Jealosy - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

5 momentos de Liam en su relación con Zayn: / 5 moments of Liam in his relationship with Zayn:

Amo, en serio amo Ziam, ese noviazgo siempre me demuestra que hay luz aun después de la peor oscuridad.

I love, seriously I love Ziam, that courtship always shows me that there is light even after the worst darkness.

Cuando pensamos en Zayn y su actitud hacia Liam, nuestra mente se llena de recuerdos de un chico tan enamorado y a la vez temeroso de expresar libremente sus sentimientos y de la reacción de la persona que él ama al confesarle su amor... Siempre Zayn (o al menos para mi) era el que tomaba la iniciativa en cuanto abrazos , las miradas "sedientas" (lol) en entrevistas o conciertos, las canciones dedicadas, etc.

When we think of Zayn and his attitude towards Liam, our mind is filled with memories of a boy so in love and at the same time afraid to freely express his feelings and the reaction of the person he loves to confess his love ... Always Zayn (or at least for me) was the one who took the initiative as soon as hugs, the "thirsty" looks (lol) in interviews or concerts, the dedicated songs, etc.

Entonces, con Liamy *así le digo* tenemos otra situación que consta de él un poco confundido cuando Zayn le demuestra su cariño, yo notaba que en la época fetus a veces él no sabía como responder o devolver ese afecto. Ahora, no se como Liam se entero de los sentimientos de Zayn pero si se que el se dio cuenta que el empezaba a sentir lo mismo o ya lo amaba desde hace tiempo y estoy segura que él quería que Zaynie supiera que así era sólo que no sabia como... O ¿sí?

Then, with Liamy we have another situation that consists of him a little confused when Zayn shows his affection, I noticed that at the time fetus sometimes he didn't know how to respond or return that affection. Now, I don't know how Liam found out about Zayn's feelings but I do know that he realized that he was starting to feel the same or that he already loved him for a long time and I'm sure he wanted Zaynie to know that it was, just that he didn't knew how ... Or did he knew?

Y para mi es muy especial señalar las ocasiones en que Liam tomaba la iniciativa y expresaba su amor por su novio cuando menos lo esperábamos porque siempre sentí que él se mostraba confundido y no quisiera decir incomodo pero.

And for me it's very special to point out the occasions when Liam took the initiative and expressed his love for his boyfriend when we least expected it because I always felt that he was confused and didn't want to say uncomfortable but.

¡OK! Empecemos con Liam abrazando por detrás a Zayn en el escenario.

OK! Let's start with Liam hugging Zayn from behind on stage.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Es decir, me encanta como Leeyum va hasta donde su novio para hacerle saber que esta ahí con el y Zaynie solo se deja llevar. Ahhh como los odio.

I mean, I love how Leeyum goes to his boyfriend to let him know he's there with him and Zaynie just gets carried away. Ahhh how I hate them.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Continuamos con James y sus insinuaciones y coqueteos hacia Javadd (como sea que se pronuncie).

We continue with James and his insinuations and flirting towards Javadd (whatever that name is pronounced).

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

¿Acaso soy la única que piensa que Liam luce tan sexy haciendo estas cosas con Malik, seduciéndolo de esa manera? ¡No lo creo!

Am I the only one who thinks Liam looks so sexy doing these things with Malik, seducing him that way? I don't think so!

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Este es mi favorito: Lima Bean celoso. Ya sabemos lo posesivo y obvio que puede ser Zayn cuando esta celoso, pero con Liam es diferente pues es mas "discreto".

This is my favorite: Lima Bean jealous. We already know how possessive and obvious Zayn can be when he is jealous, but with Liam he is different because he is more "discreet".

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Aunque no podemos negar que su mirada asusta a cualquiera, como si quisiera matar a quien se le acerque, mire o piense en su baby. Y las señoras no son la excepción, aquí está Liam después de que la entrevistadora hablara con Zayn y se lo estuviera comiendo con la mirada. (Aunque no podemos culparla, claro. Pero cuidado con Teddy Bear).

Although we can't deny that his look scares anyone, as if he wanted to kill anyone who approaches, look or think of his baby. And the ladies are not the exception, here is Liam after the interviewer talked to Zayn and was eating him with her eyes. (Although we can't blame her, of course, but beware of Teddy Bear).

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Y otro mas porque me da mucha risa que no tolere que Zayn le preste atención a alguien mas.

And another one because it makes me laugh that he does'nt tolerate Zayn paying attention to someone else.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

No puede faltar a Ziam dedicándose canciones entre ellos o cuando se miran durante sus canciones especiales. Pero Liam cantándole a Zayn "More Than This" para que el ya no estuviera molesto y dejara de ignorarlo es la cosa mas adorable de la vida.

You can't miss Ziam dedicating songs to each other or watching each other during their special songs. But Liam singing to Zayn "More Than This" so that he is no longer upset and stops ignoring him is the most adorable thing in life.

Y los demás chicos disfrutando del momento lol.

And the other boys ejoying the show lol.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

O cuando Liam se asegura que Zayn escuche lo que tiene para decir y sepa que es solo para él.

Or when Liam makes sure that Zayn hears what he has to say and knows it's only for his beautiful ears.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Y para el final tenemos a Mc Payno sentado en el regazo de Zayn, su asiento favorito.

And for the end we have Mc Payno sitting in Zayn's lap, his favorite seat.

5 Momentos De Liam En Su Relacin Con Zayn: / 5 Moments Of Liam In His Relationship With Zayn:

Muchos ya han hablado de esto y de como Zayn esta como si nada mientras su babe esta jugando porque esto es lo que normalmente hacen cuando están solos, pero a mi me fascina que aun después de años Liam siga prefiriendo sentarse en su novio públicamente y se sienta tan cómodo al igual que Zayn. Simplemente hermoso.

Many have already talked about this and how Zayn is doing his stuff while his babe is playing because this is what they usually do when they are alone, but I am fascinated that even after years Liam still prefer to sit on his boyfriend publicly and feel as comfortable as Zayn. Just beautiful.

Bueno yo ya me despido y como siempre espero que les haya gustado leer esto y les agradezco por eso también.

Well I say goodbye and as always I hope you enjoyed reading this and I thank you for that too.


Sigan juntos.

Keep together.

Gif: Crédito a los propietarios

Credit to the owners

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10 years ago

THIS is how all relationships should be.

Honest q doesn't it bother you that other guys see her? My gf wanted to do the same but I'm a jealous guy.

Yeah it’s all in the brain… No doubt a complex situation, especially if you get jealous. And it’s not like I don’t get jealous, I just recognize it and snap myself out of it. Just think about it this way, you can either trust her, support her, be all you can be, forget about your insecurities and let her go on a journey, or you can control her, worry about her, get angry or frustrated with her, and eventually the relationship will be destroyed. Would you rather be the supportive boyfriend that has a happy girl, who, not to mention has a bunch of guys drooling over her? Or would you be the jealous boyfriend that couldn’t get a grip and tried changing the girl he fell in love with? You are in fact the one she chose over all of the others, so why would you ruin it? 

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11 years ago

I am jealous of those who think more deeply, who write better, who draw better, who look better, who live better, who love better than I.

Sylvia Plath (via qodless)

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2 years ago



Jejeje, I may or may not have spent 5 minutes looking for this gif 


He is SO CUTE 

Okay, enough thirst segment......fOR TODAY

I was told this was going to be a horror kdrama but it feels more like a comedy drama. I keep laughing.

I must confess, the fight scenes between Van and the evil guys are can notice the CGI a lot BUT THEY ARE STILL VERY GOOD

Besides, we get to see Father Eun Woo which is why I am here for.

Am I the only one that got jealous over that girl in the first episode? Like, imagine being able to day “I had Eun Woo on top of me while he whispered on my ears” 



*Cries in jealous*

Now, I shall take my leave. 


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1 year ago

People wtf, why don’t I have what you have, if I don’t have every single little plaything I see wrapped around my finger and every single dom that wants me wrapping me around their fringed by the end of the week I’m going to snap, I can’t handle this jealousy

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3 years ago

Anybody’s noticed those discordant piano notes in Olivia Rodrigo’s ‘Jealousy, Jealousy’...? I am like, genuinely impressed how they level up the crazy-with-jealousy, wild vibe of the song.

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