Is Just - Tumblr Posts

After a year and 200k+ words, I’m nearly done my VTMB fanfic and decided to do an illustration for it.
Briar Mary dropping in to say hello to LaCroix. :)
You're not immune to being the bully btw. You're not immune to being in the wrong
things bagginshield fic writers put in their fics that never fail to have me giggling, kicking my feet in absolute giddy and delight:
"confusticate" and "confound"
Dwarves. (in bilbo's POV)
bed snuggles (especially them tangling their legs together - i am a simple woman)
balin being the president of the bagginshield club
food being an integral part of either the story or their relationship or both
them being ridiculous
gandalf in a corner with a pipe doing absolutely nothing but reacting to them being ridiculous
either of them logicking their way out of admitting they're in love. or jealous.
"speak plainly"
Awww how sweet and heartbreaking !!!
Jess McCready would love Rocky Horror Picture Show in this essay i will-
Had a dream that I was on my computer doing some dumb homework again and mother nature saw me and she said what are you doing why do you spend so much time on that device so i said homework and she said but have you looked at the stars tonight?
No of course not and she was so sad she said i made so many stars and if you stop spending so much time inside you will see my stars and if you look long enough you will see that i drew shapes in the stars. And i either modeled creatures off of those shapes or the shapes off of creatures i cant remember. But anyway if you find someone older who listened when they were younger they will tell you how the stars came to be or what the shapes are doing.
And then i made fireflies because i thought stars on earth would be cool. But don’t even get me started on bugs because i made so many!!! And often they are singing do you hear them singing? And of course they’re not singing /for/ you because that would be silly but maybe if you pay enough attention you’ll notice them singing /with/ you. And then you’ll stop smushing them stop doing that. Their lives are so short compared to yours leave them alone.
And if you follow the bugs around you’ll see the flowers that i used to color earth in. And they smell so good especially when they’ve just bloomed. So smell them now please and then follow their faces. They are looking at the sun do you see her do you feel her. She is keeping you so warm do you understand? She is single-handedly keeping everything on earth warm. And if you sit with her she will warm a part of you you didn’t even know was cold! If you just sit and listen to the bugs and smell the flowers and look around. Something inside of you will change every time
I asked her why she was telling me this and she smiled and said you were sad. You were so sad and so i thought maybe you’d forgotten all of the pretty things i made. I thought maybe you’d forgotten about the ocean and the forest and the birds and your cat that is at home missing you. I thought maybe you’d forgotten that your dog’s favorite toy is a squeaky green jellyfish which doesn’t look anything like a jellyfish really but which imitates the grass and the brainless and the mouse all at the same time. I thought you’d forgotten how when you get home he will hear you coming through the door and run to it with his jellyfish so that you will chase him for it. And i made him like that! And i made you the kind of person who would see him with it and smile big and run with him for hours. I made you happy be happy please. When you can. And everything i’ve done will help you with that so yknow. Take care be happy stop worrying.
someday as a community we will accept that the reason we’re all attracted to sakusa kiyoomi is because he’s just the mr. darcy of the haikyuu universe
and THIS moment, when he comes across her and is so concerned, and he caresses her arm

until he looks down and realizes he's not really at liberty to comfort her

but he WANTS to be

And then of course, the last long look at the door where he realizes they may never see each other againnnnnnnn

lol I’ve lowkey been putting off posting stuff from procreate but uh anyways here’s a quick Snufkin sketch I made to figure out how to make blush look.
I'm absolutely in LOVE with @birdologist's take on tieflings. I honestly thought I was the only one who drew them with big, round ears and big tails. It depends on my mood whether I draw them with hooves or peets >:]


My family just finished thriller bark so I decided to draw Cindry <3

Cringetober Day 8: Tumblr Sexyman
this website has weird taste in men
once again finally figured out my idea for this one way later than i should've, so its not as polished as i would've liked