Five X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Ain't this that one guy's wife from The Umbrella Academy?

Being the closest to Five Hargreeves

too late - prologue

Request: For the Anon who requested a fic with the reader and Diego were best-friends growing up but left with Five to the future and when they come doesn’t know what to do
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader and Diego Hargreeves x Platonic!Reader
Summary: After leaving with Five to the future for 17 years, the reader’s best-friend, Diego, doesn’t know how to react when he sees his best-friend (and crush) come back in her teenage body with an older conscious
A/N: I changed this up slightly so I’m sorry to the Anon if you don’t like it. This is also short I know I’m sorry but I’m thinking of possibly turning this into a series? Idk please tell me if you guys would like that, if so then this would be a prologue and most chapters would be flashbacks (so diego x reader) but yeah tell me if you guys would like that. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this and feedback would be appreciated
Keep reading
Night Terrors
Five Hargreeves x Reader
Warnings: none...?
A/n: this request was quite fun to make! I hope this is what you were thinking about while requesting, if not i apologize. I wrote this more around Five with the reader comforting him because i mean he was stuck in a wasteland for 45+ years. He definetly has truama/ptsd of some kind which probably comes with attacks or night terrors (hence the reason he hates sleeping). Also I apologize for this not being very long, it's more so short, sweet, and fluffy.
Requested by: @five-manchild-hargreeves
Prompt: 12 and 13 with five maybe?
12. "I heard you scream. Nightmares again?"
13. "Hey, just look at me. Breathe."
(Not my gif)

It hurt.
The unbearable heat and the acidic ash pouring into his lungs and caking everything and around him.
He couldn't breathe.
The low rumble of another building falling to rubble in the distance. There was no way he was back here. Or maybe he hadn't left? No, it couldn't be real. He didn't dare open his eyes.
He didn't want to see the corpses of his dead family.
He didn't want to see the burning city.
He didn't want to see the wasteland he had tried so hard to forget.
",no,no,no." He murmered as he tried to wake up, the ash seeming to muffle his senses and thoughts as he struggled to comprehend what was going on.
His chest felt tight and he wanted to cough as he clutched at the sleeves of his dirty blazer, his breaths ragged. He cried out in hopes it would all go away.
It wasn't real, he had to wake up.
A voice. It was muffled and faint but he heard it.
There it was again, louder and much cleaer this time.
Five's eyes shot open as he sat up in bed. He took a few deep breaths and raked his hands through his hair as his eyes darted around the room before landing on his partner. "Y-y/n?" He stuttered. He could see the concern and worry in their eyes as he took in another breath to try and calm down though it wasn't very helpful.
"I heard you scream. Nightmares again?" They asked, also sitting up and placing one of their hands over his own and gently laced their fingers together. The touch was comforting but his breathing was still erratic.
"Hey, just look at me. Breathe." They murmered, tilting their head to get a better look at him. Five sighed, trying his best to steady his breathing as he looked into his partner's eyes. "I...i didn't wake you did i?" He asked after his breathing had calmed down.
"Not exactly, i was just about to though." They replied with a small shrug and a shake of their head. A book lay forgotten beside them showing they hadn't gone to sleep when he did. "Sorry." Five mumbled as he looked down at their hands.
"It's okay Five. Are you feeling any better?" They asked, tone raising into the question. "Yes, maybe, better. I'm better, yes." Five stammered with a small nod and he gave his partner's hand a small squeeze. "That's good." They replied with a small hum.
" wanna talk about your nightmare?" They asked after a moment of silence. Another short silence occured before Five slowly shook his head yes. "I...i was back in the apocalypse.." he said slowly, " just hurt. The ash and smoke, i couldn't open my eyes." He explained further.
Y/n gave his hand a small squeeze as he spoke to assuree him she was listening. "It was hot, and i felt alone...a-and scared out of my mind." Five hated to admit he had been scared. He didn't like being so vulnerabke either even if it was with his partner.
"After a bit i heard your voice saying my name and then i woke up." He finished. The explanation was short but so had the nughtmare been. Y/n thought for a moment before responding.
"Well, it wouldn't be uncommon for you to experience flashbacks like that. But all that matters is that it's not real and you're alive and safe." They spoke softly with another gentle squeeze of her hand on Five's. "But it felt real." Five replied, looking up to meet his partner's gaze.
"All dreams do, until you wake up that is. Then they slowly trickle back into your imagination and are forgotten. Though i suppose that's different in your case." Y/n replied, trying their best to understand everthing. Five simply nodded in return.
The couple talked a for a little more before deciding it was time to go back to sleep. They layed down and themselves in eachothers arms. Five nestled into the crook of Y/n's neck as they gently played with his hair. The feeling helped lull him to sleep and thankfully there were no more nightmares that night.
The Seer
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Five x Reader
Warning: This fic is Rated R
Chapter: 0/1/2
As if he didn’t just fall from a portal in the sky, Five walked into the mansion and straight to the kitchen. We all followed, confused and wanting answers. Five casually pulled out bread and laid the slices out and began making a sandwich.
“What are you doing?” Asked Luther, breaking the silence. “Making a Sandwich do you know how long it’s been since I’ve eaten solid food?” Five replied, as if we knew how long it’s been.
Five opened the fridge door which was slammed shut just as fast by Luther who was becoming increasingly annoyed and wanted answers. “You look ridiculous by the way” said Five unfazed by his action.
“It’s been 22 years number Five, where have you been?”
“It’s been a lot longer than that.” He said simply, not bothering to elaborate, instead he opened the fridge again and dug out supplies for his sandwich. I decided to take a peek at Klaus, I was becoming increasingly more confused and being so stoned at the same time wasn’t helping. By the looks on Klaus’ face I could tell he was in the same boat.
“What happened to you?” Asked Vanya, in a sweeter and kinder tone than Luther. Five continued to make his sandwich before answering. “What do you think happened? I decided to test the limits of my time jumping, see how far I could go, turns out pretty far.”
Next to me Klaus harshly elbowed Diego, bumping into me slightly. Diego gave him a glare and passed him some money. Ignoring the little exchange Five went back to explaining.
“Dad always warned me not too go to far into the future, on the account of my jumps only working on one direction”
This time I spoke up to ask the next question. “How did you get back if your jumps only work one way?” Five stopped to take a bite of his food before simply saying “Your new.” Not bothering to answer my question.
“Yeah uh dad adopted her a few years ago.” Explained Luther, Diego scoffed loudly, everyone turned to look towards him. “You mean dad bought her”
“Uh okay Dad bought all of us” Allison said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Crossing her arms and staring Diego down.
“I didn’t ask and I don’t care.” Said Five. “And to answer your question, I got back by projecting my consciousness backwards into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists in every possible instance of time.”
“That makes no sense.” Said Diego dumbfounded, I agree with him it made no sense, I’m not sure if it’s because I’m high or just plain stupid but I couldn’t register what he said properly.
“It would if you were smarter. Granted, it did take me a little time to work out all the nuts and bolts of it...”
This time Allison asked the next question. “How much time?”
“52 year give or take.”
“Your 62!?” Diego asked shocked.
“No my consciousness is 62, my body is 19. Anyways what’s the date, the exact date?”
“The 24th” I replied, Five looked at me waiting for me to continue “oh uh of March.”
“That doesn’t give us much time” He said, his face falling a little.
Getting up he walked out of the room and up the stairs, Luther called out from behind him “Much time for what? Number Five!” He looked back at us, desperately wanting someone to speak up. No one did, and he left it at that.
After Five left the rest of us dispersed around the house again, and I went back to my room. In the middle do the whole thing I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was gonna go wrong, terribly wrong. But I didn’t know what, I just knew.
Pondering in my thoughts I tried to piece together my visions from this week, there wasn’t much, I could vaguely remember seeing an image of Ben’s statue outside, but it was broken, as terrible as that may be because the poor kid is dead I don’t think that’s what it’s trying to warn me about. Because this feeling was of fear, great great fear.
“Hey (y/n) uh it’s time if your ready.” Came Allison’s voice suddenly, pulling me out of my thoughts and causing me to jump a bit. “Sorry i didnt mean to scare you.”
“No it’s okay, is everyone else ready?” I asked, she nodded her head and turned around and headed back to where everyone was meeting, grabbing my umbrella I followed.
Outside in the courtyard we all formed a semi circle around Luther who stood under the elm tree. Pogo was the last to join, gesturing to Luther who held Reginald’s ashes. “Whenever your ready dear boy.”
Luther took the top off of the urn and turned it upside down, the ashes fell out into a clump on the ground, it was kind of pathetic, looking up to the sky with a strained face I prayed to whatever God would listen to not let me laugh right now.
“Probably would have been better with some wind.” Said Klaus, trying to hide back a smile as well.
Pogo shot us a look and we both shut down real quick.
“Would anyone wish to speak?” No one spoke up so Pogo went first instead.
“Very well. In all regards, Reginald Hargreeves made me the creature I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my friend, and my master, and I shall miss him very much. He was a...a complicated man--“
“He was a monster. He was bad as a person and worse as a father, and the world’s better off without him.” Diego said harshly cutting off Pogo.
“Okay that’s uncalled for, you can dislike him all you want but have enough respect for him and for Pogo at his funeral” I retaliated, i didn’t mean to sound so harsh and rude but interrupting Pogo like that was not gonna fly past me.
A few more words were exchanged between everyone and before we knew it Luther and Diego began fighting, hitting each other and throwing each other around the courtyard, everyone watched as the fight grew intense. Luther went to throw and punch, missing as Diego dodges it and instead hits Ben’s statue, causing it to tumble and break. Ben’s Head rolled to a stop at their feet.
After the statue fell Allison, Five, and Vanya went back into the mansion not bothering to say anything to Luther or Diego. “I hope you both are happy now.” I said frowning. Turning I walked away with Pogo leaving them outside.
“Well that could have been better.” I said sarcastically. Klaus chuckled nodding in agreement. “Well what can I say us Hargreeves are kinda wild”.
“Yeah no shit.”
After the fight happened everyone decided to part ways, except me, Luther and Pogo who stayed in the mansion as we lived there. I laid in my bed, replaying the events from today over and over again. Trying to make connections to my feeling of intense fear from earlier, but nothing was adding up. Something was going to happen soon, something very bad.
Authors note: sorry for such a small chapter and wait time in between, I recently rescued a kitten and have been spending time with her and getting her socialized with us and used to her new home.
Tag list: @chipster-21 @xplrreylo @aqarath @grapesauze @11mb0 @sophistjo @im-dead-and-hurting @alyciaswhore
Something like love
[Five Hargreeves x Reader]
Summary : You and Five dance.
Warning : None.

"Dance with me."
It's a statement more than a question. You know if you posed it as a question, he will just decline. Saying it like this gives you a fair chance to convince him.
And as you deduced, it was enough to send Five Hargreeves off-kilter. "What?" Is his immediate response. Not a straight no.
"Dance with me," you repeat, much more firm and sure.
He holds you under a contemplative stare, you resist the urge to squirm—why is his gaze always so intense? Luckily, you manage to meet his stare.
He quirks a brow. "Why?"
"Because life is fleeting, and I want to."
He bites the inside of his cheek. You can tell he is thinking—his brows furrow a little, and gaze sharpens when he does. Seemingly coming to a conclusion, he walks towards you with determined steps.
A touch apprehensive as he holds his hand out, palm up, towards you.
And you?
You positively beam.
You take his hand. Five sighs, as if it's too much work, yet his eyes hold a gleam of fondness.
His fingers trail through your waist—leaving tendrils of warmth in their wake—before settling firmly on your back, drawing you closer—your heart stutters and shakes. Tentatively, you place your hands on his shoulder.
The slow, melodious symphony of piano fills your ears—such a contrast to the rhythm of your heart.
You feel overwhelmed, you wonder if it was a good idea at all. Perhaps, you shouldn't be dancing with him at all, seeing as his mere presence makes you a flustered mess.
"You know, my face is much preferable to stare at than my shoes, if I do say so myself."
Face heating up, you chance a glance at him.
He's already looking down at you, amusement across his face. "There's no need to be flustered, darling. I won't bite," then he playfully adds, "Unless you want me to."
You trip.
His hands steady you, as you cling to his collar, hiding your face in his chest. You decide to stay that way.
He huffs out a chuckle. "Are you going to stay like this?"
"Yes," you say, petulantly.
"Alright," he concurs, and you can hear the smile in his voice. He lets his arms enclose around you in a slight hug.
You smile, turning your head so that your ear is pressed against his chest. Sighing at the sound of his heart beat—which you conclude is better than the dulcet melody currently playing.
You both sway lightly. Not really dancing, just being. Here, in this moment, where there is no yesterday or tomorrow. Neither the end, nor the beginning of the world. Just you. Just him. The two of you, and something transparent.
Something like love.
A/N —:
Why is writing on a whim so much smoother than writing a planned fic, like why-
Anyways, so this is yeah, hope you enjoy it. And in case it's not apparent I've got no clue what to say so.
Thankyou! ❤
"My Entire World"
Five Hargreeves x fem! Reader
Warnings: extreme fluff, abuse, cursing cuz it's Five
Requested by: @leticiahargreeves

Five couldn't believe what he had seen. The bodies of his family, the siblings he loved, all dead - it was too overwhelming.
He passed out.
Luckily, not everyone had died.
And that's where you came in.
Spotting Five and noticing that he still had a pulse, you pulled his body off the streets and into a building that hadn't collapsed amongst the chaos.
Now here he was, groggy and his back ached as he slowly woke up to the smell that made his stomach growl before he could even register his surroundings.
"You're awake! Oh thank God, I was scared I brought in a dead person," He looked over to see you sitting on a dusty couch across from him.
"I'm (Y/N)," You stuck out your hand.
Five stared at you, wondering how the fuck you were smiling.
"I thought everyone died. How the fuck are you this happy?" He groaned.
"Well, my family hated me, and I just so happened to be the basement when all this occurred."
"No one can hate their family that-" You couldn't risk not having an ally, and you felt him pushing away so you pulled up your shirt to show all the cigarette burns, cuts, scars that had scars.
"If anyone deserved to have a building topple on them, it was those assholes."
And that was the start to a beautiful yet somewhat concerning friendship. You found out that Five was one of the seven pretty quickly, and his genius worked well with your quick wit and efficiency. It was a great partnership between friends.
Yet over the course of a few months, Five admired you. He learned your routine, how you would linger on things that reminded you of the only person who cared about you which was your grandmother, and that you loved the moon, even with its pieces missing.
But despite being the genius he is, he concluded that even though you two were literally the last people on Earth, you didn't want him. That you might want to preserve humanity, but he wouldn't ever want to do anything if it meant you didn't love him like that.
Which is why he spent fifteen years with a mannequin before he realized how crazy he looked, and kissed you.
And you kissed him back.
Five would kill for you, whether you asked or not.
Which is why he said yes to the Handler.
You had to kill, it was part of the deal, but any chance he took, he would happily take your kills. You insisted that as his wife, you were his equal, and he shouldn't have to go through so much for you.
Did he listen? No.
But you loved him anyway. Yes, you made sure to poke fun at him for spending so long with a mannequin, and he made sure to always remind you that you were jealous of a mannequin.
"Five? Are you sure this is going to work?" You asked him, staring at the portal being created before you.
"Never doubt my equations, my dear!" Five shouted over the gunshots and screaming in the background
"I love you," You kissed him, in fear that he may have been wrong and that you'd be separated.
"I know."
"Dick," You chuckled before pushing yourself through, completely unaware of how body reverse aging.
You were unprepared for the landing and hit the ground with a thud, your head colliding with the concrete and dots immediately crowded your vision.
"Shit! (Y/N)!"
"F-Five. . ."
"So. . .you're his wife?"
"Yup! Together for thirty years," You kissed his cheek as he finished making his sandwich.
"Holy shit," Allison whispered.
"How'd you meet?" Klaus asked.
"Why are you with him? Did he kill your parents?" Diego questioned.
"Even if he did, I'd thank him for it. And we met at. . .Griddys!" You quickly thought, not wanting to drop a sudden apocalypse on them.
"Wow, that place. I haven't been there in so long," Vanya reminisced.
"Her parents had just died," Five mused.
"Oh my god," Luther gasped.
"Five unknowingly saved me that day. I felt so alone in the world, like everything was just begging for me to die too. . .and he brightened up my life. He's my own shining moon," You stared at your husband, admiring his handsome face.
"Although I think the sun is pretentious, she's my very own sun. Every ray shining just for me," Five stared back at you.
Thirty years together, and yet you both looked so young. His siblings stared in amazement at how Five had managed to snatch you up, and how you both looked so in love. It was like watching an old couple who had loved eachother since the very moment they locked eyes.
True love.
"Any kids?" Allison asked.
"Fuck no."
HOPE YOU'VE ENJOYED!! I love Five sm, he's my favorite character.
— 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 —
Fluff = ♡
Angst = ❆
Request = ✩

- oneshot's -
Coming soon!
- drabbles -
Just a kiss (Fem!Reader) - ♡
All Five wants is a kiss from your dear Y / n.
- Blurbs -
“I need you, don’t you need me?” - ✩


I don't write smut
Be respectful when asking me for something
Check if the character or celebrity is on my writing list, if not, send me a message so we can work this out together
Understand that I can take a long time with requests, it's not for lack of will, but if I'm going to do something for someone, I want it to be done right.

Y/n is Five Hargreaves' real wife, he would give his life for her, and no one will EVER make me change my mind.
Me: Alright Y/n, it's time for you to become a bad bitch.
Y/n: But...why?"
Me: Trust me, it's necessary.
Y/n: Oh... okay!
"The umbruella Academy ended just like that"
No, it ends the way the Tumblr and Ao3 writers want it to end.
"Do you regret it?" | Five Hargreaves
Summary: Y/n and Five, drunk at the end of the world .
Pairing: Five Hargreaves X Fem!Reader
A/n: Is this small? Yes, but I decided to post it to ease our broken hearts for five now

"Do you regret it?" Y/n says with her head resting on Five's shoulder.
He was drunk, but not as drunk as she was.
"Of what?" He says trying to sober up so he can understand her.
"Of meeting me." Y/n says and Five laughs at the thought, they grew up together, and after everything they've been through, she asks that kind of question.
"Do you want to know what I regret?" Five says, taking her hand.
"I regret not making you happier, not marrying you, and our retirement not working out." He says and laughs at the end. Y/n lifts her head from Five's shoulder and looks at her upset.
"But you make me happy!" She says with him words a little jumbled and Five smiles softly.
"No, I don't make , I just drag you into every mess I get myself into I'm terrible, grumpy, and I don't understand anything about feelings, I'm sorry." Five says taking Y/n's hand and intertwining his fingers with hers.
"Yes dear?"
"I wish I had married you." She speaks softly and Five smiles closing his eyes.
"I would also love to see you in a white dress." He says imagining her in a beautiful white dress.
"But maybe in another universe... we got married, right?"
"Or maybe you found someone better for you." He says it jokingly, but it hurts to think about love with someone else.
"As if anyone else would put up with me like this."
"You say that as if you weren't the most incredible woman in the world." He gives her a little kiss on the head and keeps his mouth there with his eyes closed.
"Maybe in another universe you would end up with Lila." She says this, and Five frowns.
"I'd rather be killed."
"But if I wasn't in this universe?"
"Well, then my life would be nothing but sadness." Five can't even think about the possibility of living a life without his Y/n by his side, and if there is such a universe, where his Y/n isn't there, he wants to stay far away from it.
They were silent for a while, and Five couldn't help but imagine their wedding, it would be just the way she wanted it.
"Would you prefer to get married in the church or outdoors?" Y/n asks and Five smiles
"She was imagining that too."
"Which do you prefer?" He asks, squeezing her hand tighter.
"I'm not sure."
"Well, I would like it to be just the way you dreamed."
"What's your dream wedding Five?" Y/n says with and Five's smile widens.
"One where you're the bride and I'm the groom."
Please Aidan, blink three times if you need help.
Walk in (Five x reader imagine)

A/N: these ideas are just freaking attacking me like seagulls bro, anyway hope yall enjoy
Warning: yall know the drill
Plot: you and five are longtime friends with each other, you runs run into an awkward encounter
"You get the limo out front ooh wah ooh!" You sing along. Ahh yes, nothing like a Saturday morning listening to you favorite throwback bops. Although you and five usually listened to rock or pop together, this was the one side he has yet to see. Despite your comfort around him due to many years of friendship, this version of you was never exposed to him. This was your personal side, your alone side, and it just never came to your mind to act this loosely around your cru- best friend.
"YOU GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS-" you practically scream. Instead of putting on your shirt like a normal person you got distracted. You start dancing. Yes get it girl! Millie rock, the woah, you had no idea what you were doing but you were so careless so free. You then busted out this one move that probably doesnt have a name, but it was between twerking and swaying your hips. It was like the churning the butter move but with your booty, on crack.
"YOU GET THE BE-EHHHHAHHH!" You scream as Five appears in your room. Still shirtless, you quickly hold your shirt to your chest.
Oh my gouda.
This cant be happening.
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, fives smiles turns into a laugh. It was funny to him seeing you so goofy, but it was also nice to see you so care free. You guys usually played chess, watched movies, talked about deep topics and memories of the past. All which involved you being serious, or holding some type of concentration. This situation was different.
"Oh shut up!" You blushed, quickly putting on your shirt.
"What?" You wake up five from his trance. Was he...staring at you? He clears his throat, avoiding eye contact.
"Yeah uh um," he stuttered. Diego part two. "Luther got stuck in the door way at the grocery store, and it was really funny. I wanted to show you."
Oh wow. You smile and playfully roll your eyes.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming." Five made his way out your door. You looked at him confused.
"Arent we gonna jump there?"
"Nah I was think we could drive. I'm a little drained from time jumping all day." Drained MY ASS. You know dang well for a fact five never gets tired from traveling small distance.
"Knowing that oaf, he'll still be stuck by the time we get there." He reassured. Little did you know he wanted more time with you. More time to tease you, yes, but still. Just the two of you.
"Killer dance moves by the way," he pokes fun at you as you guys walk down the hall.
"Really five?" You blush, faking annoyance.
"And floral print looks good on you."
You roll your eyes.
"You know I swear I saw Mickey mouse printed on there too. Can I double check?" Your shade of red darkened, if even possible. You lightly push his shoulder."Shut it will you..."
Knowing five, he will probably be teasing you about this for weeks.
Picture watching Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix at 1 in the morning with Five but he’s already fallen asleep laying in between you because he’s tired all the time (and old) and the only source of light in the dark room is from the tv playing in the background…..
what more could you want in life?
started to miss five so I decided to watch the umbrella academy for the umpteenth time which then led to me missing him even more. which then led to me imagining what life would be like dating five now that the universe was reset
(Update: this shit was made before that shithole of a new season came out…so I’m still going to pretend this is what happened instead of that mess of a last season)
• you and five would find a place in Greenwich village were you live together
• because you don’t have to worry about about saving the world every two seconds you two can actually get some sleep for the first time in ages
• you CANNOT convince me that five is the big spoon. have you seen this man??? he tried to be the big spoon once and wouldn’t stop moving around till you flipped him over and let him be the little spoon [he fell asleep instantly with you embracing him :,) ]
• five is almost always awake before you so most of the time you wake up to breakfast already ready on the table with coffee prepared just the way you like it :))
• if you somehow manage to wake up before five you lay in bed staring at his beautiful features till he wakes up and catches you staring. who wouldn’t stare tho.
•five being the old man he is likes to spend his day at the park observing nature’s beauty and your beauty.
•after a long day of NOT saving the apocalypse you’d come and five being the loving husband he is tries to make dinner for you
•but ofc he somehow manages to burn pasta so instead you order pizza for dinner alongside a nice glass of wine.
• something that became routine after drinking wine at dinner was slow dancing to music.
• one song that frequently plays after dinner is Come In, Mr. Lonely.
•what makes this song so special is that five hardly ever sings but it’s one of the few songs he will sing out loud and it’s because of you <33
• five would definitely hold you close as you both tipsily sway back and forth.
• he seems like the type to whisper “i love you” into your ear while the song plays in the background.
• after dinner you both make your way back to the bedroom where you share drunken kisses and end the night with you hugging five while his head is on your chest and listens to the beating of your heart which makes him go to sleep faster than ever.
I’m being delulu so i started wondering (¡again!) what life with five would be post-season 3. But like…he’s a teacher in this…
* after all his siblings left when Reggie reset the universe you’re left with a mopey five
* you’re both pretty sad the first couple of days having just lost the people you love most :(
* but we don’t have time to be sad we need to get jobs!!!
* im gaslighting myself into believing that five and you have a place to stay the first night in the new timeline instead of being homeless 💀
* five becomes a teacher in the new timeline and you can’t convince me otherwise
* and what do you know!! you become a teacher too :D
* five would definitely teach math while you’d teach history (cuz you traveled through time when working with the commission, idk just go with it)
* while your classes may be a bit hard for the students you two are definitely the schools favorite teachers!!
* i mean why wouldn’t you be? the students can’t get enough of the two mysterious young teachers who showed up out of nowhere in the middle of the school year….
* you two definitelyyyy didn’t threaten the previous math and history teachers to quit their jobs or else they’d be dead by nightfall
* I just know many students are crushing on you BOTH. have you seen yourself lately? You look great ;)
* you both find it funny tho cuz they believe they’re crushing on teachers who are in their early 20s when it’s actually two 50 year olds in their younger bodies
* you two wouldn’t be the type to eat lunch with the rest of the faculty. you’d eat together in each other’s classroom enjoying your time together even if it’s for a short time
* five’s the type of boyfriend/teacher who interrupts your class for the dumbest reasons just cuz he wants to see you :,)
“can i borrow your stapler for a minute?”
“i’m in the middle of class right now”
“Yes I’m aware but i need to finish stapling the students review packets”
“you bought a stapler yesterday…”
“yeah but yours works better”
*your students definitely find it cute :)
* after witnessing playful banter between the teachers that was a little too ~flirtatious~ the students get suspicious of what’s actually going on between their math and history teacher
* “are-are you and mr.hargreeves together..?”
* up until this point neither of you have confirmed to your students what your relationship was with each other
“unfortunately we are” you say with a smile on your face
*after confirming your relationship that day, your students spent the rest of the class asking you all types of questions about your relationship
“how did you and mr.hargreeves meet??”
“how long have you been together?”
“did you ask him out first or did he ask you?”
“why did you wait this long to tell us??”
*when your classes switch out and head to their next class with mr.hargreeves they try and pester him too about your relationship
“why aren’t you married yet?!?”
“ oh wow. i didn’t realize that was any of your business”
* you two are the kind of teachers to always be chosen to be chaperones for school dances.
*five definitely complains the entire night about being tired and wanting to go home
*who could blame him. watching over teenagers for hours making sure no one’s bumping uglies is exhausting
“how much longer till we can leave? This music’s awful. I’d rather throw myself off a building than be here.”
“Five…we just got here”
“What’s your point?”
*after a long night of watching over whore-knee kids, you head home ending the night with curling up on the couch and falling asleep in each other’s arms while The Breakfast Club plays in the background
i have no clue how to fucking end this 💀
also this shit ain’t proofread
A year later and this post is still better than the way season 4 ended 🤨🤨