Bbcf Spoilers - Tumblr Posts
WIN QUOTE (vs. Bullet): Again with "Sector Seven"... Hey, tell that "Kokonoe" person that if she's got business with me, she should come personally.
WIN QUOTE (vs. Tsubaki): That weapon... Could it be Izayoi? ... How did I know that? Where have I seen it before?
STAGE 3, vs. Iron=Tager
RAGNA: Who the hell are you? Got some business with me? TAGER: ... Are you this "Grim Reaper"? RAGNA: Grim Reaper? Never heard of him. You sure you didn't get the wrong person? Look, you're in my way, so get lost. TAGER: Spare me the blatant lies, Grim Reaper. I'm a member of Sector Sever. I apologize, but I'll be taking you into custody. RAGNA: Listen to what people are saying, dammit. TAGER: Since you're in possession of the Azure Grimoire, the readings of our positioning system cannot be wrong. I do hope you're not mistaking Sector Seven for that supbar Librarium. RAGNA: Azure Grimoire? And what does that have to do with this "Sector Seven"? TAGER: So you intend on playing dumb until the end, then. Either way, I'll have you come with me. RAGNA: Tch, by forcing me?
TAGER: Guh... I should've expected this... from the man who carries the Azure Grimoire. A fatal... miscalculation... RAGNA: Goddammit. That was like hitting a rock. The hell are you made of... Hey, you. What the hell is this Azure Grimoire? TAGER: ... You really... TAGER: ... What? What's the meaning of this, Kokonoe? TAGER: ... Understood. I'll retreat this time. Grim Reaper, we shall settle our score another time. RAGNA: H-Hey?! RAGNA: The hell was all that about... "Azure"? Does it have something to do with my missing memories? RAGNA: Whatever, it ain't much of a clue. Anyway, I better go check out the undergrounds of the Librarium like I was told to...
WIN QUOTE (vs. Hibiki): Sheesh, stop running around people. I know nothing about this whole "rebellion".
WIN QUOTE (vs. Taokaka): Haah, haah, you finally gave up... Wha-- Food this, food that, you're such a pain! Gimme a break already!
STAGE 6, vs. Hakumen
HAKUMEN: You came, Dark One. RAGNA: Dark One? I dunno about either Azure or Dark, but are with those "Sector Seven" people too? HAKUMEN: I am Hakumen. RAGNA: Hakumen? I've heard that name before somewhere... Shit, I can't remember... RAGNA: Hey, masked freak. Are you after me, too? HAKUMEN: You seem to be trembling, Grim Reaper. RAGNA: Trembling? The hell are you talking about? No, wait... This line, I'm sure... HAKUMEN: Yes, now that is fear, Grim Reaper. The creature that sleeps within you... it can sense my power, and it is afraid. RAGNA: You won't listen to what people are saying, either!! Goddammit, it's one thing after another! ???: Tracing the memory... I see, that matches the plan. Let us see if you can overcome the fear I have brought forth, Dark One. RAGNA: What-- Who's that?! HAKUMEN: What's wrong? Come, Dark One... RAGNA: H-Hey, you're... Shit, I don't get any of this!! HAKUMEN: I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand shall I rip the sins of this world, and cleanse it in fires of destruction. HAKUMEN: I am Hakumen. The end has come!
RAGNA: Guah... This masked freak is strong. He's like a monster... HAKUMEN: Gah, a phenomena intervention! How dare you interrupt me, Grimalkin!!! RAGNA: He disappeared? Shit, what the hell is going on...?
STAGE 7, vs. ν-No.13-
RAGNA: I... I remember this. But where? Where and when have I seen this before...? ν-No.13-: Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Load complete. Aaaahhh, it's Ragna~! It's been a while! This is the fourth time, isn't it? RAGNA: Fourth time? ... No, it's third... No, that's wrong. Last time it was surely... RAGNA: ... Last time? What the hell am I talking about? Why do I know this conversation? Why? Where have I...?! RAGNA: Wait, "Ragna"? You mean my name is "Ragna"? Hey, you... ν-No.13-: Ragna, what's wrong? Hey, let's kill each other like before! Let's do it! And then we can finally merge together... Hehehe. RAGNA: Wait! Shut up for a moment! I just remembered... Shit! What's this feeling... Everything's hazy... ν-No.13-: Ragna, you came to kill Nu, right? That's why you came here, no? To kill Nu-- RAGNA: Shut up! With that face... Wait, I... ah... RAGNA: That's right, I... I... I came here to save you. ν-No.13-: ... What. RAGNA: Dunno. I don't know anything but this one thing. I'm not here to kill you or destroy you... ν-No.13-: ... Who are you? RAGNA: It doesn't matter who I am. I'm me. So come on. I'll save you!
ν-No.13-: This... strong... It can't be. Why... Is this... the real Ragna? RAGNA: Geez, you stubborn dummy. ν-No.13-: How cruel, Ragna! Ragna and Nu are supposed to become one! Become one... RAGNA: One or two, I don't care about that. Raise your head... c'mon, don't cry. ν-No.13-: Rag... na...? RAGNA: You go on and on about killing and being killed while crying... Seriously, you're like a little kid screaming for help. RAGNA: ... That's right. I think... that's why I came here to save you. ν-No.13-: ... I don't get it. RAGNA: It's okay if you don't. I don't really get it either. RAGNA: Anyway, let's get out of here. ν-No.13-: Why? For what reason do you want to "save"? ν-No.13-: Ragna. What do you wish for? RAGNA: My wish? I-- ν-No.13-/NINE: What do you want from this worthless world? Ragna the Bloodedge!! RAGNA: --Wha! What's this? Is this... my memory...? RAGNA: Who... Who are you... NINE: Is this what you wish for? NINE: Really... how ridiculous. RAGNA: Huh?!
STAGE 8, vs. Nine=the=Phantom
RAGNA: This place is... Shit, what happened?! NINE: It's been a while, Ragna... Ragna the Bloodedge. RAGNA: Been a while? ... Who the hell are you. NINE: It doesn't matter who I am... Right now, I'm no one. RAGNA: Tch, I can tell that much from looking. So, everything up until now was your doing? NINE: I wonder about that... I was simply watching your dream, nothing more. RAGNA: My dream? NINE: Yes. Dream. That amazingly foolish dream of yours. RAGNA: How many times are you gonna call it that... What's it to you? NINE: I'll say it as many times as I like. Ridiculous, foolish... A dream that can never come true... NINE: For that sake, even "she" got involved... Really... Really foolish. RAGNA: She? NINE: Enough with the chit-chat. We don't have much time. RAGNA: This talk's pointless...!
RAGNA: This ain't Ars Magus... Magic?! Could it be you're... RAGNA: Nine. The Great Magister Nine?! NINE: Looks like you've remembered. But could you not call me so lightly? You garbage. RAGNA: Why are you "here"...? Could it be, you're looking for that person? That's right, they... Shit, I can't remember clearly... NINE: It's not complete yet, it seems. Try to remember everything properly until the next time we meet. NINE: ... I shall crush you with everything I've got. RAGNA: Next time? Don't screw around with me. I don't feel like fighting you any more than this. Don't decide it on your own! NINE: No, the two of us will fight... Most certainly. Since you're "the man of the Azure", surely... NINE: Besides, that dream of yours... Yes, that's where it ends. NINE: Haha, I wonder if you can beat me. Man of the Azure, Ragna the Bloodedge. RAGNA: Ugh... If you're really that Nine, then there's no way I'm gonna give up so easily. NINE: Yes, that's the way you are. You hate the idea of giving up and continue to watch this nightmare called "hope"... NINE: In that case, I'll tell you the only way to make your wish come true...
NINE: Before the world reaches its Doomsday... defeat the Imperator-- no, Hades Izanami, with your own hands.
NINE: Ragna the Bloodedge. I wish from the bottom of my heart that it is you who kills Hades Izanami. Ufufufu...
TRANSLATOR’S NOTES: Hi folks, I figured with Act 2 right around the corner, we could use some translations of the Arcades. It’s not perfect and I don’t have the time nor energy at the moment to make proper subs, so please bear with me and enjoy plain transcrpits instead for now. I’ll try and translate some other routes whenever I get a chance to (but with exams coming up, I can’t make any promises). Also, at the part where Nine muses about the involvment of the mysterious “her”, the phrase she uses literally means “that child”, but seeing as it’s a common way of referring to girls as well, I took the liberty of assuming it’s Amaterasu what she had in mind. (Let’s see whether it leads to embarrassment or not.) DISCLAIMER: The video belongs to the amazing えーすけ, who kindly shares the footage of BBCF arcades. BlazBlue as a whole belongs to Arc System Works. Sadly I’m not paid for this.

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 19
my body is not ready for Act 3

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 22
surely you didn’t think I was done with these

I know this meme is old but I just couldn’t help myself. Also, to all the people that didn’t finish CF, I am terribly sorry.
