Gregor - Tumblr Posts

Post-war Gregor sitting in the park
I do see your vision and also your art style is fantastic

Twitchtip and ares could be so besties do you see my vision
Yes this is amazing!!!!! Thank you so much for making this!!!!

Here’s my one and only contribution to the underland fandom, y’all have fun feasting or something
Oh yeah and just in case anyone can’t read my crappy handwriting the text is:
I’m not calling you a “good boy” Gregory that training session was shit!
i have realised i am a carnival fan and a theme park fan thank you don and faust

been waiting for another one of these!
the addition of howzer, mayday, and gregor was absolutely perfect!!
gregor is TOTALLY a handy man, i can feel it in my bones
and mayday’s little tool belt, that was so cute 🫠
Bad Batch + Home Improvement
This one includes out beloved batch, Howser, Gregor and Mayday
there is also a bonus at the end
and I was totally giggling at the cuteness of it
Echo is stated again, but it works as a continuation of his 501st version, of sorts. While some things are the same, others are not. His is also shorter because of this
The Batch
I firmly beleive these guys would work best together buuuut...
is still good at electrical work, but is a bit more wary of it and will double check things
doesn't wanna accidentally mess with some mechanical parts of himself cuz he wasn't paying attention
still hates the staple/nail guns but is more comfortable with more of the power tools than he was when he was in the 501st
likes having a good plan of action so things can get done quickly, there's always something he needs to help work with elsewhere
will work through his breaks and be more insistant that he doesn't need them
lots of research before he goes near anything but is definitely more confident about figuring things out than he used to be
measures several times, glares at where the piece is gonna go then will cut it
will have a plan meeting with you before starting the project and there will be another sorta-meeting in bed later to talk about what you still need to do and what needed to be adjusted from today
gets frustrated easier because he has a harder time working on these sorts of things
will hover when you're doing something because he can't
he feels so redundant and wants to do it for you but he can't do the thing
there might be some mini-rain cloud moments that will drag the project on because of these 'can't do it' moments
the biggest help and the biggest hinderance
Wrecker is the kinda guy that ought to be doing the heavy lifting but not the fine details
do not let this man do wiring or trim, he'll snap them on accident then want to cry because he made more trouble for you
will throw you up on his shoulders at any point in time
will move furniture and whole beams, etc on his own and will shoo you off to the side
is super proud of any little thing he manages to do
he did the hammering for the flooring? he's gonna sound like a 5 yr old
the whole 'did you see it? did you see it? look what i did. i did that. did you see?!'
you're probably gonna get a stress headache from him narrowly missing destroying your puttywork or painting
if he has nothing to do he'll just watch you in awe
if you're doing something on the floor expect to be snatched into his lap so he can hold you and watch you work
snack this man or the world might implode
nobody wants to see him without snackies
is freaked out by anything that uses air pressure
he hates the sound it makes
will start a paint/putty fight in 0.003 seconds if you so much as try to go to the bathroom and leave him in the project room
you're gonna have to have like caution tape or the door locked because big guy is ginna accidentally ruin half the project by leaning on wet, half screwed or 'just sitting together' items
he'll be uber upset over it though
good luck getting anything done
he's gonna want a proper plan, blueprints and a solidified project outline
you cannot and will not deter from this agreed plan
you also can't do this without him
he gets super upset the one day you thought you could do some sanding without him to just keep it moving along
he's got so many projects...but this one he gets to do with you
so it's special but he's still gonna focus on his stuff too
is a pro at electrical, like a god
is pretty good at everything else as well
doesn't care for painting as he finds it a waste of his time compared to the other parts of the project
perfectionist to the max
its never gonna be good enough cuz he's gonna think of a way to make it better or get the task done more efficently
you'll probably bicker over this because of his constant 'improvements'
funny cuz you had to agree that you wouldn't alter the plan
is more function than fashion so he won't care if it's not pretty if it does its job
hence why the paint is the worst part for him
might tech-plain things to you
he's not doing so maliciously, he really thinks he knows it better and has to help you out
will get really upset if Crosshair shows up and moves any of his perfectly organized mess
you are also not an exception to that rule
gonna be a lot of watching him work
not a big praiser if you do something well on your own
He's not a handy man
he hates every second of every minute that you're forcing him to work
forcing is a strong word but its the one he chooses
will broodily do what you ask but in the most slow, annoying and procrastinating way possible
his goal is to get you mad enough that you'll just take over the task and let him leave
unwanted 2 cents will be weighed in on every single thing you do
"you're not angled enough for that drill"
"that's not gonna stay on the wall"
"you think that's hammering?"
he will not take over if you sass him back about your 'incompetence'
will sand the putty to perfection if you're not there to witness him actually helping
will argue you on anything just because he can
will hold things up for you because he doesn't want you to get hurt
but he ain't gonna admit it damn it!
will promptly call one of his brothers if he thinks they can do a better job than either of you and that it will get him outta helping
wants this shit over with because then you'll stop paying attention to it instead of him
will go in and clean up if you fall asleep exhausted from working on said project
will move your tools around so they're not where you left them
he's just being an ass because he can
he also finds it hilarious to watch you have a crisis becuase you remember leaving it 'right there'
is mildly handy
as in he knows a pretty decent amount of things and is good at it, but that knowledge is very surface level
like yeah he can wire a socket but the breaker?
yeah he has no idea how that works
he'll call his brothers for help / advice before anyone else
if his brothers can't help then it'll be research time
whatever it is you need done, will be figured out
doesn't like paying people to do the work because 1) they ask too much money and 2) he can just learn to do it
woodwork is his greatest skill
gets pretty into the process but you're gonna have to go over the plan with him first
otherwise how is he gonna know what you're trying to get accomplished?
really enjoys the project because he can just have quiet time with you and you're making something together
isn't a fan of the power tools because they hurt his ears so he'll opt for the manual-tools at any chance
sometimes he'll just let you handle those pieces and excuse himself until you're done with the noisey ass machinery
other times he'll bring in super headphones to cancel out as much noise as possible
is really proud of any and all progress you make
he's proud of his own work, but he's prouder of yours
will not hesitate to praise but it won't be excessive
will carve little words or messages that are hidden as things get built
you dont need to know about them, it's enough for him to know he's left them for you across all your projects and tasks
isn't much of a handy man
like he'll do whatever you ask and the task you give him will be done...even if it ends in him failing it miserably
is not above asking for help
does not want Cham finding out though, he's sure Cham'll tease the shit outta him
goes above and beyond for his friend-boss to never know about the projects
you will eventually end up with a beaming and excited Hera at your door because she tailed her favourite captain
she is sworn to secrecy, but her presance ends up forcing Howser to loosen up
he will full blown panic if she goes near any power tool though
like runs across the room and scoops her up to remove her from said tool
he's a bit hesitant with the power tools himself and is totally in awe watching you handle them
you'll catch him humming / softly singing while he dances along, if there's music playing
if Hera's still around he'll be more goofy and dance with her as they work together to help your project
it is now your and Howser's baby but Hera's totally in on all of the decisions - not that you mind
Hera is better at keeping the snack breaks happening than you or Howzer are
when the project is finished, she'll show you the pictures she secretly took of the two of you working together
there will be a small putty war between the three of you
Howzer is uber proud of the project regardless to how it looks
will have the three of you make little finger prints in a putty spot or write your names hidden in the build, things like that to keep this moment forever
is a big goofball but is really handy
don't ask me why, idk, brain says he a handy man
like Jesse level handy
enjoys most of the project process but you better have music playing or he's gonna get bored
is the kind to loudly sing as he works but the songs will be broken by swearing if something irks him only to continue singing like nothing happened
very much wants this to be something you do together
gets upset if you end up doing some of it on your own but not vocally
just like sad Gregor eyes and pouting
you're in charge of breaks, he's going to get carried away and forget
has so many ideas he can barely contain himself
let's you plan it out but will be constantly asking you about changing something cuz he has an aformentioned idea
is super interested in all the tools
you monitor him the first few times cuz his eagerness might end up being dangerous
staple/ nail gun rights are revoked after one "little" accident
he complains loudly about it and whines for a good several days in hopes you'll give in and let him have it back
makes funny details on things
writes stupid notes on his measurments so you can see them when it's handed to you for your part of the project
is very much excited for all of the process
takes pictures every so often so that you can watch it magically get made as you flip through them later on
gloats to anyone who will listen about your and his shared skills in making the thing
is very handy
will ask you to explain what it is you want to do and will have a whole in depth conversation with you over it
he's kinda taking over the majority of the work
he really enjoys it but he also wants to do this for you
prefers the manual tools but will use the power ones
straight up has a tool belt that he wears with pride
doesn't matter how ugly it is, he's ready for anything
legit anything you want, he's gonna make happen
prefers to make the thing rather than buy it...but he's not going to fight you if you really want the bought item
will give you points and ideas as the project comes along but leaves the big decisions up to you
whatever parts that you contribute to, he'll praise you for
if it ends up shitty looking or non-functional he's going to gingerly take it apart and fix it for you
likes the whole 'i make, you decorate' idea
dreads any pipe work and will leave it aside for as long as he can
once he's forced to, he's grumbling quietly to himself as he fights it
he's enforcing the breaks like clockwork and will not hesitate to toss you onto his shoulder and forcibly remove you from your project so you can rest
doesn't care if the music is on, but he wants chill stuff - no dance parties for this man
once it's done, he'll just stand in front of / in the middle of your project with you and smothering you in affection and praise over how proud he is for you
Bonus: Omega!!
she tries so hard
she just wants to help you with whatever it is that you're doing
it doesn't matter how slow you go or what you allow her to do or not do, Hunter is going to be hovering and watching her like a hawk
you won't let her use the power tools but you'll let her use the manuals
she's very excited to learn / do anything
a million questions and ideas
she'll rush off in .05 seconds to get one of the others if she thinks they're better at the task
will tend to ferry you items as you work and crowd you because she needs to know everything you're doing
when you let her putty and paint she's having an absolute ball of a time
you'll have to sand like crazy and do another coat of paint...but she's happy
dance parties will take up a lot of time
you don't even mind
there will also be dramatic lipsyncing and singing as you two work together
she measures everything a hundred times before she gives it to yo to cut
then just before you bring the saw down, she'll snatch it and run to measure one last time
is so proud of it when its done she's absolutely buzzing in excitement and will happily yack the ear off of anyone who'll let her
Anyone else notice that when Hunter said that they are "CT 99s", Gregor said "defective clones"? As in that's what being a CT 99 means?
One particular clone's name just went from odd (and perhaps a bit interesting) to sad (and me wanting to punch whatever clone named him that).

we had a kitchen episode, a cleaning one could also appear...................

Brother Gregor never spoke and often spooked the neophytes with his appearance, but he was a gentle soul and a phenomenal cook and knew more ways to prepare a fish than the abbot knew hymns
I love your recent Seelos Squad art. Especially Gregor. He might look more human than I've ever seen him.
Thank you so much! And really? That makes me so sad! I’m glad I managed to humanize him a bit, then. He’s a beautiful character and has one of the most developed backstories of any of the clones, so he definitely deserves it. Here’s a Gregor for the road 💕

limbus company

bitch i mean beach volleyball
212th Mando'a name hcs!!

I've got a lot of names already figured out, so rn it's mostly a matter of organizing the ones I have and then working on the ones I don't...
same as all the others, color coding from green -> red matches how close the name is to a canon Mando'a word:

(also yes i know Helix is technically fanon but I hadddd to include him)
This series is canon, as far as I'm concerned

Something I decided to cook up to celebrate the completion of the AHS 1 edit (YES THE FIRST BOOK HAS BEEN OVERHAULED AND IT'S SO MUCH BETTER NOW GO REREAD IF YOU LIKED IT PLEASE!! I PROMISE IT'S WORTH IT!)
Ripred & Henry are one of my favorite dynamics to write in AHS 3 and I adore how far they've come and where they started.
That and Henry in general. This is your AHS 1 vs AHS 3 Henry comparison as well (yes, ALL the text here are actual quotes from the books.)
Honestly, Ripred should start to consider paying rent with how much he and his words of harsh but wise truth live in Henry's head 🤣

Like from a year ago but I never finished so I’m posting it now! Based on that one classical painting where the guy is getting enchanted by the faerie princess. I don’t remember it now, she’s on a horse.
Announcing the COMPLETION of AHS 1 & 2 [3rd Edition]
It's a new year ... and new AHS!
I would like to formally announce the COMPLETION of the "A Henry Story 2" edit!! Book 1 has been done for a while, nonetheless ... this is a grand moment.
Please download the professionally formatted PDFs here if you like. Otherwise, I have updated Book 1 on all platforms, Book 2 on every platform except (that one will follow soon, but the UI is a pain so it's a bit of a hassle.)
BOOK 1: Memories of the Fallen Prince
BOOK 2: Trials of the Fallen Prince
I am incredibly proud of this third edition; the story is truly coming together now. I HIGHLY recommend all of you who have read it in the past to reread it :) This is now the fully realized vision I had for this book. I assure you, it's worth another read. Also in preparation for the continuation of book 3! And of course, if you have been waiting to start AHS as a whole, GO FOR IT NOW! Believe me, you don't need to like Henry to read this series. Come for more Underland and get attached to him somewhere along the way (it will happen, believe me.)
PLEASE LEAVE ME SOME THOUGHTS AND/OR COMMENTS IF YOU DO CHECK IT OUT :) I cannot be held responsible for any soul-crushing or tears, btw. You read at your own risk :)
... MEANWHILE, I'LL BE OVER IN AHS 3 ... The plan now is to edit everything that exists of that book so far, and then finish the bit of the ending I have left. WISH ME LUCK AND ENJOY!

This is not all of the hidden roaches on Gregor's identities, I know I'm missing a few, but they're hard to see on my phone
They're just so. Critter. Appreciation post for Gregor's roach buddies.