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Don't look up is real life i guess
Trigger warning : it kinda gets depressing so if you don't wanna read i understand and have a great day.
I have just watch Don't look up ( if you haven't watch it watch it its good) and i am pretty sure everybody has come to the same realizion but the world is kinda ending now. Just slower and not as cool.
The climet is all kinds of fucked. I live in denmark and in the summer there was barely any rain which is rare. Just look at England with its heat waves. England which is a country known (and meme) for it sucky weather yet now has heat waves. If that is not the sign idk what is.
I know we are trying to do things but are we doing enough. Coz it feels like we are barely doing anything to help.
But the thing i think about right now which is a big thing through out the movie. Stop now if you don't wanna get spoiled.
at the bottom there is a Tl:dr if you want to read that
Is the thought out the movie people don't wanna confront that they might die. That make themselves belive that everything is going to be fine when its not. And people who are being real well......
they are getting hate case and point kate dibiasky.
well the whoe kate dibiasky may not be as big thing in real life but the whole everything is fine is defently.
I myself has kinda pushed it to the back of my mind. Oh for sure i hear about it and my reactions 9 out of 10 times is:
"Oh that sad welp and we need to do something but its gonna be fine. I will properly be dead by the time the world has gone to shits. So i don't need to jack shits"
So maybe we need to drastic thing to help. More green energi. More buying local and maybe doing the thing the old fashion ways so less co2.
Or maybe i am just talking shit out of my ass and i will never do anything i will just go with what ever my goverment does.
anywas yeah the movie is good (i have already said that) So go and watch it
The movie is good and the world is fuck but I (we) will never do enough to save the planet if we don't do it drastic live but we wont because we are to contable. But maybe i don't know what i am saying
the feminine urge to crawl into a pile of sticks in your neighbours yard and live there until they call the police

Tried a different way to shade! And I drew the one and only Price- I love this man
It's first time ever I post something on Tumblr and I probably won't do it ever again, but this idea kinda stuck with me, so here you go, dp x dc prompt.
Danny is on a family trip in some hero adjacent city (preferably not Gotham, as much as I love Batpham fics, let's give others time to shine). It would be a great chance to rest if ghosts knew and respected words "free time." They don't, so he has to constantly fly back and forth between Amity and wherever he is. He doesn't know how to make portals yet, so he spends quite a lot of time on transportation alone, and then he fights and goes back ASAP, because as much as he can always count on Jazz to cover for him and the fact that Fentons aren't most observant, at some point they have to realise if he didn't pop up from time to time.
So now, he is running like a third day without so much as five minutes to sleep, purely on caffeine and spite, just got this okay looking sandwich from petrol station and strongest coffee he could buy and eat/drink in some secluded place (rooftop, abounded building, some really quiet alley, you know), right before he has to return to his family and act like he had nice night sleep and isn't "the Phantom menace" his parents are always threatening to post mortem murder AND THIS RANDOM PIGEON DARES TO TRY TO STEAL HIS FOOD!!!
Yes, he proceeds to yell at the pigeon because ✨️misplaced aggression✨️
He rants about his life right when local hero is near enough to hear him and just is like "You ok kid?"
They're not even too surprised hearing news about ghost (I mean, there is Deadman and also they probably had seen weirder), but still this boy shouldn't be the only one handling it (how old is he anyway, thirteen?). Oh, he isn't alone in it, ok, that's good. He has two friends (without powers or training) and two years older sister and not even his parents are in the know about his hero gig, well that's bad, gotta help him somehow.
From here, there are two ways it can go (at least I thought about these two)
1. Danny let's out one (1) scream of absolute terror and vanishes from the sight (especially if hero is in costume)
2. He proceeds to yell at the hero, because there is so much steam he has to let out and you know ✨️misplaced aggression✨️ once again (probably would work best if chosen hero was in civies, on their way grocery shopping or something)("There is no way this random civilan will belive me I may as well just continue" Danny Fenton, probably)
This is how Justice Legue lears about Amity (maybe because no one in Amity ever called because "Phantom can handle it" and Danny really didn't want to handle possessed heroes, I like this headcannon)
It can also start when Danny screams at someone's pet, but I don't know enough about dc to tell who would fit (I literally know it only from fanfics. This tag fanfics). Like, I know Damian Wayne is supposed to have a thing for animals, there are Klarion with Teekl (though they may not be the ones Danny would like to meet at the moment) and I think Captain Marvel/ Shazam had some connections with a tiger? But like, I don't think Danny would scream at tiger. I don't know, though. I've seen only a few episodes of the show, but he as well could just do it.
Idk, I just really want to see Danny full on screaming at the pigeon. And a hero. Take it from here, I'm really curious how someone who knows more about these fandoms (and English, it's not my mother tongue, I hope my brain hadn't gone "ah yes, it sounds similar, 'day' is how 'they' is supposed to be written" or something like that anywhere in this post) handles it. Who would even fit?
How do I even end post?
Have a great day/night, fellow Tumblr user
Fluttering Fingers and Flushed Faces.
a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.
( @ apolloswords )
feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!
Jens can’t help it if he thinks the new boy is cute. Even if he so happens to be his best friend’s step-brother.
“Jesus Jana, how many boxes do you have?” Jens groaned as he made another flight up the stairs.
Jana laughed and playfully nudged him with the box in her own hands.
“I promise we’re on the last ones.” She laughed.
“Yeah out of hundreds.” He teased.
She laughed again, following her into her new room. It was pretty much empty, aside from all the boxes he and Jana had brought up the stairs all morning. Jana placed the last box down on the ground gently, before Jens huffed and dropped his box, rather more aggressively.
It made a thud that shook through the room, and probably through the entire house. Jens put his hands on his hips in a dramatic fashion, before sighing dramatically.
“Oh what would you do without me?”
“Probably get this done quicker?” She laughed.
He rolled his eyes before they sat down to look through the boxes. Picking up the box with most of her trinkets and collectibles, he began unpacking them slowly.
“How do you feel about the move?” He asked, as she began pulling out sweaters to hang in her new closet.
She shrugged, turning her back towards him so he couldn’t really see her expression.
“It’s not too bad. I don’t mind living in a house with George and his son. But it’s further away from my friends so that kind of sucks.”
“Yeah but at least he’s not a shitty step-sibling.” He wrinkled his nose.
“Sorry you ended up with the evil step sisters and I didn’t.” Jana flung a random item his way. Catching it, he put it alongside the rest of the trinkets he had in organized piles on the floor.
“Hey, we’re both a child of divorce. The least my mom could’ve done is re-marry someone without bratty children. Makes it worst since they’re older and don’t ever give me a break.”
“I don’t know if he’s older, but he is in the same grade as me. It’s going to be weird.”
“Have you met him?”
“Once or twice. But he chose to live with his mom back in the Netherlands and his dad didn’t get custody of him until recently. He moved here a week ago, before my mom came back and settled our move.”
“Oh so you guys are kind of in the same position. A new home for a new family.” He reached for another box, pulling out storage containers to arrange the objects in. “Maybe that’s a bit easier.”
“Maybe. He’s a bit reserved though so it’s a little harder to get to know him but I’m sure he’s just fine.”
“Is he nice?”
“Yeah, super. Just, well okay, ‘hard to get to know him’ was the wrong choice of words.” Jana paused. “He’s just shy.”
There was a sense of movement over in the room beside him, and Jens froze. As far as he knew, him and Jana were the only ones here. Her mom and her step-dad had left to get some errands done early morning.
Oh yeah, Jens thought. Jana isn’t an only child anymore.
A faint sound of music started to play and while they couldn’t hear the lyrics or make out the song itself, it seemed to be a fun little indie song. Jens felt his head bopping along to it, feeling the faint rhythm through his body.
She smiled, kicking the now empty box of sweaters aside and picking up the ones of her folded shirts.
“That’s him. He does seem like a fun person though and I think we’ll eventually get close. I’m probably going to introduce him to the girls on Monday.”
“And me?” He asked, giving her a smirk.
“Nah, you’re trouble.”
“I’m your best friend.”
“A horrible decision on my part, really.” She teased. “What are you organizing?”
“Uhm,” He looked down. “Jewellery I think.”
Before she could open her mouth and say something, they heard the door beside her room open and the music become a little audibly louder. There was a shuffling of footsteps until Jana smiled at her doorway, before Jens heard some soft little taps.
“Hey.” She greeted cheerfully as he turned around.
Jens almost felt his jaw drop, immediately smitten by the boy at the door. He had a small frame underneath his bright pick sweater and his grey sweatpants were cuffed at the ankle, almost like they were a bit too long. He noticed the pattern on his socks, one with bright sunflowers and the other with constellations against a dark night sky. The sleeves of the sweater covered most of his hand, as he leaned against Jana’s door with a small smile.
“Hi, sorry I forgot you were moving in today.” The boy said, his voice small and well, shy. He took a quick notice of Jens on the flower and tightened his jaw a bit. “Sorry, I didn’t know you had company.”
When the boy’s eyes had wandered towards Jens, he had resist another urge to drop his jaw. The boy’s face was nothing short of beautiful. He looked as though he was an angel that had fallen from heaven, golden strays of hair hiding beneath the rest of his dark brown curls. His face was lithe, almost like the only reason he had features were from being kissed gently by the fallen rain. Jens felt his chest go tight, having to hold in a breath before he felt like what it meant to be breathless.
“It’s no problem.” Jana assured. “Uhm, Lucas, meet my friend Jens. Jens, meet my step-brother Lucas.”
“Hey, it’s nice to meet you.” He managed to say, surprised he even managed to choke that out without tripping over his words.
“Hi.” Lucas said shyly, giving him a small wave.
Jens gave him a small smile, and fluttered his fingers softly, returning back the small wave. He secretly hoped the faint flush on Lucas’ face was from the little gesture, but it may have just been from the way his bright pink sweater contrasted against his pale skin.
“I didn’t even know you were home.” Jana noted. “It wasn’t until I heard your music that I realized you were here.”
“Oh,” Lucas said, a little flustered. The faint pink colouring on his cheeks flushed a little more, most likely from the embarrassment. “Yeah, I was working on some art and had headphones on. Then my headphones died so I had to play my music out loud.”
“Oh shit, I hope we didn’t bother you.” She said worriedly, putting a hand to her face from her own slight embarrassment.
“No, no, it’s okay.” Lucas pressed his lips together, like he was trying to think of something to say next. “Uhm, I’m just going to head back to work. Yeah, uhm, yeah I’ll be in my room if you need me. Nice meeting you Jens.”
“Nice meeting you too Luc.” He said, this time smiling a little bigger, turning the corners of his lips a little higher as he pressed his lips together.
Lucas gave him another small wave, another flutter of the fingers before looking away and waving to Jana. His wave towards her was less of his fingers, more of his hand, which she mimicked back. But Jens gave him the same wave he had given him earlier, almost like it was something they just did.
It was weird to already share something with someone he had just met.
As quickly as he had appeared, Lucas had disappeared. He saw the blur of his clothes and hair fade away with his soft footsteps, hearing the creak of his door closing and the light hearted melody of the indie song fading into the background once again.
When he turned away from the door and back to Jana, he was greeted with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed, leaning on the empty bookshelf that stood next to her closet. She was eyeing Jens teasingly, like a school girl in the playground who was about to start a rumour that he had a crush.
“What?” He asked impatiently.
Jana clicked her tongue and turned away, still adding to the theatrics of her teasing.
“Nothing.” She said with a snort.
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”
“Oh I’m not lying. I’m just sparing you.” There was a mischievous glisten to her eyes.
Raising a brow, he looked at her, unimpressed. “Sparing me from what?”
“You’re asking for it.” She said, in a sing-song voice.
“I don’t even know what it is!”
“You think Lucas is cuteeee.”
He felt his face go warm, shaking his head quickly. “I do not.”
“Then why are you blushing?”
“It’s warm in your room.”
“It’s the middle of November.”
“Then you’re seeing things.”
“What I’m seeing is you giving heart eyes to my new brother.” She wiggled her brows.
“I am not giving heart eyes to your brother.” He lied.
Jana put her hands on her hips and gave him a sarcastic expression of shock. “What? Are you saying Lucas is ugly?”
“…That is not what I’m saying at all.”
“So you think he’s cute.” There it was again, the mischievous glisten in her eyes.
“…I’m also not saying that.”
“Well I’m saying I saw you practically thinking of shoving your tongue down Lucas’ throat.”
“Well get your eyes checked because they deceive you.” Jens wrinkled her nose at her. “And could you be any louder? He’s right next door.”
“What, are you afraid he finds out you think he’s ugly or he finds out you think he’s cute?”
“Janaaaa.” He whined. “Must you be so difficult?”
“Jens is shy about his little crushhhh.” She sang out loud again, and he just prayed Lucas’ music drowned out their conversation.
Jens leaned against the bike rack as students began making their way home. He was supposed to go to Jana’s house again since they had a chemistry quiz coming up at the end of the week. But she wasn’t here yet, so he decided just to wait a bit.
But after about ten minutes when the after school rush died down a bit, Jana was still nowhere in sight. Frowning, he pulled out his phone to text her.
Where are you?
The little blue messaged showed a Delivered. right underneath it. After a few seconds, the typing icon appeared and he stared at the three little dots on the screen.
Sorry, forgot Amber wanted to host a meeting for Ibiza. Meet me home.
He shrugged, figuring it probably wouldn't be too weird since he had always been going over to Jana’s house for years. Her mom surely didn’t mind and maybe George and Lucas wouldn’t either.
Before he could pocket his phone away, another text appeared.
Walk home with Lucas.
His eyes widened, feeling his heart race as he read the message over and over. Was Jana setting him up? It surely would be in her antics to do so. His fingers hovered over the keyboard, frantically thinking of what to say.
Are you setting me up?
The same Delivered. sign appeared again, but no texting icon. Jens was shaking his leg, impatient for an answer but after a minute or two, there was still no reply.
He was about to text her again, an emphasized JANA to get her attention until he heard someone walking over.
“Uhm,” the soft voice from a few feet away said. “Hi.”
Jens whipped his head up, looking up from his phone. Lucas was standing shyly, under the school’s courtyard tree. He gave him a small smile, though Jens noticed his seemed to harshly biting down on his bottom lip. A wave from his delicate fingers appeared, and once again, Jens felt his heart flutter along with it.
“Hey, Lucas right?” He asked, slipping his phone in his back pocket. That was a stupid question. Jens knew who he was, considering he had never left his mind from three days ago.
“Yeah, hi.” He said softly, approaching a little closer.
Lucas wore a denim jacket over a patterned knitted sweater and his Converse seemed like they would untie any minute. His curls were a bit looser, probably tousled by the wind. But they still looked soft and Jens had to resist the urge to wonder what they would feel like against his fingertips.
Speaking of fingertips, he found them fluttering a wave towards Lucas, just like he had when he first met him. The pink on Lucas’ cheeks returned, but Jens figured it could be from the slight chilly breeze.
“Uhm,” Lucas said, shifting his weight from side to side. “Jana told me she would be coming home late and I should just walk home with you.”
Jens couldn’t help but smile. Whether or not Jana actually planned this, he couldn’t pass up the chance to spend some time with Lucas. On his first day, Jens secretly hoped he would be in some of his classes but he sadly wasn’t. Instead, he only saw him in the halls before the next class and Lucas had his head down, so Jens couldn’t even get his attention.
“Sure, I was just waiting for you.” He replied with a grin, pulling the strap of his backpack a bit higher on his shoulder. “You ready to go?”
He nodded quickly and Jens gave him another smile. Lucas seemed to return the smile back but he ducked his head down before Jens could be sure.
It took Jens a second to realize he had to walk to Jana’s new house, which was in the opposite direction of her old house, his house and most of their friend’s houses. While it was on the other side, Jens was pretty much familiar with Antwerp entirely so he knew where he was headed. He wondered what it was like for Lucas, someone so new to the city.
“So how much of Antwerp have you seen?” He asked, as they walked pass some small shops and a bus stop.
Lucas shrugged, still hanging his head a little low, not meeting Jens’ eyes. “Not much. I think I came here once before last week?”
“Really?” Jens’ eyes widened in shock. “So it’s super new to you.”
“Yeah. I only came here for my Dad’s wedding.”
Jens frowned slightly. He was supposed to attend that wedding, but ended up going to some dance recital for his step-sisters. He wished he had went to the wedding instead, imagining how good Lucas must’ve looked all dressed up.
“Is Antwerp anything like where you’re from?”
He shook his head, but then tilted it up, with a thinking expression on his face.
“It’s a little like Utrecht. But I think Antwerp is a bit bigger. Utrecht is like a smaller Amsterdam.”
“I’ve been to Amsterdam once.” Jens recalled. “But I was a kid so I don’t remember much.”
“There’s a lot of…” He paused.
“…Canals.” Lucas gave Jens a weird look, but there was a small smile on his face. Jens chuckled lightly, looking down at the ground.
His and Lucas’ walking pattern perfectly matched up.
When they arrived at the house, they realized it was empty. Lucas hummed softly to himself as he stepped inside, placing his bag down on the couch and headed into the kitchen. Jens followed, not really knowing how to go about.
Lucas turned on a kettle and opened up a cupboard, slightly looking over his shoulder and at Jens. While he wasn’t short, he did go on the tips of his toes to reach the shelves and pulled out two mugs.
“Do you want some tea?” He asked softly, and Jens couldn’t help but feel a warm fuzzy feeling wash over his body.
“Sure.” He replied, noticing the colour of the mugs, one red and the other blue.
And the designs.
They were almost like little sketches and doodles against their bright red or blue backgrounds. Jens took a closer looked and realized the doodles seemed to be clouds made up of flower petals, constellations of suns instead of stars and flowers with Saturn in its centre and shooting stars as the petals.
“These are some nice mugs.” He noted, taking a sip out of the blue one. The tea was hot and calming, with a sweet lingering taste of honey.
“Really?” Lucas asked shyly.
“Yeah. Where did you get them?”
“Uhm,” He gave Jens a small smile. “I painted them.”
“Really?” Jens said, rather impressed and taking a closer look at the designs. “It’s really creative, I love it.”
“Thanks. I made a bunch of them before I moved here.” Lucas gave Jens another shy look. “Do you want to see some other stuff I have painted?”
“Sure.” He said with a smile, feeling his heart flutter again.
Lucas placed his tea down and abandoned it on the counter. Jens on the other hand, carried his mug and followed Lucas to his room.
He had expected to see his walls with canvases or artworks place on it, like a little gallery. But instead, there wasn’t what he was greeted with. Jens marvelled in awe, as he noticed that all of Lucas’ furniture was painted with similar abstract designs. They weren’t exactly like the ones on the mug, but it was clear they were painted by the same hands.
He walked a little closer, looking at the way Lucas had chosen to design his bed frame. The paint was dry and the wood was smooth, but his fingers traced over the designs, fluttering over them.
“Do you like it?” He heard Lucas ask in his small voice.
“It’s amazing.” Jens turned around to face him. “Was this what you were working on last weekend?”
“Pretty much.” He hung his head down again. “I kind of got into an angsty mood moving here. I didn’t really want to move in the first place so I kind of locked myself in my room and tried to find a way to annoy my dad.”
“Has he seen it?”
Lucas let a small smile escape his lips and Jens felt himself fall for him all over again.
“Yeah he has. Kind of failed pissing him off but he’s kind of impressed by my unconventional canvases.”
Jens smiled, leaning against end of the bed frame as Lucas shyly walked over and leaned against it as well. His body was close to his, and Jens had to suck in a breath and hold it, before he made it painfully obvious just how much his body reacted to the other boy.
“At least you’re in a good mood now.” Jens’s voice was low, dropped into a whisper.
Lucas’ cheeks turned pink again, and this time, he was sure it was a blush. Testing the waters a bit, he let his fingers flutter over Lucas’, as though their waves were meeting for the first time.
He didn’t remove his hand away.
“Yeah, uhm, I kinda felt better a few days ago.” Lucas whispered. “After uhm, meeting you.”
“Really?” Jens asked, his face lighting up.
“Yeah, Jana teased me relentlessly about it.”
“Don’t worry she probably teased me just as much.”
“I actually think she set this up.” Lucas giggled.
“Did I hear my name?” A sing-song voice came from down the hall, making their head turn towards Lucas’s door.
Jana peaked her head inside, and upon seeing their close proximity and hand over the other, she squealed.
“I knew it!” She cried, holding her hands up high as she grinned widely.
Jens only rolled his eyes and snorted, as Lucas covered his mouth with his other hand and leaned closer into Jens’ body, hiding the now, very pink blush all over his face.
I said his name last night for the first time since I found out
It hurt less than I thought it would, I guess that's a good thing, right?
So why does it feel like I'm betraying him by trying to move on?
Okay, As much as I love Mobius x Loki, where’s my Silvia x Hunter-B15??? Where are all of the Valkyrie x Carol Danver shippers??? WHERE ARE THEY????
Misogyny is a really big problem in fandom spaces but it’s especially prominent when it comes to shipping
It’s mostly because there are way more ships between two guys because the majority of writers either don’t know how to write women or the piece of media is predominantly male so fans will usually connect with the male character is a lot more
Another thing I notice is how when a female character gets hate for “disturbing a ship” it strangely happens a lot when a ship between two male characters isn’t even a canon (no offense but HP/Marauders fans are super guilty of doing this)