Jjba Abbacchio - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

All the homies know it's golden wind

2 canon gay couples, commonly headcannoned trans giorno, bruabba, and it's set in ITALY

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8 months ago

Mafiosi of the Donut Box Club!

Mafiosi Of The Donut Box Club!
Mafiosi Of The Donut Box Club!

Some of my favs, both of them have been donutted. Still not over it.

Anyways, if you have any favorite donuts feel free to let me know so they can be added to the box!

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2 years ago

Some part 5 doodles bc brain rot is real

Its canon anytime you draw Mista u have to draw stink lines, sorry guys, It's the rule

Some Part 5 Doodles Bc Brain Rot Is Real
Some Part 5 Doodles Bc Brain Rot Is Real
Some Part 5 Doodles Bc Brain Rot Is Real
Some Part 5 Doodles Bc Brain Rot Is Real

Headcanon is secco really likes squeaky toys and plushies in general so he has this pastel room all lined with plush toys and hello kitty esque merch (Hey there bunny) and cioccolata loves feeding the addiction

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7 months ago

Dadbacchio au

Chapter one

Time frame: 6 years pre-canon

Words: 1,729

Notes: I'm order to

this make sense I aged up Abbacchio, he's 20 in this (instead of 15 like he would be with his Canon age)


Abbacchio, who is still a cop, comes across a small, abandoned child while doing his daily patrol rounds in a park. When they police refuse to do anything about it, he decides to take the child home and raise them himself.

'You just had to go and run your fucking mouth, didn't you, Leone' the white haired cop cursed to himself, making his 3rd lap around his patrol area. The previous day he just had to go and make a mildly insulting comment about the head officer's plans for an upcoming assignment and was put on patrol duty for a week in result.

He groaned, pausing his walking for a moment. Patrol duty wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have to walk the whole time. He’s made his way back around to the city park, he notices. Well, since he’s already here he way as well walk around there a bit. Technically it was part of the area he was meant to patrol. 

Making his way into the park, he looks around a bit. It looks like a pretty average park. There are children running around the playground, going down slides, swinging on the swing set, and climbing on about anything that they possibly can. Over on the benches are the parents of said kids, and a couple of older kids, most sitting with their friends or parents. A few younger kids were there too, again, most with their families or friends. Except for one. A rather young looking girl sat on a small bench by herself, she looked some mix of sad and expressionless. Next to her on the bench sat a small backpack that looked almost completely empty.

Leone makes a mental note to check on her if she’s still there next time he comes around.

It took far longer than intended to make his way back around to the playground part of the park, as he had gotten tied up helping someone find their kid, who had turned out to be playing hide and seek with his friends in a farther off part of the park. After dealing with that, taking his lunch break, and finally finishing his lap around the rather large city park it was nearly dark. Most people had left the park, favoring the warmth of their homes over the cold of the night. Well, most everyone other than the kid.

The girl continued sitting on the bench, seemingly unmoved since he had last been there. The only real difference he saw was that she had put on a thin, torn up, dirty coat that looked like it just barely fit her. As he got closer, he saw that the girl was extremely dirty too. She looked like she hadn’t showered in weeks, and if his concerns were true, she probably hadn’t. 

The girl turns her head and stares at him. She doesn’t say anything and doesn’t move at all, just stares. He takes the lack of negative reaction as an ok to keep going.

“Hey, kid.” She doesn’t respond, just keeps staring. “It’s getting pretty late, y’know? Shouldn’t you head home?” He crouches down so he was closer to eye-level with the girl. Being so close made it incredibly obvious how malnourished she was, her bones poking out in almost every place they could.

“Mama will be back soon.”

That was a lie. He was sure of it. The kid had been sitting there all day with no sign of anyone coming for her. “Oh yeah? When’d your mama leave you here?” 

“..Yesterday evening”

That was…longer than he hoped, but still less than The worst scenario he'd come up with. “That's a long time.do you know how long until she'll be back?” God, he hoped the kid had an answer.

“No..” Fuck. “Mama isn't usually gone this long…” What? Had this happened before? He really wanted to just pick the kid up and take her back to the station with him, they could get things sorted out there. Find her mother and, hopefully, get her taken away. No kid deserves to just be dumped in a park for fuck knows how long and god knows what stupid-ass reason.

“How about I wait with you, and if your mom isn’t back in, let's say…an hour then I take you back to the station with me and we deal with things there, ok?” 

“You really don’t need  to, officer. I’m sure Mama won’t be long.” 

“Please, I insist. I’d like to speak with your Mama when she shows up anyway.”


“Great!” He takes a seat on the bench beside the girl. Trying to make himself seem as non-threatening as possible, which proved rather hard with all the thoughts running through his mind at the moment and his perpetual resting bitch face.

For a while the two sat in silence. Just staring at the dark playground in front of them. This was boring as hell. How had this random kid been doing this for a whole day? It was then that it properly sat in that she had been sitting there for a whole day, she had to be hungry. And cold. And she looks pretty beat up. He sighs internally, “Hey…uh, what’s your name?”


“That’s a nice name, I’m leone.” 

“Ok, mr. Leone.”

“You don’t have to be so formal, Haruno.” It was strange to him, how a kid that looked so young, probably not much older than 7 or so, is so damn polite. 

“Sorry, Mr- er, sorry Leone.’

“It’s alright, anyways, I had a question. You don’t have to answer it, but I’d like if you did.”

A short flash of concern showed on Haruno’s face, but it quickly disappeared. She didn’t respond, just stared, she did that a lot, he noted. 

“Earlier you said that your Mama isn’t usually this long, right?” She nodded, “Does this happen often? Being left in the park- I mean,” The small figure next to him seemed to hesitate, collecting her thoughts maybe.

“No…Only when Mama goes out drinking, or when she has friends over.” It was clear in her voice that she didn’t see a problem with this- that this was as normal to her as the sun rising in the morning. It pissed Abbacchio off that someone would bring a child into the world just to treat them like that, and it makes him sad that a kid so small had to put up with someone so awful.

“Is that so?” The girl nodded, avoiding eye contact by staring directly down, “What about your dad?”

“Papa doesn’t care,” He could feel the shift in Haruno’s mood as she went from sad over her mothers negligence to more bitter or resentful, maybe just downright angry about her father and whatever he did. “He does it too when he gets really mad.”

“Does he get that mad at you often?” 

As this conversation drew on Abbacchio felt himself getting more and more pissed at the parents of this poor child. She didn’t go into much detail about anything, just stating that her father got mad often and that both parents drank a lot, though from the sheer amount of fear that formed in the kids eyes as she went on made him fear the worst. He swears- as soon as he gets his hands on the brats shitty parents-

He was drawn out of his thoughts by the small beep that came from his watch.

“It’s been an hour.”

Time really does fly when you’re listening to a little kid trauma-dump, huh?

“C’mon kid, let's go,” he extends his arm a little for Haruno to grab onto, which she does after a moment of hesitation. 

“What if Mama comes back while we’re gone?” Right, she still thinks her mom’s gonna come back, doesn’t she.

“Then she’ll likely go to the station to report you missing,” He leaves the ‘if she cares enough’ to himself.

It doesn’t take long for them to arrive at the station

“Ok, real quick, before we go in, remind me how old you are?” He had completely forgotten to ask earlier, lost in trying to pick up as many little details about her parents as he could. It was gonna be hard to get the captain to listen to him at all, so having a detailed story would help.



How could a kid that fucking small be nine? Well, with what he knew about the kids family it wasn’t that surprising he supposes.

“Alright, ready?” He asks and waits for a small nod before opening the door and going in.

“Officer Abbacchio, you’re back.” The officer at the front desc said upon seeing him enter, a slight sneer in his voice. “You took so long we almost thought you had died!”

“Nope, not yet. It’s gonna take more than whatever this  town can throw at me to take me down.” The man at the counter didn’t seem to think that it was funny. “Anyways, I’m going to speak to the captain for a minute, ‘kay?” He took a few steps towards the door that led deeper into the station and let go of Haruno's hand, “Haru, you just sit there and wait for me alright?” Another nod as she sits down and stares at the door he left through.

Three knocks on the captain's door before he called for Abbacchio to enter.

“Yes Leone, is there something you need?” He seemed entirely uninterested with anything Abbachio could have to say.

“I have a report, sir.” He paused for a short moment before continuing, “In the lobby I have a nine-year-old girl. She’s pale and sickly looking and all too thin for her age, I found her while patrolling the park. Her mother left her there yesterday evening and she’s convinced that she’s coming back for her soon. She also says that this isn’t the first time that this has happened, and that both of her parents do this somewhat often.” 

The captain seemed slightly more intrigued with what he was saying, “Do you have this child’s name?”

“Haruno Shiobana, sir.”

“I see. I appreciate your concern, but there’s nothing we can do.”


“Put her back where you found her. Or take her home with you, I don’t care. You’re dismissed,” and he turned back to his paperwork.

“But sir-”

 “I said, you’re dismissed.”

“This is stupid! Outrageous! Completely insane!” Abbaccio continued to yell his thoughts on this matter as he made his way out to the lobby, stopping and taking a deep breath before entering.

“Change of plans, kid, you’re coming home with me.”


End notes!!! woooooooooooooo this took way longer than expected but its finally finished! chapter one at least! I hope you like it, if you did maybe consider showing me some support and/or checking out my Ao3

Have a good day/night/whenever you're reading this! Eat something, drink some water, get some sleep, take care of yourself! Love youuu <3

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6 months ago

Dadbaccio au chapter 2 finally yayyy

uuughhhggggh same as last time ig

Words: 649(it's short, I know sorry)


They go home in this one.

part one if you haven't read it

Ao3 version

Haruno had no fucking clue what was going on.

All she wanted to do was wait for her Mama to come back, but that officer- Mr. Leone decided that this was a big deal and that he had to do something about it. Haruno hated police officers, they never did anything about anything that mattered! Like Mr. Leone, he was worrying about Haruno when he could be doing something about the city’s drug and mafia problem.It frustrated Haruno to no end, but it wasn’t like she could do anything about it. Not now at least. When she grew up she was going to join the mafia, like the man she had found in that alley a few days ago. She would join the mafia and work her way to the top, so she could destroy the drug trade from the inside out.

Haruno was drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of someone yelling,

“This is stupid! Outrageous! Completely insane!” It was Mr.Leone. Suddenly the sound stopped and the door opened

“Change of plans kid, you’re coming home with me.”


If Haruno didn’t understand what was going on before she sure as hell didn’t now.

What was going on? Why was Mr.Leone trying to take her home with him? He seemed upset, had Haruno done something wrong? Haruno had had her fair share of less than great experiences with cops before, often being left with one to look after her while her step-father went to ‘talk’ to their captain.

Through those experiences, she learned that it’s much better to just go with them and whatever they want from her than it was to try to fight back, so, Haruno picks up her small backpack and slowly walks over next to Mr.Leone.

The taller man takes her hand once again and smiles down at her as they make their way out of the station.

They walked in silence for a while, creating a strange, eerie feel to the dark path they took back to Abbacchio’s apartment. The eerie silence was the kind that you can never quite tell if it was awkward or not, Haruno internally debates trying to start some kind of conversation with the taller man, but inevitably decides against the idea. The possible cons far outweigh the possible pros.

Soon, the pair found themselves up the stairs of a fairly average looking brick apartment, standing outside his home. After a moment of Abbacchio fiddling with his key in the lock he opens the door, allowing Haruno in before himself.

“Sorry it’s not much, but it’ll do for now.” He says as he kicks the door shut, “You can just set your bag wherever,”

Haruno set it next to the door. In case she had to make a quick escape, she wouldn’t have to leave what little she owned behind. In her bag was nothing but a coat riddled with holes and what little money she was able to pickpocket from random strangers.

The apartment walls were painted a gross yellow-beige-off white color that made everything look dirtier than it actually was- though, that’s not to say that it wasn’t. Looking around, Haruno could see various pieces of trash sitting around, mostly takeout boxes and glass bottles. Aside from that it was a pretty nice little place, a bit nicer than Haruno’s home at least.

She was once again pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Mr. Leone’s voice.

“You probably haven’t eaten today, right? I’ll start dinner.”

Ok, now Haruno was certain that Leone wanted something from her. Taking her out of the, admittedly very cold and uncomfortable, park to his apartment, and now making her food? Something was definitely up with this.

“...Ok. Thank you, mr- Leone,”

“It’s no problem, kid. You- uh- you can just..sit in the kitchen with me, I guess.”

Haruno didn't respond, just followed him to the kitchen.


Wooooooo it's doneeee

Took longer than I wanted it to but whatever

Ive been pretty busy lately and will be for a while so chapters are gonna be far apart, sorry.

I think this fic will have either 5 or 6 chapters and then I have plans to make this a series.

Uhhh but yeah

Thats it, hope it wasn't too bad

Go eat food, drink water, and get some rest. Have a great day/night, love you! <3

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3 years ago

Ever since I’ve found this blog I’ve been making jokes with my homies about Abbacchio having massive tiddies and I cannot thank you enough for that

We stan mr. big tiddies 👐👐👐

Ever Since Ive Found This Blog Ive Been Making Jokes With My Homies About Abbacchio Having Massive Tiddies

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4 years ago
2nd In My Sleeping Slave Series- Again The Character Model Is Not Mine, I Just Rigged It And Retextured

2nd in my sleeping slave series- again the character model is not mine, i just rigged it and retextured it

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10 months ago
Estoy Tan Obsesionado Con Este Ship

Estoy tan obsesionado con este ship 😭😭

Im so obsessed with this ship 😭😭

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1 year ago
Yeah Russians Don't Stop Shooting Even On Holidays. The Siren Sounded Several Times While I Was Drawing
Yeah Russians Don't Stop Shooting Even On Holidays. The Siren Sounded Several Times While I Was Drawing
Yeah Russians Don't Stop Shooting Even On Holidays. The Siren Sounded Several Times While I Was Drawing

Yeah russians don't stop shooting even on holidays. the siren sounded several times while I was drawing this art. Happy new year:/

Yeah Russians Don't Stop Shooting Even On Holidays. The Siren Sounded Several Times While I Was Drawing

Leone is so happy just like me

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5 months ago

For JoJotober day 15 I love them sm and they’re the only ship of mine that qualifies as an otp lol. I like the idea that Bucciarati gets super affectionate when drinking so I want w that :]

For JoJotober Day 15 I Love Them Sm And Theyre The Only Ship Of Mine That Qualifies As An Otp Lol. I

And here’s the prompt I used :3

For JoJotober Day 15 I Love Them Sm And Theyre The Only Ship Of Mine That Qualifies As An Otp Lol. I

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11 months ago

which one of yalls did this 😭


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4 years ago

Abbacchio relationship headcanons

I have come back from being lazy and semi dead to bring you some Abba HC’s that were fueled by spite💖


Abbacchio isn’t vocal about his feelings or emotions. He’s better at listening than at talking so he’ll often listen to your problems and lend a shoulder to cry on but will cinch up and refuse to talk about his own problems more often than not. A surefire way to get him talking is either waiting until he comes to you in a drunken stupor and begins to pour his heart out or gently coax him out of his shell in a safe and comfortable environment.

If the latter is happening more often than the former, congrats! You have earned Leones's trust and chances are that he fell for you. Although you will probably have to confess your feelings first.

Dates with him will be either very cliché or very cozy. Leone won't think twice about taking you out on a late-night dinner date or a wine tasting in his favorite vineyard, but more often he’ll want to stay curled up on the couch and watch some of your favorite movies. Like a cat, he’s ready to bask in your presence and soak up your radiant beauty.

Abbacchio kept his workout routine from his days in the police force. His apartment had an old office room he repurposed into an at-home gym. You'll find him lifting weights before breakfast or in the afternoon. If you have any artistic capabilities, this is the perfect time to pull out a sketchbook and draw him, at any other time he’ll shy away and hide.

He’s not opposed to receiving physical affection. Leone likes feeling you close to him and showing you off to anyone and everyone around gives him a confidence boost like you've never seen before. So more often than not he’s stuck by your side with an arm around your waist.

Leone has a secret passion for drag. He likes experimenting with makeup and fashion. You'll either be helping him put together an outfit or be his model. Watching Rupaul’s Drag Race and trying out the looks of your favorite queens is a ritualistic experience that you do at least twice a month.

Although, saying that, Abbacchio is a mess when it comes to wearing heels. He just doesn’t feel stable in them since he’s already pretty tall. Though it's very entertaining to watch him shimmy around from room to room and spew curses when he stumbles.

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