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7 months ago

The need for the very special edition šŸ˜”

 William Tell Overture Rossini

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Cover of my Silmarillion book is boring, so I decide to draw my own version.Ā 

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PleaseĀ re-blogĀ if youā€™re OK with silly fan art of your characters.

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1 year ago
He Would Say This
He Would Say This

he Would Say this

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1 year ago


I saw some other headcanon posts for him, so I felt inspired to throw my own ideas out there! I think some of my headcanons are pretty different from the ones a lot of people have of him, but I always like reading other peopleā€™s ideas so hopefully people will like this too!

(also theres a lot, this is long *cough* my bad)

- After the incident in The Lost Hero, after Midas dies, Lityerses is homeless. His fatherā€™s mansion is destroyed and itā€™s not like he has anyone to turn to.

- They mention in The Lost Hero that the Hunters of Artemis came across Midas and Lityerses earlier. When they did, Lityerses heard in passing about Camp Half-Blood. Itā€™s the only place meant for demigods that he has even the slightest knowledge on, so he sets his sights on making it there.

- It takes eight grim months to reach New York. Itā€™s half a miracle, slowly taking busses, hitchhiking, and sometimes just walking to the next city. Monsters attack him the entire way and he adds plenty of new scars to his collection.

- Thereā€™s no reliable way for him to get money. He gets much, much better at using his powers as a son of Demeter. He uses it to grow fruits, vegetables, and any sort of edible plant so he can at least have food of some kind.

- He goes to New York City because he doesnā€™t know what else to do. He doesnā€™t even know if the Hunters were talking about the city or the state but he figures he has to start somewhere. Unfortunately, the Triumvirate notices his presence before anyone from Camp Half-Blood does.

- He follows some demigods to Nero, who sent them to collect him. He offers a position working for the Triumvirate in exchange for food, lodging, and other basic support. Lityerses is tired and he wants to sleep in a bed and have proper meals he doesnā€™t have to worry about acquiring.

- He accepts, not caring if what the Triumvirate is doing is shitty or not. Nero sends him to Indianapolis to work for Commodus.

- Apolloā€™s decision to give him another chance was very affecting. Especially coming from ancient times when the stories of the gods on earth were far more real and immediate, he knows very well how the gods could treat mortals as simply disposable.

- He had never questioned his belief that any mortal who got wrapped up in business with a god suffered a horrible fate because of it, whether the god intended it or not.

- But then Apollo saved his life and defended him at the Waystation and told him he trusted him and Lityersesā€™s mind keeps drifting back to him over and over and over.

- His mind wants to reconcile what Apollo did for him with what he knows about the gods. He canā€™t, and that makes him feel a great many things that he canā€™t pin down. Apollo decided to care about him when he had no reason to, and he doesnā€™t know what that means for him.

- He feels a twinge of gratitude whenever he steps into the sunlight and pulse of anxiety whenever he wonders if heā€™s okay on his quest.

- He thinks about Meg, his little sister, and hopes theyā€™re keeping each other safe.

- Lityerses can occasionally seem really dull, indifferent, or unresponsive because he gives super minimal reactions to things sometimes, but thatā€™s really not the case.

- Being in the modern world for him is sort of like a slight, but near constant sensory overload. Sometimes, his brain is too busy processing other stuff to fully load up an emotional response. Heā€™ll react to something in his mind but he wonā€™t express it outwardly at all.

- Leo, running up: Wanna help me strap a firework to a crossbow bolt and try to shoot it into the office building across the street to see if itā€™ll blow up in there?!!!!! Ā  Ā  Lityerses, with a completely flat voice and blank expression: I think thatā€™s a very bad idea.

- Itā€™s definitely not all the time, but it does happen.

- (Me? Projecting sensory issues onto every character I like? Itā€™s more likely than you think.)

- He has a very ā€œgo with the flowā€ attitude, to the point of being a character flaw sometimes. It can make him easy to manipulate.

- (Commodus: hey lityerses go put this barbed wire and war helmets and metal teeth on these ostriches Ā  Ā  Liyerses, in his head: uhuh uhuh uhuh uhuh yeah cool got it i hope i still have some fingers left tomorrow)

- Heā€™s working on it though. Heā€™s working on it.

- One side effect of this is that whenever Leo makes some pop culture or meme reference, Lityerses will just nod and agree. It takes Leo forever to realise that he was just lying going along with it.

- *mid conversation*Ā  Lityerses: Iā€™d go get some food, but I donā€™t have any money Ā  Ā  Leo: dude, youā€™re literally just the 69 cents vine, not enough for chicken nuggets Ā  Ā  Lityerses: oh, for sure Ā  Ā  Calypso, overhearing: wait, you understood that?? Ā  Ā  Lityerses: no, Iā€™ve never understood a single word thatā€™s left leoā€™s mouth Ā  Ā  Ā  Leo: what?!!!! but you said you understood my reference to that dril tweet the other day, right?!Ā  Ā  Ā  Lityerses: yeah, of courseĀ  Ā  Ā  Calypso: whatā€™s a dril tweet??Ā  Ā  Ā  Lityerses: I donā€™t know. Ā  Ā  Ā  Leo: YOU TRAITOR

- Another side effect: heā€™s a complete pushover for Georgie.

- At one point, when some of the Waystation crew are walking out in the city, she complains that sheā€™s tired and wants to be carried. When her moms gently refuse, she immediately goes over to Lityerses and holds her arms out and says that sheā€™s tired. He doesnā€™t even stop walking, he just swoops her up and puts her on his shoulder right away.

- Hemithia and Jo glare at him but he just avoids eye contact. ā€œSheā€™s already up there, too much effort to put her down now.ā€

- He was in the Fields of Punishment in the Underworld and wow was it incredibly traumatizing.

- His memories of death are sickeningly agonizing, but they also usually feel distant and unreal. Sometimes, though, theyā€™ll worm their way into his dreams with horrific clarity. Heā€™ll wake up in a cold sweat, hyperventilating, with full body tremors he canā€™t control.

- One morning after waking up like that, while sitting on the floor regaining his composure, Hemithea comes in to see why he wasnā€™t up yet. He pulls himself together in due time. He doesnā€™t answer any of her questions.

- He never talks about it, but heā€™s truly terrified of dying. He never was before, but now that he knows whatā€™s waiting for himā€¦

- It doesnā€™t help that he knows that, no matter how careful he is or how well he defends himself, he could die at any moment if Thanatos decides to bring him back to the Underworld.

- It weighs on the back of his mind that, at least on a technical level, he has no right to be alive. Sometimes he canā€™t help but think that the things he does now donā€™t matter in the end, because thereā€™s no reason he would get a second judgement when he does eventually return to the Underworld.

- He does his best to shut that down and remind himself that trying to do the right thing helps the people around him, no matter what happens after his death, but the thought exists and it is painful.

- He really never voices these fears because he feels like all he can really do is try not to think about it, and when he does, he tries to forget as soon as he can. Itā€™s a burden he shoulders as quietly as he can.

- He isnā€™t used to owning a lot of material possessions, both from how he lived in ancient times and then from being homeless for a while. Heā€™s only ever described wearing that Cornhuskers shirt because itā€™s the only one he owned for a while.

- Not long after joining the Waystation, the first time he was going out somewhere them, Jo snapped that it just made him look stupid, trying to look tough by going without a coat when it was so cold outside. Earnestly confused and defensive, he tells her that he just doesnā€™t own one.

- After that, she insists on filling his wardrobe until he has enough clothes.

- (Speaking of the Cornhuskers shirt, he just picked it out on a whim, sort of thinking of Demeter (They grow corn here like we used to grow wheat, right?) and sort of just thinking it looked cool. Olujime once tried to talk to him about how some college teams were doing and Lityerses just goes ā€œWhatā€™s football?ā€)

- He doesnā€™t really get modern fashion trends. Leo offers to catch him up, but he declines very quickly.

- In ancient times, dyes and patterns available for clothes were much more limited and much more expensive. Heā€™s fascinated by all the colors and prints people can wear just all the time now. Lityerses wears a lot of bright colors because he thinks theyā€™re cool and fun. He likes red, blue, and purple the most but heā€™ll wear a lot of stuff.

- Along with not really following any trends, he also hasnā€™t picked up on a lot of unspoken gender connotations that come with modern clothing.

- When the Waystation are first trying to get him some clothes, he picks out a pink jacket and Leo snorts at him like ā€œYouā€™re going for pink?ā€ Lityerses just stares at him like ā€œYeah. Itā€™s just pink.ā€ Leo sort of realizes and goes, ā€œOh, itā€™s just, you knowā€¦ā€ to Calypso. But Calypso is also just staring blankly and says, ā€œNo I donā€™t. I donā€™t get it. Is there something about pink?ā€ And Leo notices Hemithea glaring daggers at him and he laughs nervously and goes, ā€œNevermind, it was a stupid joke anyway.ā€

- Hemithia: Leave the ancient demigod and ex-titan blissfully unaware of our complex, modern gender stereotypes.Ā  Ā  Leo, sweating: gotcha.

- He pretty much just wears what he finds comfortable. Generally itā€™s just t-shirts with jeans or basketball shorts.

- Lityerses is a super clingy sleeper and will reflexively grab on to anything within arms reach while heā€™s asleep. (Heā€™s a big spoon by nature.)

- Leo discovers this and now, whenever Lityerses falls asleep on one of the couches, heā€™ll entertain himself by slowly pushing a pillow up to him until he inevitably grabs it and pulls it against his chest.

- No one gets those pillows back until Lityerses wakes up.

- Heā€™s very buff. His muscles arenā€™t super defined, nothing at all like a bodybuilder, no six pack abs or anything. But heā€™s built. Thick arms.

- Heā€™s very limber and flexible too. He has great balance, which lets him move as fast as he does in combat. Heā€™s quite physically fit in general.

- Heā€™ll never admit it, but he ended up getting attached to the highlights in his hair he got when Apollo revealed his godly form. He thought they were fun and different and he sort of missed it when his hair grew out.

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6 years ago

Nino with a beanie

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6 months ago

is salmon and tuna red and blue yaoi

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9 months ago

In case of investigation by any entity federal or similar-

I'm gonna start mugging anti lgbtqia+ conservitaves and putting rainbow duct tape on their hands and tie them down to a gay chair and ask "Is gay okay?" When they say no, I will sprinkle rainbow glitter in their eyes, and punch them with a pride flag. When they finally say gay is okay, I will proceed to do the same with aromantic and asexual,

ask them "No romo yes homo?"If they say no, I will slap them with a slice of pizza, and throw a toy dragon at them. Repeat the process, and then move on to asexual. If they deny asexuality, I will SHOVE garlic bread in their mouth. Yall with me?

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2 years ago
Arkham Asylum: A Serious House On Serious Earth

Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

POV: came to a free psychologist.

Cool treatment, I approve.

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A competition I see, or perhaps a comrade?

Matter not, the edge is a nice spot.

never forget

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6 years ago

God of war winningĀ game of the yearĀ 

God Of War Winninggame Of The Year

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6 years ago

This isnt even a BL anime what the fuck

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8 years ago

seriously though take this personality quiz and tell me what you get. itā€™s important.Ā 

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1 year ago

we should abandon the current US government system and replace it with the ranking system in warrior cats donā€™t @ me

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5 months ago
Op Turned Off Reblogs Due To Getting Harassed Over This Post But I Agree With This Too Hard .m Y Post

op turned off reblogs due to getting harassed over this post but i agree with this too hard .m y post now

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