I Procrastinate Too Much - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

And then there’s me:

My brain: Look you have lots of homework to do. Your grades depend on this.

Me: No. It’s too much. I can’t do it.

My brain: You won’t get passing scores if you just keep them on hold like this.

Me: Too much. Can’t handle. I’ll fail anyway.

My brain: "You need to do your homework. Like, right now."

Me: "But like. No."

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6 months ago

Was doing the last of my work, middle of the night (12-5am) hand in pain, and was pretty much on the verge of an emotional breakdown.


"I have no time for this."

What's up with my mental? Did I just procrastinate on a mental breakdown?

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1 year ago

it blows my mind that some of the writers on here can so easily clear their drafts to 0 or under 50 for that matter. like i have over 100 drafts right now and it’s so hard to not just start more fics...

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8 years ago

I need friends... Does someone wants to be my friend?????

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4 years ago
I Am Uhhhhhhhhh May Or May Not Be Haphazardly Trying To Make A Story! Oh Curse My Procrastination...
I Am Uhhhhhhhhh May Or May Not Be Haphazardly Trying To Make A Story! Oh Curse My Procrastination...
I Am Uhhhhhhhhh May Or May Not Be Haphazardly Trying To Make A Story! Oh Curse My Procrastination...

I am uhhhhhhhhh may or may not be haphazardly trying to make a story! 😅😅😅😅Oh curse my procrastination... 🥲😩😢

But anyways, yeah! I’ve been trying to start a book! Mainly a graphic novel or possibly a webtoon but I’ve “been trying”. Sadly enough school is busy enough as it is as well as running multiple discord servers but I’m hoping to start it up again!

It’s a story alllll about my villain characters. Thought I’d make something different rather than a cheesy fairytale or a sci-fi action story.

These pieces are listed chronologically from the top being the oldest to the bottom being the most recent

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1 year ago

if i had the ability to make my brain animatics real i would be unstoppable

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5 months ago

I’m gonna physically implode if I don’t peruse at lease one of my interests. Like, what do you MEAN I like so many things at once that I just do none of them???

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1 year ago


Alternative title - Acid doesn't want to do economics test and keeps on procrastinating....

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1 year ago


I was gonna talk about all my dudes and the crazy stuff they did and how cool they'd be if they WERENT SLAVE OWNERS even though it was normal for the time like rlly man?! But anyways I was busy with homework so uh appreciate my homework doodles because yes (I'm sorry y'all I'll do actual blog stuff later)

(homework doodles BC yes)

(and yes guys, America is the country that's gonna run out of oil) #MURICA🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🔥🔥🔫🔫

(I'm saying that as if I don't run an amrev blog)

ANYWAYS, TAGS GO BRRR BECAUSE IM A SMALL ACCOUNT AND NOBODY WILL SEE THIS IF I DONT( Also hiiiiiii mom idk if you finally found my acc but if you did then uh hiiiii... 👍👍)

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10 months ago

I'm wasting time writing this, also

In early July, as the afternoon heat seeps into my skin, I find myself in the backyard, staring at an unfinished garden. I still remember the purpose of starting it: to turn my stress into something better. To distract myself. To escape. Yet, here I am, leaning against the door, doing nothing and I can’t help but feel a bit bad about it.

“It’s a shame,” I mutter quietly to myself, leaning wearily against the door. My skin clings uncomfortably to my shirt, and a feeble fan struggles to disperse the sticky film of sweat on my forehead.

I glance at the garden, half-hearted and abandoned, hoping for it to grow on its own, almost begging at this point. But each passing day, I feel the plants that could've bloomed growing inside me, as if another year is weaving through my veins. I waste endless hours, I realize that now as I’m scrolling through my notes. I was supposed to write down a grocery list for my mom, what went from “get 2 pounds of potatoes” turned into the familiar refrain of “finally getting my life together,” scribbled fervently at 14, then again at 15. It’s almost funny, in a way. 

A whisper of “It’s a shame” as I flip through the pages. And here I am again, typing away at my phone, drafting yet another plan to reignite my life at 17 for the umpteenth time. 

I waste seconds, too. Never learned how important they are. I stand by the coffee machine, hypnotized by each slow drip into the pot, drawn like a moth to the light. I know there's better things to do, something—anything—else. But still, I wait, until the last grind is used up. The aftertaste on my tongue isn't just bitter; it's saturated with shame. It's a sudden ache to the stomach, I realize too late: I don't even enjoy coffee. Now it leaves me wide-eyed at night, thinking too much about the time I waste. I stay up until it’s morning, waking at 3 pm like it’s perfectly fine, then fritter away the day, I feel like it’s too late to do anything worthwhile.

Tears blur my vision, and sometimes it feels like I can't stop until my whole body trembles with the weight of it all. I used to despise the softness of my skin, there were times I tried to squeeze into the smallest version of myself. But without it, what would I hold onto? What would anchor me in this world?

Crying feels like a privilege for the young, but here I am, feeling like a child with tears streaming down my face. In the blink of an eye, so much time slips through the fingers I sob into my hands with, and still, the shaking persists. 

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3 years ago

"I'd watch the world burn, knowing that none of the flames would dare to touch me. Why would they consume a monster who doesn't fear fire? They'd run, bringing me along with them, bursts of orange, red and gold, would cover the sky; touched by the wings drawn on my back. Fire in my hand, I'd walk past the rubble, angry that this moment of joy would end."

--I'm totally sane.

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