Kohakuxrin - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
To The Rhythm Of Love

To the rhythm of love

There is something that attracts me to the idea that Kohaku is a simple commoner and Rin a girl of nobility, but despite their differences, they want to be together, I don't know, but I really like that possibility

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5 years ago
Oh, Love, Youth, The Sweet Scent Of Flowers In Spring, The Perfect Environment For Kohaku And Rin

Oh, love, youth, the sweet scent of flowers in spring, the perfect environment for Kohaku and Rin <3

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5 years ago
This Is Something That Only Happens In My Dreams, Drawings And Fanfics, Gee, I Really Adore Kohaku And

This is something that only happens in my dreams, drawings and fanfics, gee, I really adore Kohaku and Rin, they are my OTP

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4 years ago
Although The "like" And, The "re-blogging" Them Are Few, I Am Not Discouraged To Continue Sharing The

Although the "like" and, the "re-blogging" them are few, I am not discouraged to continue sharing the content I do for the ship of Kohaku and Rin, so in Spanish and with a lot of love to potential haters: Me lo podeís mamar <3

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4 years ago

So yes, I was bored and before finishing my drawing I decided to use my younger sister (she owns the hand lol) and my younger brother (He recorded the video, he has a great pulse hahaha) to record this, I don't I know, I saw two other artists that I like to do and I also wanted to do it, can anyone blame me? LMAO, IS VERY FUN

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3 years ago
My Version Of Adult Rin With Adult Kohaku, I Guess It Could Be Better, I Haven't Drawn Or Practiced In

My version of adult Rin with adult Kohaku, I guess it could be better, I haven't drawn or practiced in a long time, eh, whatever...

No insults, no rudeness, if you don't like this couple, go where you came from and leave me alone

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2 years ago

Re-drawing my old drawings!

This is the new version! It is titled: A curious connection to the past

Re-drawing My Old Drawings!

And this... Is the old version:

Re-drawing My Old Drawings!

I want to think that I have improved my coloring a bit and I'm still struggling to find my own original drawing style...And too I still don't know how to make backgrounds *cries in spanish*

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2 years ago

~Imagine KohaRin~

Rin: I wish I was the air you breathe...

Kohaku: Aww, you're so-

Rin: So that when you leave me...

Kohaku: What?

Rin: You die.

Kohaku: ...

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2 years ago

~Imagine KohaRin~

Kohaku: "So, what do we want to do tonight?"

Rin: "World domination"

Kohaku: "... A bit too ambitious aren't we?"

Rin: "You are my world, Kohaku"

Kohaku: "Awww Rin"

Kohaku: "... Wait..."

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2 years ago

~Imagine Koharin~

Kohaku: my hands are cold…

Rin: let me warm them up for you *holds hands*


Kohaku: you know what…suddenly my lips are extremely cold!

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2 years ago

A huevo! Damn, this is definitely what I needed to read today, aguante KohaRin!

Why don’t more people ship Kohaku and Rin??? I’ve always found this ship very cute.

Some SessRinners say that Rin deserves “better” than Kohaku… I don’t know what they’re referring to, when they say that she deserves “better”, because if for them the most important thing is the physical aspect, surely Sesshomaru is more handsome than Kohaku but if they consider the character and personality, Sesshomaru is absolutely NOT better than Kohaku!!! We see in the manga and anime that Kohaku always acted kind to Rin, except when he was under Naraku’s control, and if she was in danger, he always protected her.


Here you can see Kohaku shielding with his body to protect Rin. 


So I don’t know what they rely on to say that Sesshomaru is a better husband for Rin, I’m convinced for example that Kohaku wouldn’t have ignored her without saying a word as soon as she gave birth like Sesshomaru did. I have the feeling that Sesshomaru’s good looks prevent them to see his flaws…

Rin also seems to have a genuine affection towards Kohaku.


So I don’t understand why many didn’t see this ship, of two children on good terms almost the same age, much more logical…


…instead of this one when they watched Inuyasha…


They even say that they see Kohaku as a brother for Rin… okay, but y’all have to tell me why Kohaku can be considered as a family for Rin while Sesshomaru not!!! 🙄

But anyway, certainly everyone has their own preferences, but the objective fact is that KohaRin as a couple would have been much more morally correct to show in an anime also watched by kids, instead of showing a 12-year-old girl being courted by her guardian who is waiting for her to “grow up”.

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1 year ago

Oh. My. Fucking. God.

This? This is art, real fucking art

What a good time not to die

Kohaku & Rin - They're Cute Together.

kohaku & rin - they're cute together.

if you like it, please reblog. don't repost.

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8 months ago

This is art... Appreciate it!

When Ur Trying To Put The Moves On Your Crush And Her Dad Catches You

when ur trying to put the moves on your crush and her dad catches you

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6 years ago
No Doubt Love This Pair Of Kids Is Huge!

No doubt love this pair of kids is huge!

Long live the Koharin!

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2 years ago

We all know why they want Rin with Sesshomaru 🤣🤣 Self insert to the fullest!

(As I commented)

Kohaku and Rin made way more sense. They are actually compatible. And they would have an understanding for each other. Also I feel like of she was with Kohaku she'd had way more personality lol.

I could see him training her to be a demon slayer. Would've been so cute!

And to see Sesshomaru being a fatherly or brotherly figure watching kohaku making sure he does nothing but the best for Rin.

Also Rin would have an actual life outside sesshomaru other than being Sesshomaru's ( Can't even say mate because nothing about them says mate iykyk)

They stumped Rin so much. She has no personality. Nothing for herself. Even she knows it. KohRin makes wayyyy more sense

Why don’t more people ship Kohaku and Rin??? I’ve always found this ship very cute.

Some SessRinners say that Rin deserves “better” than Kohaku… I don’t know what they’re referring to, when they say that she deserves “better”, because if for them the most important thing is the physical aspect, surely Sesshomaru is more handsome than Kohaku but if they consider the character and personality, Sesshomaru is absolutely NOT better than Kohaku!!! We see in the manga and anime that Kohaku always acted kind to Rin, except when he was under Naraku’s control, and if she was in danger, he always protected her.


Here you can see Kohaku shielding with his body to protect Rin. 


So I don’t know what they rely on to say that Sesshomaru is a better husband for Rin, I’m convinced for example that Kohaku wouldn’t have ignored her without saying a word as soon as she gave birth like Sesshomaru did. I have the feeling that Sesshomaru’s good looks prevent them to see his flaws…

Rin also seems to have a genuine affection towards Kohaku.


So I don’t understand why many didn’t see this ship, of two children on good terms almost the same age, much more logical…


…instead of this one when they watched Inuyasha…


They even say that they see Kohaku as a brother for Rin… okay, but y’all have to tell me why Kohaku can be considered as a family for Rin while Sesshomaru not!!! 🙄

But anyway, certainly everyone has their own preferences, but the objective fact is that KohaRin as a couple would have been much more morally correct to show in an anime also watched by kids, instead of showing a 12-year-old girl being courted by her guardian who is waiting for her to “grow up”.

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2 years ago

@moonandwind exactly Rin and Kohaku would've had to best growth into a relationship. They always worried about each other. Even Rin openly worried about Kohaku. And they relate to each other. Imagine Rin and Kohaku, who both lost their families tragically, come together and rebuild the family they lost.

And you so right that's literally all she is. They did her so wrong.

***now I wanna draw a KohRin art**

Why don’t more people ship Kohaku and Rin??? I’ve always found this ship very cute.

Some SessRinners say that Rin deserves “better” than Kohaku… I don’t know what they’re referring to, when they say that she deserves “better”, because if for them the most important thing is the physical aspect, surely Sesshomaru is more handsome than Kohaku but if they consider the character and personality, Sesshomaru is absolutely NOT better than Kohaku!!! We see in the manga and anime that Kohaku always acted kind to Rin, except when he was under Naraku’s control, and if she was in danger, he always protected her.


Here you can see Kohaku shielding with his body to protect Rin. 


So I don’t know what they rely on to say that Sesshomaru is a better husband for Rin, I’m convinced for example that Kohaku wouldn’t have ignored her without saying a word as soon as she gave birth like Sesshomaru did. I have the feeling that Sesshomaru’s good looks prevent them to see his flaws…

Rin also seems to have a genuine affection towards Kohaku.


So I don’t understand why many didn’t see this ship, of two children on good terms almost the same age, much more logical…


…instead of this one when they watched Inuyasha…


They even say that they see Kohaku as a brother for Rin… okay, but y’all have to tell me why Kohaku can be considered as a family for Rin while Sesshomaru not!!! 🙄

But anyway, certainly everyone has their own preferences, but the objective fact is that KohaRin as a couple would have been much more morally correct to show in an anime also watched by kids, instead of showing a 12-year-old girl being courted by her guardian who is waiting for her to “grow up”.

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