Lambda 11 - Tumblr Posts

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 4
time to stop the (number/???) crap, I feel bad predenting I'll ever stop

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 10
it's back, back again
BlazBlue text posts is back, tell a friend

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 12
I’m wondering what I’ll do with my life once I run out of these to make
if ever
Some general relationship hcs for the murakumos? :)
Ah yes, the murakumos. The waifus of all time. Either people are gonna love this post or they'll probably call for my head. /hj
Content Warning: Spoilers for ending of Central Fiction for Nu

-To put it politely, Lambda's rather...confused in a relationship.
-She's asked people like Ragna, Noel, Tager, and even Kokonoe about what the strange things she feels when thinking about you, and just about everyone says it's love, so it has to be true. She just doesn't quite know what to do with those feelings.
-She knows that a relationship is all about being there for one another and having complete trust, at least from what she's heard, so that seems to be the best place to start for her. She unconsciously defaults to acts of service to express her love for you.
-She's the only one of her "sisters" that can actually cook worth a damn, so that's one of the most common ways for her to do so, but in general she'll work as hard as she can to fulfill every one of your needs. She wants to prove that she really does care about you, even if she's more subtle and quiet about it than usual.
-As the relationship goes along Lambda will observe you and how you express your love to her back. The more time you spend together the more she'll learn how to adjust to your specific needs and wants in a relationship and learn to use whatever means of expressing affection/love language you prefer best.
-For someone as quiet and subtle as Lambda she can be surprisingly bold when she wants to be. It's no different when she's trying to convey her emotions. She's not the best at it yet, but for the person she loves, it's worth the shot.

-For this ask and all future asks that request for Mu specifically and not Noel, we're assuming this is a CF type situation where Mu has separated from her and become her own person.
-As part of Noel's subconscious, Mu retained all her memories during the split, however in particular she took Noel's subconscious feelings for you as her own. Whether or not Noel ever actually noticed them herself, Mu is completely clueless on why her counterpart had never acted on those feelings, so she's going to do it herself.
-Like her original counterpart, Mu is on the shyer side when it comes to romance. She'll most definitely try for you but it'll take a while to get used to it.
-She's thankfully overcome her negative feelings and opinion that all humanity should die, but she's still quite paranoid when it comes to you.
-Mu is definitely a worrier. If she doesn't know exactly where you are she starts to get anxious. She knows how screwed up the world can be from personal experience and wants to protect you from all that, she doesn't want you to suffer anything even remotely close to what she did.
-You can be rest assured that with Mu as a partner, you have someone looking out for you. Being an S/O to the Godslayer herself means no one will ever bring you harm, lest they desire to get a barrage of swords straight through the gut.

-Oh boy, the yandere...
-I mean, what the hell am I supposed to say that isn't just me describing the trope?
-After she eventually recovers from the sickness she came down with at the end of CF, and failing to remember Ragna, she's sort of...aimless. She doesn't really know what to do with herself.
-Eventually though, you visit the church for the first time since she's recovered so it's her first time meeting you. Those feelings she had soon start to surface again, and this time they're aimed at you. Hey, on the bright side you don't have to worry about her trying to turn the both of you into the Black Beast.
-Fitting of the archetype she belongs to, Nu is not the type to let you out of her sight unless she absolutely has to, even then it'll take a bit of convincing.
-Often times she can't contain her strong intense feelings for you. It often manifests the form of physical affection, clinging to you and refusing to let go. And you know well by now she's gonna escalate real fast if you know what I mean...
-The only people she trusts around you are Lambda and Noel. Anyone else gets the stink eye from her. And god forbid any other girl tries flirting with you. They'll know what it means to be on the receiving end of the sword of Izanami. Whether you enable her in this behavior is up to you, but just know that's not gonna stop her if you don't.
-Being in a church, Nu eventually learns about "becoming one". The old fashioned way, that is, not the way that destroys the world. Unless you stop her, marriage is happening right here, right now. It's both comedic and kind of horrifying at the same time.
-At the very least there's no doubt whether Nu loves you or not. You quickly become her entire world and then some. As long as she has something to say about it, you two are together until the very end.