Life Is Short - Tumblr Posts

life is strange and as beautiful as this mood board
(All pics off Pinterest!!)
i need to buy instant coffee sachets, i keep stealing my brothers… he’s gonna find out👽
Ren: You know, Minato...whenever i see you, I get reminded of life.
Minato: How?
Ren: Because life is short >:)
Minato: Why you little-
Ren: Catch me if you can, Mr.Door gets away with grappling hook
if you reblog my post and i see weird shit on your account … goodbye 😛
Had a dream that I was on my computer doing some dumb homework again and mother nature saw me and she said what are you doing why do you spend so much time on that device so i said homework and she said but have you looked at the stars tonight?
No of course not and she was so sad she said i made so many stars and if you stop spending so much time inside you will see my stars and if you look long enough you will see that i drew shapes in the stars. And i either modeled creatures off of those shapes or the shapes off of creatures i cant remember. But anyway if you find someone older who listened when they were younger they will tell you how the stars came to be or what the shapes are doing.
And then i made fireflies because i thought stars on earth would be cool. But don’t even get me started on bugs because i made so many!!! And often they are singing do you hear them singing? And of course they’re not singing /for/ you because that would be silly but maybe if you pay enough attention you’ll notice them singing /with/ you. And then you’ll stop smushing them stop doing that. Their lives are so short compared to yours leave them alone.
And if you follow the bugs around you’ll see the flowers that i used to color earth in. And they smell so good especially when they’ve just bloomed. So smell them now please and then follow their faces. They are looking at the sun do you see her do you feel her. She is keeping you so warm do you understand? She is single-handedly keeping everything on earth warm. And if you sit with her she will warm a part of you you didn’t even know was cold! If you just sit and listen to the bugs and smell the flowers and look around. Something inside of you will change every time
I asked her why she was telling me this and she smiled and said you were sad. You were so sad and so i thought maybe you’d forgotten all of the pretty things i made. I thought maybe you’d forgotten about the ocean and the forest and the birds and your cat that is at home missing you. I thought maybe you’d forgotten that your dog’s favorite toy is a squeaky green jellyfish which doesn’t look anything like a jellyfish really but which imitates the grass and the brainless and the mouse all at the same time. I thought you’d forgotten how when you get home he will hear you coming through the door and run to it with his jellyfish so that you will chase him for it. And i made him like that! And i made you the kind of person who would see him with it and smile big and run with him for hours. I made you happy be happy please. When you can. And everything i’ve done will help you with that so yknow. Take care be happy stop worrying.
Several months ago, I posted several blog entries about heartbreak. All of that is painfully true, but so much more was going on.
My condo was falling apart ~ a serious money pit that ten years of repairs couldn't fix.
My city that I loved for my entire adult life is becoming unrecognizable now. It's a fun place to visit, but it is cruel to its residents. There is no infrastructure, no accountability for anything ~ anything! The pipes and pumping stations are falling apart with no real plan or money to modernize them.
My job that I'd given my all at for 13 years became incredibly toxic, I got a promotion I knew was coming but didn't want, all while the owner was protecting my abuser. I filed formal complaints about harassing and abusive behavior that was escalating and nothing real was ever done. Someone asked him about it and he said he didn't realize what he was doing upset me (even though there were witnesses and he knew good and goddamn well). This same person was caught on camera helping to steal beer from the owner ~ the owner called ME crying about it the next day. But a few years later all of a sudden she magically believes him.
I had what I guess would be considered a high functioning nervous breakdown. high functioning because I never missed work. I became an empty shell of a person.
I was also dealing with some medical issues and taking an online grad school course ~ pretty sure that class saved my life.
Anyway, it was a truly awful time. One day I remembered my worth and decided my job, my condo, and my city were no longer worthy of me. So began the Me-era.
First Iteration: My Slutty Era!
I'm not here to do anything. My only goal in life is to enjoy it, and I think the only way I can enjoy it is if I'm helping others
trying to find something out so please rb and give your opinion on these cookies specifically in the tags