He Deserves So Much Better - Tumblr Posts
Thinking about c!Tommy rn
going absolutely insane over the symbolism of wylan touching the broken key on the piano. to himself, to his father, he is that key. he is the the note that doesn’t work, that throws off the melody. he is the useless, defective thing that sits there and does nothing. he is the broken piece, expendable, easily replaced by another. and it hurts so bad, because you can see on his face that he’s thinking the same thing
I LOVE HIM SM!!!!! I LOVE THEM ALL OMG! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
“No more babysitting.” But he does it for the rest of his life.

As much as I'm upset about gojo not coming back, not even being acknowledged, it all cemented gojo's character that gege has built, seen as only a weapon. Gege truly dehumanised gojo til the very end to show how dehumanised he really was in the story, no appreciation, not even his dead body or burial being shown, nothing of him. Not even the closest people to him gave him a thought, in fact even after his death he only got blamed, blamed for saving itadori, a kid, to show how all his actions even good ones were only seen as "bad" or the "problem", his actions were criticized by someone who did nothing to show how much burden he had to carry so useless people didn't have to and in return he only ever got complained about. All of it is sad, his existence was a tragedy since the day he was born, but it also makes him the most beautifully and tragically written character ever.
You will be missed and loved by me forever, gojo.
“People aren't tools. We aren't born with any set role.”
And I could only think about him

One thing that i love about Diavolo's character is the great Angst potential he has. He lived a life of privilege and luxury while growing up. But he had grown up sheltered within the walls of the palace as an only child. The demon king, his Dad, not only "left" him when he was young cuz he lost interest in ruling and instead decided to "slumber" at the bottom of the Devildom, i'm convinced that he blamed Diavolo for the loss of his Mother, since it's stated that she died after giving birth to him. So Diavolo didn't had the mentor that he needed when he was young until he met Barbatos. He doesn't show it, but he's lonely on the inside. He can't show this side to anyone since he's the future ruler of devildom. I can imagine, every day, he would gaze out of his window at the bustling streets below, filled with commoners going about their daily lives. Burdened with the weight of responsibility. He knew that one day, he would have to rule over his people and make decisions that would impact their lives.
Now imagine placing MC into the picture, and this is something that i haven't seen the fandom talk about, i believe that Diavolo and MC can't just date normally like how you would with the brothers. Firstly, he's a Demon Prince, and MC most likely is a human commoner. Their union would most likely be forbidden by the laws (council of demons) of both their worlds, and any offspring they might have would be shunned by both demons and humans alike. (It's even Canon in the original game that humans and demons can't get married).
So, despite the pain in his heart, Diavolo knew that he had to let Mc go. He couldn't bear to see them with another, but he also couldn't bear to see them unhappy because of him. He once said that he wants to put Mc in a cage and keep them for himself in one of his cards, but he decides against it because he knows it's not right.
So imagine, he didn't want to feel those things he felt, but no matter how hard he fought against them, his feelings for Mc just grew stronger. With a heavy heart, he knew that he would always be there for Them, watching over them and protecting them from afar. He watched in silence as Mc found love with another human, a kind and gentle soul who treated them with the love and respect they deserved. And so, restless Diavolo would watch the stars shining brightly in the night sky on his balcony as he whispered a silent prayer for the human he loved, his heart heavy with the weight of their forbidden love. And as he thought of Mc, a single tear rolled down his cheek, a silent testament to the love that would always remain between them.
What do you think??

Damn, anon. Are you trying to break my heart????
Poor Dia! I'm pretty sure in the og he says that his father did blame him (or like... had issues with him because he reminded him of his mom or something along those lines). And he also talks about how he didn't really have anyone until Barb showed up.
I also think that the way he often expresses jealousy of the brothers having fun or being chaotic indicates that he wishes he had something similar. Likely because he's lonely.
But oh man, just having MC show up, but it makes it worse because he has to let them go?!? Watch them marry someone else??? Oh, the angst! The suffering!!
I mean, if MC stayed mortal, he'd have to deal with them dying eventually anyway, but at least he could potentially have memories of a life together with them. But in this scenario, all he has is the knowledge that MC was happy without him.
Anyway, I think you've got a really interesting set up here! And yeah, if you're going for angst, this scenario definitely delivers! Ouchies though 😭
Why is Kalim being whitewashed so much-
I honestly hope day6 does what got7 did and leaves the company
fuck jyp
Liam Payne - the most underrated vocalist of our generation
I've seen a few posts circulating around in regards to Liam's vocal ability, and I thought I would use this excuse to, as an incredibly massive fan of Liam's voice, use this as opportunity to boast about it because it is fucking amazing, and you'll have a really hard time telling me other wise.
(going under the cut because this is Liam we are talking about, and I have a very hard time not making incredibly longs posts about this man, especially if we're talking about his voice)
Vocal Range
There's a photo that went around a little while ago demonstrating the boys' vocal ranges and Liam's extended both lower and higher than any of the other 1D boys (including Zayn's) as shown in this diagram:

Critics also think incredibly highly of Liam's voice (as they should). There's a website where they look at popular singers and rate them according to different factors, and they also rate Liam higher than any of the other boys, including Zayn:

(Harry is a C and the other two boys aren't listed, in case anyone was wondering)

They talk particularly fond of what they refer to as his "mix" voice (which, from my extremely limited and probably wrong understanding is the mix of both his head and chest voice):
Now, what isn't considered by this site, that I think is what makes Liam's voice so unique and beautiful is the fact that he can flawlessly change it to suit any genre.
This is Liam singing so amazingly (at the young age of 16!) a beautiful rendition of Cry Me a River that was the reason why I fell in love with his voice in the first place (I am a sucker for jazz, particularly Liam's singing jazz because his tone is absolutely amazing and is it too much to ask for him to continue doing it? Am I rambling? I should stop rambling):
But it's not just jazz and Pop that his voice adapts to incredibly well. I've always seen 1D's Midnight Memories as more of the classic rock genre:
The amount of control he had with his voice, at such a young age is absolutely amazing. And don't get me started on just how amazingly suited his voice is for Jazz. ugh.
You can hear where he changes his voice to suit the more classic rock texture necessary for that genre.
Vocal Improvisation
And it's not just his versatility or range that make him an amazing singer. The fact that he can so readily improvise notes on stage. This process is known as what is called "ad libbing". It's not an easy process, and takes a lot of practice to perfect it. But Liam sees to do it effortlessly, time and time again:
Even with parts that weren't initially his, which demonstrates just how musically advanced he truly is.
I would also like to add in this performance:
(Skip to 2:38)
I know he's not technically singing, but it does show off his understanding of music, especially timing, which isn't easy for a lot of people and yet he does it so easily. Plus, it's just really fucking cool.
Because Liam vocal range is so incredibly vast, he was able to be the backbone of pretty much all of the harmonies when in the band, and he knows when it's appropriate for him to either keep his voice at a lower register, or raise it above everyone else's to make an incredibly beautiful harmony:
I add in this video not only because it definitely shows off Liam's harmonising ability, but also because Liam's and Zayn's voices were literally made for each other, and the way they flow together so effortlessly and beautifully has me considering the fact that God might actually be real, and I will use any excuse to listen to the two of them sing together. (They need to seriously hurry up and release their collab album already, it's been way too long).
I think this particular performance encompasses everything I have been trying to put across in regards to Liam's absolutely amazing vocal ability. The range, the versatility, the improvisation and the harmony, all within a small time frame (that and I literally melt every time I hear it):
(I am Zayn at the end of Liam's performance)
I will never understand why he is so incredibly underrated, but then I see the incredibly mediocre (if that) pop singers that plague our music industry today and come to the realisation that people seemed to have stopped caring about actually vocally talented musicians, and prefer the overly produced and heavily autotuned songs we are left with today. But even if that is the case, I'm just happy I have the ability to appreciate this man's voice.

I have a few theories regarding about Tyler storyline in season two.
A. Donovan is going to face serious jail time and it honestly makes sense.
He knew it all along that it was Tyler but here’s the catch: I don’t think he knew Tyler had a master, remember Francoise (Tyler’s mom) Hyde out naturally by a traumatic experience (Tyler’s birth) So, Donovan obviously knew a few changes about Tyler and put the pisces together and figured out he must’ve Hyde out when he wasn’t around. He also falsely arrest Xavier, I won’t be surprised if Xavier’s father (Victor Thorpe) sue him for this.
B. It was actually Francisco made the decision that Tyler shouldn’t know he is a Hyde.
Something must’ve happened to Francisco at Nevermore where they had to ban Hydes from the school. I think it was because of massive bullying and unfair treatment that she started hating being a Hyde, whatever the reason for, she decided that Tyler should not know he is a Hyde, I think Donovan knew it was wrong to keep a big secret from Tyler, but he also didn’t like how Francisco was being treated for being a Hyde so he reluctantly agreed with her that Tyler should never know.
C. Tyler is probably going to be a student at Nevermore.
I honestly hope they don’t that because what does Tyler gain from being there? He has no community there, he can’t hang out with the werewolves, vampires, gorgons, sirens and psychics. He would really be an outcast among other outcasts and maybe that’s the point? To show how lonely he is in the world. I don’t know. I prefer that Tyler would have a sense of community at Willowhill, him realizing it isn’t that bad and actually getting better.

No matter what, I think every Saturday should start beautiful 💜

I present to you the rest of the Yiling Patriarch photos i had saved and edited before I was deceived by Tumblr's-10-pics-per-post policy.

Lan Xichen my beloved-
i woke up today thinking about him 💭
edit by isleofbaratheon.
”I’ve been second to Jo my whole life”
But make it Diego Hargreeves

I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon