Killer Bitty - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 years ago

We need some baby bitties!

Horror: man, either it’s the same person or it’s multiple but you guys are pretty thirsty for some baby bitties, huh?

Killer: well suck it up buttercups, deme and horror aren’t due to procreate anytime soon and if somehow, someway one other member of the group has a baby, owner’s selling that thing off for major cash. 

Nightmare: do you know how expensive baby bitties are, and how fragile they are? that’s just begging for a bad time.

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6 years ago

How about both of them? :p

*Something inside Murder basically fractures at the thought of them being the same person* 

Murder: oh my gods. 

*He then crouches with his skull in his hands as Toriel pets his head* 

Toriel: Calm down Murder, they aren’t that bad, I personally think their teasing is a little adorable!

Horror: heh, despite your lack of skin they seem to get under it a lot. 

*Killer, Horror and Nightmare snicker* 

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6 years ago

psst hey, can one of you bitties steal Dotchi's sketch and show it to us?

*Dotchi is swathed in blankets watching comfort movies while the bitties look to one another* 

Murder: no. 

*Murder stands his ground while looking to the other two*

Killer: yeeesssss…. 

Nightmare: sending it out into the world is like letting out some eldritch evil.

Killer and Nightmare: let’s do it. 

*They steal the sketchpad hidden in the drawers and quickly take pictures of it while the heartsona absorbs soup, not noticing them*

Psst Hey, Can One Of You Bitties Steal Dotchi's Sketch And Show It To Us?
Psst Hey, Can One Of You Bitties Steal Dotchi's Sketch And Show It To Us?
Psst Hey, Can One Of You Bitties Steal Dotchi's Sketch And Show It To Us?

Killer: MY EYES! 

*Horror just walks in and sees this*

Horror: the hell is wrong with their arms in the last picture? 

Nightmare: looks like they were flinching their arms up when the papyrus head grabbed him and forced them together. that or she’s worse at drawing hands than the rest of this picture. 

Killer: IT BURNS!

Nightmare: we hope you’re happy now anon, it has been released into the world.

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6 years ago


Dotchi: Tried more Sketches when I wasn’t sick and after I asked for tips from the Soriel Discord, so I drew the bitties again. 


The ones I like best is the ones with Nightmare with the Plushie Toriel ( @mage0flight you gave me the idea of the plushie Toriel with your newest Sofftale blog even if she isn’t Softtale Toriel), but I am also pleased with Murder and Toriel’s sketches because I at least attempted this more (I really need to learn how to draw good hands though.)

Killer’s was used to fill blank space and I’m not too happy with it. 

Then there’s Horror and Deme’s picture:


I honestly love these two but I wish I could have done a better job, I really suffered on Deme’s pose and outfit as you can tell by the faded parts of the sketch. 

(Please note: I am trying to learn how to draw and because this is my main blog I will be posting my attempts here. 

So get ready for bad drawings like these as I try to get better, please be ready for it and I apologize in advance. Blacklist the tag ‘Sketch’ if it’s too awful for you.)

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6 years ago

Happy Valentine’s Day!

*The Bitties throw heart-shaped confetti with Coffee holding Dotchi with a smile, Deme there as she planted a kiss then on Horror’s skull, Murder grinning to Toriel while Killer wasn’t even a part of it all, with the other Killers and a few other aromantic bitties just ducking out of the day.* 

Toriel: Hope you all are going to have a wonderful Valentine’s Day with whoever you are with! 

Murder: and if you have no one, you can visit the bitty store, we got Valentine’s to give and pick-up lines that need to be given, and if you request a particular bitty, well then you obviously get a special blurb of your own. 

Horror: doubt there’s gonna be much turn out though,

*He grins and shrugs* 

but ya can prove me wrong.

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6 years ago

You’re not alone Nightmare

Rating: G 

Characters: Nightmare, Killer, Nightmare and Dream Bitties

Nightmare was standing on a platform in the Nightmare and Dream room, watching as brothers raced around with each other or were given Valentines by other bitties that crushed on them, others secluding themselves for dates- food for such dates being made by Teeths and Horrors in the pantry and sent out- Nightmare watching as another Dream and Nightmare raced past his platform as music thrummed through the house, Void and Coffee playing romance music because Void was definitely a match-maker yet the turn-tables were too big for him to handle himself, so he was working with the bara to make a great playlist.

Nightmare thumbed his Valentine that he was going to give to Toriel, seeing as she was the only female he spent time around, it being a heart that was lined with black lace as he had no idea what to write on it before finally settling with ‘Hope your Valentine’s Day has everything you want in it’, but he backed out at the last moment.

Ruining what friendship he had with her was just not worth it.

He closed his eyes and hit his head with the heel of his hand before tucking the Valentine in his pocket, hearing laughter as he looked and saw another Dream and a Nightmare pushing off paper airplanes off a high platform to see who could go the furthest, others playing tag and others actually sparring, having fun with each other as the brotherly pairs had no interest in anyone at the shop.

Nightmare never had enough time with his brother to celebrate a holiday with, being given consciousness a day after Christmas- and being put into the shop a couple of days later to wait for the week and three days before being picked up by Owner, the piece of trash had never been one for the Holidays either, so he had never celebrated with anyone before.

He tried to picture what it would have been like if he did stay long enough, eating chocolate with Dream or sparring with him, maybe laughing at lame cards or greeting people that visited to get their loved ones a Valentine’s Day Bitty.

But after picturing those things he would always remember his brother sitting in the hands of a married couple supporting their colicky baby, his bright starry eyes sparkling as he stared to them with a smile, barely sparing Nightmare a glance as the small family turned from him and walked away.

Nightmare felt a bubble of hatred for himself and his brother well up inside him as he plopped down on his backside, wrapping himself with his arms and tentacles to bring himself comfort as he closed his eyes, feeling the hatred stew inside him before he heard the slam of another body right beside him as his head jerked up, looking to see Killer beside him.

“ hey.” The empty-socketed bitty winked to his friend before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a live heart, grabbing Nightmare’s hand and forcefully opening it to put the organ in it as Nightmare found it was still sticky with blood even if it was slightly chilled, looking to his friend.

“ i have no heart so i thought it would be best to give someone else’s to you.” Killer grinned as he rocked back and forth, not going to elaborate on the animal he obviously killed to gain the organ, “ i hate mushy gushy crap, but what i hate more is when you look like someone who got their pet shot.”

Nightmare hummed and gave it a slight squeeze as the blood seeped in between his gooey fingers. He then grasped Killer’s arm with his tentacles and pulled it to him, tugging up his sleeve with a hard yank as he started painting a message in blood on his friend’s arm, Killer taking his arm back when Nightmare deemed it time to let go as the other bitty looked down to his arm and saw painted in blood ‘ You’re my Best Friend’.

“ took ya that long to realize it?” Killer smirked as Nightmare merely smiled back, it becoming more and more genuine as Killer shot off dark joke after dark joke- Nightmare had issues that couldn’t be resolved with just a small moment like this, but he was happy he had his best friend to be his Valentine.

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6 years ago

Killer, what's your best pick-up line?

Killer: made it pretty clear i’m not interested in that stuff, that stuff makes me sick, the closest you’re gonna get is me removing the heart of your enemy, that’s my biggest and only kind of pick-up line. 

*He shrugs as the other four Killers and other romantic bitties nod in agreement before turning their attention to the Horror film they were watching*

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6 years ago

I was tagged, thought it was sweet and decided to do it... Hope it goes well!

*Calls in every bitty that isn’t directly to be bought out of the shop*

Bitty Questions

These are just some fun questions for people to get to know your bitties!

+Who was your first bitty?

*Three Lamia Bitties show up as on the count of three both pose with the one with the shinest purple scales puts his hand on his chest with stars sparkling around them, the one with the fuzziest coat and red pattern crosses his arms and the golden-fanged larger lamia immediately dabs the hell out of his entrance* 


Zalman: … -The sssssssstubborn Coral. 

*Magnar made a face at Arach behind his back as Zalman chuckled slightly* 

They’ve become better with each other while taking care of the hatchlingsssssss believe it or not.

+Who is the shortest and tallest of your bitties?

Coffee: E-Erm… If we were going by adoptables in g-general that would be me... 

*The bara raised a hand before lifting up the happily chirping and grumbling Dietyrus Pele whom he had been giving love and affection with the Harbinger Bitty Leti on his shoulder with Horror* 

But Zalman and Nagarada the b-biggest otherwise.

*Said Twister Nagarada waves from beside Coffee, still wearing his duct tape blue ribbon* 

Nagarada: And for the smallest? That would have to be Geist. 

*A Ghoulrus Bitty peeks from Murder’s hood before shying in as Murder and Toriel chuckle in care for the bitty*

+Any of your bitties need special attention? (Physical or mental)

Toriel: Yes. Killer needs to be near Nightmare a lot or one of us that sibling bonded with him or else there would be dusting...

Murder can’t be left alone with the other Sans bitties too long or he gets agitated, Horror needs to be constantly fed or he would be experiencing starvation symptoms very quickly, Arach and Magnar need to be constantly validated- which they are through the baby bitties- Geist needs low light and little attention to himself, Pele needed the lower half of the shop child-proofed so things don’t fall on him and squish him... And I believe that’s it unless you want to go into our deeper traumas then most everyone here needs the help ^^

+Which bitty/bitties have most in common with you?

Dotchi: All of them have something in common with me someway or another, I would say though I relate to Toriel and Zalman the most at the moment, trying to be helpful, comforting and kind of quiet, though there have been times in my life I was most like Nightmare and Murder, in a dark place seeking validation and help- something that has been coming back more and more unfortunately- and when I was very little I was a lot like Brand the Centaurus and like Arach bursting with energy and life, wanting praise and adoration from a lot of people, but yeah. the only one that I haven't really been is Pele, I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone mistake me for a god and worship me. 

*She laughs*

+Any babybones or kid bitties?


*The Mamba stated bluntly while all other eyes went to the Horror Bitty, who merely stared blankly back* 

Horror: Deme and I haven't even mated yet, we’ll get there, don’t put your clothes in a twist.

*Leti snorted beside him*

+Who’s the most independent?

*There was a silence in the room as they all looked to each other before Zalman, Toriel, Brand and Nagrada raised their hands* 

Nagrada: We’re usually taking care of the others, so while we would rather be with everyone else we’re the most independent.

+Now who’s the most clingy towards you?

*Magnar, Arach and Zalman wave their hands while slithering onto the Heartsona that had been pulled into Coffee’s arms with Pele happily resting on top already with Nagrada*

Dotchi: These six are pretty clingy, not that I mind that much, it makes me feel pretty good actually!

+Any bitties get jealous for your attention?

Zalman: Arach and Magnar are bad.... Better since Hatchlings came. 

*Zalman asserted*

Leti: The seem to really fight for each other’s attention more than they do for the Mortal. 

*Leti pointedly looks at Murder, Toriel, Nightmare, Horror, Killer and Geist* 

+Do they all get along pretty well?

Nightmare: Yeah we seem to find a way to be a cohesive unit. Somehow.

+If there are some bitties who fight sometimes/often, who are they?

*Everyone looks pointedly at Killer before Arach and Magnar*

Killer: … i got better. 

Magnar: And Ssssssso did Ara and I. No fighting in front of hatchlingssssss. 

+Any picky eaters?

Horror: ya kiddin’ us kid? other than killer here who wants the tears of his enemies mixed inta his food we all ain’t picky. 

+Do any of them sleep with you?

Murder: Toriel, Nightmare, Killer and I live in a place together and Horror is constantly off with his future mate but the rest of them do.

Coffee: I have my own room, as does Geist so he isn’t overwhelmed, the rest stay with her unless I steal her for a night.

+Who’s the most spoiled?

*Everyone looks around before pointing to Pele, Arach, Magnar and Coffee, Pele, Arach and Magnar being happily pampered in Coffee’s arms by the two of them*

Toriel: We don’t mind it though, Pele, Arach and Magnar were labeled as pretty high-care for affection when Dotchi got them.

And it’s not as if she ignores us, she just spoils the four of them most, when the shop’s not up and running Zalman is always treated well, as are the rest of us to our needs, we handle it like any other big family can!

*She beamed in pride*

+Do any of them have mates?

Horror: i gotta for the future named Deme, and if murder gets off his ass he’ll get tori too. 

*He then looks to the others* 

coffee and Dotchi are mated and Arach, Magnar and Zalman are basically parents to the baby bitties dunno about the others though, they still need ta be properly introduced to the shop, might find someone there.

+Have any of them not warmed up to you yet?

Dotchi: Nagrada, Leti, Geist and Brand need to spend a little more time with us, but they’re basically brand new and they’re already settling in nice, Pele’s the only one who’s down with the love we’re all giving him right off the bat, though Brand is pretty receptive I have to say.

+Who’s the newest addition to your family?

*Everyone points up*

Tag!: Argh... Um... You guys can just do it if you guys want, I ain’t gonna force anyone into doing this, go ahead- I would love to see what you guys do! :D

Bitty Questions

These are just some fun questions for people to get to know your bitties!

+Who was your first bitty?

+Who is the shortest and tallest of your bitties?

+Any of your bitties need special attention? (Physical or mental)

+Which bitty/bitties have most in common with you?

+Any babybones or kid bitties?

+Who’s the most independent?

+Now who’s the most clingy towards you?

+Any bitties get jealous for your attention?

+Do they all get along pretty well?

+If there are some bitties who fight sometimes/often, who are they?

+Any picky eaters?

+Do any of them sleep with you?

+Who’s the most spoiled?

+Do any of them have mates?

+Have any of them not warmed up to you yet?

+Who’s the newest addition to your family?

Tag: @sirpumpkinlumps @nsfwalphatalelioness @chrysalis-the-centaur-queen @roseclaw123 @unseensilver @selkiesbittybonanza @noragamilover01

Feel free to do this if you’d like~!

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5 years ago

My Babies! Thank you CalmChapsArt! It looks beautiful and I appreciate it so much :’)

Commission For @dotchi13 With These 2 Boys Exploring Their Home

Commission for @dotchi13 with these 2 boys exploring their home

Thank you again!

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8 months ago

There is a pineapple on the ceiling!

Nightmare: Mhmm, Yeah, like we're gonna fall for that one.

*Camera pans over his shoulder to Horror, Deme and Killer looking up at the ceiling for any pineapples*

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