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I get being upset about Bonnie not being invited to the Mikaelson ball, but here you go once again, blaming Caroline for a choice the writer's made, something she had no part of. People are getting weird AF with their anti Caroline stance and it's getting ridiculous.
Here you go once again, putting words I didn't say in my mouth.
Does it upset me that Bonnie wasn't invited to the ball? Yes. Does Caroline being there make me mad? No. Do I think she shouldn't have come? Yes, I certainly think so.
I complained about Caroline and Matt being there because plot wise it was absolutely stupid and it made no sense. They didn't add absolutely nothing to the events developing there, and their presence was completely unneeded: Caroline and Matt were there solely because of Klaus and Rebekah/delena. This was the moment the showrunners decided to start writing klaroline, exclusively and only because the fans liked their first scene together, so they decided to have her going to the ball just to have their "romance" developing, which made no sense for her at all;
Klaus literally tried to kill her a few episodes prior, he had Tyler bite her on her birthday leaving her on the brink of death and then he showed up to heal her. Where is her self-preservation? Wasn't she scared of him at all?
It's funny to me that she only accepted to go because of Rebekah inviting Matt. Did she thought he was in potential danger? Did she decide to go to try to protect him? I get she was worried about her friend, but this is slightly strange.
Matt was just there for Rebekah and to make Damon and Elena fight because of his altercation with Kol, nothing else, and his presence and the issue he caused wasn't that serious because they made up an episode later. Why would he go? He was a human on a house full of the oldest vampires to ever live, and he was aware of this. I'm aware Matt isn't the brightest person to walk the earth, but everybody knows a human shouldn't be around bloodthirsty vampires.
Again, just stupid. Caroline and Matt shouldn't have been at the ball, that's all. Elena and the Salvatore going made sense: she was the doppelgänger, Stefan had story with them and Damon wouldn't allow her to go anywhere without any of them.
Bonnie, however, had every single reason to be there:
She was Ayana's descendant.
Esther would want to meet a Bennett witch, seeing she was best friends with one once and she knew they were powerful allies.
She had been more close than anyone to killing Klaus: the fact that he didn't try to seduce her or try to kill her was ooc, especially because he befriended witches before klaroline came in.
Kol loved witches and this bitch knows everything about everyone. It surprises me that he didn't try to get her on his side or at least use her to try to take down any member of his family.
The Bennett bloodline is far more powerful in magic terms than any other family could ever be, their blood was needed for like half of the most powerful spells and the fact that not a single person thought about getting on Bonnie's good side is completely stupid.
What is ridiculous is that people dickride 3x14 to hell because of the fanservice. I love this episode, but calling out it's flaws it's not a bad thing.
Kennett endgame
I would have Kennett be a thing from season 3
And there’d be a Cinderella moment where the whole room stops and goes silent momentarily because she looks so beautiful. And Bonnie brings a date but Kol spends the whole evening watching her so much so that he even gets distracted from his plans with Rebekah involving breaking Matt’s throwing arm, which is just as well considering how cosy Matt and Rebekah get once they’re in the parking lot.
Instead of that random doctor, Alaric was mulling around with Kol would spot Bonnie in the bar playing pool (because she didn’t want Caroline to be alone in the bar with Klaus etc). He almost doesn’t recognise her in plain clothes but recognises the eyes immediately. Obviously, Kol starts flirting, Bonnie is having none of it and ignores him until he becomes too irritating to ignore.
Then there’s a lot of back and forth, Kol flirts even harder and Bonnie without meaning to flirts back even just a tiny bit. It becomes quite humorous because every time Kol goes anywhere near Bonnie she moves away in the other direction, so it turns into a slow-motion game of chase around the pool table. (Which is even funnier when you remember that Kol is a vampire)
Kol shocks Bonnie because he can immediately tell she’s a vampire and even confess to knowing a thing or too about Bennett witches and their magic but as soon as Bonnie enquiries further Kol passes out because one of his other siblings is daggered and Alaric rushes Bonnie out of the bar.
I’d have a million moments all through season 3 and 4 like the first eye sex moment they had together. Just subtle little flirtations here and there. Somehow, Bonnie would always end up being the one thwarting Kol’s plans and besting him. Which intrigues him just as much as it frustrates him and he finds himself completely fascinated with Bonnie.
In the second hallway scene instead of trying to attack Bonnie, he finds her and subtly threatens her and she not so subtly threatens him back. He says something along the lines of “I know you’re plotting against me and my family, It won’t work. So I’m giving you the chance love, as I said I have a soft spot for witches especially ones as pretty as you but I only have so much patience, so don’t push me”
And she smiles and asks if he considers this pushing him and releases the spell from hell and paralyses him and runs.
Maybe I’d kill Kol - only not by way other either of the Gilberts because that was just insulting - and I’d have Kol come back and ask Bonnie fro her help at graduation and she’d say yes OR I’d have them team up o something else and Kol would help Bonnie control her magic and might even steal his mother’s grimoire for her to use and to piss Klaus off.
At the end of season 4 when the Originals are leaving I can see Kol seeking out Bonnie who asks him if he’s going to NOLA with Klaus and Kol responding by saying that he’s going as far away from his siblings as possible and the then cheekily asks her to come with him Bonnie, laughs at him, scoffs and declines even though Kol was being serious. He tells he she can’t stay in MF forever she asks why not, ‘lots of people stay in the town they grew up in’ and Kol responds with you’re not most people Bonnie Bennett’
The next time they see each other is when Bonnie agrees to go to New Orleans with Caroline. They become a couple on The Originals and Bonnie becomes stronger than ever as a witch.



About "The Vampire Diaries"
The First Character I Fell In Love With: Elena Gilbert
The Character I Never Expected To Love As Much As I Do Now: Klaus Mikaelson
The Character That Everyone Loves That I Don’t: Anna
The Character That I Love That Everyone Else Hates: Hayley Marshall (Honestly!)
The Character I Used To Love But Don’t Any Longer: None that I can think of.
The Character I Would Totally Smooch: Jeremy Gilbert
The Character I’d Want To Be Like: A mixture of Elena and Caroline
The Character I’d Slap: Damon
A Pairing That I Love: Stelena, Klaroline and Kennett
A Pairing That I Despise: Klayley (Yes, I love Hayley, but I never and most likely never will like them and the only reason I tolerate this pregnancy story is because of the idea that the baby will bring the Mikaelson family together- Aside from that, I hate it!)
LIFE HAD PREVIOUSLY been significant; before a lovely dawn. A memory crammed within the confines of a letters of remembrance, scrawled with careless chuckles and profound joys. Waffles strewn with otherworldly quantities of syrup, as tiny spirals of heavenly pity blossom through the monotonous turmoil of realism.
A beautiful relationship between three girls; flows smoothly when introduced in excellent language. It is nothing like a dream with such amazing participation. A girls steadies a lovestruck so sweetly reciprocated, blissfully ignorant of the throat-scratching yells and anxious headaches. Only an ideal existence could compare to exchanging ever-growing grins and infectious companionship.
Caroline noticed the crimson red and golden tint flashing over her knuckles. She moved her attention to find herself in a cracked mirror. In frustration, she hits the mirror. She felt her throat burn as she looked into her own mirror, wanting to sob. She eventually achieved her wish. She was entirely liberated. She had been set free. She has taken back control of her life. She survived, she got herself, Katherine, and Bonnie out.
click here to read more

for my story serendipity I did two moodboards for our favorite girls !!