Hawks Angst - Tumblr Posts
Cooped Up

Pairing: Hawks/Keigo Takami x reader
Summary: You and your best friend, Hawks, decide to keep each company through quarantine.
Word count: 6.1k
Warnings: unprotected sex
“The federal government is officially recommending that local agencies enforce a strict lockdown, in order to combat the rapid rise in coronavirus cases. Please adhere to your locality’s guidelines and be sure to stay up to date on them, as guidance is subject to change as we learn more about this epidemic.”
Your eyes widened slightly as you picked up the remote and flipped over to the local news, reading the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen.
A knock at your front door interrupted your efforts. You popped up from your seat on the couch and peered through the peephole to see your closest friend, Hawks, holding a takeout bag.
“Hey,” you smiled as you swung the door open, stepping aside for him to enter. “What’re you doing here? Haven’t you heard there’s a global pandemic outside?”
You playfully cocked an eyebrow as you took the bag from him, moving to set it on the kitchen counter.
“That’s actually precisely why I’m here. I know things have really ramped up the last few days, so I wanted to make sure that you weren’t obsessively watching the news,” he stopped to remove his coat, hanging it up in the hall closet, where he also stored his ear muffs and glasses. “I know this whole thing is getting pretty scary, so I thought I would check in and make sure you’re all right.”
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you,” grabbing your phone from your pocket, you pulled up the app that connects to your tv and switched it off. “But I think I’m doing all right.”
“Mhm,” he raised an assumptious brow as he rested his hands on the kitchen counter, leaning forward as he stood across from you. “So how long have you’ve had the news on for? All day?”
Your smile shifted sideways, much like the way a child’s does when they know they’ve been caught red-handed.
“Define all day..” you rolled your eyes in an exaggerated manner and flashed your best innocent grin in his direction.
“Ah, ah. Don’t give me that face,” he chuckled as he picked up the takeout bag and carried it over toward the kitchen table, wagging a finger in your direction as he shook his head. “I’m becoming immune to it, I swear.”
You laughed as you grabbed a beverage for the both of you from the fridge, following him to the table.
“Hmm, I don’t think so, but whatever you say, man,” you set his drink down in front of him and took your seat opposite him at the table. “It was nice of you to pick up dinner too. What did ya get?”
“Your favorite, of course,” he smiled as he pulled out two containers, setting one down in front of you.
“Awh, thank you so much. You really are the best, you know that?” You grinned back as you both popped open the containers before you and proceeded to dig in.
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” he half-shrugged, with an air of coolness that only he could achieve so effortlessly, as he lifted a bite of food to his lips, smiling softly to himself as he noticed your expression.
You covered your mouth as you chewed, partially to cover your mouth as you prepared to speak, but mostly for the sake of covering the light flush of crimson that was now apparent on your cheeks.
“Do you ever get sick of flirting with every girl you meet?” You tilted your head in a curious gesture as you lifted your eyes to his again, just barely missing the way his gaze lingered on your lips.
“Do you?” He winked as he took another bite, smirking with his mouth half-full.
“Doesn’t really concern me, I s’pose.” The flush of color ebbed back into your cheeks as you laughed off his query.
“Mmbut you sound a little jealous, no?” His smirk melted into a teasing grin.
He didn’t expect you to answer, but if he was being honest with himself, he wished you would. He wished you would tell him that you couldn’t stand it. That it drove you crazy seeing him flirt with another woman. That you wanted him all to yourself. That you wanted him, period.
But how could you have him all to yourself if you didn’t even know the real him?
The sobering thought spoiled his daydreams of you and him together, strolling down the street, hand in hand, for whole world to see. Just like he so desperately wanted.
“Hello? Earth to Hawks?” You giggled as you waved a hand in front of his face, snapping him back from wherever he just was.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry,” he rubbed the back of his neck and offered an apologetic smile. “Guess I kind of spaced out for a second there. Anyway, you were saying?”
“Well, I’m glad to have you back. And since you obviously didn’t hear my answer,” you rolled your eyes with exaggerated dramaticism. “No. Why would I be jealous? I don’t see you personally delivering them their favorite food on a Saturday night.”
He nodded in agreement, “fair point. I do give you pretty preferential treatment, huh? I should be careful not to spoil you, princess.”
You damn near choked on your food at the way the nickname fell from his lips. The timbre of his voice dropping to a lower, more sultry tone that was still just harsh enough to come off as mocking. A pulse awakened between your thighs and you pressed them together in a fruitless attempt to suppress the feeling.
Normally, you’d bite back with a retort or a taunt of your own, but this time, you had nothing. Your brain betrayed you, flooding with ideas of Hawks pinning you down in your bed, just one of his strong hands capturing both of your wrists as he leaned down into your ear to whisper, “tell me what you want, princess”.
“I guess that wouldn’t make me much of a best friend though, huh? Guess I oughta keep spoiling you after all.”
You only half heard his words as you cleared your throat, grounding yourself back to the far less steamy scenario you were actually in.
“Looks like I’m not the only one spacing out tonight. Where ya been, kid?” He raised a curious brow, eyeing you with playful suspicion as he sipped his drink.
“Nowhere special, I promise,” you managed a small smile as you actively waged war with your brain, begging it not to replay the scene over and over in your mind. You needed a distraction. “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s all this lockdown stuff going to affect your work?”
“I’m not entirely sure,” he shrugged in response. “I know the agency is going to be open, but only essential personnel will actually be allowed in the building. I’ll still be doing patrols. I just wonder if this whole thing is going to make our jobs harder or easier. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
“Yeah, I hadn’t though about that. Do criminals care about deadly viruses?” Your face scrunched up as you pondered the thought. “Well, hopefully they do. Maybe you’ll get some downtime if the streets are a little more quiet.”
“Ha, that’d be nice,” he shook his head. “But I doubt it. I can hope though. I’d probably just be over here pestering you though, so for your own sake, you best hope I stay busy.”
“Pffp, are you kidding? I think after a week or so of this I’m gonna drive you crazy asking you to hang out all the time. You’re gonna be my only window to the outside world for the foreseeable future.”
“Oh, yeah, I guess you’re really on lockdown, huh? They got you working from home?”
“Starting Monday. As of right now, I can only leave for absolute necessities. Although actually, now that I think about it, we shouldn’t be hanging out, right? This isn’t exactly social distancing. We’re bad at this.”
You both laughed quietly as you nodded in simultaneous acknowledgment of your failure to comply with the rules already.
“Well,” Hawks leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, looking aside in thought. “What if I just..stay here? I mean, you’re alone; I’m alone. Why not try to get through quarantine together? That would be allowed, right? I at least can get outta the house, I’d hate for you to be alone for that long through something like this.”
“You’d do that for me? Seriously?”
His eyes met yours across the table, a smile as caring and genuine as ever on his lips.
“Of course I would. If you’re sure you can put up with me,” he chuckled, sitting upright in his seat again. “I can fly home and pack some necessities to come back with tonight.”
You reached your hand out across the table, resting the pads of your fingers on the back of his hand as he started preparing to clear his place at the table. He paused at your touch, glancing briefly at where your fingers laid before looking at you.
“Thank you, Hawks, really. Not everyone would offer something like that. I really appreciate it,” you pulled your fingers back, smiling shyly as you realized how intimate this moment suddenly felt. “I, uh, really hope I don’t run you off in the first few days.”
You laughed to try and change the mood, standing to clear your own place as he followed your motions.
“You think I could ever get sick of you? Nah, you won’t be running me off anytime soon, I promise,” he winked as he discarded his trash and leaned back against the kitchen counter. “This’ll be fun.”
//Three Weeks Later//
The gentle thud of boots outside the front door was a telltale sign of Hawks’ arrival home.
Home. What a weird thought. It had been a few weeks since he had essentially moved in and it had been going surprisingly well. Everyone always says not to live with your best friend, and maybe it was too early to prove them wrong, but things had been really great so far.
Considering his famously carefree attitude, he was a good roommate. He picked up after himself, did chores he saw needed doing, and even helped to cook dinner, which he would have just done himself, but you both knows he couldn’t be left to his own devices in the kitchen unsupervised.
In a word, it was comfortable. A welcome feeling in the current state of the world. Hawks was the perfect barrier to all the chaos and uncertainty that life had to offer and you were grateful for it, but also, you couldn’t help but to feel like maybe you’d made a mistake.
Living with Hawks was wonderful. Too wonderful. You realized that this arrangement would have end eventually. Best friends don’t live together for the rest of their lives. They find spouses to do that with.
You’d come to terms with the fact that you had liked Hawks before all of this went down, but you’d never use that one forbidden word to describe how you felt. That was too much, too far, too personal.
But now? You couldn’t deny it; you loved the man. You got glimpses of all those little things that really added up to the measure of a man that you knew you wanted to spend your life with.
The way that he made sure to get up before you and start a pot of coffee, so he could have a cup ready for you, made just the way you like.
The way that he always made sure to ask if you needed anything while he was out before he left for the day, even double-checking with you later on, before he made his way home.
The way that he always asked about your day, and actually listened, taking the time to hear you gripe about work when you’d had a rough day.
Nobody’s perfect and maybe that’s true, but Hawks is as close as anyone could ever come.
“Home so soon?” you smiled as he strode through the door and began taking off his shoes and accessories, to include the impressive amount of feathers now coming detached from his wings.
“Yeah, I guess criminals must care about their health, because it’s been pretty quiet this week,” he crossed his arms over his torso, grabbing the ends of his shirt as he pulled it up over his head and what remained of his wings to remove it. “I’m gonna go hop in the shower and then I can help you out with dinner?”
You cleared your throat, an attempt to remind yourself not to let your eyes linger too long on his toned abs or muscular biceps, and nodded as you struggled to keep your eyes on his face.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you stood from the couch, making your way to the kitchen. “I, uh, I can start cooking actually. Should be mostly done by the time you’re outta the shower.”
“You sure? I don’t mind helping, you’re teaching me quite a few things, actually. Feel like I almost know my way around a kitchen now,” he chuckled as he crossed your path, the scent of his cologne nearly hypnotizing you. The feathers fanning around him as they returned to his wings were not helping.
“Yeah, it’s no trouble, go ahead and shower. It’s dangerous to be half-naked in the kitchen anyway,” you smiled playfully in his direction as you opened the fridge and started grabbing the ingredients you’d need.
When you stepped back to close the fridge, you felt your back hit his chest and you nearly jumped away, dropping some of the vegetables you had grabbed.
“Whoa, sorry, I didn’t mean to spook you,” his chest reverberated in a low chuckle as he rested one hand to your waist and caught one of the vegetables in the other.
A pair of red feathers effortlessly carried the remaining rogue vegetables over to the counter as you regained your composure, which was a feat considering how his hand on your body made your heart leap.
“I told you it was dangerous to be half-naked in the kitchen,” you tried to laugh away the nerves building in your chest as you reluctantly stepped away from him.
“Yeah, I guess you did,” he stepped out of your way and set the vegetable on the counter. “I’ll throw my shirt back on and give you a hand though. I wanna help.”
His smile disappeared briefly as he slid his shirt back on over his face, tugging it down over his torso.
“Okay, just don’t scare me when I’m chopping these up, deal?”
You grabbed a knife and a cutting board, gesturing to the food into front of you on the counter. He nodded and grinned, putting his hands up in mock submission.
“Hey, wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Thank you for dinner. It was delicious as usual,” Hawks folded his napkin before setting it atop his plate and standing, scooping yours up as he started toward the kitchen. “Glad I’m cooped up with such a good cook.”
He winked, scrapping the excess off the plates into the trash before carefully setting them in the sink.
“Well, I’ve also got a pretty solid sous chef,” you winked in repose, mirroring his smile as you met him at the sink. “Go ahead and shower, I got the dishes tonight.”
“I don’t mi—“
“Go,” you laughed as you made a shooing motion with your hands. “Get outta here! I appreciate it, but I can handle this on my own, I promise.”
He rolled his eyes dramatically, “All right, but if you get in over your head, don’t come cryin’ to me, kid.”
You shook your head as he exited the room, heading upstairs.
Once the dishes were done and the kitchen tidied up, you followed suit and went upstairs to take a shower. You didn’t hear the water running in the guest bath, so you figured his shower must be done with.
Entering your bathroom, you turned the warm water on and tested it with your fingertips; it was still plenty warm for you to take a shower of your own, so you stripped down and stepped inside.
As you proceeded with your routine, you found yourself distracted. Knowing Hawks was just down the hall, likely clad only in a towel, his body still dripping from his own shower, felt like actual torture.
Because as emotionally attached as you had gotten to him, now you could hardly contain how obvious your physical attraction to him was. And could anyone blame you?
He was wildly popular with women for a reason. He was charming and funny, yes, but he was also built like a god and disarmingly handsome. So approachable, but so intimidating at the same time.
You bit your lip, feeling your fingers twitch towards your hips, daring yourself to allow your mind to indulge in your own fantasies of him.
Pressing you up against the wall of the shower, his cock slipping against the wet skin of your hip.
The face he would make when you trailed the pads of your fingers along the underside of his shaft.
How sexy the growl that left his lips would sound once you wrapped your fingers around his length and pressed the head of his cock against your throbbing pussy.
You turned the knob of the shower suddenly to the right, drenching yourself in cold water. The shock made you gasp quietly, but it successfully defended you form your thoughts and encouraged you to finish rinsing the last of the conditioner from your hair.
You stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around your shivering frame, still trying to keep your lewd thoughts at bay. If you were going to be friends with Hawks, you didn’t want to have to face him knowing that you’d orgasmed to the thought of him all over you.
A knock at the door stirred you from your internal struggle and you were suddenly embarrassed at the fact that you were on this side of the door, naked as sin, awhile he as just on the other side.
“Y-yeah?” was all you managed to choke out.
“Hey, that movie we were talking about the other day is actually on Netflix. You wanna watch it with me?”
“Oh, uh, yeah sure! Lemme just get dressed and I’ll be right down,” you scrunched your face, chastising yourself silently.
He didn’t need to know you were naked. You volunteered that information, you dolt.
“Oh, uh, okay, yeah. I’ll uh—I’ll go have it ready for when you come down,” his voice sounded void of its usual confidence as it carried through the door that separated you.
On the other side, Hawks was also silently admonishing himself for getting so easily flustered.
What was he? A virgin school boy? No. He was Hawks. The number two hero, who just so happened to be dubbed a playboy by most hero gossip mags.
He shook his head, running a hand over his face as he sighed and sauntered down the stairs. It was getting more and more difficult for him to withhold his true feelings about you and he had no choice but to acknowledge that fact now as he perched himself on the couch, his large wings draped over the back.
It was just so easy to love you. So easy to come to your smiling face every day, always so happy to see him, even if your day had been absolute shit. You would smile and ask how his patrols went and then always offer to fix dinner for the two of you, so you could both chat more about your day.
You even took the time to show him around the kitchen, which he thought was going to be a hopeless task when he offered to help the first time, but you were so patient and forgiving with him. You really were a wonderful teacher. It was like nurturing and understanding just flowed through you so easily.
That’s the kind of woman he wanted—no, needed. Someone who he could come home to and feel completely safe with. He’d never had that in his life and he desperately craved a life like that, but now he couldn’t imagine it with anyone but you.
He let his head fall back as he briefly stared up at the ceiling, before closing his eyes as if to better lament his predicament.
You heard his exasperated expletive as you landed at the foot of the stairs and cocked your head to one side in concern.
“Is everything okay?”
His head snapped up as he straightened himself on the couch and looked in your direction.
“Oh—uh, y-yeah..” he trailed off, his eyes hovering over your silhouette for a beat longer than normal. “Just realized I forgot something at the office. No big deal.”
He patted the spot on the couch beside him as he put his foot up on the ottoman.
“C’mere, I was just getting the movie queued up,” scooping up the remote, he glanced back at you, unabashedly looking you over now. “Is that, uh, a new outfit? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in it.”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” you smiled sheepishly as you looked down at the pajama set you had donned. “I just got it in actually. Quarantine really has me out here making more than a few retail therapy hauls.”
You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t bought this very outfit with his reaction in mind. It was comfortable, but it was also a tad more revealing than you normally went for with pajamas. A pair of curve-hugging, high-waisted shorts that just barely covered your ass paired with a cropped scoopneck tank top. You didn’t think you’d have the nerve to wear it in front of him, but you were surprising even yourself these days.
“Well, it looks really great on you. S’a shame you’re wasting it on me,” his eyes lingered for a moment longer, causing your cheeks to burn as you walked toward the couch.
“I mean, at least some gets to see it,” you plopped down next to him, curling your feet up beside you as you mentally squealed, delighted that he’d had a reaction to your ensemble after all. “And I suppose if anyone’s worthy, you are.”
“Oh, well that means a great deal coming from you, sweetheart,” he flipped through the menu, scrolling for the correct title as his arm instinctively rested atop the back of the couch, just behind you, though he wanted nothing more than to drape his arm over your shoulder. “You’re the only judge of character that I trust anymore, y’know.”
His lips curled up in a half smile as he glanced over at you, daring to let his fingers brush along your shoulder. The way you froze and then settled into his touch had his heart hammering in his chest so hard that he swore you could hear it as he pressed play on the film of choice.
“Really? You gotta get out more,” you giggled and bit the inside of your lip, swallowing your fear on a whim as you angled your body toward him and leaned into his chest.
He responded immediately by wrapping his arm around you and pulling you in even closer, his other hand dropping the remote on the couch in favor of delicately tucking two fingers beneath your chin.
The world seemed to come to a dizzying halt as you looked up into his golden eyes, watching them hover over your lips before he met your gaze, as if asking for permission.
You didn’t give yourself the chance to question if this was even real before you leaned in, silently begging him to come closer and connect your lips with his, which he eagerly obliged.
His fingers moved from your chin to gently cup your face as he captured your lips in a slow, sweet kiss. You nervously pressed your hand to his chest, sighing through your nose as you kissed him back, trying to convey everything you’d been feeling these past few weeks in this one, perfect embrace.
Curling your fingers against his chest, you tugged gently at the tank top he wore and parted your lips, pausing for only a moment before kissing him with more fervor, which he returned in earnest.
It was a moment suspended in time. A beautiful mosaic of feverish, but delicate kisses the two of you shared back and forth, as if conversing with the way your lips moved against one another’s. When he reluctantly pulled away, you found that both of you were breathless and unable to pull your eyes off the other.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that?” He chuckled softly as he brushed his thumb across your cheek.
“Hopefully not as long as I have,” you let out a breathy giggle as you rested your hand over his, pulling his palm atop your lips to press a gentle kiss to it.
He interlocked his fingers with yours, resting your joined hands between you as he gently pressed his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
“I have something to tell you, Y/n,” his voice sounded notably more somber as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze.
“Hawks—,” you leaned back slowly, opening your eyes to take in his enigmatic expression when he cut you off.
“Keigo,” his hand gave yours another careful squeeze. “My real name is Keigo Takami. I don’t want to do this with you if I can’t even tell you who I really am. I don’t want to have any secrets between us.”
Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes upon realizing the significance of this moment. You’d known Hawks for years now, but you’d let go of thinking you’d ever learn his real name. You didn’t quite understand why it was such a secret; all you had known was the way he had reacted when you had first asked. He wasn’t rude, but he was very firm in his wishes to never disclose it and he had assured you that it wasn’t personal. Which it wasn’t, because no one knew his name. No one, except you.
A single tear began to fall, but was swiftly wiped away by a swipe of his thumb over your cheek as a sad smile lingered on his lips.
“I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to tell you something so simple, but I wanna tell you everything, love,” he cupped your face in his hand once again, smiling softly as he felt you lean in to his touch.
“Keigo,” you reached your own hand up to hold his face, feeling your heart swell as his eyes lit up in recognition of you using his real name. “Thank you for telling me. I don’t know what else you feel the need to tell me, but you can do so in your own time, okay? Nothing is going to change the way that I feel about you. Nothing..”
“You don’t understand,” his face fell, his eyes dropping from your gaze as he reached to pull your hand from his face and into his lap, playing absently with your fingers.
“I don’t care,” you pressed one hand to his chest, craning your neck in front of him to meet his eyes again. “I love you, Keigo. I swear to you that nothing will ever change that.”
He blinked a few times in succession, as if he was unable to comprehend the words that fell from your lips, but then he smiled and leaned forward, pressing his lips to yours once again as both of his arms encircled you, pulling you close, so that you were now straddling his lap. Both of your hands rested on his shoulders, snaking around his neck to pull him impossibly closer until he pulled his head back to look up at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes.
“I love you too, Y/n,” his large hands now fell to your hips, keeping your steady in his lap as his eyes searched yours. “I’ve loved you for who knows how long now. I know these aren’t the most ideal circumstances, but these past few weeks with you have been the best of my life. I don’t think that I can live without you anymore.”
“Then don’t,” your fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck and you smiled down at him. “Stay here with me. Never leave me, Keigo.”
His lips captured yours once again and you could feel the wide smile on his face as your lips collided.
“I won’t, baby,” his hands gave your hips a light squeeze, which drew a quiet moan from your lips as you pushed your hands into his hair, suddenly aware of how empty you felt.
You ground your hips against his, desperate for some friction, which you found on the bulge that had appeared beneath his sweatpants. He groaned as he took your bottom lip between his teeth, tugging gently as he rubbed circles into your hips bones and rutted his hips back up into yours.
“Fuck, Keigo, take me, please,” your lips moved against his hungrily and you gently tugged at his blonde locks.
A quiet growl left his lungs as he stood up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he supported you beneath your thighs.
“Oh, I will, baby,” he started walking toward the stairs, never breaking the connection of your mouths as he spoke in a gruff voice against your lips. “But I’m not taking you on the couch like some boy. I’m gonna fuck you in your bed like a man.”
You moaned in response to his promise, massaging your tongue against his as he effortlessly carried you up the stairs and down the hallway to your bedroom.
Utilizing a single feather, he pushed the door open before carrying you through the doorway, laying you down gently in your bed as he crawled atop you.
The vision of him hovering over you with his majestic, crimson wings splayed out behind him was the most beautiful sight you had ever seen, but your body didn’t have the patience to drink it all in and neither did his.
Rough hands climbed up your sides, pushing beneath the fabric of your tank top to cup your breasts as his lips found yours again. Your hands flew to his waistband, tugging them down as far as you could from your position beneath him. He reached one hand down to assist you, discarding both his sweats and boxer briefs in one fell swoop.
The hand that remained on your breast kneaded your flesh gently as he rolled your nipple between his fingers, earning him a soft whine from your breathless lungs. You could feel him smile against your neck as he moved his lips there, kissing and sucking over the new sensitive spots he discovered so easily. He brought his lips up to the shell of your ear, whispering huskily as he tucked the fingers of his free hand into the waistband of your shorts.
“Do you know many times I’ve thought about this? How hard I’ve gotten for you every time I’ve seen you parading around in your pajamas? How badly I’ve wanted to bend you straight over the kitchen table and fuck you?”
You hadn’t known, but you could feel how hard he was now. His impressive erection was grinding against your hip, while he uttered such sinful words into your ear. Sparing a glance down, you could see exactly how impressive it was. He was big. Not just in length, but in girth too, and the swollen head of his cock was already slick with small beads of precum.
You moaned needily in his ear, so worked up that you weren’t sure if you could find the right words to say. You’d show him instead. Reaching down, you wrapped your fingers around his thick length, using your thumb to spread the liquid at his top along his member and the groan that he let out had your hips bucking up into his, desperate to relieve the pressure building between your thighs.
“Fuck, baby, I can’t wait to be inside you,” the fingers inside your waistband tugged suddenly, removing your panties along with your shorts, which he promptly tossed aside before pressing two fingers against your heat. “But first, I wanna make sure you’re properly warmed up.”
You were already soaking through your panties, so it was easy enough for him to sink both fingers into you, but he did so slowly, savoring the way you felt around him. His cock twitched in your hand as you languidly stroked up and down, occasionally swiping your fingers up over his sensitive head.
“Damn, already so wet for me, sweetheart? You want this bad too, huh?” His soft lips feather kisses along your jaw and down your neck as you tilted your head back in pleasure when he started to pump his fingers at a steady pace inside of you, using his thumb to draw circles against your clit.
“A-ah..! Y-yes, please, fuck me, Keigo. Please, please, I need you..” you cried out, begging for the ache deep in the pit in your belly to be soothed.
He need no further instructions. Leaning back on his haunches, he placed both of his capable hands on the back of your thighs, spreading your legs, so that he could line up his cock with your center. With one swift thrust, he was filling you, stretching your pussy around his girth.
“Oh, fuck,” he stilled and closed his eyes, marveling at how you felt clenched around him and giving you a necessary moment to adjust to his presence. “You feel so damn good, baby.”
He leaned down, resting an elbow on either side of your torso and he ensnared your lips, kissing you deeply as he began to thrust at a slow pace. It was almost too much already; the way his cock dragged along your walls had you crying out against his lips as you kissed him back.
“Keigo,” a desperate mewl escaped you and your hands found purchase against his strong chest.
His eyes locked on yours, clouding with a deeper, darker shade of lust as his sped up the rhythm of his hips against yours, “Say it again.”
“K-Keigo..!” your nails dug into the skin of his chest as you dragged them down, grasping at him like he was going to disappear at any moment.
“That’s it, keep saying my name, baby,” he groaned, dropping a hand to scoop up one of your thighs, pushing it up toward your chest as he leaned back to begin fucking into you at a near merciless pace, placing a hand on your hip to give his thumb access to toy with your swollen clit. “Let the whole neighborhood know who’s lucky enough to fuck this tight little pussy of yours.”
You could feel the coil within you threatening to snap, though you wanted nothing more than to relish this feeling forever, you knew you couldn’t last much longer. His words were the final push you needed over the cliff. Your walls tightened around his, spasming wildly as a scream ripped from your chest, your spine momentarily leaving the bed and you arched into him.
“Keigo! Fuck, fuck, oh fuck, Keigo!” The way you squirmed beneath him only made it easier for him to hit that special spot deep within you, making your eyes roll back as you lost your breath, unable to even make a sound anymore.
The sight of you coming so completely undone underneath him, coupled with the unexplainable pleasure of how your cunt was fluttering around him now, milking his throbbing cock, had him unable to hold out any longer. His head fell back as he grunted, his hips stuttering the moment he released into you. His chest heaved as he dropped your thigh, returning his elbow to rest beside your torso and he continued to thrust into you, fucking his hot seed deeper and deeper within your walls until you were both absolutely spent.
He reluctantly unsheathed his emptied cock from within you and collapsed beside you, breathless, but never wanting to leave this embrace. His arm draped over you, carefully pulling you close to him as he pressed a kiss to your forehead and protectively enveloped you both within his wings.
“I love you, Y/n.” Gentle fingers dragged lazily along your shoulder, sending soft shocks of pleasure through your overstimulated body as you curled into his chest.
“I love you, too, Keigo.”

Here’s a little sneak peak at the Hawks piece I’m writing. How does it sound to you guys?? I’ll try to get this out to you guys as soon as possible.
Backfired (Angst🖤)
Mafia!Hawks x F!Reader
🚨TW🚨: Toxic Hawks, implied kidnapping, implied drug usage, cheating, reader is an empty shell of emotions, mentions of killing, blood, bruises, death of reader, grammar mistakes(if spotted). Let me know if I miss anything.
If any of this is triggering to you I suggest you don’t read on. With that being said this is for readers 18+.
*Please bear with me this is my first time writing something like this.*
Synopsis: After many failed attempts at escaping you’ve become emotionless. You go about your normal routine you’ve been accustomed to.
Staring blankly at the cream colored walls of the penthouse became your newfound hobby. After being kidnapped by Hawks, you’ve come to think that your life is a shit show.
There were plenty times where you’ve tried to escape, only ending up caught quickly and punished severely. His punishments would usually consist of you being chained up and locked away in the basement. Others would include you being injected with drugs to see how long you would last before passing out. There was even one special punishment that was set aside for when he doesn’t want to deal with you. You were disgusted by it, he would let his men have their way with you.
You would end up bruised, bloody, and left unconscious. He is terrible at aftercare so he leaves you like that to care for yourself after regaining conscious.
To put short you can only wonder why you were chosen to be his doll. Many would think that any person would be lucky to have an ounce of attention from the infamous mafia leader. Although to you, you would like to thoroughly disagree.
Being with Hawks was like being put in an isolation room with the one thing you hate most. When he touches you it feels like acid hitting your skin. You feel repulsed by the idea as to why he’s taken a liking to you. But, it has been a solid 5 years since being kidnapped and forced to witness many of his violent crimes.
Being around him so long became an embedded routine in your mind. He has done many things to you that each time it would happen you would lose a piece of yourself. Now in present time you are nothing but an empty shell of emotions.
Coming out of your thoughts you are met with the scenery of your shared bedroom. Only that the once silence of the penthouse is now replaced with the moaning of one of the many females that he brings here. All before you would be repulsed and you would cry and try to escape to get away from his toxic ways. Now all you can is just blankly get up from the bed and make your way downstairs.
Coincidentally, as you were walking down the hall from one of the many guest rooms emerges the female, which you’ve noticed is a stripper at one of his many owned clubs, and Hawks himself. They were fixing themselves up after their sexual acts in the bedroom. Hawks looks up and spots your figure walking down the hall towards the stairs.
“Hey doll”, he called out with a devious smirk on his face expecting a reaction. When all he was met with was silence as you walked downstairs. Unknowingly causing a dent in his mood, he pushed the dancer downstairs and walked her to the door. She turned around expecting to be met with his many charms of promising to have another night together, but she was met with the door slamming in her face.
Walking towards the kitchen, Hawks was met by the sight of you getting fruits out of the fridge to eat. His eyes scanned your figure and taking in the count of how many bruises he left on you. 1, 2, 3, 4, and he lost count. Some still have dried up blood on you from his lack of aftercare. He felt a tinge of sympathy from seeing how you looked, but that quickly went away when remembering what transpired before.
“You gonna fucking sit there and eat shit like I’m not standing here waiting for an explanation as to why I was ignored. I thought I fucking taught you how to respond to me when spoken to baby bird”, came his voice yelling at you. On other occasions you would be trembling on the spot and stumbling over your words to explain yourself, but all you could do is stare at him blankly.
“Sorry”, you said without an ounce of emotion in your voice. To him, hearing you speak this way was eerie, but couldn’t be freaked out by it because he caused it, right? Maybe keeping you here and only letting you get a taste of sun whenever he has business to attend to took a toll on you. It’s what he thought to himself while observing you, moving around like a lost soul on this planet.
He often thought about how you were treated since being with him. He made you be dependent on him. He figured that if he removed all of your most loved people from your life he could have you the way he wanted. He didn’t think that when he murdered your parents or your best friends that you would hate him. So, he waited the perfect time to catch you in a vulnerable phase to come and kidnap you so you can finally be together.
You on the other hand can only wonder in the one part of your mind that hasn’t been corrupted, how did you get here. You were just living a life you loved. With your dream job, dream house, your friends and parents. Now all of that was taken away by some sick fuck who took an interest in you. All those times where he would take you out to one of his clubs, only to leave you stranded to go fuck some other slut in the club. He made you look like a complete fucking idiot. While you had no choice but to endure it because it would only lead to brutal endings on your part.
All of the manipulation, gaslighting, and torture methods has now barred you from ever feeling anything ever again. It’s all his fault, he took everything from you. So in return, he doesn’t need to get nothing from you not even an ounce of emotion.
“Well, tonight we are going to go back out to the club since you haven’t been out in a while. So I need you to look better then that,” he said while taking a seat on the couch. He watches as you mindlessly grabbed a water bottle and took a sip. Now that he got a better look, you looked really thin and pale like you haven’t been taking care of yourself. He frowns at the thought but didn’t question anything.
“Okay,” was all he got as a response. Maybe he went a bit to far with the whole kidnapping and torture for years plan. He doesn’t like the fact that you have no emotion or that you just act plain and simple now. You walked upstairs and into the bedroom you guys share and went to the bathtub. You ran some water and grabbed a paper and a pen. You wrote him a note hoping that he’ll read it later.
~Fast forward to when you have to leave~
Hawks checks his watch and see it is pass the time for you to be downstairs and ready to go. He began to get impatient and headed towards the stairs.
“Babybird~” he called out as he walked towards the door of the bedroom. It was eerily quiet not a sound to be heard behind the door. He walked inside and went towards the bathroom door. When he got there he was in shock and covered his mouth in surprise. There you lay motionless in the tub. With your clothes removed he could see all of the bruises, faded cuts, and even the branded mark he put on you. He looked around the bathroom and spotted the syringe in your hand along with a drug he had hiding on the floor.
You committed suicide by injecting a lethal drug in your system. He rubbed his hand down his face and turned around to walk out the bathroom. When he walked by the bed he noticed a note with neat handwriting. He picked it up to read what it said.
“When you pick up this note and read it, you would have found my dead body in the tub. You’re probably wondering how I got access to that drug. Well when you were out one night “conducting business” I went snooping around in your office. Considering it was off limits and I was in the house by myself, I took the opportunity to go in there. I found it in the secret room you had behind a shelf. I hid it in my clothes when I got back to the bedroom. I planned my suicide for technically 2 weeks. I found this to be the perfect opportunity. I want you to know that I’ve hated you for years. You deserve nothing but to die a slow and painful death. I wish I could make you feel how I felt since being kidnapped, tortured, drugged, and abused and raped by your men. I do know that whatever comes your way you deserve for it to happen. You’re a bastard and someone who doesn’t deserve nothing. I am glad I’m gone, this was the best thing that has happened to me since being kept here. Any females you encounter, I want them to give you a deadly disease that can’t be treated. Any business deal needs to go wrong so your life can be in danger. I fucking hate you and wanted to kill you for so long. However, this is the best option because I no longer have to suffer just from seeing your face.”
-Sincerely, Y/N
Hawks put the note down and sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He looked up and looked in the bathroom at your body. Pondering over the note, he realized that he may have taken everything too far and should’ve left you alone. But the damage is done now, and you are no longer living now. His whole scheme that he planned just for you has now backfired. Though he could only realize it until the last minute.
-This took so long for me to write because I had writer’s block. But I am so glad that I am getting this to you guys. I hoped you enjoyed it. Please reblog, comment, or like it to show this post some love. This was my first time writing some angst that included dark heavy topics. If there were any grammar mistakes please let me know. I wanted to get his out to you guys since it been so long when I said I would’ve had it out for you guys a couple of months ago I believe.-
Touya: How do you deal with the crushing pressure of everyone else’s expectations?
Keigo: By outrunning them.
Touya: But… what if I’m not fast enough?
Keigo: .. I don’t know.
Keigo: I don’t know.

Hnnnngh Dabi confessing that he's always wanted to see Hawks off his pedestal, see him wounded and dirty, and was willing to be the one to do it even though he does genuinely like Hawks. Morbid curiosity rather than hate and anger, if you will. But in a moment of vulnerability, all Hawks can say in response to that is a quiet, tired, confused, "why does everyone want to hurt me?".
His parents hurt him, the commission hurts him, his fans pull and yank his feathers out, villains he's never met want to destroy him. And now Dabi, who takes care of Hawks and is kinder to him than anyone he's ever met, still wants Hawks to be at a low and wants to be the one to put him there. Hawks doesn't understand what's wrong with him that it always ends up like this

the whump fan’s dilemma
This, plus the character being fully aware of it but would still willingly sacrifice themselves anyway because it’s all they know how to do. Until, until !! the option of dying gets brutally ripped out of their grasp and now they’re left with a shattered world view with their only sense of purpose in shambles.
Even better if they end up the only person alive left, with a bonus of being kept alive because the person the character wanted to save turned around and sacrificed themself to save that character instead.
Or I guess the happier alternative is having the character meet a good bunch of friends who teach them how to be their own person and live, but who doesn’t love a good tragedy instead?
i looooove characters who are sacrificial lamb coded. characters who have never lived for themselves. characters born to be a tool, a weapon, a sacrifice, all of the above. a character raised by the heroes to save the world, at any expense, even their own health, even their own life. a character raised by the villains to end the world, at any expense, even their own health, even their own life. characters who are denied personhood so they can be used as tools instead. characters who never even had a chance to be people because they were shaped into something else from the moment they were born. characters who were born to die.
Haha! So, you know how I promised some Aizawa fluff? That’s still on its way, so have some pain in the meantime.
includes: Keigo, Tokoyami, Aizawa
warnings: Angst
length: 670 words
Keigo was never taught how to cope with the death of a hero.
He was always told that murdering a villain was justified and that it strengthened heroes. That's what the Hero Commission has drilled into him since the first day of training. How would he know any better?
An exhausted huff rocked Keigo's body while he climbed to his feet. Stepping over a piece of rubble, he looked across the settling battlefield. Most of the fires had been put out, and the rescue squad had just now begun their search, despite starting incredibly slow.
The hero didn't blame them though. He didn’t have the right to. The League's attack happened out of nowhere, so no one was prepared. Though, they could stand to work a bit faster.
Most of his feathers had been lost in the fight, Dabi's flames being the main cause. Some were crushed while moving injured civilians to safety, and a few were scorched by Endeavor’s overzealous attacks. He never did receive an apology, but he cheered up by telling himself the man would say sorry later on.
Oh! That reminded him- He owed Tokoyami cold Yaki Soba for suddenly dragging him into a massive fight.
Where was Keigo’s little apprentice anyway?
Hawks ignored how he swayed and faltered as he walked up a large pile of rubble. He refused to acknowledge the stream of blood running from a gash on his hairline and over his left eye as well.
From across the destroyed lot, Aizawa found it ironic that Hawks was perched like a bird. The teacher wanted nothing but to flop over and take a week-long nap, but there was still work to be done. Nothing Aizawa could see from this spot could explain why Hawks had stopped working, that fact holding his attention and making him curious.
What was left of Hawks’ wings suddenly gave a powerful flap, sending him dive-bombing towards whatever he had found below. Aizawa decided to investigate, starting his long journey through the wreckage.
Keigo pushed through how lightheaded he felt as his feet touched down on probably the only solid piece of concrete around. He crouched down, knees to his chest and wings folded against his back.
“Feathers?” Keigo’s voice had a questionable lift to it as he addressed Tokoyami.
The high school student was laying on his stomach, one arm stretched out like he was reaching for something, the other limp at his hip. Keigo noticed a small streak of blood leaking from his intern’s beak. Other than the fact that the kid wasn’t moving, Hawks didn’t see any issues. Not that he could see well with all the blood in his eyes.
“Feathers, get up you lazy ass-” Keigo cut himself off briefly with a chuckle. “Sorry, kid, I meant lazy bones. Forgot to watch my mouth, as always”
There was no reply, not even a movement from the limp body.
“Look, kid, I’m sorry for swearing. Just get up already,” Keigo grumbled, the hero’s arms wrapping around his knees as he leaned in a bit.
“Hey…” Hawks swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Hey, Feathers. You’re starting to freak me out a bit,” A nervous chuckle left Hawks. One of the only fully intact feathers he had left started nudging the boy. “C’mon, get up.”
As the feather continued to nudge Tokoyami, Keigo noticed that the red he was seeing didn’t all belong to him. Tokoyami was laying in a pool of his blood.
Keigo’s eyes widened, pupils practically turning into slits as he flipped the unresponsive boy onto his back.
“Th-That’s not right... Hey, kid, what happened?” His voice trembled more than his body as he stared at the gaping hole in Tokoyami’s side.
It was one of the most gruesome things Keigo has seen, and that’s saying something considering all he’s been through. Streaks of pearly white ribs contrasting against the sea of varying shades of red, clumps of organs unnaturally curved around the large rock buried into his flesh and bone.
“You can’t be dead- Heroes don’t die. They just can’t,” Keigo wore a frantic smile as he shook what was left of the teenager’s right arm. “You gotta get up, Feathers. We won… W-We kicked their asses, so- so wake up.”
Keigo’s voice cracked as he spoke, shaking arms holding Tokoyami’s mangled body close to his chest. “C’mon, kid,” A broken laugh weighed Keigo’s chest down more than the boy he was holding. “Scold me for cursing, like you always do. Call me immature and then apologize f-for being disrespectful. You gotta..! You got to do something- anything!”
“Hawks,” Aizawa’s voice cut through his panic, the teacher’s voice sharp but shaky.
Keigo didn’t realize how loud he was getting before broken eyes looked up at Aizawa. Hell, Hawks didn’t even realize he was sobbing until he was torn from his trance.
“Eraser,” Hawks pleaded, shuffling on his knees to be closer to the other, the kid being dragged along. “He’s not dead, right? This is all just another test from the Commission, r-right? Yeah,” A broken laugh tumbled from Keigo’s lips as Aizawa fell to his knees. “Just another test for me to pass. Like- Like always.”
Keigo buried his face into Tokoyami’s hardly intact chest, shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. “You can stop now,” He begged, too caught up in his head to notice how Aizawa gripped his black hair so tight it threatened to rip out of his skull. “You can stop the test, kid.”
The teacher had lost a student- one of his students. The kid wasn’t even 18 yet. He hasn’t lived- and he would never get the chance to. A scream ripped through Aizawa’s throat, emotional agony swallowing him up until it felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Please… Make it stop, Feathers.”