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Thoughts on Crisis on Infinite Earths (Part 3)
Let me just say before starting, I have high hopes but I feel like it’s gonna end in tears.
Again, continuity! How is Earth-203 still around??
Oracle?? Yessss
‘its his first crossover’ Ralph baby
Ryan? What show did he appear on before? I honestly don’t remember
Thank you Cisco. I also don’t like the name Anti-Monitor.
Wow, the Monitor is really bad at his job
I feel like re-instating Vibe is a violation
Also, where has Nash been? Like, he was there for a minute at the end of part 1 but that’s it
Oh here he is
What side is he on?
Okay he’s on Anti side
The Monitor seems to know too much– he knew Vibe would be needed like that
Kate. This is a trap. It has to be.
Earth 666. How forshadow-y.
Oh hey Lucifer, what’s up?
I don’t watch that show but I’ve heard of it, and I’m sure people are freaking out rn
Is he flirting with Mia??
'Daddy issues’ oof
Wow ok bye that was fun
Cisco. It’s a trap. How much you wanna bet?
Jay??? What are they doing to you?
Oh, they didn’t know about Earth-2 at this point? That sucks
Ralph looks so offended poor kid
Wow the Monitor/Anti-Monitor are looking and sounding more and more like Thanos rn
Paragon!Clark spouting wisdom
Oh hey! Black Lightning! Hi! What’s up?
Tbh, I only watched the first season of BL, but at some point I’ll get around to watching the rest
Oh jesus his Earth is gone? You shouldn’t have told him like that
Kara and Kate are a fantastic dynamic. I need more of this in life.
The tension in here is laughable!!!
Crisis count: Nine, maybe? I lost count
Oh Jeff’s school quote! I remember that! It’s super inspiring and I’m glad they worked it into the crossover
Crisis count: We’re assuming 10
No offence, but Oliver got back his memories too easily for my liking
I’m really glad Iris was the one to help Ryan
Wait. All the other Earths are gone??? Like, every one? I don’t like that
Barry and Iris just hitting me right in the feels
Everyone hitting me right in the feels!
Noo, Joe isn’t getting to say goodbye!
I mean I was considering the 'which Flash’ thing but STILL
Wait, he’s also a Barry
Just insert 'Barry’ wherever I said 'Jay’ I guess
Aw, the clips from the old Flash show! That’s so sad and nostalgic
So Earth 1 is safe
No other Earths are left
Also, what’s the point of the Paragons? What are they going to do? Like, I get the concept, but not the application of it
John’s 'make like a tree’ pun
Spectre? John Corrigan? Hmmm… Sounds slightly familiar I think
Also suspicious as heck
Jefferson and Barry are playing the 'Who’s got more trauma?’ game but at least there’s a good reason
Ooh, I love that poem! Dylan Thomas!
Okay, I saw a post saying they wanted Kate to do one of three things with the Kryptonite, and I’m so happy what actually happened was close to one of those things
Well hey Lyla, what’s up?
Yeah we can’t trust her now
Crisis count: 10
So Pariah does have a pattern
Hello I hate this
Blue vs. red light show to the DEATH
Blue wins
So the Monitor was stupid enough to create his opposite? Dude.
Earth. No. Frick. No.
Is Pariah going to sacrifice himself or? What’s going on?
So the Paragons are gone
What will happen to the rest?
The vanishing point? Is from where? I can’t remember
What’s happening to Paragon!Clark?
This man. I swear to god this man is testing me.
What Would Be Your Suicide Squad Dream Team?
I’m curious on what you guys imagined the “perfect” Suicide Squad team. For me, my dream team would be:
Harley Quinn
I love Harley! She is one of my favorite DC characters because of her craziness and whimsy.
I’ve started liking Deadshot in Injustice 2 and the two Suicide Squad Animated Films(Assault on Arkham/Hell to Pay). I want to know more about him because his story is interesting.
After seeing her in Injustice 2 and Suicide Squad, I grew really interested her, especially her powers and origin. I didn’t care for her portrayal in the Suicide Squad and want DC to try again.
Killer Frost
Really liked Frost in Assault on Arkham animated film and really want to see more of her.
King Shark
Watching King Shark in the HQ animated series made me fall in love with him. I’m so excited for him to appear in The Suicide Squad and hope he is portrayed well.
Captain Boomerang
This guy is absolutely hilarious in the two SS films. I’m kind of meh with his portrayal in SS (2016), but am excited to see him again.
Rick Flag
I like characters who are morally good, but is stuck in a situation they are against. I don’t know much about Flag and want to learn more.
She is such a badass and her origins are really cool! I want to learn more about her sword and morals. Katana’s design is also pretty amazing.
Black Manta
Injustice 2 and Young Justice introduced me to this villain and I actually really like him. His abilities are really cool. Like to see more of him.
Bronze Tiger
First saw him in Hell to Pay and he reminded me of a sort of Batman who kills. He is a great fighter and his chemistry with Deadshot in the movie was cool to see. I want to know more about him.
Count Vertigo
I mostly added him to the team because of how interesting his powers and origins. I liked him as a villain in Young Justice.
I know that my list mostly has popular well-known characters, but I’ve always wondered what these characters as a team be like.
The list is long since half or most of them would die in the mission.
What about you guys?
Not Meant To Be - Barry Allen
Barry Allen x Fem!reader (Y/n)
Barry Allen x your son (Y/s/n)
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,382
Requested: Can u do a barry and reader boy child who has travelled back to time so that he can save himself from being erased as Barry and Iris are together.. but it was supposed to be reader and barry ~ @raveenasblog
Authors Note: So it seemed like you might want the reader to be the little boy through most of it. Well I’m gonna give it a try. I’ve never done a boy reader. So feedback on this would be nice lol. An towards the end of the request it sounds like you want me to change to a female character or at least I think. I’m gonna even if you didn’t mean it that way. I’m making the little boy the reader and Barry’s kid. Also the title is based on Barry and Iris’ relationship just FYI.
Arrow-Verse Masterlist

“Please be careful.” Y/n pleaded one last time with her son before he goes to the past.
“I will mom.” Y/s/n smiled at his mom. It was somewhat annoying that she kept saying it but he could understand where she was coming from.
“If you can’t do it just know I don’t blame you and I know you did your best.” Y/n pulled her son into a hug, making sure to reassure him.
“I promise, mom.” he nodded
Y/n nodded letting him stop away from her embrace. “Don’t give him to hard of a time, ok?”
Y/s/n scoffed “Why not? Dad changed the timeline, didn’t like t so he changed it again and it’s erasing us. His family. He made it so you both never got together and I never existed. So he can what? Have his old girlfriend back?”
Y/n smiled, she understood where her son was coming from. And why he is mad with his father. He has every right to be. “Listen to me, baby. I understand why you’re mad at him. I’ll admit it hurts me too. But you got to understand Hunny, I wasn’t your father’s first love.”
“What do you mean?” he asked confused
She gave him a tightlipped smile “We became friends a year an half after Iris decided she was done with him and his alter ego. We were not friends at first, baby. We hated eachother. I was an assassin-”
“You only assassinated bad people!” Y/s/n exclaimed with a tone that made it obvious he was pissed even more at his father than before.
“I know, baby. But to your father and his team I was still a killer, it didn’t matter that I only took out bad guys. So even though our separate teams had to work together for a long while, we didn’t get along. I tried to make friends with them but they were standoffish, due to what I did for a living. What I still do. Eventually, we all became like family but your dad was the last to come around. Once he did we got along great, became the best of friends. He always tried to get me to change my ways but no longer judged me for them. I tried to explain to him that, sometimes the bad guys need to die. That’s why I did what I do. We eventually got closer that everyone around us could feel the tension between us. Not long after that, we started dating. With me, he got over Iris and the heartbreak. Feel love again.”
“Mom, if I don’t get this worked out and I’m erased… Will you remember me?” he asked her nervously.
Y/n pulled him into a hug. “Of course I will baby.”
He snuffled into her chest. “How? It’ll be like I never existed.”
“My powers, one of them allows me to remember everything. I remember every timeline change. Sometimes it sucks but I’m glad that if you can’t stop it and I lose you, my baby. At least I’ll be able to remember you.” She reassured her son, who she really hopes succeeds. Because Y/n does not want to lose her boy or to have to live without him. Having no one even know he existed but her.
“Won’t it hurt though?” Y/s/n asked looking up at her
Y/n nodded with a watery smile. “Yes, knowing I had you and then not having you. It’ll hurt a bunch, but I’d rather remember you than not.”
“I’m gonna do it, mom. I promise, I’m gonna try my hardest. For you and for me.” He nodded to himself more than to his mom. Y/s/n was talking up the confidence he already had to help himself get even more motivation, and get even more determined.
“I love you Y/s/n.” Y/n stated leaning down to kiss his forehead for what could be the last time.
“I love you too, mom.” Y/s/n held his mom in a tight hug before leaving and maybe never see her again.
^ ^ ^
“So your from the future?” Caitlin asked looking at the preteen before them.
“Yes.” Y/s/n nodded, standing before team Flash.
“And your here to prevent Barry from changing the timeline again?” Cisco squinted, giving a suspicious look.
“Yes.” Y/s/n nodded again
“Why?” Wells asked joining in
“Because when he changed it this time he changed the outcome of so many things. Too many things. Important things.” Y/s/n pointed towards Barry as he explained all he could without damaging the future.
“What did I change it for?” Barry asked with a furrowed brow.
Y/s/n rolled his eyes “An emotional decision, not a logical one.”
“That’s not exactly an answer.” Barry pressed getting annoyed with the vagueness coming from this kid.
“Well, it’s the only one your gonna get.” Y/s/n stated annoyed and gave him a look to make sure it was well known he is annoyed with the older speedster.
With that, the team decided that they had no choice but to stop the mistake they made. Y/s/n was very adamant about reminding them it is not their fault it’s Barry’s. Y/s/n was there for a few weeks when it finally happened. A mission went wrong and after weeks of stress the break-out fight and feelings came out.
“No Barry! I’m done! With you and with all of this!” Iris pulled her arm out of his grasp.
“I didn’t mean to do it! Please Iris… don’t do this.” Barry pleaded with tears in his eyes.
Iris shook her head with tears going down her face of frustration. “No, Barry. I’m done.”
“Iris… Iris.” Barry called out to her as she walked away from him. After what Iris’ reasons were maybe if he went back in time he could change what he did wrong and fix their relationship.
“No!” Y/s/n grabbing his father before he could do what he knew he was thinking.
“What-?” Barry turned to see Y/s/n holding him back.”Let me go!”
Y/s/n shook his head “I can’t let you do that.”
“You don’t even know what I’m gonna do.” Barry struggled against Y/s/n’s hold
“Yes, I do.”
With those 3 words, Barry stopped struggling and got out of y/s/n grip. He turned to face him before asking. “Is this what came back here to stop me from doing?”
“Yes” Y/s/n sighed looking him in the eyes.
“I’m not meant to be with Iris. Am I?” Barry came to the conclusion
“No. Your not.” Y/s/n admitted
“Than who am I suppose to be with?” Barry asked defeated. “I love Iris.” he whimpered
“I can’t tell you who you end up with.” Y/s/n knew he couldn’t do that, the pieces have fallen into place themselves. “But I can tell you that you end up happy, and with a family.”
After a while of silence, of Barry thinking he looked Y/s/n is the eyes and asked. Well, more like stated. “You are my son. Aren’t you?”
Y/s/n opened his mouth looking around the room. “I can’t.”
“Confirm that, I know I know.” Barry nodded he should have expected that. “It’s just you have my powers and some looks we share.” He gave a light laugh.
“It’s not the only power I have.” Y/s/n spoke lowly, looking down at his feet.
All Barry could do was nod. Now that Y/s/n had stopped what he came to change it time to say goodbye.
Y/s/n “Well, I guess this is goodbye.”
“See you in the future.” Barry smiled giving him a knowing look.
“See you in the future.” Y/s/n smirked. An with that said the young boy speeded away back to the future.
“What was that about?” Cisco asked his taller friend once the boy left.
Barry shrugged “Nothing… I just think I met my future son though.”
“Wait…” Caitlin looked up in a flash. No pun intended.
“WHAT!?!?!?!” All team Flash minus Barry yelled out in shock and confusion- you name it.

[ image: a drawing of dcau killer frost and toyman. toyman is scuffed up with dirt and grass stains, covered in bandaids, with the bottom of his mask's cheek chipped and broken. he's sitting in the grass when killer frost comes up, crouches down, and pats him on his head, sticking her tongue out at him in a comforting gesture. ]
wish we could've seen them be evil friends after their battle in that justice league unlimited episode
this was and is their dynamic in justice league unlimited and no one can convince me otherwise
L love this! 😂
EDIT: No idea why 'trust no one' is one Bart's section. It's not supposed to be. The Flash tag yourself chart! And yes, I know a few characters were left out. I have brain fog from a chronic condition. I will also try to make one for the legends characters I missed from last time.

This ^^^

Well, Just finished the new episode of the Flash, “Killer Frost”. My reaction?

My reaction to the ending.

"I could fix her" well actually I like evil women and I'll let her commit crimes in the name of love

I was clearing out photos on my phone, and came across a bunch from when I was first trying out some of my Killer Frost costume from last Halloween.
I really liked these two and thought I'd share, since I look kinda fuckin' badass.

Guys, I think I figured out the key to becoming my favourite character.

NEW SEALED the Flash season 6 $24

Danielle Panabaker was super sweet! Loved getting to meet her.
After season six, it's a wonder #TheFlashCW got three more seasons. Iris West actually becomes even more strenuous and Killer Frost is robbed of her uniqueness. I know it's a mirror version of Iris West but still. I'll watch it till the end and hope it gets a bit better.