Job Loss - Tumblr Posts
Being sick is an excuse: Episode 4
Perhaps not an illness, but he loved to praise my ability to operate when exhausted.
He took the fact that I could function on 2 - 3 hours of sleep as an invitation to push those boundaries. For two years after my secrets had been divulged he said “It’s amazing you need so little sleep” and kept me at our his house until 4 am when I had to be at work for 9am.
I eventually lost that job (after I had officially cut ties thankfully) primarily because the HR department took my cry for help as an invitation to use my situation against me. But I can’t deny that my serious and chronic lack of sleep affected my performance.
When I said as much, I was accused of pitting my stupidity at work on him. I functioned just fine without sleep. I was just making excuses.
The Purge
So this one will hit hard for anyone who has went through a large layoff, and been one of the ones still standing after it all. I have been laid off a few times, but until a bit more recently I had never experienced this from the side of those left behind. Tried to work a little of that feeling into this, and then twisted it a little and ramped it up to a 9. Her chest heaved as she tried to get…
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