Hemingway - Tumblr Posts

13 years ago

Prose is architecture, not interior decoration, and the Baroque is over.

Ernest Hemingway (via writingadvice)

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11 months ago
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident
"Writing Is Different. Ordinary People Don't Understand. Other People Get Into Occupations By Accident

"Writing is different. Ordinary people don't understand. Other people get into occupations by accident or design; but writers are born. We have to write. I have to write. I could work at selling motels, or slopping hogs, for fifty years, but if someone asked my occupation, I'd say writer, even if I'd never sold a word. Writers write. Other people talk." - W.P. Kinsella - Shoeless Joe (book that inspired Field of Dreams)

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12 years ago

Wilde would whisper flowery sweet nothings in your ear during foreplay but then have his very dirty way with you

Fitzgerald would spend like an hour bragging about how good he was and then come much too soon

Shakespeare would make up positions on the spot but they’d be awesome

Doyle would please you once and then complain when you kept asking him to do the same thing over and over again

Hemingway would explain in no uncertain terms exactly what he was going to do, and do exactly one very simple act, but goddamn if it wasn’t the best time you’ve had in years anyways

Joyce would take FOREVER but eventually satisfy you

Rand would make you do all the work yourself

Poe would cry

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6 years ago


I’m still kinda in love with the idea of a “Brenner runs away to Italy and becomes a Papa Hemingway archetype that falls in love with his nurse” plot.



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5 years ago
Ernest Hemingway And Mary Welsh.

Ernest Hemingway and Mary Welsh. <3

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4 years ago
Hemingway And Marlene Dietrich

Hemingway and Marlene Dietrich

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8 years ago

The bed.

Entre abrí ojos y traté de limpiar mi garganta de flema. Simplemente observé el techo y voltee hacia la pared, mi reloj marcaba las 10:08 de la mañana y tengo cosas qué hacer. Mi espalda parecía deshacerse con cada movimiento que hacía para levantarme, el dolor en el pecho era más o menos el mismo; el dolor de estómago era por no haber comido desde la tarde del día de ayer. Me puse unas chanclas y caminé hacia el baño, lentamente. La lluvia prevenía la ceguera del sol entrando por la ventana hacia todo el lugar. Llegué al baño y escupí el gargajo, abrí la llave y tomé un poco de agua. Prendí un cigarro de camino a la cocina, el vacío en el estómago me hizo meterme al primer manzana agria que encontré. Ya eran las 10:32 y tengo cosas qué hacer, regresé a la habitación, cogí la toalla y fui al baño, abrí el agua y me quedé escuchando cada gota chocar contra el suelo, cada gota mojando la rejilla, mojando el azulejo renovado y unos minutos después de mirarme los pies, logré entrar. El shampoo ya se me había acabado, entonces agarré un poco de acondicionador, ¿qué es eso? No tenía ni puta idea pero ya llevaba cuatro días sin bañarme y supuse que el jabón de barra me lo dejaría peor.

11:57 y tengo cosas qué hacer, agarré mis jeans de fin de semana, una camisa rasgada, mi chamarra, cigarros y cartera.

12:18 Tenía cosas qué hacer pero no prisa por llegar, prendí un cigarro antes de salir y me senté en la orilla de la cama, viendo al suelo toda la ropa tirada. Apagué la colilla en mi zapato, la dejé en la maceta de las margaritas muertas, a un lado del cactus.

Caminé hacia la puerta listo para salir y tomé dos juegos de llaves, no reconocí las mías. Eran iguales.

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8 years ago

Хемингуэй с легким налетом аренби

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