Carl Clover - Tumblr Posts
I've only been playing Blazblue for a few days and i already fell in love with Azrael, both in lore and gameplay.
Dude just wants to throw down with everyone.

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts (2/?)

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts (3/?) okay that's enough for tonight

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 4
time to stop the (number/???) crap, I feel bad predenting I'll ever stop

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 8

BlazBlue + A Softer World, part 2
you all saw this coming

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 13
happy birthday to our Father of the Year Century, Relius Clover
(belated given my timezone but details)

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 15
“I have exams this month so there may be no more updates for the time being“
said no one ever

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 18
it’s been 3,000 years but it’s finally here

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 19
my body is not ready for Act 3

BlazBlue + Tumblr text posts, part 23
I can’t believe I can finally type “JUBEI CONFIRMED" unironically
I don’t know which I’m more hype for, him or Cross Tag Battle

My old and newest Blazbunny artwork, I’m still doing the series.^_^

i watched blazblue anime today and it wasn’t great not enough father/son revenge plots…
Hey! I saw your Disgaea post and looked through your profile a bit but it looks like cool designs from some of my favorite pieces of media from the 00s isn't really your focus... Could you please post more about your rpg interest? Not enough people are talking about these lovely games with their interesting, artist lead design decisions. P.S. I know it's not an rpg, but Carl Clover from Blazblue is near and dear to my heart as well, from this era! I wonder if you have thoughts of him?
Omg, my first non-bot ask on Tumblr!
Tbh, I’ve only just started this blog, so I’m a little all over the place. And while I’m not a huge fan of being told what to post, I can definitely post more about RPGs I like!
Also I haven’t played Blazblue, but I looked up Carl Clover and I *love* him! So cute!

Text From_ Incorrectblazbluequotes
Art By Me_KanashiiBara
NOTE: Sorry for how blurry it looks (I’am not sure why it’s like that here) If anyone knows why it may look this way please let me know ^^! Click on the image and it will look better.
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