him.
With that and a peck on the cheek, you took off! And Wally waved you goodbye.
Wally then decided, he needed to get stronger! He hoped that the next time you two saw each other, you'd be impressed with how much he improved as a trainer and as a person, who wasn't bound to his illness.
Illness.. that's right, you were also sick, but much worse. Honestly, you were so good at hiding and quickly recovering from the symptoms, Wally almost forgot you were dying..
His chest ached at the thought of you dying. One of his fears was you dying before he could even talk with you again. His heart held so much love for you, and Wally wished that somehow he could take away your pain...
But your numbered days served as motivation. He wanted to get stronger, for you. He wanted to show you how far he came, and how far you've come!
Wally believed in you as well. He found you admirable for your optimism. He thought you could do anything! And that, even if you were dying, you'd survive, and make it.
Wishful thinking, I suppose.
But as Wally got stronger, you only grew weaker. The doctors you had visited said your condition had suddenly worsen out of the blue.
They said, at best, they could give you a few extra weeks of life. Maybe a month or 3, but you'd be heavily restricted. At that point, you'd be stuck to a hospital bed; your journey finishing right then and there.
So, you went against what they said. You held onto hope that, at the very least, you'd be able to collect all the gym badges.
Your calls with Wally became a bit more frequent, which he didn't reject to. Actually, he was really, really happy to hear you! Sometimes he'd get scared that something awful happened to you, so hearing your voice helped calm him.
You avoided telling him the truth though, instead asking about him, his Pokemon, and how far he is. Wally answered every question you had, becoming especially bright regarding his trainer status. You could hear the light and excitement irradiating from his voice, which made you smile.
When he asked about yours, you put on a cheery voice as you often did. Telling him everything was grand! You'd gotten a lot stronger, and had managed to collect another gym badge!
He congratulated you, saying how awesome you were! He asked if, when you two met again, you'd be willing to battle him.
You paused for a moment, not sure how to reply. You didn't want him to see you, not in your slowly deteriorating state. But at the same time you missed him. You wanted to see him again, physically. So, with an unheard reluctance, you agreed to the brawl!
Wally was concerned. You had never sounded so meek before. Never sounded so resistant to see him. He wondered if he did something wrong? If he displeased you someway. He tried not to let it get to his head, but the thought did irk him.
..when Wally finally saw you, he noticed how different you looked. Wally wasn't oblivious, but he didn't know how to bring it up. So, for the time being, you guys caught up! You told Wally how far you've gotten so far, and showed off your collection of badges! You also showed him your Pokemon, how strong they had gotten.
But Wally kept quiet, or replied only in short sentences. You notice his concern expression intensify upon bringing your Pokemon out. Their faces showed hints of sadness.
Finally, Wally asked if you were ok. Your quick reply more or less confirmed you weren't, despite your response portraying the contrary.
He took your hand into his and told you softly that, it's ok if you don't want to tell him. He just wants to make sure you're fine. His skin was so soft you had just noticed, and his delicate hold brought you comfort.
So, with hesitance, you finally told him what was happening. You told him how your illness had advanced, how limited your time was, what they adviced and why you went against it.
Wally looked at you with shock and sadness, but he tried not to overreact. Instead, he held you.
You brushed off his concern, and challenged him to a battle! Wally was stunned by how quickly you tried shifting the topic, and he declined at first. But you reminded him of the ole' trainer rule:
If two trainers lock eyes with one another, it is mandatory they begin a battle!
You wanted to distract yourself and him. You didn't want your illness to be a burden. At the very least you wanted to enjoy the time you had with him instead of focusing solely on you.
When the battle concluded, as if on cue, you coughed out. Wally could tell you were in pain, even if you tried playing it off as if you weren't. He quickly came to you, asking what was wrong and if he needed to call the hospital!
You weakly say it's fine, but Wally rebuked in an attempt to bring you back to reality. It was obvious you weren't 'fine', and he tried to convince you to go see a doctor; at the very least they could offer you some sort of pain reliever!
What was only worry for your well-being evolved into an argument. Even if you put on a happy face and chipper persona, you were suppressing a lot of emotions, and Wally was the unfortunate 'pin to the balloon'.
You let everything pour out, such poisonous words being thrown at him. Wally was stunned into silence by you, only able to endure your verbal assault. Your toxicity would of likely continued if another coughing fit hadn't taken over.
But this time, you weren't able to hide the pain. Your coughs rapidly grew worse, and the ache became too much to the point where your legs buckled in.
Wally panicked when he saw you dropping, but was able to keep calm enough to call the ambulance. He tried to help you as much as he could, but he didn't know what to do. Even you didn't.
When help finally arrived you had completely knocked out, a sickening pool of dark crimson pouring from your mouth that had convinced Wally for a moment that you were gone.
You were rushed to the nearest hospital. Wally wanted to come along with you, but the doctors refused and didn't take the precious time to hear his pleas.
..for the next few days, all Wally could think about was you. His journey had reached another stop, and he tried to stay at the hospital for as long as he could.
The only people he seemed to interact with was his gardivour, his uncle, and his parents. Other then that he had turned completely mute.
He felt guilty, as if this was his fault. The last thing you'd remember if you didn't make it was the two of you getting into an argument. Maybe if he hadn't been so pushy, you wouldn't of had a fit and be here.
He knew it was dumb to think like that, but he couldn't help it.
Sometimes, he'd visit your Pokemon who had been transported to a daycare in the hospital. They seemed just as scared as Wally was, but he knew fearing wouldn't do anything; it wasn't what you wanted either.
So, he tried to be positive. He thought you'd be able to pull through. You were one of the strongest people he knew!
You couldn't die yet, not when you hadn't even completed the gym challenges!
His optimism brought hope to your Pokemon, and to him as well! But Wally was split if he truly believed in what he just preached.
And every day that passed. Every hour you remained in your bed, motionless minus your chest pumping up and down from a machine you were hooked up with.
That hope grew dimmer and dimmer.
Sometimes he'd talk to you, gently rubbing your hand. Your guardian(s) allowed him to be near you, which he couldn't be more thankful for.
He'd tell you about his day, how boring the hospital was. He wondered if you could hear him? He hoped you could.
Wally missed you. He missed you so, so much. He missed seeing you walking around, he missed hearing your voice; he just wanted you.
Wally tried to pull himself together. He didn't want to seem weak in front of you, not when you needed the utmost attention right now. But he couldn't control himself for long.
Wally's gentle whimpers grew into uncontrollable crying. He was pleading to you, pleading to anyone, begging anyone to just---not take you away.
"P-please, S/O... I can't lose you. I...I love you!"
He wanted his words to reach you somehow, so that maybe... Maybe you would wake up.
But no amount of love laced words could pull you from your eternal slumber.
Your heart monitor began dropping. The beating of the machine inducing an intense anxiety into Wally. He cried out for help, and the doctors and nurses flooded the room like water.
Wally was pushed outside the room and force to watch as the medical team desperately tried to revive you. He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach when every attempt resulted in nothing. No response, nothing.
The doctor came up to Wally, a sad expression on his face. The world went silent. He was muttering out words, lips moving, but Wally couldn't hear anything.
He didn't need to. He knew.
And he just breaks..
He's crying, perhaps even hyperventilating as the doctors attempted to calm him down. Wally knew you were gone. He thought he would be prepared for it, but the impact was too much for him to handle.
He cries, he cries a lot.
And then your funeral comes, but there aren't any tears. Not because he isn't sad, but because he can't squeeze anymore out. He just looks at your coffin in melancholy.
For awhile, Wally doesn't leave his house. When he returned to his parents, he is was nearly mute, and only stayed inside. All that progress had regressed, and he was back to his old self.
Wally wanted to care for your Pokemon himself, but he just wasn't in a good place. He couldn't even care for his own Pokemon, but they understood; your death affected them as well.
With some outside help from his family and his/your Pokemon, Wally slowly got better. Slow, but better.
It was painful for him, but he had to accept keeping you in memory while moving on.
He likes to think you'd want him to go forward, complete his journey. And he came up with a motivator; he couldn't be doing it for himself now, but for the both of you.
He'd do this. For you, and for himself.
He'll get stronger. He'll get braver. Because that's what you may of wanted from him.
Wally would never love someone as much as he did you. You mean the world to him. If only you two had more time together.
Wally will always miss you. The pain will lessen, perhaps even some of his feelings. But his love for you will mostly remain intact.
Wally would visit your grave frequently. But as time went on, the visits became less frequent. Still, he always brought your favourite gifts and most times your Pokemon came along with him.
He'll never forget you. Never.
This lovely artist is the person, I believe, made the drawing! I didn't ask for permission however, so if they ask me to remove the art, I shall!
Kukui practicing public nudity with a male reader
Request: "can you write headcanons for Kukui practicing public nudity with a male reader please?" - anon
Plot summary: imagine a male reader practicing public nudity with Kukui!
This Contains: Public nudity (duh), suggestive themes and slight nsfw 🔞.
Note: to the one that requested this, I am so, SO sorry for taking so long! I've never written for public nudity before so I wanted to do some research. . . Then I got a bit distracted . . . Then forgot said research which may show itself here. . . Annnd yeh- I don't know much about Kukui, so I hope this was close to him as a person! I based it off of the game version.
Note 2: upon further inspection, I believe I may of misinterpreted this, as I took it as Kukui being the more experienced one with this while the request may of actually wanted to know what it would be like practicing this for the first time with you. If so, I apologize.

If this is your first time ever going nude publicly, then don't feel nervous! Kukui here will help and support you with it, as he does seem like the type to have participated in public nudity before!
All likelihood, he's probably the one to suggest this idea in the first place.
If you're shy about going out nude, then Kukui's going to do everything he can to convince you otherwise. He's a charming man when he wants to be, so there's a good chance he can change your mind. And when you do, he will be super proud of you!
Now, if you have no issue showing off naked, then he'll be pumped to do this with you! Especially if this should be your first outing. He'll be eager to have a great day with you.
If you show signs of hesitation during the ride there, Kukui's going to put your mind at ease with mindless conversation and words of encouragement. He'll make the worries melt away like an ice cream in the sun, placing you at peace once you two finally make it, as if those worries never existed. He'll be so proud of you for not backing out, planting a kiss on your cheek and giving you a bent smile as he goes to unchange.
Kukui has no shame in showing himself off, causally throwing his clothes inside a bag and a towel over his shoulder while he waited for you outside.
No matter how many times he sees it, your body always looks so damn sexy to him. He'll definitely remind you of that, light flirting as you both make your way towards the beach.
Of course... Should things get heated on the way there...
You'll be sure to notice. And if you'd like to take a quick detour for a moment, then he'll be more then happy to oblige.
Back on the main topic, besides the being nude part, the two of you experience a rather pleasant day at the beach! The sun is hot, causing the sand to become warm and heated underneath your foot. The water is nice, cool, and relaxing. There are other people too, all of which are also naked, basking in the heat bare, playing in the water, relaxing on the beach and enjoying some tanning, and easily mingling amongst themselves (Kukui also chatting up with a few friends that happen to be there!). The day is good and surprisingly lovely, even if you may be a bit shy at seeing so many other people naked.
The true highlight of the day is Kukui asking you to help him with putting on some sunscreen to places he just can't reach, laying stomach down on the towel, resting his head on his arms while he instructs you where to rub and put the cream.
He'll toot little contented sounds to show you're doing good as you run your hands up and down the back of his body, getting every curve, crevice, and inch of it covered in sunscreen.
There's going to be some sexual tension between you both during this, playful flirty banter bouncing from one or the other, or both, as you two make some... Suggestive... comments with one another. Not enough to get either of you riled up thankful, as it would be unfortunate given the circumstances.
But if you're both in a pretty secluded part on the beach where you both are comfortable, then Kukui's gonna have no trouble enticing you while your hands rub against his tan body, making comments on how he feels so good when you rub it there, and here, and here.
Eventually, once those parts are nice and covered, he's going to ask you if you'd help him in some other places as well, turning over on his towel to reveal a rather. . . Eye-catching sight. What happens next? Well, that's entirely up to you.
By the end of the day, you two will end it off in relative bliss. In truth, it was almost no different then a normal day at the beach!
If you'd ever want to do it again should this be your first time, Kukui will be more then happy to indulge you in it! But if you don't, then that's ok to. He's just happy you gave it a chance.
In conclusion, today would end on a very positive note for the both of you. Kukui's glad to have done this with his boyfriend, even if it was just the one time, and should you ever want to do this more in the future, he'd be more then pleased to do so.
Practicing underwater bondage with Kukui
(Title name: Wet Temptations)

Request: "So for my next request, can you write a oneshot involving Kukui practicing underwater bondage with a male reader please? Kukui gets the idea to try orgasming while tied up, gagged, naked and underwater. So he enlists the reader to come with him to a pool at night so Kukui can be tied up, gaged and thrown into the water. Trusting the reader to watch over him. What do you think?" - Anon
Plot summary: Kukui, feeling a little experimental and wanting a change for a bit, asks you to help him with some sweet, underwater bondage~. Smutty.
This Contains: Nsfw (🔞) (MINORS DENIED), male orgasm, bondage, waterplay(?), and praise. May be a bit ooc.
Note: Hi guys! Been a bit, huh? Sorry! I've been lazy. To the requestor, sorry for taking forever! Idk how I did on this, but I hope you like it. This is my first time trying to portray aquaphilia and why it's attractive, so I hope you like it. Wasn't sure if this was to be interpreted as something platonic or romantic, so I tried leaving it vague. Have fun~
Kukui is an adventurous man when it comes to his sexual cravings, always willing to give something a chance and being very open-minded to trying anything at least once.
This idea came to him one day, maybe simply out of the blue, maybe simply he had always been curious about it, or maybe he more excited with himself whenever he dipped into the water and saw you walking around. Sometimes man.... It was hard not to look at you, especially if you weren't wearing a shirt... Ahem.
He convinces you to help him with this, spilling lax and sweet words into your ear that are just soooooooo hard to resist. He has charm and he knows how to use it, and besides.... You're really the only one he trusts enough to do this for him.
Kukui is so calm about this whole ordeal, even as he strips off his clothes and shows off every last inch of his assets. Even as he hands you the ropes.
You gulp. It's hard not to. But as you finishing tying him up, you're ready to begin...
...Moonlight kissed along his skin as well as the waters that he laid afloat in. You had finished tying the rope on his body, tight enough so that he would be utterly at your mercy, tight enough so that any squirming he could do wouldn't loosen the knots, and tight enough so that it hugged and highlighted his body divinely. The way his pecs and muscles bulged against the thick red rope made him truly a sight to see, and lucky for you, you got to have the view all by yourself. You tightly wrapped the gag around his mouth, admiring how his teeth sunk into the fibers when you tugged just a little harder on the rope. You swear you can hear some hitched, warm moaning.
You can tell he likes this despite being the first time either of you have done this. How could you tell, besides the flush on his face? Or the way his chest elevated unsteadily? His dick was hard, harder then before. It stands tall towards the stars, glistening with water droplets and a single, clear dew of precum down the slit. He murmurs something incoherent, though you can't really tell what. From the way he looks, though, it's anything but negative -- he wants to go further. "Shhh... Don't worry, kukui. I have you, ok? Just relax and let me do the work...". And he looks back up towards the skies, eyes glossed with something. Then, he sinks, and the water envelopes him everywhere. Your hands gently guide him, gliding along his muscles and tan lines, and you notice his cock seems to twitch at the sensations. Then, you let him go, and allow him to wriggle in the depths. All you provide in these times are occasional touches and shoves while he floats, ignoring your own hard-on at seeing him in such a vulnerable state. Kukui can hear his heart pounding from everything -- your touches and the cold water around him. He feels lightheaded, not helped by his need to hold his breath under water. This... Is really nice, he thinks, or think as much as he can while the air he needs is deprived from him.
You watch his blurred and rippling image begin to shake, and feel the water move with them. He's thrusting forwards, you notice, seemingly desperate for more friction. His face is almost tipsy looking, no doubt due to how long he's been under. Your hands run across his body, brushing against every bit of tan skin they can but refusing to venture anywhere near his crotch. If he wasn't underwater, perhaps you'd hear a whine. Kukui is dizzy with pleasure, the lack of air making him spin. Like a merciful god, you finally relent. Your finger presses against his tip, which throbs again the minute you touch him. Smiling, you press some more and ran your hand along his pec. Messaging both his dick and his ripe nipple, you can feel him shaking with your movement and see how his stomach rises and fall more irregularly.
He's so damn close, it'd seem. So cute.
Your strokes are slow and steady, designed so his climax is rewarded with time. All he can do is take it, biting down harder on the rope around his mouth. His eyes look pained and pleading, begging you to let him cum. You give neither, simply closing your eyes, adorning a warm smile, and continuing to stroke. Your hand forms a ring-shape with your first finger and thump, slowly stroking his tip and pulling back his foreskin.
He feels so close. So, sooo close. Just a bit more and...and...!
You pull him up from the depths, allowing him to catch his breath. He breaths in heavy gasps through his nose and gag, looking back up at your smirking face. You can hear him whimper from his confines, jumbled words coming out of his mouth. You tilt your head "hmm?... let you cum?... ah, Kukui... c'mon dude, I know you can take it. Just a bit longer, 'kay?" You ask him. Kukui could be mistaken for being intoxicated right now, with how drunkenly in lust he is and how his mind is still foggy. He hesitates before nodding his head slowly, eyes stricken with a lovesick glow. "Great! Back ya' go." And so, you dunked him in again, pumping his tip with a slow and sensual rhythm. He wanted this, agreed to this. There would be no regrets..
But he regrets wanting to continue. He wants to cum! He needs to, it too much! But he can't do anything except to endure the your jerking and the water around him. Every time he gets close, you cruelly deny him, then repeat and repeat again and again. He can't take it anymore, please Y/N....gosh, he looks so cute dazed like this. Whether it's from his lack of oxygen or because he needs release, you're unsure, and frankly you don't care. Watching him like this is making your dick ache like crazy.
Stroke...stroke....rub...stroke. Slow and sensual touches, enough to make his mind go numb but not enough to give him that sweet, sweet release. You keep going, and going....and soon you're stroking fast. Your fingers are gliding over his head, feeling it shake and throb against your palm. Kukui's mind is drowning in mindless pleasure. If it weren't for the water, there'd be tears clinging to the corner of his eyes.
He bite even harder on the rope. His toes curled inward. His cock throbbed, and throbbed, and throbbed. And then, ropes of thick white cum erupted from his balls. Load after load in perfect succession. You're thankful there wouldn't be a mess everywhere.... though, the pool would need some cleaning later.
You pulled Kukui out from the waters, allowing him to catch his breath. His hazy eyes fluttered open and closed. You peer down at him with a calm, yet oddly wanting look. As he catches his breath, finally regaining some of his mind again. You speak gently to him.
"Hey, Kukui...." you speak, watching as he weakly turns his drunken gaze towards you. Your cock comes to press against his body, and although his senses are everywhere he can feel your length against him, confirmed by how his eyes seem to widen. "...I got an idea for what we can do next."

How about some yandere platonic mother Miriam from pokemon Scarlet/Violet, preferably with a son reader? If you haven't played gen 9 yet, then instead of Miriam it can be Nurse Joy :3
Yan!Mum!Nurse Joy with a son

Plot Summery: Some platonic yandere headcanons for Nurse Joy with her son This Contains: Drug-related themes. Yandere themes. Unhealthy mindset. Maternal dependency. Note(s): wasn't sure if you wanted multiple ot just one, so I did one. Hope you like!
Nurse Joy is a generally kind and caring person, but this is especially true for her son. She absolutely loves you and is more then eager to pass on the family traditions of nursing and medicines to you!
She'll be a smothering mother, especially if you're eager to become a pokemon nurse. Seeing how much you learn from her and adopt similar mannerisms to her, have her heart soaring high. And she can't help but to give you a good hug and be so, so proud of her little boy! No doubt you'll also get your own healing-related pokemon too (likely a Blissy/Chancy you raised from an egg)
You're the apple of not only her eye, but all your other relatives as well. Your aunties, cousins, and nieces are all one big smothering and doting family; they always fret and dote on you, always making sure you're healthy and happy and always smothering you in presents and more. They can extremely overwhelming, and don't expect your mother to step in. No, she's joining in.
Wanting to become a pokemon trainer and/or traveling pokemon nurse will be very difficult to do with Yan!mom Joy down your neck. She's a huge worrywart, and is quick to remind you of the many dangers and threats that exist out there -- not just of pokemon, but of people too! She's not above guilt-tripping either; she'll remind you that she needs your help, here, at the pokemon center. She says she'll be extremely lonely without you, and how stressed being a nurse can be.
If she's really, really pushed, I could see her drugging you just to make sure you don't try and leave. Maybe even lock you up. It wouldn't last for too long, but she won't feel guilty for it. She's on the delusional spectrum somewhere, and genuinely believes that what she does is for your own benefit.
But if you do manage to her to let you go, then be prepared for the amount of guilt she's going to cause. On the day you're to leave, she's going to be holding you close, telling you to always call her and that if anything happens, you can always come home. She's doing everything she can to hold herself together as you leave. When you're gone, she does nothing but sob her eyes out. Yes, Nurse Joy is emotionally dependent on her baby, and she's a wreck for quite awhile.
Constant calls, regular updates. And for sure she's going to use her familial connections to all the other Joys throughout the region to keep tabs on you. It'll feel like she's always there, always lingering.
Overall, Nurse Joy is a an intense but loving mother, who wants only the best for you... even if it means she can't be with you all the time. But know that she will always miss you if you so leave her, always waiting for you to return to her.
Please.. please come back home soon.
Barry redeeming the son of Archie

Request: "Hi may I request a Barry x male reader son of Archie leader of team aqua headcannons of Barry redeeming him from being evil and helping him through not being accepted by society until they become co gym leaders . Male reader trains Dragon type Pokemon. Thank you for your time" - @zenitsuharadagoku
Plot summary: Though a loyal son to your father and his plans, you had began to notice the dark consequences for his actions, and eventually help in the downfall of his mission. When team aqua is disbanded, not everyone is willing to forgive you for your crimes. Only Barry, the boy who pulled you from the darkness, is able to see the changes you've undergone, and he is determined to help the rest of world see that too.
This Contains: Betrayal (giving).
Note: Fun fact: Barry use to be a huge childhood crush of mine, so seeing this request I just HAD to do it. Ah, childhood memories 💕 did both platonic and romantic headcanons. It's long, hence the cut. Enjoy!
Note 2: Apologizes for nearly a year of waiting! In the end I rushed a bit, so I hope you can forgive it if it seems to fall flat. Feel free to request again!
Growing up, you not only had your father caring for you, but also the rest of his main team too. They were as much family as Archie was, and you loved them all as they loved you.
So when your father wanted to awaken the legendary Pokémon Kyogre, you were easily on board.
You were his second in command, and by far one of his more diligent lieutenants. A skilled pokemon trainer with strong dragon types, and an efficient member of Team Aqua that always completed his mission.
Of course, there were people who opposed this plan, one of them being a hyperactive boy named Barry. A sinnohnite visiting the hoenn region and helping to put an end at the chaos ensuing.
Originally, Barry was completely against you, seeing you as nothing more but trouble. And in truth, you weren't exactly a big fan of him either.
The two of you clashed often, him always trying to stop and you always trying to stop him from stopping you. It wasn't easy, Barry did have strong pokemon on his side, but you were smarter and more resilient, so the battle usually leaned to your favour due to Barry's rashness and headstrong approach.
If there's one thing you could applaud him for, it was his perseverance. Even when you beat him, that didn't stop Barry from trying again, and again, and again. He'd simply get back on his feet and run at you at full speed.
You and Barry's interactions only ever happened like at, with him rushing at you to battle and both of you clashing it out. That's all there was. At first.
But as time went on, you began to show doubts in Archie's plan. I mean... He literally wanted to WRESTLE KYOGRE?! At first it sounded cool but....now that you put more thought into it rather then blind devotion, you came to realize it wasn't nearly as black and white as it seemed.
But Archie was stubborn, really stubborn. At first, you tried to subtly imply that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea, but it never seemed to register in his head. He'd simply laugh at your hints, tossing an arm around you and proclaiming that "your old man's got it all under control!"
And you love your dad, so you complied nonetheless. At first.
Losing to you really hurt Barry's ego. Again and again, he was never able to trump you. But as time progressed, he realized his headstrong approaches weren't working. From his humility, he learned to be more patient, less rash, and less impulsive. Mostly.
But while Barry began to thrive, you began to crumble. You felt conflicted, guilty and unsure. You knew what you were doing was wrong... But, your dad. You didn't want to let him down. He couldn't realize just how dangerous his mission had become. And it was tearing you apart.
You're not on your A-Game anymore. You actually begin losing to Barry, and your part in Archie's plans became stagnant. Maybe it was a subconscious thing, your mind trying to thwart your mission. Maybe your dragon types saw how this was effecting you, their strong and beloved trainer, so they began to faint on purpose. Or maybe he had just improved since before. Either way, it was clear you weren't on track anymore. You're sure even Barry notices this.
Your loses and guilt eventually helped push you to betray your father's mission, though it wasn't without pain. The look he gave you when he saw you sabotaging his plans, confused and hurt, and so betrayed, when running away was heartbreaking...
Switching over to the good guys isn't an easy transition at all. Nobody trusts you, and rightfully so. Funnily enough, it's Barry that trusts you the quickest -- well, it still took a bit of time, but considering many others weren't budging, yeah he was the fastest.
At first, he didn't believe you at all when you said you wanted to help, thinking this was just another ploy by Team Aqua. But as you proved yourself to everyone, working hard and taking down other Aqua grunts with and even for them, Barry began to believe what you said.
He went from being the first one to accuse you of doing bad things, to the first one defending you when others believed you were still doing bad things. It's such a quick change, it surprises enough -- especially when they all thought he hated you the most. A genuine relationship had formed between the both of you. A deep understanding.
In the end, Kyogre and Groudon are quelled by Rayquaza thanks to May/Brendan. Archie came to regret his choices by then, having realized far too late just the magnitude of what he'd done and what else would've came. When he sees you his first instinct is to charge straight ahead and hug you with enough pressure to almost crush a rock. He's tearing up and apologizing profusely for what his actions, and hopes you'll forgive him. Archie is especially surprised with your new relationship with Barry, and does through some heat his way initially. But he warms up to him, if only for you.
Since this incident, not many people see you favorably, even if you did help. Those you worked closely with have come to forgive you, the general public haven't. So Barry's taken it upon himself to change this nasty image you had. You've changed, he knows you have, and he's gonna make everyone see it. It takes years of hard work and equal dedication to change this perspective to everyone, but it eventually does work. Mostly. There are still some out there who haven't forgiven you and there's no changing that, but you're no longer getting as many nasty stares or hearing as much gossip about you anymore. And you have Barry to thank for that, which he will gladly take praise for *ahem*
In this time, you and Barry have only grown closer together. It's funny how you two started out as enemies and ended up with something so much more. You are both two peas in a pod, knowing each other like the back of your hand.
You and Barry eventually became dual gym leaders together. It had been in the works for awhile now, but you didn't want to open it until the general public had grown to trust you. This was especially hard as Barry was always pestering you to open the gym already, a bit of his impatient past shining through. When it does become official however, it's a time for celebration! All your friends, families, and pokemon gather together to celebrate this new endeavor for you two. A new beginning.
Archie is especially proud, swinging an arm around your shoulder and loudly shouting "THAT'S MY BOY". You can definitely see some proud tears at the corners of his eyes.
Though the start was rocky, you and Barry have forged an unbreakable bond together. Akin to brothers. He has your back and you have his, and neither of you plan to ever change that. As a result of this friendship, I could see Archie becoming more fatherly Barry and vice verse for Barry's dad, Palmer.
While you're both the best of friends, you're also each other's biggest rivals. It isn't uncommon to see one competing against the other, usually Barry. It's never anything truly serious, though Barry may make it so, but none of it will ever shatter the bond you both have.
You both are like brothers at the end of the day, a bond built from
At some point, the feelings you and Barry have for each other deepen into something more. You're not sure when or why, but they do, and it feels good... it feels right.
Barry is real flustered and even a bit shy at times, and may come off as a bit of a tsundere here and there. Demands to hold your hand or else you'll owe him a million dollars!! He's kidding, he's kidding-
You're often the one who does the teasing in the relationship, with Barry usually helpless to your teases. It's cute, watching him get all red face.
If you two ever have a wedding, Archie is going to be so proud... and loud... and sobbing. He'll grab the nearest man, woman, or person in between and yell with the most prideful voice ever "THAT'S MY SON THERE!!". Everyone else who served under will definitely join his cheers.
Overall, romantic life with Barry will remain relatively the same. Yet, there's something new there now. Something to explore your bond deeper. A happy ending, for a new beginning.
Arven x fem. reader
Arven trying to impress you!
Arven read in a magazine once about how girls like ‘bad boys’. He didn’t change his personality, only clothing style. He tried to test it out. He invited you to a date at the mall and ofc you said yes (you have no choice). So when you guys met up at the entrance of the mall you almost gagged. He was wearing a black leather jacket, black shirt, black TIGHT jeans (😭) , some black doc martens and black leather gloves. The kind of gloves that bikers use kinda. He didn’t look that bad. It was just embarrassing for him and for you to see him in such tight jeans. To much black, didn't fit him or his personality.
“Arven. What the hell???” you said as she crossed your arms.
“What?-” he said a bit nervous.
“The hell are you wearing.” you said looking him up and down with disgust as you put a hand on your hip.
“What You don't like it?-”
“NO I DONT LIKE IT!” You said red from embarrassment as she looked around and people were staring at the both of you now because you yelled.
“What?- why not?” He said a bit confused as he put a hand on his hip and slightly tilted his head.
“Get your ass back in your car and talk to me again when your not looking like…that!” You said as she marched back to your car leaving Arven to think about what he had done
**Impression failed.**
Burning Hellfire

Mela x Fem! Reader
Some “nobody” seems to have taken a liking to you. Incidentally, Mela seems to have taken a hatred for them.

If you could only describe your girlfriend in two words, they would be “terrifying” and “sweet”, and not in a “she seems terrifying but is actually really nice” kind of way. “Asshole to the world sweetheart to her girl” fits her infinitely better.
That’s just how Mela is. She’s mean and rough around the edges, but sometimes her meanness comes out when she’s trying to be… not mean, like the time she threatened to beat up members of the art club when she was just trying to join them.
When she had suddenly confessed to you after skirting around her feelings for months, she had been so awkward. As any good confession starts, she started with “I’ve come here to fight you.” Her tone was serious but her body was stiff and unmoving, reflecting the extent of her nerves. “Ah-I mean, I like you and we should go on a date or something.”
So incredibly charming despite her rugged nature. Again, she’s not terrifying on the outside but completely innocent on the inside like Eri, she’s terrifying on the outside and on the inside, just as she can be sweet on both sides, as well.
Since getting together, that sweet side is pretty much all you’ve known. Not to say she was mean to you before getting hitched, she was just pretty awkward and that led to her making false threats, one’s that lacked bite, only to backpedal after they slipped past her lips. It’s a side that isn’t unique to you, not by a long shot, but you definitely get to see it the most.
Mela is, however, still a little hesitant when expressing her feelings. Romantic relationships are clearly unfamiliar territory for her, given how she’s uncertain at times, unsure of how to navigate or proceed. It’s endearing, really. She’ll grab your hand but will do her best to avoid eye contact. She’ll give you a quick peck in public but it’s quick and sudden. She’ll envelop you in a warm hug, nuzzling deeply into your shoulder, only for her cheeks to be dusted red when pulling away.
But when she thinks that someone is getting a little too personal with you? That’s a completely different story.
Of course, it’s only natural that Mela is protective over you. Who wouldn’t take issue with someone trying to flirt with their girl? Rather, the issue is what she defines as “getting too personal”: Basically anything.
As much as you love your girlfriend and her old Team Star buddies, sometimes you just need to talk with other people, hang out with other friends.
Recently, you’ve found yourself talking to the same group of people after classes near the academy’s entrance. You enjoy hanging out with them, but they’re strictly school friends, the kind you don’t ever really see outside of the hallways.
After a brief discussion of the upcoming biology test, you were left talking to one of the girls in the group. She was huddled against you, shoulder to shoulder, with a textbook propped up in her hands. She was mid-ramble when she suddenly stopped talking. Her abrupt bout of nervousness would be concerning if you haven’t been through this situation before.
“Um… I think someone’s watching us…” She jostles the heavy book in one hand to rub the back of her neck with the other. You don’t even get to mutter out a response before the signature squeak of Mela’s fiery boots fills your ears.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve-” “It was great talking with you, but I’ve got to go.” You interrupt her in hopes of diffusing the situation before it even starts. “I’ll see you next class!” You hope your cheerful tone makes this poor girl feel better. You attempt to walk away from her, goading Mela to follow, but she doesn’t seem ready to budge.
“You seem real close to MY girl.” “I-I’m sorry?” She starts shaking under the pressure. “I don’t want to see you around her again-” “Mela!” She breaks her glare to look at you, where it softens for a moment, before turning back.
“Look. You're lucky that MY girlfriend is here, because if she wasn’t, then I’d teach you a lesson you wouldn’t be forgetting anytime soon. But know that if I see you getting all buddy-buddy with MY girl again, I won’t hold back.”
Mela grabs your hand and starts marching away, leaving your poor friend shaking in her metaphorical boots. You throw a whispered “sorry” over your shoulder before turning your attention back to your fuming girlfriend.
“So…” “Don’t like the way she was looking at you.” You can’t help but sigh. You love her dearly, but this jealous streak is a lot to grapple with.
“She’s my friend, Mela. We were just talking about school work, like friends do.” “But she was looking at you funny, like she was into you! What if she started coming onto you and made you all uncomfortable?” “Whatever helps you sleep at night…”
She huffs, but doesn’t protest. She’s jealous, alright, but she’s not about to admit it. At least her blushing face is cute. The rest of the walk to her dorm room is relatively silent.
Once the door is closed, she relinquishes the hold on your hand, throwing them around your form instead. She all but collapses into you with a groan. As rough and tough as she is, she’s a softy deep down. She’ll come out swinging against the people she gets jealous over, but always needs to recharge with many cuddles and soft kisses.
And maybe you shouldn’t reward her behavior with sweet, sweet affection, even if it does come from a good place, because she just wants to protect you from getting hurt in the same way she was a year ago, but she looks so cute when her barriers are down, a state that she won’t be in for long before reverting to normal, everyday Mela.
Concept: The reader who gets thrown into Hisui can actually still use apps on their Arcphone, and have internet. But only somewhat. They actually can’t type anything. They can’t posts tweets, make any text posts, send any texts, nothing. However, they find a loophole. They can make and send videos, and take pictures. Then they get the idea to stream being in Hisui. It technically works! They don’t have to type anything, just go live and go from there! Bonus points if they were like, a popular streamer/youtuber, or even the Sinnoh Champion before being yeeted to Hisui.
Keep reading
What if during their missions the hero befriends this pack of hitsuian zoarks and zoras?
They have helped this pack many times during their missions and the pack has grown to care for their dear human friend.
But when you get banished hell has frozen over and what if you were seriously hurted during the banishment?
On top of the mountain everyone even thoughs who helped you will see an illusion of you dying body as the leader of the pack inches towards kamado scarring him for his actions!
Enjoy my fuckery!
Reader is gender neutral, the only she is the alpha Zoroark. Mentions of blood but nothing descriptive.
You don’t know what you did to deserve being banished, you only did what you were told.
No matter who stood up for you, they were instantly silenced to threatened with war, and that wasn’t something you wanted for any of those you still care for.
You didn’t know what else to do.
You weren’t given the chance to pack your things, or anything at all really, just whatever you had on you at the time.
The clans nor their leaders could help you.
So you wondered around, trying to find something, anything that could help you prove you innocence.
That drive lead you to the Alabaster Icelands.
Snowpoint temple seemed old enough to carry some secrets, maybe you could find something there?
While you set up your own little campsite in a cave you hear something, a curious sounding whine before it morphs into a happy yip.
Looking behind you, you see a little zoura you helped a while ago, if the cut out of their ear was anything to go by.
“Hey little buddy.”
You coo softly, but the small Pokémon senses something wrong, letting out a small whine, more zouras show up.
Ah, it’s the entire pack you’ve helped over the months.
You remember healing them when you found them and handing them back to a very angry and cautious alpha.
Speaking of, a louder, deeper grumble greets you.
The other zouras and Zoroarks of the pack form a soft circle around you, just as the alpha Zoroark makes her appearance.
“Hello to you too mama.”
The family looks at you, all letting out various sad or comforting sounds. The larger Zoroark curls around you, in an effort to keep you warm.
“Thank you.”
It’s funny being held like this. Your thoughts begin to tumble and before you know you, you’re sobbing into the fluffy mane of the Zoroark around you.
You cried your heart out to the whining pack, venting about all that has happened.
Your banishment.
You betrayal.
Your heartache.
They left it all.
The alpha Zoroark rubbed her cheek against your, wrapping herself up in your scarf before moving away. She stood up, speaking to her children before most of the zoroarks left, not without giving you a nuzzle.
One Zoroark was left to keep watch over you and the zouras.
You cried a little more, hugging and cuddling with your new family before falling asleep, surrounded by their fluffy warmth.
You sleep safe and protected, completely unaware of what is yet to come.
The pack of zoroarks quickly move in towards the village.
The have arrived by the next night.
The alpha looks down at the scarf you have yet to notice she took.
They hurt her pup.
They left her pup abandoned in the wilderness to suffer the same fate as her.
They will not be forgiven.
The meeting between the commander and clan leaders was dragging on.
It was late but no progress was being made.
Kamado sighs at Irida and Adaman’s stubbornness, the two were still upset about his ruling over you.
“It’s been almost a week! No one as heard from them, let alone see them!” Adaman’s patience is wearing thin.
“What if something happened to them? These lands aren’t exactly kind.”
Irida was worried, she heard from Lian that the day of you banishment you asked for her, but due to Kamado’s orders he couldn’t help and you left.
You are her dear friend, she hopes you’re safe.
Adaman’s anger is only to mask his fear, Irida is right, these lands aren’t kind, and with you by yourself, with no guards or professor on the look out for you, who knows what could happen.
The door to the side suddenly flings open.
A powerful burst of malicious pressure forcing it open.
Red claws grip the door frame, the Zoroark lowers herself to enter the office.
Before any made a move the gasp.
That’s your scarf, that’s your galaxy uniform scarf that you never took off.
Slowly the Zoroark morphs into you, a blood stained you.
“…..hero?” Irida’s voice breaks, her hands over he mouth with tears stinging her eyes.
Adaman and Kamado stand shocked and horrified at the realization.
It’s you.
“Why did you do this to me?” It’s your voice, it sounds so uncanny.
Your eyes however stay that stark yellow, glaring down the commander.
“I-I didn’t!- I-“
“I will give you a fate like mine.”
The threes face’s paled, neither clan leader’s teams were strong enough to take on such a strong, angry foe.
A part of them didn’t want to. It was you after all, you had every right to be angry.
They stare at the Zoroark’s illusion. It had to be you, the creature had your scarf after all.
You didn’t seem to have any open injuries, but the blood showed just where you were hit.
Adaman felt like puking at the thought of your pain.
With all the commotion, Cyllene and Laventon burst in.
Laventon’s loud cry startled the Zoroark, bringing her attention toward the other door.
Was that your pack mate you spoke fondly of?
“Everyone get back! Abra!”
Ah these the strict one you spoke of as well.
She lunges, breaking her illusion and going for Kamado’s throat.
But Abra teleports him out of the room just in time.
With a loud snark and howl, the village echoes in several howls.
“If you hadn’t banished them this wouldn’t be happening!”
“How was I suppose to know they’d be killed and turned into THAT!?”
“Are you so closed off you don’t see the world you live in anymore!?”
Kamado argues with Irida and Adman, he didn’t think this would happen.
“Enough! We need to take ever safety precaution we have. Zoroarks are dangerous, we won’t know who’s one until they slip up.”
Cyllene quickly takes over the situation.
“Lock down the village and get everyone inside this building state!”
“Yes ma’am!” Galaxy guards run out to round everyone up, alarms are being signaled and the lock down commences.
Hours into the lock down, well into the next morning, everything seems fine.
Kamado spent most of it dealing with the villagers, ignoring the harsh glares being sent his way by the other leaders, Cyllene, and Laventon.
His mind only replaying what happened yesterday.
You couldn’t be dead…could you? Though why else would a pack of zoroarks come to his village? They always stay in the Icelands.
The realization that he had a hand in your demise, seeing a ghostly you, so angry at him.
It made his heart sink.
The commander does his best to make sure that side door stays locked up tight. He always checks to make sure it stays that way, in fear it’ll open and you’ll be standing there, ready to finish the job.
With food secured and their mother’s actions done, the pack heads back to their den.
The alpha lets out a soft coo at the sight of you playing with the other pups.
“Oh! Welcome back.”
You holy in surprise when each Zoroark drops human food by you.
“Is that what y’all left for?”
You look at them confused as she nudges you towards it.
“Well, thank you!” You gave some of them some pets before eating some of the food.
Looking over to the mother of the pack you chuckle.
“I was wondering where my scarf went, though you can keep it, it matches you!”
Your chuckle turns into a laugh as she licks your face, fully trying to give you a bath.
Maybe staying here won’t be so bad.
I had to sneak in before they got closed again. 👀
So hear me out, we all talk about ingo and emmet's s/o getting swept away into Hisui and how they would react, BUT what if it was Guzma, Raihan, Leon, and piers s/o that got swprt away?? How would they take it.
Thank you for all your hard work, and I look forward to all your works! 🥺💕
yesss let's hurt these boys
The grunts claim you just disappeared, a bright flash of light and then gone. They're panicked and some are actually crying, so Guzma sends them to relax while he goes out searching for you. You're not answering your phone, and he's getting angrier by the minute. Not at you, but at whoever has done something to make you worry him and everyone like this. He's ready to kick ass when he finds your things abandoned near where you and the grunts were hunting for wild Pokémon
Nanu isn't pleased to get a visit from Guzma, but when he learns what happened, he's more sympathetic. He organizes for some officers to come to the island, then conducts a proper search for you. They find nothing, and Nanu has to physically restrain Guzma from attacking the officers he claims are "doing jack-all" Plumeria eventually comes and drags Guzma back to the Shady House to give it a rest, but Guzma can hardly lie still, especially in your empty, shared bed
The longer you're missing, the angrier Guzma grows. He's one second away from attack most anyone, besides Plumeria and the grunts. He doesn't blame the kids for what happened to you, and he scares off any reporters that try to harass them. You'll come back, he reassures his guilty grunts, even if they have to beat down a legendary Pokémon to get you back. He's not giving up that easy
Your disappearance floods the social medias as soon as Raihan realizes you're not just late getting home. He contacts the police, then has the entire internet memorizing your photos so they can look for you around towns and cities. Leon is a big help during the search, using his Champion status to get people out into the farthest reaches of Galar to search for you
Raihan dedicates himself to your search. Each failed attempt has him re-strategizing and going again, and again, and again. When he's not in the station, practically leading your investigation, he's at home, making sure his and your Pokémon are taken care of. There's not a moment's downtime, and he doesn't take one moment to process just what might've happened to you. He refuses to humor it
When months pass and they're no closer to finding you, Raihan breaks down. He completely removes himself from everything, his gym, his socials, his friends. Leon comes to him, worried and trying so hard to be supportive. He challenges Raihan to a battle, desperate to get him trying, and Raihan accepts. Win or lose, after Leon asks him if he's ready to give up on you. Raihan nearly tears him apart to even suggest it.
Leon demands to know why has he given up then? He's sitting here, alone, doing nothing. They should be out there looking for you. And when Raihan retaliates that they've already searched the region for you, Leon clasps his hand and reminds him Galar isn't the only region. They'll find you, together.
You're out together, lost in the Wild Area, searching around for any sign of where you might be. There's no cell service, so you decide to do a loop of the nearby area in search of landmarks or signal before returning to the Carizard. Leon does his loop, and returns to the car. Then he hears you shout. But when he makes it to where you were, you're not there.
Leon is terrified, he searches the Wild Area for hours with his Pokémon, shouting for you, but he can't find anything. All that's left is your bag and phone, you're nowhere to be seen. When night starts to fall, he's forced to give up and try and find civilization. With your wellbeing on the line, it's not difficult to find the closest town and report to the authorities what happened
Leon doesn't rest. He pulls strings, abuses his powers, begs any and everybody to help him find you. But your gone. The entire region is combed, but they can't find you, no one can. Not even him. It tears him up, but he can't stop looking. He'll ask every region, he will search every region, he'll search the bottom of every damn ocean before he gives up on finding you. Because it's his fault your gone, so he's going to find you again if it kills him.
It's starts with you not showing up to one of his gigs. This is weird, since you told him you were gonna be here, but he decides not to worry about it. You've not called to say something's happened, and he's not heard anything about you getting into an accident, so he leaves it be. But when he tries to call you after and you don't answer? You're not at home, no one has seen you. He starts to worry
Police find your phone on the path you usually take to Spikemuth, lying on the side of the road alongside a bag full of your things. Piers clutches said bag to his chest as the police tell him there's no sign of you, or what happened to you. No struggle tracks, no footprints, not even a hint of a Pokémon being around that interacted with you. It's like you just. . . vanished.
Piers waits for you, waits for any sign of you to show up, even though it never does. He writes songs about you, the love he lost, taken away to somewhere he can't follow. It tears him up when they pronounce you dead, and he can hardly stand to be at your funeral, knowing there's no body to prove that you're really, truly dead. But he stands through it, being strong for Marnie, even though he knows deep in his soul you're still out, trying to find your way back to him
shout out to @fluffabutt for helping me not sound like a broken record with these. i appreciate you babe <3
Have a great night, love!
*tumbles in and runs straight at the wall* hey remember my other request with the twins with a soulmate they hate? WELL! I wanted to write it and I'm in a bind, so here I am with another related request!
Imagine being still ignored by the twins, you had received their letter -too polite, too formal- about the situation and you just felt even more depressed. At least they would give you a chance? But team plasma and the subsequent trials and jail time and even now being on probation, all of it had eroded your sense of self. You were finally getting back on your feet, found a normal job. Only now, you were forced to take the subway, and found yourself often seeing the twins. Your soulmates. Their rejection hurt but you understood.
It all came to an abrupt stop one late evening. You were taking the subway back home, and someone roughly grabbed you by the shoulder and whipped you around on the platform. They were screaming at you, about how you stole their pokemon. Oh, of course. This was a trainer you stole from years ago, when you were still in team plasma. You could only babble apologies through your tight chest, breath becoming heavier by the second.
You didn't know how much time passed as they threw profanities and even fists at you when two tall figure stood in front of the trainer. You looked through tears to see Ingo and Emmet, standing tall each with one arm outstretched in an X motion to stop the altercation. Only, they were looking right at you, both of their silver eyes full of anger at the sight of you.
"What is the meaning of this? Fighting is not allowed on the platforms." Ingo's voice dripping with disgust.
"Did you steal their pokemon? They say you did. Give it back." Emmet continued, clearly trying to hide his emotions.
You could only look at them in surprise. Did they think you stole a pokemon? That you would just stand there instead of running like any thief would?
"I didn't steal anything!" you pleaded as tears started to fall. "I... Maybe in the past... But not now! I haven't stolen pokemon in years! I left team plasma!"
"That's your excuse? Verrry bad. I am Emmet. I don't believe you."
Your fear and sadness quickly turned into seething rage. Yes you made bad decisions in the past, haunted by beliefs you no longer held, and yet actively chose to redeem yourself for you, not anyone else. Now you were being accused by your own soulmates in public.
"Then don't believe me, Emmet!" You yelled at the twins. "I haven't stolen anything! Yes I did steal from this person years ago, and wrote a formal apology during my trial! You don't trust me? Fine! But I'm not the one hitting someone else, yet you accuse me? Check my belongings, look through everything, I don't care! I did not steal anything.
"And while we're here, your stupid letter, let's talk about that! I've accepted that you don't want me. Hell, I get it! I wouldn't want myself either! But you don't get to tell me I stole your soulmate from you. I am here, and I am myself. I didn't spend [x number of] years of therapy to believe I stole myself from myself, my past is behind me and I never, EVER, want to go back. I was a CHILD! I was indoctrinated young by family members, children believe in their parents! I trusted them but now I know they were wrong!
"Also you know what I lost from this? I can't even own or even handle pokeballs anymore! I had partners I raised from eggs, my deino was so anxious she could never go anywhere, and my murkrow took pride in being by my side, and you know what the so called 'justice' did? They rehoused them. I'm not even allowed to ask how they're doing. I always released the pokemon in close-by areas in case they wanted to go back to their trainers, and many did! Bonds are a lifetime thing. I can't even know if they're okay! All I know is that supposedly they were placed in one of those low-care zoos they call sanctuaries, and I'll never see them anymore.
"So you know what? Fuck both of you. Fuck this whole thing! Keep ignoring me like you did, or even better, let other trainers just hit me as they please since you clearly hate me that much. I didn't steal myself from you, you just lost your Ideal of who I am. And when the Truth stares you in the face, you can't accept it. That's not a 'me' problem, that's a 'you' problem, and I can't fix it for you." You spat out as you turned on your heels and ran out of the station, tears prickling your eyes. Only this time out of anger and frustration.
That's where I am! NOW! Question is, how would the twins react to that, erm, outburst? I was thinking that they would kinda change their opinions on the reader? Like, now they at least have context to put their actions into perspective, and maybe at least consider what they said.
I had the angst muses tugging at me to make the reader's pokemon just being absolutely miserable, but with no way for them to help. And reader can't even visit them to see if they're okay, so if any of the twins go to see them (if they find them), they catch the smallest smell of reader and they're desperate to go back to them. After all, Deino is blind and trusted reader for anything movement related, and Murkrow is extremely loyal to its flock leader so now it feels super alone?
Also the whole Ideal vs Truth thing? Yiiiiis this thing is perfect for it
i agree, and i am in tears over this i hope you know. i've done my best to offer you a continuation from where you left off. i hope it's good!!
Both twins are left in shocked silence after your outburst. The air is heavy, quiet broken only by the person swearing at them and chasing after where you ran to "teach you a lesson." The twins stumble after him, not wanting there to be any more violence, but as the person discovers, you're gone. Disappeared into the crowd with no trace of you, besides the bag you left behind.
They carry the bag back to their shared office, minds still reeling with all the new information. There's no Pokémon in the bag, like you said, but there are some various items. Your subway card, a small calendar with various work schedules and small doodles inside. There are even old, faded photographs.
Ingo cradles one, the subject clearly you cradling eggs. You're so small, eyes bright and hopeful as you grin at the camera, two familiar Plasma Team leaders at your side. The back reads your name, and the date of your "entrance into the family, ready to help the world!"
"Do you think they had a family?" Ingo asks quietly.
"Team Plasma tended to take from fosters, children with no one else." Emmet says, reminding them both of the statistics everyone knows. Yet, he thinks, despite knowing these statistics, reforming former members of the team are never treated kindly. "So no. Probably not."
Another photo is found. This one has you, older, a teenager, in uniform. Your eyes are less bright, and your smile is smaller, tired. Your Pokémon, Deino and Murkrow, are hatched and older now. Yet, even with how faded the photograph is, Ingo can see the way both Pokémon lean into you, fondness evident in their body language.
"I don't think they're who we thought." Ingo says. Emmet doesn't look up from the small Murkrow features in a clear case. "I don't think we ever knew who they really were."
"Should we. . . find them?"
"This is their bag. We will give it back to them." Ingo carefully places the items back. "And. . . apologize."
Yet, as they decide to apologize to you, a rock sits in their stomachs. A feeling a dread hangs over them, telling them one apology isn't going to do much, not after everything that's already occurred.
When they go home for the evening, Ingo's mind wanders to you. Deino's are blind. He can picture you, present you, guiding one around, smiling and stroking it whenever it began to shake from nervousness. He can see Murkrow perched on your head, hanging into your view whenever it wants attention.
Emmet is similarly lost in the clouds, mind lingering on the old photos. Your smile grew smaller as the years passed, until it was gone completely. What did Team Plasma do to you? Did you even want to steal? You must've thought you were doing the right thing, but you also broke away. . . Did they hurt you? He feels sick thinking about it, and like he needs to protect you.
Protect you from people like himself.
The brothers buckle down on their intent to talk with you, apologize and just talk, but you've become like a ghost. You find a depot agent to get your bag back from, and then they stop seeing you on the trains. You've begun hiding, even from their cameras. Or did you just leave? They're scared they chased you off for good now.
When did things become so hopeless?
for some reason, i get the feel that this doesn't really have a happy ending, even if things get better for the twins and reader. especially since public figures would receive such backlash for being with their former-plasma soulmate
have a good day!
I know for a fact I'd be either a menace or a health hazard if I got into self! Aware hisui. Mostly because I have a hard time falling asleep - therefore I can fall asleep standing. Falling asleep standing in a world where alpha pokemon roam, seems like a bad idea on paper , but an afterthought when tired.
Other than that, I had a small continuation of the spectre ish reader. I imagined earlier what the consequence would be if reader didn't automatically get attached to the main character:
Volo, for example. Would probably benefit from having the spectre attached to him, as this would make a shortcut both to communicating to this God beyond the screen, but would also make it easier to achieve his goal as the reader would technically have to help him, as they would t know what would happen if they did get detached (and would rather not figure out).
Laventon would have someone who knew every pokemon, even just based on the bare bone explanation. His fieldwork would be easier, and he would get information on pokemon not even in the current region. He would also have a portable guide on how to better approach them, who to approach and so on so forth.
Ingo would have someone who knew who he was, both strained and taken from their homes. Reader could enlighten him on who he was, who he left behind and maybe help him get back, as the spectre reader too would be connected to the code keeping him here. Who knows, when they take a more human shape they could help him with lady sneasler or help at the training grounds?
But what if..., imagine if they got attached to a pokemon form? A zoroark has been lurking around one of the galaxy camps, way outside their natural habitat, not that its caused any trouble. Far from it, in fact its been helping with leading (scaring more like) people back to camp if they got lost. Later, the pokemon is replaced with a person wearing a zorark mask. They still stand in the distance, far too afraid they will mess with the code if they get closer - maybe they'll just watch a bit longer.
Holy moly this got long! Sorry about that, got kinda lost imagining!
This is very interesting!
Volo would probably do everything in his power to keep you with him, maybe even try to figure out the code to make you a body. You sound like the voice from the sky, He wants you to stay with him, especially when you describe his world like it’s a game. Surely, you must be a god? What else could you be, if Arceus itself was nothing more than something for you to catch for fun in your world? Laventon would probably be slightly horrified, yet curious. You don’t seem malicious, far from it. You seem to even enjoy his company, and helping him out. You even know about pokemon that don’t even exist yet! You are incredibly polite, and enjoy helping him. All he has to do is describe a pokemon to you, and you instantly fill in the blanks. After the first few times, he was able to confirm every detail you mentioned. He honestly enjoyed your company. Maybe he can manipulate these numbers he sees, and give you a body. It’s the least he can do! Ingo would be wary at first, but would quickly grow to enjoy your company. You knew who he was, and happily informed him of his past. He will admit, he was slightly upset to learn his life was nothing more than a game in your world, but you seemed nice enough, and only wanted to help him. And help him you did. You told him all you knew about him and his brother, and felt he deserved better than whatever happened to him to land him here in the first place. He feels the desire to help you, maybe figuring out the code to make you a body. It’s the least he can do for helping him out! Though the idea of using a Zoroark is so good! What if you had the powers of one though, and could create an illusion of themselves?? Finally after manipulating some code, you can make a body, but it still looks off. Looks too generic. So you use the code to give yourself a Zoroark mask. People still stay away from you, but you don’t entirely mind. Eventually, people grow curious of the stranger who seems to help them when they are lost, or being attacked by pokemon. Like magic, you can make pokemon freeze, and lead the poor soul away from the pokemon, and direct them towards the nearest camp. You become the hot local legend. What were you? Some sort of deity over Zoroarks? You seemed to favor them, though you didn’t hate humans like most people assume Zoroarks do. You don’t even really speak, just pointing towards camps. Could you even talk? What were your motives?? Just don’t be surprised when you suddenly have people visiting you, and leaving you offerings...
Trainer calling Laventon and Cyllene (separate) mom/dad 👀👀 platonic of course
Went with the “first time calling them mom/dad and it was accidental but then the person being called mom/dad starts to see reader more like family” type trope simply because I love that trope.
-> The first time you called him dad was while you two were updating the pokedex. You had just got done clearing an outbreak and as you two were about to head to Jubilife, Laventon mentioned you coming to get some potato mochi with the MC and Rei/Akira (the other protagonist that you didn’t pick at the beginning)
-> You had meant to simply accept with a “sounds fun” but before either of you knew it, a “sounds fun, thanks dad” slipped out and Laventon nearly dropped the pokedex he was holding in surprise. You weren’t sure how he took you calling him dad since he had tears in his eyes but the big grin on his face relieved you a bit
-> Even weeks later, it was obvious Laventon was still excited about you calling him dad. He would often refer to you as part of his family and he’d subtly brag about any accomplishments you’ve done in the field too (ex. “My kid managed to complete 5 whole pokedex pages without breaking a sweat” or “My kid is so cool, they caught a different colored pokemon recently”)
-> The walks to whichever part of the region the Galaxy Expedition team went to next were also filled with dad jokes (they may be bad dad jokes but I headcanon that Laventon would full embrace the role as dad) but you wouldn’t trade any of those moments for the world
-> Similar to Laventon, the first time you call her mom involved the pokedex. You had gotten enough research points to get another star and your next task was to get said star from Cyllene
-> When you had gotten permission from Cyllene to enter, the words “Good morning/afternoon/evening Mom” slipped out before either of you could speak. You had quickly tried to apologize and cover it up with a “Ma’am” instead but Cyllene simply dismissed it as a slip-up after realizing it was nothing more than an accident, and gave you your next star. As you turned to leave, you could’ve sworn you saw a rare smile on the captain’s face.
-> That one day had appeared to be the end of story considering neither of you brought it up again but it wasn’t. Some things you started to notice as time went on was Cyllene being slightly less blunt with you or her Abra teleporting to you with some potions and extra pokeballs before leaving.
-> It wasn’t until she accidentally called you her family during a meeting within the Galaxy Team that it started to happen more often. She would often drop by to check on you even though she claims she is just checking on your progress with the pokedex or even let you be the only one to relax with her in her office if you would like to. (If you ever fell asleep in her office, she would even have meetings outside so you would not be woken up)
hey, thanks so much for taking my request about cyllene!! I absolutely love what you came up with for it! ^^ the way you write for her is really cool and I’d love to know more- do you have any headcanons for the reader trying to befriend her or potentially ask her out?
Of course!! I was happy to write for her, warming up like this has been really great! I certainly do have a few headcanons!
She doesn't even realize you're trying to be friends at first.
She just thinks you're trying to do your job, and she praises you for it.
"[Y/N] is working so hard and asking questions, reaching out... it's impeccable."
Meanwhile you're just like "Please please please be my friend"
After about a month or two, you just have to be blunt about it.
"Do you want to maybe hang out- together?"
"... like on a mission?" "No! No, just... together? Getting mochi or maybe my house?"
"... I don't see why not."
At first it may feel a bit awkward. I kinda headcanon Cyllene as autistic, so while she's absolutely enjoying herself with you, it may not be obvious at first.
After a while, I wanna say 3-5 months, you've been hanging out almost every day.
You're smitten
Her very specific way of eating, how she has such a different way of just doing everything, you love learning more about her.
And she loves showing you things, telling you things, she feels so comfortable around you.
You have to be the one to mention dating first, she'll never be able to tell for certain if it's what you want.
"Cyllene, I've really really loved being around you these last few months." "I have as well, I'm glad you have."
"... do- do you want to be my girlfriend- l-like- date-? Romantic?"
She was quiet for a moment.
The longest moment of your life
"I think that would be... perfect."
Not too much changes in your dates, just now you're a bit more touchy. Holding hands is one of her favorite things, she just loves the feeling of it generally, and it makes her feel safe with you.
She also starts staying at your home, even moving another bed in there to lie next to you.
She's smitten too. She always double checks on your missions now, even offering to go with you if she has time, because she's scared of you getting hurt now.
You mean the world to her.
Introduction, Rules, and Masterlist
OC INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN! You can find the bio for my OCs here and I'm always up to be tagged in any OC things!
Masterlist and in progress works when multiple pile up at once can be found here (Last updated October 7, 2024, 5:17 p.m MST)
(For the birthday event I held, you can find all the posts via the #nova birthday bash tag.)
Join the Discord here!
Greetings, you all may call me Mod Nova, thank you for stopping by my humble corner here in the infinite vastness of the internet.
I'm an introverted, sorta socially awkward young adult aspiring to make it in the music/voice acting industry. I have way too many hyperfixations for my own good and my ADHD makes me rely on music to do literally anything. Budding competitive fighting game, Pokemon, and first person shooter player. Drummer since 2 years old and wanting to learn guitar as well. I have zero idea what the hell I'm doing. Might as well write some HCs and shit while I'm here. Some rules first tho.
-Posts that aren't requests will be tagged with #nova's ramblings. If you don't wish to see any of that feel free to block the tag.
-No NSFW. I am 18+ and I can read NSFW just fine but I'm not too comfortable or confident in writing it. NSFW talk in general is allowed though. Posts will be tagged appropriately, feel free to block tag as needed.
-Maximum of four characters per request. There can be exceptions for certain groups like Phantom Thief girls, Licht Kreis members, Remix Heart Team, and whatnot, just as long as the group isn't THAT big.
-As I am a guy I will be writing for male audiences. Women are of course more than welcome here but this is primarily for my fellow guys who can't seem to find any male reader stuff. I know how it feels. I will write for gender neutral readers however for the sake of inclusivity. Do specify whether you want a male reader or gender neutral in your request.
-As a straight guy I will only be writing for women. Apologies but I don't think of guys like that.
-In general, just don't request any weird/creepy stuff. Use your common sense.
-Please try to be specific in your requests so I have more to work with. Don't wanna write something you didn't intend for me to do and disappoint.
-While NSFW content isn't up for request, general sensitive content is allowed, like angst-related topics and generally heavy stuff.
-Please practice patience with me. This is just something I'm doing for fun. I will work to get requests out as fast as possible but once I eventually start working again...any day now, they'll have to slow down.
Now for the fandoms, I suppose. I will write for:
Under Night In-Birth
Persona 3, 4 (Golden), and 5 (Royal) + Persona 4 Arena and Persona 5 Strikers
Hollow Knight
Helltaker (Except for Zdrada. I tried. Sorry.)
Of course if you don't wanna request anything and just talk about whatever feel free to do so. I have no idea why you would but I'm open.
Banners in post are not made by me. Credit goes to @uponawhitehorse13 for the Blazblue/Under Night In Birth banners and @genshingorlsrevengeance for the Persona banners.
Ok, so do think that you can do relationship hcs for Cynthia, Lusamine, Diantha from Pokemon?
The fact that a Pokemon request of all things took so damn long is baffling but whatever. Minimalistic post since I don't have banners for Pokemon and I don't feel like going through Tumblr gifs to find a decent one for everyone.
God this took way too long. Writer's block struck at the worst possible time.
-Cynthia's occupation as champion keeps her quite busy. Neither of you particularly enjoy this but that's just how the cookie crumbles as they say.
-Despite that, she's surprisingly good at separating work from her personal life. When the League's finding itself in a slow season and new trainers aren't running amok around Sinnoh she'll always manage to find time for you.
-She's extremely supportive of whatever you do and will be there all the way. Wanna be a trainer too? Congratulations, you have a world class mentor. Wanna be an archeologist, she will nerd out about ancient mythology with you all you want and join you on your excavations. Anything you wanna do, Pokemon-related or not, has her full support.
-Between her mythological studies on the side with her work and training as champion, there are moments she overworks herself. You'll need to play the role of caretaker and bring her back down to Earth.
-Of course despite this, it doesn't stop her from doing the same for you when necessary. Gently pushing you to go to sleep, preparing a fresh cup of your favorite warm drink, or knocking you out with a bat hugging you from behind to relax you.
-Her Pokemon quickly form an attachment to you, they see her family as theirs, too. Seeing her terrifying, nightmare inducing Garchomp acting like a big puppy will never get old.
-If you have a team of their own, they get quite protective, especially the unevolved, inexperienced ones. At least until you end up catching up to them, which they eventually will under their tutelage.
-Realistically, you really only get close enough to be in a relationship if you start as an employee at the Aether Foundation. Your hard-working attitude and sincere kindness towards the Pokemon they take care of quickly grabs her attention. Something about you just stood out even among the similar employees working under her.
-The relationship instantly is declared to be a secret, she still needs to keep a professional appearance at work. In private though is a different story.
-Once you do manage to win Lusamine's heart, she's extremely attached and clingy. Considering how her last relationship ended, she will not let you go. And you can bet that you're not touching anything involving Ultra Wormholes with a 40 foot pole.
-Very physically clingy all around despite what your first impressions of her might have been. It's a pleasant surprise when she finally drops the professional facade around you and craves gentle intimacy.
-It's only natural that Lillie and Gladion quickly become a big part of your life considering how big of a part they are in Lusamine's. Being there for them is a requirement in your relationship.
-It takes a while for them to warm up to you, but they do eventually. Lillie's much more open about it, happy to have a second parent in her life again. Gladion does try to keep up the edgy persona, but he does become fond of you, albeit shown very subtly.
-It's a very surprisingly domestic relationship after the whole Ultra Space incident. A very happy family picture with Lillie and Gladion around.
-Much like the last two ladies, very busy. Being a champion and a movie star means she's not exactly swimming in free time. Whenever you two do get to go out together, disguises are needed thanks to her fame.
-Dating Diantha means your fashion sense sees a noticeable improvement. Mostly to have effective disguises so you can go out in public without being hounded by paparazzi. It's actually quite pleasant when it works.
-You learn to spot her out in public regardless of what she's wearing as she beckons you over to a nice cafe or restaurant she wants to try with you. Kalos is known for it's exquisite fine dining, whatever gets her approval is bound to be the good stuff.
-The public is inevitably soon going to find out you're dating THE Diantha. You're gonna become a bit of a celebrity yourself whether you like it or not. If you're pursuing anything to do for a living, you're at the very least gonna get eyes on it, fortunately. You two immediately become Kalos' power couple.
-If you have a Pokemon capable of Mega Evolution, Diantha will be your number one fan and mentor in helping you achieve that power. She's about the best you could ask for in this regard, her ace is a Psychic type that she Mega Evolves, after all.
-Despite all the glamor and lights, she does crave something of a domestic life. She very much appreciates a more traditional partner there for the long run who wants the same thing. To her, buying a house and settling down is her ultimate goal, and showing you want the same makes you two pretty much set for life.
Request (Pokemon): Dawn and May's S/O's surprise them with not only a birthday cake, but a necklace that has a picture of thier starter Pokemon.
Gonna be honest, their personalities feel pretty samey even in the anime so sorry if this ends up feeling repetitive. Also I'm writing this at 11 pm-12 am.
-Dawn had been practicing extra hard lately to improve her Pokemon Contest game. after a recent loss to a rather high ranked Contest Star and some encouragement from you, it fueled the fire in her to improve.
-On one hand you were a bit concerned for her health, but on the other you were still proud of what she was managing to do. So you decided to acknowledge that hard work (and hopefully get her to chillax a little) by doing something for her birthday that was coming up.
-You were thinking of potentially making a cake yourself, but you then remembered an ice cream place you went to a while back on one of your dates that had good reviews for their cakes as well, so you decided to give one of those a try. Something else was in order though, not just a cake. Then as soon as you thought about it, an idea hit you.
-Despite your moderate worry, Dawn's hard work does in fact pay off. There's a contest on her birthday and the performance she and her team give is nothing less than dazzling, easy winning over the crowd.
-You of course watch in person but after the show's over you text her to meet at your place. Once she arrives, she's met with her friends and family throwing a surprise party for her with a rather large cake. She half doubts the ability for everyone to eat it all even with so many of them.
-Presents and congratulations are given out liberally, all of which she of course treasures. However the most special one is from her beloved S/O. A locket keychain with a picture she'd taken herself the first day she got Piplup from Professor Rowan. One she'd treasure for the rest of her days.
-May had recently gotten into battling on the side. She thought that by practicing her moves in battles, she could improve her Pokemon coordinating skills.
-She certainly wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, but she still had a long way to go before she reached her goal. Whatever that even was.
-Soon her birthday starts rolling around and despite being rough around the edges, she'd made some real progress. You wanted to commemorate that somehow.
-Cake was obviously mandatory. Nothing too big, you wanted a more close, intimate day out together. You decided making it yourself would help enhance that feeling. It's tough if you've never done it before, but you manage to get a decent end result.
-A gift would be necessary, too. Recently you'd come across a place that makes custom lockets that you could give them a picture to use, and you knew the perfect one. A picture you'd printed from your phone of her precious Torchic.
-It thankfully all goes well. You two spend a nice sunset in the park together sitting and talking about anything and everything as both your Pokemon play around together.
-The cake might not be the greatest ever made, but somehow food jus tastes better when eating with someone you love. Of course, the adorable Torchic necklace was metaphorical icing on it.